
The latest straw mushroom cultivation technology tutorial

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Volvariella volvacea is a kind of high quality edible mushroom with tender meat, crispy and refreshing taste, delicious taste and rich nutrition. Its products, whether fresh mushrooms, dried products or canned straw mushrooms, are loved by consumers at home and abroad. especially in

Straw mushroom is a kind of high-quality edible fungus with delicate meat, crisp and refreshing taste, rich nutrition and good health care value. Its products, whether fresh mushrooms, dried products or canned straw mushrooms, are deeply loved by consumers at home and abroad. Especially in the hot and hot weather in summer, when there are few other edible fungi, but it is the peak season for straw mushrooms and the off-season for vegetables. Therefore, it can not only enrich people's vegetable basket, but also has a higher price and good economic benefits. Volvariella volvacea is the fastest harvested edible mushroom. It takes only about 2 weeks from sowing to harvest, and a cultivation cycle takes only 20 Mel and 30 days. And without special equipment, it can be cultivated indoors and outdoors, and the development of volvariella volvacea can make use of agricultural by-products such as cottonseed hull, rice straw, bagasse, corn straw and so on.

Growth conditions of volvariella volvacea

1. Nutrition: the nutrients needed for the growth and development of volvariella volvacea are mainly water compounds, nitrogen nutrients and minerals, as well as a certain amount of vitamins. These substances are generally obtained from raw materials such as rice straw or cottonseed hulls. Straw mushroom is a kind of saprophytic fungus, which must absorb nutrients from dead plants and soil. Straw and cottonseed hulls without mildew should be selected for cultivation. Wet grass without sun drying is easy to rot and should not be used. In addition, waste cotton, bagasse, green thatch and peanut vines can be used as raw materials for the cultivation of straw mushrooms. Such as adding a certain amount of excipients in the above raw materials, such as dried cow dung, chicken dung, wheat bran, rice bran, corn flour, etc., to supplement nitrogen nutrition and vitamins, can also increase the yield of straw mushroom.

2. Temperature: volvariella volvacea is a kind of high temperature fungus, the temperature range of mycelial growth is 10 ℃ 42 ℃, the optimum temperature is 28 ℃ 32 ℃, stop growing at 10 ℃, when it is higher than 45 ℃, lower than 5 ℃, the mycelium will die. The strain of straw mushroom should not be kept in the refrigerator so as not to freeze to death. The temperature range for the growth of straw mushroom fruiting body is 22 ℃ 40 ℃, and the optimum temperature is 28 ℃ 32 mol. The fruiting body is difficult to form when the average temperature is below 23 ℃. When the temperature of the culture material was lower than 28 ℃, the fruiting body formation was affected, but it was difficult to form when the culture temperature was lower than 25 ℃. The temperature below 21 ℃ or above 40 ℃ and the abrupt climate have fatal effects on the buds. The fruiting body is very sensitive to the sudden change of temperature, and the temperature change of the material is more than 5 ℃ within 12 hours. Straw mushrooms die easily.

3. Humidity: straw mushroom is a kind of fungus that likes high temperature and high humidity environment. Only under the suitable water conditions, the growth and development of volvariella volvacea can be carried out normally, the water is insufficient, the mycelium grows slowly, and the fruiting body is difficult to form; too much water causes poor ventilation, easy to die mushrooms, and miscellaneous bacteria are also easy to occur. The optimum water content of the culture material is about 70%, the optimum air humidity in the mycelium growth stage is about 80%, and the air relative humidity in the fruiting body growth stage is more than 90%.

4. Oxygen: volvariella volvacea is an aerobic fungus. Sufficient oxygen is an important condition for the growth of volvariella volvacea. If oxygen is insufficient and carbon dioxide accumulates too much, the fruiting body will be inhibited or even die. Miscellaneous bacteria are also easy to occur. Therefore, in the management process of cultivating straw mushroom, we should pay attention to ventilation and keep the air fresh. However, attention should also be paid to moisturizing, and the relationship between ventilation and moisturizing and heat preservation must be handled correctly.

