
sesame bean Learn more about sesame bean

  • How is the fertility of sesame cake fertilizer?

    How is the fertility of sesame cake fertilizer?

    Sesame cake fertilizer is made from the residue of sesame oil, which contains a lot of nutrients and can be used to plant trees, flowers, etc., what is the fertility of sesame cake fertilizer? What is the fertility of sesame cake fertilizer? The fertility of sesame cake fertilizer is very high, generally per

    2020-11-08 Sesame cake fertilizer of fertility how sesame yes with squeeze
  • Efficient Cultivation Techniques of Sesame

    Efficient Cultivation Techniques of Sesame

    Sesame efficient cultivation techniques Sesame family, is the seed of flax. Although its close relatives appear in Africa, the natural origin of the breed is still unknown. It is found in tropical regions of the world. Sesame is one of the four major edible oils in China.

  • How to grow sesame peas

    How to grow sesame peas

    Sesame peas may not be familiar to many young people, but ordinary elders and friends are still common. So how do you grow sesame peas? Let's have a look together! How to grow sesame peas. First soak the peas in cold water for a day and a night (some people say you can also use warm water, but

    2020-11-08 Hemp pea how plant hemp a lot young people maybe
  • What do thrushes eat?

    What do thrushes eat?

    What do thrushes eat?

  • The balcony uses these three kinds of fertilizer for cucumbers to hang 10 crisp and delicious roots on a vine.

    The balcony uses these three kinds of fertilizer for cucumbers to hang 10 crisp and delicious roots on a vine.

    Private balcony vegetable garden teacher Xiaoye taught you to grow vegetables by hand. The balcony can not only grow flowers but also grow vegetables. Many vegetable friends like to grow cucumbers. Cucumbers can not only supplement vitamins but also can be used as a face film. Today, teacher Xiaoye is here to recommend these three.

  • Preparation method of minced garlic sauce

    Preparation method of minced garlic sauce

    Raw material formula peeling garlic cloves 5 kg bean paste 2.5 kg sweet noodle sauce 3.5 kg red pepper 1.25 kg sesame oil (sesame oil) the right amount of string 3. Washing: wash garlic cloves and red chili peppers with clean water and drain. String 12. Pulping: respectively grind chili and garlic cloves into pulp with stone. 3. Mix: mix the above juice with bean paste, sweet noodle sauce and sesame oil and mix well. 4. Bottled, fermented: mix the sauce mentioned above

  • What can prevent sesame leaf blight?

    What can prevent sesame leaf blight?

    What can prevent sesame leaf blight? Please introduce the distribution and damage of sesame leaf blight: it occurs in all sesame producing areas in China. The disease is caused by the fungus Corynespora hyacinth. In addition to harm sesame, but also harm soybeans, straight beans and other crops. Symptoms/morphological characteristics: leaves and stems die after seedling damage;...

  • Fried bean curd and fish

    Fried bean curd and fish

    Dish name: fried tofu fish main ingredients: 500 grams of tofu fish, 50 grams of minced garlic, 150 grams of cornflour, 25 grams of fish sauce, 7.5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 0.1 grams of pepper, 1 gram of sesame oil. Practice: 1. First, remove the head and intestines of the tofu fish, wash them and freeze them in the refrigerator, make the fish body slightly hard, remove the fish bones with a knife, cut each into two to three sections, serve in a large bowl, add fish sauce, cornmeal, monosodium glutamate, pepper and sesame oil and mix well for use. 2. Heat the tripod and add a small amount

  • Can you still eat sesame seeds after sprouting? This is the best way to keep it!

    Can you still eat sesame seeds after sprouting? This is the best way to keep it!

    When it comes to sesame, everyone must be familiar with it. It can not only be used as seasoning, but also can be extracted to make sesame oil. At the same time, it can also be eaten by black hair, so it is very popular. But because sesame, like corn and peanuts, will sprout if it is not properly preserved, that sesame

    2020-11-09 Sesame sprouting can you eat like this save it's best one.
  • Calcium supplement food actually the first place is not milk, beat to death also can not guess!

