
How to graft Magnolia safflower? Grafting method and Post-grafting Management of Magnolia safflower

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How to graft and propagate Magnolia safflower? What are the key points of management after grafting of Magnolia? Here are the grafting techniques and methods of Magnolia safflower.

How does red flower magnolia graft propagation? What are the management points of safflower magnolia after grafting? The following is to bring you safflower magnolia grafting technology and methods.

1 Grafting time

In early spring when sap has not yet sprouted, choose no wind or breeze sunny days. Grafting in Baojing County is good from the beginning of February to the middle of February. Grafting survival rate is very low after late February.

2 Grafting methods

Single bud grafting.

3 Rootstock selection and treatment

3.1 rootstock selection

2 - 3 year old Magnolia denudata is selected as the rootstock, which has no diseases and insect pests, straight trunk, uncracked bark and ground diameter of 1.5 - 3.0cm.

3.2 rootstock treatment

(1) Cut the rootstock 6~8cm above the ground, and the incision should be smooth.

(2) Select the smooth side of rootstock and cut it obliquely upward with xylem at the edge of incision with grafting knife. The incision is as deep as xylem.

(3) Cut the xylem vertically downward with a grafting knife at the incision. The incision length is equivalent to that of the inclined plane according to the panicle length, generally about 2.0~2.5cm.

4. Selection and treatment of scions

4.1 Selection of scions

selecting a 5-year-old flowering grafted safflower magnolia tree as a mother tree, selecting 1 - 2-year-old branches which grow healthily, have no diseases and insect pests and are full of buds on the mother tree, wherein the branch is 0.5 - 1cm thick, and the upper part, the middle part and the lower part of the branches selected on the mother tree can be selected.

4.2 treatment of scion

Scion should be picked up at the same time. If it cannot be picked up on the same day, the scion should be kept moist, wrapped with wet towel and placed in a ventilated and cool place indoors.

5 Grafting methods

(1) Cut the scion at 45° at the position 2.0~2.5cm below the scion bud, and the incision shall be smooth; cut the scion bud at 0.5cm above the scion bud, and cut off the bud.

(2) Cut a long slope smoothly on the side of scion bud, the back of lower incision and 0.5cm below bud. The slope should be smooth. When cutting the inclined plane, the left hand mainly fixes the scion with the big mother finger, index finger and middle finger, and the right hand uses the grafting knife to cut the xylem quickly and smoothly on the side of the bud, 0.5cm below the bud, and the cut surface is required to be smooth and smooth, and there must be no convex and concave phenomenon.

(3) Cut a short inclined plane about 1.0 ~ 1.5cm long on the side of scion bud and the front of lower incision with grafting knife quickly and smoothly at the position 1.0 ~ 1.5cm away from bud.

(4) union of scion and rootstock. Quickly insert the cut scion into the cut rootstock, requiring that at least one side of the cambium of the scion's long slope is aligned with one side of the cambium of the rootstock cut.

(5) Bandaging. After scion is inserted into rootstock, wrap scion quickly with grafting film. So that the two rootstocks and ears should be tightly bound, there should be no loose phenomenon. When bandaging, at least one side of the scion's long slope should always be aligned with the cut side of the rootstock, and the bandage should be tight, only the bud is exposed, not the wound. The operation process of dressing (personal experience): When a person is facing the scion, first look at the alignment of one side of the scion long slope and the side of the rootstock incision. Here, the left side of the scion long slope and the left side of the rootstock are aligned as an example. The grafting film is a mechanism circular self-adhesive grafting film, about 1.5cm wide. Right to scion, first open one end of grafting film, not too long, hold this end with your right hand, hold the round part with your left hand, make the grafting film close to the stock and scion, bypass from the back, use force with both hands evenly, after your right hand wraps around the scion, exchange with your left hand, hold the round part of grafting film with your right hand, protect one end of grafting film, scion and stock with your left hand, prevent scion from moving, then quickly wrap the grafting film counterclockwise with your right hand for 2~3 times, make scion and stock close, Cover the other end of the graft with the left hand from the top of the scion to the opposite side of the scion, circle twice in the same direction, fix this end of the graft film, circle twice in the same direction, cover the transverse incision above the rootstock with the graft film, and finally fix the graft film.

8 Management after succession

8.1 bud picking

Sprouting once every 15 days. According to my observation, grafting on February 11, March 13, grafted magnolia buds began to sprout, March 30, bud change big, bright, April 10 magnolia germination.

8.2 weeding

Be very careful when weeding, lest the hoe knock off the bud. It is best to pull grass near rootstock by hand. The frequency of weeding depends on the growth of weeds.

8.3 film release

When scion growth begins to be limited, the grafting film should be removed in time. Generally, the grafting film can be removed at the end of June. After the grafting film is removed, pillars should be set up in time to prevent the scion from being broken by wind.

8.4 fertilization

When scion grows 15~20cm long, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can be applied appropriately once a month, and fertilizer can be applied at the end of National Day.

8.5 bingchong prevention

After scion bud begins to germinate, want to pay attention to observation, prevent red spider harm scion bud. Found that there are red spiders to timely spray control, medicine can first use 75% dichlorvos, 40% omethoate, etc., according to the author's experience, a barrel of water (referring to the standard sprayer bucket) plus 3 caps (referring to the cap of the potion) potion, spray 1 time can be.

In short, in the grafting process to do "tight, flat, accurate, fast." "Tight" means that the binding of the scion and the rootstock should be tight in order to form a healing tissue;"flat" means that the scion surface and the rootstock interface should be smooth and have no convex and concave parts, so that the two can be closely combined;"quasi" means that the cambium between the scion and the rootstock should be aligned when inserting the scion, which is the key to the whole grafting process. The cambium is not aligned and will not survive;"Fast" means that the grafting knife should be sharp, the grafting action should be agile, and the drying time of scion shaving and rootstock interface should be shortened as much as possible.

Above is safflower magnolia grafting technology and method, each farmer friend can collect first, learn again.

Appreciation of Manglietia rubra pictures and their cultivation methods

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Plants suitable for docking in June

In June, it is possible to carry out the propagation of plants by grafting. Plants suitable for such grafting include many, among which, the typical ones include wintersweet. When it is close to Wintersweet, the seedling of Wintersweet can be used as rootstock to close to the better variety of Wintersweet. Can also rely on the next white peony and a smile, etc., can use potted purple magnolia and white magnolia seedlings as rootstock, to rely on white peony and a smile.

Plants suitable for budding in June

June wax plum, suitable for budding plants actually have a lot.

Rose seedlings as rootstock, to graft roses.

Annual seedlings of apricot, peach and plum trees were used as rootstocks to graft Shoutao, Bitao, plum blossom and trifoliate plum.

Grafting red maple, feather maple and red maple with annual or biennial green maple seedlings as rootstocks.

Plants suitable for branching in June

In June, you can use the method of branch grafting, using Camellia oleifera, safflower oil tea or single-petal Camellia seedlings as rootstocks to graft Camellia and Camellia sinensis.