5, pH (pH value): volvariella volvacea is a kind of fungus that likes alkaline. The optimum pH value for mycelial growth of volvariella volvacea was 7.8Mel 8.5, and the optimum pH for fruiting body growth was 7.5Mel 8. The acidic environment is disadvantageous to the growth and development of mycelium and is easy to be infected by miscellaneous bacteria. During cultivation, the pH value is generally adjusted by adding lime, and the addition amount is generally dry material weight and about 5%, so that the pH value reaches 10mur12. With the growth of mycelium, the pH value will decrease gradually, and when the fruiting body is formed, the pH value is about 7.5, which is just suitable for the growth and development of straw mushroom fruiting body.

6. Light: the germination of spores and the growth of mycelium of volvariella volvacea do not need light, but direct sunlight will hinder the growth of mycelium. Light can promote the formation of fruiting body. The formation of fruiting body requires a certain amount of scattered light, and the most suitable light intensity is 300 Mel 350 lux. The intensity of light not only affects the yield of volvariella volvacea, but also directly affects the quality and color of straw mushroom fruit body. When the light is strong, the fruit body is dark and shiny, the fruit body is strong and dense, when the light is insufficient, the fruit body is dim or even gray-white, and the structure of the fruit body is loose. The fruiting body is white when there is no light. Strong direct sunlight has a serious inhibitory effect on the fruiting body, and open-field cultivation must have shading conditions.

Straw mushroom cultivation season

The cultivation season of volvariella volvacea under natural conditions should be determined according to the temperature needed for the growth and development of volvariella volvacea and the local temperature. It can only be cultivated when the daily average temperature is above 23 ℃. The time of cultivation with natural temperature in the south is from late May to mid-September in the Gregorian calendar. The cultivation from early June to early July is the most favorable, because at this time the temperature is suitable, it is also the mildew and rain season, the humidity is high, the temperature and humidity is easy to control, the yield is high, and the quality of mushroom is good. In the midsummer season (from mid-July to late August), the temperature is on the high side, dry and the water evaporation is large. Management is difficult, and it is difficult to obtain high yield and high quality of volvariella volvacea. In Guangdong, Hainan and other provinces, it is more suitable to cultivate straw mushroom from April to October under the condition of natural temperature. It is suitable to be cultivated from June to July in the northern region. Cultivation in greenhouses and plastic sheds can be advanced or postponed as appropriate. If the use of foam mushroom room and heating equipment, can be annual production.

Cultivated varieties of volvariella volvacea

According to the color, there are two strains: one is called black straw mushroom, the main feature is that the unopened fruiting body foreskin is mouse gray or black, oval shape, not easy to open umbrella, straw mushroom base is small, easy to pick. But the resistance is poor, and it is particularly sensitive to temperature changes. The other is straw mushroom, which is mainly characterized by grayish white or white prepuce, thin foreskin, easy to open umbrella, large base of mushroom body, difficult to pick, but fast mushroom production, high yield and strong stress resistance. According to the individual size of volvariella volvacea, it can be divided into large species, medium species and small species. Due to different uses, the requirements for volvariella volvacea varieties are also different. Dried straw mushroom, like thick foreskin large species, canned, need to wrap thick medium and small species, fresh sale of straw mushroom, the foreskin and individual size requirements are not strict. All localities can choose suitable varieties for cultivation according to their needs.