    Calcium supplement food actually the first place is not milk, beat to death also can not guess!

    Calcium supplement food actually the first place is not milk, beat to death also can not guess!

  • Fish fillet with honey beans

    Fish fillet with honey beans

    Cantonese cuisine ingredients: 200 grams of fish meat, 150 grams of honey beans, 10 grams of carrots, 10 grams of ginger. Seasoning: peanut oil 30 grams, salt 10 grams, monosodium glutamate 10 grams, sugar 2 grams, wet cornmeal amount, sesame oil 5 grams. 1. Cut off the old tendons from the honey beans, slice the carrot and ginger, peel the fish meat, cut it into mud with the back of the knife, add a little salt, monosodium glutamate and cornflour, mix well and beat until gelatinized. Place the fish glue in a pan to dry, fry the fish glue over low heat until it is cooked on both sides and shovel into slices. 2. Under the cooking pot

  • Formula and production of thrush feed

    Formula and production of thrush feed

    The thrush is not only a very beautiful bird, but also a very famous cage bird, so what is the feed formula and production method of the thrush? First, the basic introduction of thrushes is the thrush family, noise Babbler is a medium-sized birds, about 23 cm long

    2020-11-11 Thrush feed formula and production thrush yes a kind of
  • Is kelp sprout undaria?

    Is kelp sprout undaria?

    Kelp sprouts are highly nutritious vegetables in the sea, which are rich in minerals, vitamins, calcium, potassium, iodine and other elements. regular consumption can prevent hair loss and relieve high blood pressure. is kelp sprout undaria? Is kelp sprout undaria? Kelp sprouts are not undaria

    2020-11-08 Kelp bud yes crony vegetable kelp plant height nutrition
  • Stop drinking bone soup. It's the first place to supplement calcium. Look.

    Stop drinking bone soup. It's the first place to supplement calcium. Look.

    The weaving master pays close attention to teaching you the basic skills of knitting, and it is easy to learn to weave. As soon as many people hear that they supplement calcium through diet, the first thing that comes to mind is to drink bone soup and milk. In fact, experts say that bone soup contains calcium.

  • Sesame control growth time, can 4 to 6 leaves control growth?

    Sesame control growth time, can 4 to 6 leaves control growth?

    The time for controlling the growth of sesame is in the full fruit stage, during which the apical buds can be removed, and if the planting area is relatively large, it can be controlled by spraying promethamine or trimethoprim in the full fruit stage. Sesame seedlings can be applied diluted mature human feces and urine or urea;

    2020-11-08 Sesame prosperous time to 6 leaves controllable abstract sesame
  • The practice of Pleurotus eryngii

    The practice of Pleurotus eryngii

    The practice of Pleurotus eryngii

  • What are the pigeon feed recipes?

    What are the pigeon feed recipes?

    Pigeon is a common bird, its meat, blood, eggs are edible, but also good use and medicinal value. Therefore, there are more people breeding, so what are the formulas of their feed? Let's get to know it together. Pigeon feed formula

    2020-11-11 pigeons feed formula have which is a common
  • How to replant cauliflower in spring wheat field? Cultivation techniques of multiple cropping cauliflower of spring wheat

    How to replant cauliflower in spring wheat field? Cultivation techniques of multiple cropping cauliflower of spring wheat

    The average yield and output value of cauliflower is 1500-2000 kg and the output value is 500,600 yuan. The main variety Beijing Dutch Snowball 80 days, Jinxuan 31-9-8, Japan Snow Mountain 80 days. Beijing Dutch snowball for 80 days, suitable for autumn vegetables cultivation. The variety has strong growth and compact plant type.

  • What kind of rice is rice?

    What kind of rice is rice?

    What kind of rice is rice?

  • Hair loss every day a handful of 7 hair care recipes hair swish back

    Hair loss every day a handful of 7 hair care recipes hair swish back

    Now we are not facing the computer every day, is staring at the mobile phone, coupled with the pressure of work, life, hair loss has been a problem that puzzles many people. Summer weather is hot, hair loss is the most serious, finally to autumn, hurry to eat something good...
