
scion Learn more about scion

  • What are the latest fruit tree grafting methods?

    What are the latest fruit tree grafting methods?

    Grafting is one of the methods of asexual reproduction of fruit trees, that is, taking branches or buds from excellent varieties of plants to appropriate parts of another plant, so that the two can be combined to generate new plants.

    2020-11-10 latest fruit trees have which grafting method yes
  • Wax sealing technology of scion of planting jujube

    Wax sealing technology of scion of planting jujube

    First, wax seal benefits 1. The wax seal scion forms a thin wax film on the surface of the scion, seals the epidermis stomata and the incisions at both ends of the scion, reduces water evaporation by more than 90% compared with the ordinary scion, and has the effect of protecting the scion. two。 The grafting time is long, and the branch grafting of jujube is general.

    2020-11-08 Planting jujube scion wax seal technology one benefit
  • Introduction to grafting methods of Fruit trees

    Introduction to grafting methods of Fruit trees

    Introduction to grafting methods of Fruit trees

  • Technology of picking and scion with multiple buds of eggplant in protected field

    Technology of picking and scion with multiple buds of eggplant in protected field

    Eggplant grafting cultivation has become the most important way of disease resistance and yield increase in eggplant production in protected areas. When eggplant is grafted and raised. The one-seedling-one-bud scion picking technique is generally adopted, which has the advantages of high seed cost and high production cost. To this end, according to the principle of top dominance of plant growth, combined with eggplant seedling side.

  • Grafting technique High rootstock grafting technique of Camellia

    Grafting technique High rootstock grafting technique of Camellia

    Grafting technique High rootstock grafting technique of Camellia

  • The method of grafting chrysanthemum in high temperature

    The method of grafting chrysanthemum in high temperature

    Chrysanthemum is one of the four famous flowers in China, and it is also one of the cut flowers with the greatest demand in the world. Therefore, if you want to graft chrysanthemum, you must pay attention to the method, especially in high temperature days, the difficulty of grafting will be greatly increased. So how on earth should chrysanthemums be grafted on a hot day?

  • Five techniques of grafting new varieties of plants in gardens

    Five techniques of grafting new varieties of plants in gardens

    Tree grafting is a method of artificial propagation of plants. The following five points should be paid attention to in the process of grafting.

  • What are the precautions for growing flowers in winter

    What are the precautions for growing flowers in winter

    Most people think that it is safe and relieved to move flowers indoors. In fact, there are four taboos after flowers enter the room:-avoid indoor temperature is too high. Many flowers go into dormancy and semi-dormancy in winter and need rest and full rest. Whether in the bedroom or on the balcony

  • Selection of Scion of Fruit Tree and Wax-sealing Technique

    Selection of Scion of Fruit Tree and Wax-sealing Technique

    Scion selection and wax sealing scion selection of fruit trees. The grafted varieties must be excellent, of high economic value, and adapted to the local climate. The scion must be collected from a good seed tree. A good seed picking mother tree is one that has been tuned for many years.

  • What are the grafting methods for fruit trees?

    What are the grafting methods for fruit trees?

    What are the grafting methods for fruit trees?

  • A brief introduction to the grafting technique of bonsai plants

    A brief introduction to the grafting technique of bonsai plants

    What is grafting? Grafting is to attach some organs of one plant, such as buds or branches, to the stem or root of another plant, so that the two parts can heal each other and grow into a complete plant. The buds or branches grafted are called scions.

  • Vegetable Grafting Technique

    Vegetable Grafting Technique

    Top insertion method: bamboo sticks inserted into rootstock are pulled out, and then scion is cut into holes, scion cotyledons and rootstock cotyledons are shaped like a cross. Abutment method: the scion cut inserted into the rootstock stem cut, the two cuts need to be closely combined, and then use grafting clip

    2020-11-08 vegetable grafting technique abstract top grafting will insert rootstock
  • The technique of grafted eggplant with multiple buds

    The technique of grafted eggplant with multiple buds

    The autumn temperature is high, the weather is dry, the temperature difference between day and night is big, the eggplant falls seriously, the growth and development is hindered, it is easy to appear stiff fruit and abnormal fruit, the yield is low, the quality is poor, the management must be strengthened in order to ensure high yield and high quality and get a good harvest. Strengthen water management in autumn, eggplant should be drenched every morning and evening.

  • Factors affecting the Survival rate of Apple grafting and its overcoming measures

    Factors affecting the Survival rate of Apple grafting and its overcoming measures

    Factors affecting the survival rate of apple grafting and overcoming measures Apple grafting can not only rejuvenate the aging orchard through transformation, but also optimize the aging varieties of young apple orchards, and make the apple seedling varieties pure and neat. From this.

  • Grafting of young Korean pine forest

    Grafting of young Korean pine forest

    1. The scions should be collected by the mother trees with good growth characters and strong fruiting ability in the seed orchard, and carried out in the early and middle of March in the year of grafting and before the sap began to flow. The collection site is the 2nd ~ 3rd Suaeda salsa branch of the trunk, and it is an one-year-old branch with strong growth. The thickness of scion should be about 8 mm. The scion should not be collected too much at one time, and each plant can control 15-20 branches to protect the excellent mother tree. The scion should be packed, moisturized, transported or stored in cellar after collection. Use the rural vegetable cellar to store, put 50 centimeters of ice at the bottom, put the scion into, seal

  • What is the grafting technique of plants?

    What is the grafting technique of plants?

    Grafting: the advantage is that varieties with good genetic characters can be obtained. Grafting is to put the branches or buds of a plant, enamel me to restore the ginseng mace? On a stem or root. The former is called scion and the latter is called rootstock or platform wood. A scion with 2 or 4 buds.

  • Illustration of bonsai borehole grafting technique

    Illustration of bonsai borehole grafting technique

    Bonsai often has all kinds of defects or deficiencies, some roots and claws are good, but they are tall and straight, and there are too few branches. There are indeed a lot of difficulties in developing this kind of pile into bonsai of higher grade. In fact, long and straight can be bent and shrunk into an inch shape, and the lack of branch support can be transformed by grafting and pruning.

  • Illustration of grafting technique of bonsai skin insertion

    Illustration of grafting technique of bonsai skin insertion

    For bark grafting, the phloem of rootstock is easy to peel off, and the rootstock is thicker than scion. The scion should be cut longer to increase the contact surface. The advantage is that the survival rate is high, and the disadvantage is that the grafting speed is slow, and after survival, it is necessary to bind the new shoots with stents to prevent fracture. Mulberry

  • How to graft ginkgo biloba? Key points of Green Branch grafting of Ginkgo biloba

    How to graft ginkgo biloba? Key points of Green Branch grafting of Ginkgo biloba

    There are many methods for raising seedlings of Ginkgo biloba, but these sowing methods not only cost high, but also lead to long juvenile period, delayed fruit, and low survival rate of seedlings bred by cuttings. the survival rate can be increased by 80% by hard branch grafting in spring and 95% by green branch grafting.

  • How to graft Magnolia safflower? Grafting method and Post-grafting Management of Magnolia safflower

    How to graft Magnolia safflower? Grafting method and Post-grafting Management of Magnolia safflower

    How to graft and propagate Magnolia safflower? What are the key points of management after grafting of Magnolia? Here are the grafting techniques and methods of Magnolia safflower.
