
hulling Learn more about hulling

  • The latest Identification method of fake and inferior Hybrid Rice Seeds

    The latest Identification method of fake and inferior Hybrid Rice Seeds

    The seed shape of hybrid rice mixed with other rice is irregular. The seeds of male parents or other indica rice were slender and fuller than those of hybrid rice, while japonica rice was more round. Look at the physiology of millet hull color hybrid rice seeds with slightly uneven yellowish brown on the husk.

    2020-11-10 The latest fake hybrid rice seed identification method look
  • What are the methods of husk separation? How to screen the husk, it can be used as fertilizer, it can grow flowers.

    What are the methods of husk separation? How to screen the husk, it can be used as fertilizer, it can grow flowers.

    Before we get the definition of husk, it is helpful to have some background on cereal crops such as wheat, rice, barley, oats and other components. Cereal crops are made up of seeds or grains we eat, surrounded by inedible husks or rice husks. Seeds and millet

    2019-04-22 Husk separation what method how sieve divide can to do
  • Cultivation formula of common edible fungi

    Cultivation formula of common edible fungi

    Mushroom name: Pleurotus ostreatus (per square meter) 1. Cottonseed shell 20 kg, calcium superphosphate 0.4 kg, gypsum powder 0.6 kg, urea 0.1 kg.

  • How to cultivate Pleurotus ostreatus in greenhouse

    How to cultivate Pleurotus ostreatus in greenhouse

    Pleurotus ostreatus has the advantages of fast growth, strong stress resistance, a wide range of culture materials, convenient cultivation and management, and can be cultivated in four seasons. The cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus is mainly in greenhouse in our province. The author has sorted out the cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus in greenhouse, which can be used as a reference for farmers. The main results are as follows: 1. varieties should be used in early spring, medium and high temperature varieties in late spring and early summer, and high temperature varieties in summer and autumn. 2. the middle temperature type varieties in the production season produce the original seeds from November to December and from January to February; the high temperature type varieties

  • Cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Pleurotus ostreatus, with delicious taste, crisp and tender texture and rich in protein and amino acids, is one of the most popular edible mushrooms in Europe and Southeast Asia. Requirements for cultivation environment 1. Nutritious Pleurotus ostreatus is a kind of wood-rot fungus, the nutrients needed for its growth and development are mainly carbon and nitrogen sources, suitable carbon sources are sawdust and cottonseed hull, and suitable nitrogen sources are corn meal, soybean cake powder, wheat bran and rice bran. Mycelia grow on PDA medium, or wheat seeds, or liquid bacteria are attached to sawdust, sawdust plus cottonseed hull or pure cottonseed hull.

  • Bag planting method in mushroom house (shed)

    Bag planting method in mushroom house (shed)

    1. Cultivation site and setting. Bag cultivation adopts the layer shelf cultivation method of mushroom house (shed). Choose a clean and ventilated room with 4-5 beds with a distance of 50 cm and the ground floor 30 cm from the ground. The single layer of bacterial bag is vertically placed on the shelf, and 100 bags are discharged per square meter. two。 Cultivation raw materials and formulations. (1) 23% sawdust, 23% cottonseed hull, 28% bean stalk powder, 19% wheat bran, 5% corn meal, 1% sucrose, 1% calcium carbonate; (2) 36% sawdust, 25% cottonseed hull, beans

  • Fungi planting technology

    Fungi planting technology

    There are many varieties of mushrooms. Here is an introduction to mushroom cultivation techniques. First of all, choose the right place as a mushroom farm. Then, prepare the raw materials and sow the seeds in spring and autumn. 2/3 of the strain and the culture material are evenly mixed and sown in the mulching film, 1/3 of the strain is sown on the surface, compacted and put into the mulching film.

    2020-11-09 fungi cultivation technology varieties many here introduction
  • Operating rules for cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii

    Operating rules for cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii

    Pleurotus eryngii is a kind of large fleshy umbrella fungus growing in the subtropics, with thick meat, fine and strong stalk tissue, white and thick, and excellent taste. It is a kind of edible fungus that sells well in domestic and foreign markets. The cultivation techniques are briefly introduced as follows: first, culture material formula 1, cottonseed hull 80%, wheat bran 18%, gypsum 2%.

  • Do you want your succulent plants to live on the moon as the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches? Hand in hand to teach you how to make a simple and beautiful moon boat

    Do you want your succulent plants to live on the moon as the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches? Hand in hand to teach you how to make a simple and beautiful moon boat

    During the Mid-Autumn Festival, succulent plants should also touch the celebration of the festival. the moon boat is full of fragrance. Sincere wishes will teach you to make a "succulent moon boat" today. In fact, as long as you start to do it, it is really not complicated.

  • A New Variety of Edible fungus-- Pleurotus ostreatus

    A New Variety of Edible fungus-- Pleurotus ostreatus

    This paper introduces a new variety of edible mushroom-- Pleurotus ostreatus (pleurotuscitrinipileatussing.), also known as Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus ostreatus, which belongs to basidiomycetes subphylum, stromatomycetes, Umbrella order, Tricholoma, Pleurotus ostreatus. Morphological features: the fruiting bodies of Tricholoma thunbergii are mostly clustered or clustered, showing golden yellow. The cap is trumpet-shaped, smooth, 2-10 cm wide, fleshy, margin involute, and the flesh is white. Pleats white, epiphytic, slightly dense, unequal in length. Stipe white to yellowish, biased, 2-12 cm long

  • Ten famous varieties of Mushroom production in Summer and their stable yield and quality Preservation skills

    Ten famous varieties of Mushroom production in Summer and their stable yield and quality Preservation skills

    The vast majority of varieties of edible fungi belong to the medium-low temperature type, the products are concentrated in autumn, winter and spring, the mushroom quantity is too concentrated, the goods are too cheap, which affects the efficiency. However, every summer, the supply of mushroom products is scarce, the city living price is high, and the benefit of growing mushroom is rich, but the production management is more difficult. Therefore, the development of main varieties and production management of summer mushroom has become the focus of attention of the majority of mushroom farmers. The following introduces 10 famous and rare varieties which have good market sales and are suitable for summer mushroom production in the north and south provinces, and how to promote the stable production and quality of summer mushroom in the high temperature season.

