
Kate Learn more about Kate

  • When does Kate mango ripen in Taiwan? Kate, what is the best ripeness of the mango?

    When does Kate mango ripen in Taiwan? Kate, what is the best ripeness of the mango?

    Kate is a relatively late-maturing variety with large fruit shape and thick pulp. It is mainly planted in Tainan County, covering an area of more than 900 hectares. Kate usually doesn't go on sale until the end of July and can still eat it by the end of September. Due to the regulation of delivery period, Yujing, Nan

    2019-05-12 Taiwan Kate mango what month ripe the most delicious delicious
  • Diana was elegant when the wind blew her dress. Kate reacted like Monroe.

    Diana was elegant when the wind blew her dress. Kate reacted like Monroe.

    When the wind blows the skirt, Diana is very elegant, Princess Kate reacts like Monroe In the hot summer, many girls like to wear skirts, but when there is wind, wearing skirts will be very embarrassing, after all, not everyone can...

  • Introduction of Mango Variety Kate Keitt Mango, what are the variety characteristics and taste of Kay extra-large mango?

    Introduction of Mango Variety Kate Keitt Mango, what are the variety characteristics and taste of Kay extra-large mango?

    Do you like mango? Do you know what kinds of mangoes there are? have you ever heard of Kate Keitt mango? if you want to know about it, let's take a look at it! Kate Keitt mango is a large mango, similar to the Haden variety. Although when they are green,

    2019-05-20 Mango varieties introduction Kate Keitt Kay extra large characteristics and
  • A New excellent Variety of Apricot-- Kate Apricot

    A New excellent Variety of Apricot-- Kate Apricot

    Kate apricot (Kdty) was introduced from California in 1991. Through the regional experiment of Tongxu County Fruit Tree and vegetable Research Institute in Henan Province for several years, isolated propagation and multi-point demonstration, it is proved that the apricot has high quality, high yield, high efficiency and extra-large fruit type. Kate apricot grows strongly and the crown is formed fast. it was planted in that year and bear fruit in 2 years. The tree is moderate in potential, with high quality, high yield and stable yield. Wide adaptability, cold resistance, heat resistance and drought resistance. The seed setting rate of self-flowering is high, and it is generally not necessary to match with planting and pollination varieties. Superior in management

  • Cultivation techniques of Kate Apricot in simple plastic greenhouse

    Cultivation techniques of Kate Apricot in simple plastic greenhouse

    The mature period of Kate apricot cultivation in simple plastic greenhouse is 30-40 days earlier than that in open field, and the economic benefit is increased by 15-20 times. 1. The structure of the simple plastic greenhouse is a north-south arch greenhouse with a span of 10 meters, a length of 60 meters, a roof height of 2.5 meters and a shoulder height of 1.5 meters. Reinforced concrete columns are used as columns and bamboo poles are used as arches and suspended beams. A total of 5 rows of columns, the main column between the rows of 2.5 meters. The distance between the side columns and the middle three rows of columns is 1 meter and 3 meters respectively. Above the middle three rows of columns, respectively.

  • Kate apricot

    Kate apricot

    Main economic characters: the fruit is nearly round, the appearance is golden, the pulp is golden, the weight of single fruit is 100g, the taste is sweet and sour, the pulp is fine, the fruit is enucleated, the edible rate of fruit is 95%, the fruit growth and development period is 75 days, the soluble solids of fruit is 12.7%, and the acid content is 0.94%. The main high-yield characters were as follows: initial fruit in 2 years, full fruit in 3 years, economic life of 25 years, yield of 200kg/ mu in early fruit stage and 1500kg/ mu in full fruit stage. Suitable planting area and resistance: North China, northwest, northeast middle

  • Wheat front yellow (apricot)

    Wheat front yellow (apricot)

    The short-branch type pre-wheat yellow apricot was selected from the rich apricot variety resources in Weinan area of Shaanxi Province in 1992, and its comprehensive character was better than that of the precocious apricot variety cultivated in production at present. The existing demonstration park of 6.3 mu, through nearly 4 years of cultivation observation, professional comments, the market reflects that its outstanding characteristics are: 1. The market is very early, the market price is high, the flowering period of field cultivation is March 23-25, the flowering period is March 30, and the fruit development period is about 60 million 65.

  • Apricot variety: Mai Qianhuang

    Apricot variety: Mai Qianhuang

    The short-branch type pre-wheat yellow apricot was selected from the rich apricot variety resources in Weinan area of Shaanxi Province in 1992, and its comprehensive character was better than that of the precocious apricot variety cultivated in production at present. The existing demonstration park of 6.3 mu, through nearly 4 years of cultivation observation, professional evaluation, the market reflects that its outstanding characteristics are as follows: 1. The market is very early, the market price is high, the flowering period of field cultivation is March 23-25, the flowering period is March 30, and the fruit development period is about 60-65 days. The mature period of origin may 25

  • Mango producing area distribution and variety Daquan

    Mango producing area distribution and variety Daquan

    Mango is a tropical fruit, it has always been popular with consumers, the taste is very delicious. Today, the editor will mainly talk to you about the distribution of mango producing areas and varieties. Friends who want to know will understand it if you have a look below! 1. The producing area of mango is distributed in

    2020-11-27 Mango origin distribution and variety Daquan mango yes a kind of
  • In which month does Panzhihua mango mature

    In which month does Panzhihua mango mature

    Panzhihua mango is the earliest mature mango, mature around May, there will be some other varieties of mango on the market, such as coconut fragrance, imperial concubine, Jinhuang and so on. These mangoes went on sale in large quantities at the end of June. It was followed by Jilu mango in July.

