
For those who drink mung bean soup in summer, don't eat these four kinds of people no matter how hot they are.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, "go out for five minutes and sweat for two hours" usually describes dog days, but many people have already experienced this sour feeling at the beginning of summer this year. At this time, in addition to holding the air conditioner, you also need a bowl of summer relieving artifact-mung bean soup.

"go out for five minutes and sweat for two hours."

It is generally used to describe dog days

But this year has just entered the summer.

Many people have already experienced this kind of sour!

At this time, in addition to holding the air conditioner, you also need a bowl of summer relieving artifact-mung bean soup.

1. Why can mung bean soup relieve summer heat?

Mung bean cold, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, dispelling summer heat and relieving thirst, promoting diuresis and detumescence, beautifying skin and beauty.

Using mung bean soup as a drink in a high temperature environment can timely supplement the nutrients lost due to sweating and achieve the effect of clearing heat and relieving summer heat.


Mung bean soup is cold, it is best not to refrigerate or even freeze it in the refrigerator. Cold and cold food is very harmful to the body.

Mung beans at room temperature already have a good summer effect.

2. Healthy practice of mung bean soup


Choose Mung Bean

Mung beans are divided into Ming mung beans and hairy mung beans. When making mung bean soup, you must choose bright mung beans. The cooked mung bean soup is delicious.


In this way, mung beans are more likely to blossom.

After washing the mung beans, soak them for 30 minutes, then put them in the freezer to freeze. Make use of the wide temperature difference to let the mung bean explode quickly.


Boil water and pot over medium heat for 15 minutes

Mung beans can relieve heat mainly because they contain polyphenolic antioxidants. Their activity is very important for the efficacy of mung beans.


Boil in pure water

The mung bean soup cooked by many people is red, and the redder the soup, the lower the nutrients.

Boiling mung bean soup with pure water can greatly reduce the probability of oxidation of phenols in mung beans and make the soup green and bright.

3. These four kinds of people should eat less mung bean soup.


A person with a weak and cold physique

People with physical deficiency and cold can not drink too much mung bean soup, which can easily lead to diarrhea and even reduce the immunity of the digestive system.

two。 Menstrual female

The physique of menstrual women is cold, drinking mung bean soup can easily lead to qi stagnation and blood stasis, causing abdominal pain and even aggravating dysmenorrhea.

3. A person with weak spleen and stomach

Such as the elderly, children and so on.

Mung bean contains more protein than chicken, but the digestive function of people with weak spleen and stomach is relatively poor, it is difficult to digest mung bean protein in a short time, and it is easy to cause diarrhea due to indigestion.

4. Pregnant woman

Mung bean contains lysine, protein, vitamins, calcium, zinc and other ingredients can effectively prevent and treat pregnancy edema, is a good food therapy. But because of cold sex, pregnant women should not drink too much.

4. Other practices of mung bean

■ mung bean lily soup

Clearing heat and detoxification, calming the nerves and moistening the lungs


Half a bowl of mung beans, one lily, a little rock sugar


1. Soak the lilies in water for 10 minutes, remove the yellow edge, wash and set aside.

2. Wash the mung beans, put in water, boil them over high heat, and simmer for half an hour.

Add lilies and rock candy and cook for half an hour

4. Put it at room temperature, then you can enjoy it.

■ mung bean kelp soup

Cool and antipyretic, detoxify and diuresis


Mung bean (300 g), kelp (20 g), Coix seed (10 g), tangerine peel (1 piece), rock sugar (right amount), water (right amount)


1. Mung bean (soaked for 3 hours), barley seed (soaked for 2 hours), kelp and tangerine peel (soaked for half an hour) are all soaked.

2. Put the right amount of water in the pot, and then pour in mung beans and barley seeds to boil together.

3. Remove the white layer from the tangerine peel.

4. Cook mung beans and barley seeds for about 1 hour. Add kelp and tangerine peel to cook together.

5. Cook mung beans and barley kernels until soft and rotten, then add an appropriate amount of rock sugar.

■ mung bean rice soup

Remove dampness and clear heat and relieve eczema


Barley rice (100g), mung bean (100g), water (right amount)


1. Soak 100 grams of barley rice in clean water for 8 hours, rinse slightly and remove water. Coix rice is hard, so it needs to be soaked for a long time, so it can be soaked one night in advance.

2. Soak 100 grams of mung beans in clean water for 3 hours, wash and remove water. Mung beans will sprout after soaking for a long time, so you don't need to soak for too long.

3. Add half a pot of water to the Coix rice and bring to the boil. Boil the mung beans and bring to a boil for 30 minutes.

4. Add a small amount of rock sugar and stir until melted, then turn off the heat and let cool.

5. Add a little sweet-scented osmanthus honey or mint leaves to add flavor when eating.

■ mung bean lotus leaf soup

Reduce fat, lose weight and relieve summer heat


Mung bean (100g), lily (80g), lotus leaf (1 piece), rice (100g)


1. Wash mung beans and rice and soak in clean water for 1 hour.

2. Remove the root of the lily and break it into pieces and wash it for use.

3. Boil the washed lotus leaves in a pot for 10 minutes, take out the lotus leaves and make lotus leaf water.

4. Put the rice and mung beans into the lotus leaf water and boil over high heat to low heat for about 30 minutes.

5. Add lilies and cook for 8 minutes.

6. Finally, add the right amount of rock sugar and cook for a while.

■ mung bean chrysanthemum soup

Clear heat and moisten the lungs, purge fire and clear eyes


The right amount of mung bean, lily, Hangzhou white chrysanthemum and rice


1. Lily and chrysanthemum are soaked in water

The rice is washed and ready for use.

2. Put cold water into the pot and bring to a boil.

Boil the mung beans until cooked, add the rice and continue to cook until 8 minutes cooked.

3. Boil the lilies slightly

Add the chrysanthemum and boil and remove from the fire.

In the middle of summer, in addition to deceiving yourself to be "calm and cool", you can also cook a pot of hearty mung bean soup for yourself and your family.

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