  • Three measures to breed high quality Pleurotus ostreatus strains

    Three measures to breed high quality Pleurotus ostreatus strains

    Three measures to breed high quality Pleurotus ostreatus strains

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum

    First, the preparation of Ganoderma lucidum shed according to the biological characteristics of Ganoderma lucidum, choose special Ganoderma lucidum shed or civil house with heat preservation, moisturizing, good ventilation, appropriate amount of light and smooth drainage, the floor is clean and the walls are smooth and moisture-resistant. Before the cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum into the shed, the shed should be strictly sterilized. Every cubic meter of space should be fumigated with formaldehyde 5ml and potassium permanganate 10g for 24 hours. Second, the selection of the formula of cultivation materials all over the country can use local materials according to local conditions and choose the formula that is suitable for the region. 1. 77% cottonseed hull, 10% wheat bran, 10% corn meal, sugar, phosphorus, fertilizer

  • The cultivation technique of volvariella volvacea takes only 7 to 10 days from planting to cultivation.

    The cultivation technique of volvariella volvacea takes only 7 to 10 days from planting to cultivation.

    First, the determination of the cultivation period of volvariella volvacea likes high temperature and humidity, and it is appropriate to plant volvariella volvacea in summer in the north. The temperature in central and southern Hebei is generally from late May to early September, and the temperature in the plastic greenhouse can be maintained at 22: 31 ℃. In this period of cultivation, the mycelium generally germinated on the second day after sowing, the mycelium ate on the third day, and the first crop of mushrooms could be harvested on the 7th to 9th day, and the cultivation period could be flexibly controlled in other areas according to local climatic conditions. 2. Selection and treatment of culture materials the culture material is the nutrient substrate for growth, and the suitable culture material is

  • Bag cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Bag cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Pleurotus ostreatus, also known as Pleurotus ostreatus, from *, also known as Tianshan Pleurotus ostreatus, is a kind of rare edible fungus with simple cultivation, tender taste, white color and high nutritional value. Pleurotus ostreatus mycelia are thicker and whiter than common Pleurotus ostreatus varieties, with strong impurity resistance; fruiting bodies are clustered or solitary, fleshy and thick, with thick and long stalks.

  • Indoor cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus-- seasoning, feeding and sowing

    Indoor cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus-- seasoning, feeding and sowing

    The main results are as follows: 1. the ratio of culture material is generally better with cottonseed shell, because cottonseed shell is rich in nutrition and good air permeability. Cottonseed hull to choose dry, there is no mildew, it is best to bask in the sun for 2 min for 3 days. The ratio of raw materials is: 100 kg of cottonseed shell, 2 kg of calcium superphosphate, 3 kg of gypsum, 0.2 kg of carbendazim, and about 150 mi 160 kg of water (depending on the dryness of cottonseed hull and the amount of cotton wool). Mix the above raw materials well and adjust the humidity to the hand clasp section. It is appropriate to have water droplets between the fingers without dripping.

  • How to grow tea mushroom on a large scale?

    How to grow tea mushroom on a large scale?

    How to grow tea mushroom on a large scale? Please introduce the method of large-scale cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus can refer to the following methods: 1. Construction of mushroom shed: whether it is indoor mushroom house or wild mushroom house (or plastic greenhouse), according to the requirements of pollution-free production, environmental conditions must be optimized, soil, water quality, water pollution-free. Intensive.

  • Planting techniques of Tremella fuciformis

    Planting techniques of Tremella fuciformis

    The cultivation environment, soil conditions, strain culture and pest control of Tremella fuciformis should be considered. Tremella can be cultivated with wood, or sawdust, bagasse and cottonseed hulls can be used as raw materials. In terms of cultivation, the ambient temperature of Tremella fuciformis is very important and should not exceed

    2020-11-09 Tremella planting technology need consideration cultivation
  • How can ganoderma lucidum be cultivated for high yield?

    How can ganoderma lucidum be cultivated for high yield?

    How can ganoderma lucidum be cultivated for high yield? Please elaborate on Ganoderma lucidum also known as Ganoderma lucidum grass, fairy grass. It is a rare large-scale medicinal fungus, its fruiting bodies and spores for medicinal purposes, with nourishing fitness, longevity effect, in the clinical treatment of neurasthenia, chronic bronchitis, gastropathy, liver disease, high...

  • The latest straw mushroom cultivation technology tutorial

    The latest straw mushroom cultivation technology tutorial

    Volvariella volvacea is a kind of high quality edible mushroom with tender meat, crispy and refreshing taste, delicious taste and rich nutrition. Its products, whether fresh mushrooms, dried products or canned straw mushrooms, are loved by consumers at home and abroad. especially in

    2020-11-10 latest straw mushroom cultivation technique method tutorial meat quality