    2020-11-09 Panzhihua mango what month mature the earliest
  • Jin Orin (apricot)

    Jin Orin (apricot)

    Jin Olin, the best in apricot. Jin Aolin is the latest early-maturing apricot variety introduced from the United States by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The apricot can be picked on May 20, about 20 days earlier than Kate and other varieties. When planted in the same year, the fruit per plant in the next year can reach more than 5 kg, the flowering and fruiting rate can reach 100%, the average fruit weight is about 80 grams, and the yield can reach 2500 kg per 667 square meters (1 mu) in the third year. The ripe fruit has red outside and yellow inside, rich aroma, sweet and mellow taste, which overcomes the disadvantages of poor taste quality of other early-maturing apricot varieties. This kind of apricot is not only extreme.

  • In which month does Guangxi mango mature?

    In which month does Guangxi mango mature?

    Guifei awn in Guangxi matured in late June, Tainong No.1 matured in mid-June, new century awn matured in early July, red ivory awn matured in mid-July, Renong No.1 awn and Gui Remang 82 matured in late July. In addition, Hongmang 6, Kate Mang and Gui Rimang 10

    2020-11-09 Guangxi mango what month mature of imperial concubine awn in
  • When is the Vietnamese mango on the market?

    When is the Vietnamese mango on the market?

    Vietnamese mango refers to mango produced in Vietnam or mango imported from Vietnam, such as green mango, Kate mango, etc., so when will Vietnamese mango go on the market? Mango is a large evergreen tree of Lacqueraceae originating in India. The ripe mango is sweet and sweet.

    2020-11-08 Vietnam mango what month listed refers to production
  • What are the main varieties of mango? Which one is the best?

    What are the main varieties of mango? Which one is the best?

    Mango is a fruit that many people love to eat. Now many dessert shops in the city will use fresh mango to develop various delicacies. This is a good use of the psychology of mango lovers. The following agricultural news network Xiaobian will introduce you to several popular

    2020-11-27 mango main which varieties most delicious
  • How about introducing mango varieties? Jinxing Mango and Black Fragrance Mango are different in their production time.

    How about introducing mango varieties? Jinxing Mango and Black Fragrance Mango are different in their production time.

    The variety of Jinxing mango was developed by Hou Jinxing of Nanhua Township, Tainan County (salute to him). It was successfully crossbred with Aiwen variety as female and Kate as father. It is a breakthrough and pioneering work for agricultural development. Its advantages are strong disease resistance of straight plants and red fruits.

    2019-05-12 Jinxing mango variety introduction how and black fragrance difference
  • Jin Linyou-8 (apricot)

    Jin Linyou-8 (apricot)

    The main results are as follows: 1. the extra precocious apricot is improved by excellent fission bud grafting of very precocious apricot, and the precocious character is more prominent. It can be picked and listed in early May, and it is basically harvested before May 20, about 10 days earlier than the red purse, and nearly a month earlier than Kate. Chelate is the sole chelate in precocious apricot varieties. Second, special high yield shows excellent high yield in production. If planted according to scientific methods, the fruit of a single plant can reach 5 kg in the second year of planting in the same year, and the flowering and fruit setting rate of young trees can reach 100%.

  • Three new varieties of apricot and plum with high quality and high efficiency

    Three new varieties of apricot and plum with high quality and high efficiency

    1. Extra-early apricot before wheat. The domestic budding variety is a very early-maturing and high-yielding variety with strong tree potential and exuberant growth. it can bear fruit in the second year after planting, with an average fruit weight of 85 grams, a maximum of 125 grams, orange yellow, red on the sunny side, and ripening very early, about a week earlier than Jinyang. Southern Shandong can mature on May 18, with the strong and sweet flavor of domestic apricot. It not only overcomes the shortcomings of low fruit setting rate and low yield of domestic apricot varieties (Hongfeng, Zaohong, Zaohe), but also has the advantages of early fruit and high yield of European apricot (Jinyang, Kate). It is a comprehensive pole.

  • Introduction of high yield and high quality apricot varieties

    Introduction of high yield and high quality apricot varieties

    Apricot is one of the favorite fruits of our people, which has a wide range of uses and has high economic value. In recent years, when apples, pears and other fruits are going downhill, apricot has been in short supply, and the price has risen again and again. The cultivation of apricot trees has become an effective way for fruit farmers' families to get rich at present and even in the next few years. Several new varieties of high-quality and high-yield apricot trees are introduced below. Jin Aolin: Jin Aolin is the latest precocious apricot species introduced from the United States by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. its main advantage is that it is very precocious: the apricot can be picked on May 20.

  • Can apricot trees be planted outside the yard? When will it be ready?

    Can apricot trees be planted outside the yard? When will it be ready?

    Apricot tree is a kind of apricot tree, which is relatively common in Xinjiang, China. Because the fruit is sour, sweet and delicious and the tree shape is good-looking, many people like to plant one in the yard, but because the apricot tree is special, it is generally not recommended to plant it in the yard. Can you do it outside the yard?

    2020-11-09 Can you plant apricot trees in the yard outside? when do you plant apricot trees?
  • A large number of apricot listed, what are the fine varieties? Introduction to apricot varieties and characteristics

    A large number of apricot listed, what are the fine varieties? Introduction to apricot varieties and characteristics

    Apricot nutrition is extremely rich, is one of the common fruits in our lives, yellow soft, sweet and sour juicy, early fruit, mature early, does not contain fat, is a low-calorie fruit. Apricot also moistening lung asthma, thirst quenching effect. Now it's time for a lot of apricots.

    2020-11-27 Apricot a large number listed all have which fine varieties varieties and apricot