
Boil Learn more about Boil

  • Do boiled egg always boil eggs? Make a small gesture to boil an egg that is intact and easy to peel.

    Do boiled egg always boil eggs? Make a small gesture to boil an egg that is intact and easy to peel.

    As the saying goes, the plan of the day lies in the morning. No matter what stage of the crowd, the morning is a very good time, some people get up in the morning to recite, some people choose to exercise in the morning, no matter which kind, I believe.

  • Preparation method of preserved pear with granulated sugar

    Preparation method of preserved pear with granulated sugar

    Choose pear fruits with the same shape and size, maturity of 70% to 80%, thick meat, low moisture content, no moth and mechanical damage. Peel and nucleate and boil about 3% sodium hydroxide solution. Boil the pear in a pot for 15 minutes. Remove the pear and rinse it in clean water to remove the peel. Then cut the pear in half with a fruit knife and dig out the core. Fumigated sulfur put the pear pieces into a sulfite solution containing 0.1% to 0.2% sulfur dioxide for 4 to 8 hours (if the solution concentration is high, the time is shorter). Then rinse and dry with clean water

  • Hericium Erinaceus soda

    Hericium Erinaceus soda

    Raw material formula: 50 grams of dried monkey head mushrooms, 16 grams of citric acid, 11 grams of baking soda, 1500 milliliters of water, the right amount of sugar. Production method: ① add hericium Erinaceus to boiling water, boil for a while and rinse several times to remove the bitterness. Add 1000 ml of water to the ② pot, bring to the boil and add hericium Erinaceus to the boil until rotten; remove and filter with four layers of gauze twice, then add 600ml of water to boil; add sugar to dissolve and remove from the heat to cool. ③ will cool the water of hericium Erinaceus and add citric acid and baking soda. After filling the bottle, seal the mouth of the bottle and put it in the freezer or refrigerator.

  • For those who drink mung bean soup in summer, don't eat these four kinds of people no matter how hot they are.

    For those who drink mung bean soup in summer, don't eat these four kinds of people no matter how hot they are.

    "go out for five minutes and sweat for two hours" usually describes dog days, but many people have already experienced this sour feeling at the beginning of summer this year. At this time, in addition to holding the air conditioner, you also need a bowl of summer relieving artifact-mung bean soup.

  • How long does it take to cook barley? Will raw ones be poisoned?

    How long does it take to cook barley? Will raw ones be poisoned?

    How long does it take to cook barley? Will raw ones be poisoned? Barley rice is used as food to eat, cooking porridge or making soup. Coix seed is difficult to cook. Soak it in warm water for 2-3 hours before cooking, let it fully absorb water, and then cook it with other kinds of rice after absorbing water.

    2020-11-09 Boil barley how long ability cooked raw will poison Mo boil
  • Native chickens should boil water as soon as possible.

    Native chickens should boil water as soon as possible.

    Native chickens should boil water as soon as possible.

  • What are the effects and effects of corn whiskers in "health food"? How long does it take to boil the corn?

    What are the effects and effects of corn whiskers in

    When it comes to corn, many friends are no stranger, no matter the elderly or children, the love of corn is obvious to all. Corn is also called Baogu, Maize, Guanzi and so on in many areas, while friends in the northeast will call it pearl grains. Jade

    2020-11-09 Health food corn mustache efficacy and effect
  • How do you eat jackfruit's core?

    How do you eat jackfruit's core?

    The mature jackfruit is covered with treasures, and there are many ways to eat its core. Today we will introduce several. 1. Boil porridge: wash the kernels and big wood, put in the right amount of water, boil until the rice grains are soft and waxy, out of the pot. 2. Boil in clean water: put water in the pot, wash the honey core of the pineapple and add a little salt to boil for 15 to 20 minutes.

  • The Beginning of Autumn drank the 3 soups to remove the dampness and replenish the blood gas, and slept until dawn.

    The Beginning of Autumn drank the 3 soups to remove the dampness and replenish the blood gas, and slept until dawn.

    After a summer of muggy heat, finally the Beginning of Autumn, we have to drink some soup to moisten the liver and lungs and replenish some qi and blood, otherwise it will be unbearably dry after autumn, and it will be easy to lose sleep and get sick. Huahua will teach you to make 3 seasonal health-preserving soups today to save fire and effort.

  • Preparation method of deer fetus ointment

    Preparation method of deer fetus ointment

    1. Boiling "refers to fresh deer fetus) first ironing the fetus with boiling water, removing the fetus's coat, washing it with clean water and boiling it in a human pan." When the flesh and bones of the fetus are separated, the boiling water (called fetal milk) of the fetus is about 4 kilograms (the remaining water varies with the size of the fetus). Remove the bone and meat, filter the fetal plasma with gauze, put the fetal plasma in a ventilated and cool place and store it at a low temperature. two。 To be dried, the bones and meat will be put into a human drying oven (the temperature in the box is about 80 ℃) to dry (can also be put into a human pot.