Preparation of Culture material for volvariella volvacea

Volvariella volvacea is cultivated with a wide range of raw materials, mainly using raw materials rich in cellulose and hemicellulose. Such as waste cotton residue, cottonseed hull, rice straw, wheat straw. The yield of waste cotton residue is the highest. The following describes the preparation of several commonly used culture materials:

1. Preparation of waste cotton residue culture material.

Waste cotton residue, also known as waste cotton, broken seed cotton, floor cotton, foot cotton, comes from cotton processing plants. The waste cotton residue has the advantages of long heating time, good heat preservation and moisture retention, so it is the most ideal cultivation material for straw mushroom. About 12 kilograms of waste cotton residue is needed per square meter. The commonly used recipes are:

① cotton residue + lime 5%

② cotton residue + wheat bran (or rice bran) 10% + lime powder 5%

There are two methods for preparing the culture material: one is to build a pool, soak the waste cotton residue in lime water, add 5 kg of lime powder for every 100 kg of cotton waste, soak it for 6 hours, and then pick it up to make a heap, with a width of 1.2 meters, a heap height of about 70 cm, unlimited length, fermentation for three days, and turn the pile once in the middle. The other is to make a wooden frame, which is 3.0 meters long, 1.8 meters wide and 0.5 meters high, and place it on the cement floor. Then spread a layer of waste cotton residue in the wooden frame, about 10ml 15cm thick, sprinkle a thin layer of lime powder, sprinkle water pressure to make the waste cotton residue absorb enough water, then sprinkle a layer of wheat bran or rice bran, and then spread a layer of waste cotton residue, so that layer by layer press to the full frame, lift the wooden frame up, and then continue to add material and press until the pile is about 1.5 meters high. Ferment for 3 days.

2. Preparation of cottonseed hull culture material.

Cottonseed hull, also known as cottonseed husk, is also a nutritious cultivation material of volvariella volvacea, but its heat preservation, moisturizing and calorific value are not as good as those of waste cotton residue. The formula of the culture material is the same as that of the waste cotton residue. In addition to the above two treatment methods, the cottonseed shell can also be spread on the cement floor, add lime powder or auxiliary materials, fully wet, then pile up, cover the film, ferment for three days, turn the pile once in the middle, turn the pile, if the pile is too dry, need to add lime water to adjust, the water content of the material is about 70% when going to bed, the pH value is 8color 9.

3. Preparation of rice straw or wheat straw culture material

Rice straw and wheat straw are rich in raw materials, which are the traditional raw materials for straw mushroom cultivation. Due to the poor physical properties and lack of nutrition of rice straw and wheat straw, a better yield can be obtained as long as proper treatment and increase of auxiliary materials are carried out. 15 kilograms of dry straw is needed per square meter.

① rice straw or wheat straw 87% + plant ash 5% + compound fertilizer 1% + gypsum powder 2% + lime 5%

② rice straw or wheat straw 88% + wheat bran or rice bran 5% mine + gypsum powder 2% + lime 5%

③ rice straw or wheat straw 73% + dry cow dung 5% + fat mud 15% + gypsum powder 2% + lime 5%

④ rice straw or wheat straw 83% + wheat bran 5% + dried cow dung 5% + gypsum powder 2% + lime 5%

The above straw or wheat straw can be treated in two ways: one is that rice straw or wheat straw is not chopped and cultivated with long straw. Soak the straw for about 12 hours and press the straw with a heavy weight to fully absorb water. After soaking, the stack is made, with a width of 2 meters and a height of 1.5 meters, cover with film moisturizing, stack fermentation for 5 days, and turn the pile once in the middle. During cultivation, the long straw should be screwed into a "8" shape and tightly arranged one by one, and two layers are stacked according to the shape of "product", with a thickness of 20 cm. The other is to cut the rice straw or wheat straw into 5mm or 10cm long or crush it with a grinder, soak or directly add lime water to mix the material, and add auxiliary materials, pile it for 5 days, turn the pile once in the middle.

4. Preparation of mixed culture materials.

In order to reduce the production cost, the cultivation method of waste cotton residue or cottonseed shell plus rice straw or wheat straw can also be used to achieve ideal results. The mixing ratio is usually waste cotton dregs or cottonseed hulls. Rice straw can be sliced or crushed and used after stacking with lime and auxiliary materials.