  • What is the difference between adzuki bean and adzuki bean? It cooks quickly this way!

    What is the difference between adzuki bean and adzuki bean? It cooks quickly this way!

    When it comes to adzuki bean, everyone must be familiar with it, which is not only diuresis and detumescence, but also heat-clearing and detoxification, which is very suitable for cooking porridge, making bean paste, etc., but because it is similar to adzuki bean, many people think it is the same kind, but it is not. What are red beans and adzuki beans?

    2020-11-09 Red beans red beans.
  • Can angelica dahurica da

    Can angelica dahurica da

    Can angelica dahurica da

  • Health | the Beginning of Autumn will drink these 3 soups to remove dampness and replenish blood gas and sleep till dawn.

    Health | the Beginning of Autumn will drink these 3 soups to remove dampness and replenish blood gas and sleep till dawn.

    After a muggy summer, finally the Beginning of Autumn, we have to drink some soup to moisten the liver and lungs and replenish some qi and blood, otherwise it will be dry and irritable after autumn, and it will be easy to lose sleep and get sick. Huahua will teach you to raise in three seasons today.

  • Why can't you boil water if you have wood?

    Why can't you boil water if you have wood?

    In recent years, there are more and more policies to benefit farmers, and farmers have gained real benefits. However, when I went to the countryside for an interview recently, I heard from the masses that there were too many projects, but I always felt that they were not energetic. Why? Funds for projects benefiting agriculture and poverty alleviation are scattered in the county ministries of development and reform, agriculture and poverty alleviation.

    2015-12-26 Yes firewood why boil no boiled water in recent years benefit farmers policy
  • Method for processing preserved fruit by edible fungi

    Method for processing preserved fruit by edible fungi

    Edible fungi are rich in nutrition and delicious in taste. Besides fresh food, processed into dry products, salted and canned, they can also be deeply processed and utilized to make various preserved fruits, condiments, sweets and wines with unique flavor and rich nutrition, which is beneficial to further improve the economic benefits of edible fungi. Here are a few ways to process mushrooms into preserves. 1. Preserved white mushroom 1. Formula: 80 kg of fresh white mushroom, 45 kg of white granulated sugar, 0.15 kg of citric acid. 2. Selection of materials: choose 8

  • How to eat loquat to have nutrition? What are the effects and effects? How to choose? How to boil loquat leaves to stop cough?

    How to eat loquat to have nutrition? What are the effects and effects? How to choose? How to boil loquat leaves to stop cough?

    Loquat, also known as orange, golden pill, Reed twig. Rosaceae, loquat plants, loquat native to southeastern China, because the leaves are shaped like pipa instruments and their flowers can be used as medicine. What do you know about the efficacy and function of loquat? How to eat loquat to have nutrition?

    2020-11-09 Loquat how to eat have nutrition efficacy effect have
  • Skillful processing of white sugar ginger slices

    Skillful processing of white sugar ginger slices

    Wash and peel the fresh ginger and cut it into thin slices 3mm to 5mm thick. The ingredients were prepared according to 50 parts of ginger, 32 parts of sugar, 4 parts of powdered sugar and 0.25 parts of citric acid. First prepare citric acid solution as heavy as sliced ginger, heat it with ginger slices to boil, remove ginger slices, rinse and drain. Then prepare 62%-65% concentrated sugar solution, add 0.15% citric acid to boil all the sugar, filter out the impurities, put in the ginger slices and cook again, boil until the sugar solution is thick and drop into beads, then cease fire, remove the ginger slices, sprinkle the ginger slices

  • Radix Ginseng with shrimp seed

    Radix Ginseng with shrimp seed

    Add shrimp seeds and clear soup to boil until soft and rotten. Deep-fry the scallions in 50% hot oil, remove the scallions, boil the raw juice, thicken and pour over the ginseng.

  • "soil Pesticide" to Control Flower pests

    "soil Pesticide" to Control Flower pests

  • How to process white sugar and ginger slices

    How to process white sugar and ginger slices

    Wash and peel the fresh ginger and cut it into thin slices 3mm to 5mm thick. The ingredients were prepared according to 50 parts of ginger, 32 parts of sugar, 4 parts of powdered sugar and 0.25 parts of citric acid. First prepare citric acid solution as heavy as sliced ginger, heat it with ginger slices to boil, remove ginger slices, rinse and drain. Then prepare 62%-65% concentrated sugar solution, and add 0.15% citric acid to boil all the sugar, filter out the impurities, put in the ginger slices and cook again, boil until the sugar solution is thick and drop into beads, then cease fire, remove the ginger slices, remove the ginger slices
