
Hemp Learn more about Hemp

  • Hemp cultivation in Heilongjiang

    Hemp cultivation in Heilongjiang

    Hemp planting in Heilongjiang has a long history. Before the 1980s, it was planted about 800,000 mu every year. At present, Heilongjiang is the province with the largest hemp planting area in China, accounting for more than 60% of the national planting area. Related information of hemp: 1. Industrial hemp is also called hemp

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  • Selection and treatment of seed tubers of Gastrodia elata

    Selection and treatment of seed tubers of Gastrodia elata

    Selection and treatment of seed tubers of Gastrodia elata

  • How to choose the best tuber of Gastrodia elata for seed

    How to choose the best tuber of Gastrodia elata for seed

    No damage, no diseases and insect pests, no deformity of Gastrodia elata tuber is the best cultivation. However, when the seed is scarce, the tuber is not seriously damaged, it can also be planted and cultivated after treatment. The treatment method is: first cut off the damaged part with a knife or bamboo, the knife edge is insolated to the extent that it does not run pulp, and then plant it, which can grow as usual. After a year of cultivation, it can be turned into a large arrow hemp. Arrow hemp to do asexual reproduction of seed cultivation must break the top of the arrow hemp "parrot mouth"-like mixed buds, so that arrow hemp does not produce arrows (no longer stem), called "killing arrows". Out

  • What kind of Gastrodia elata tuber should be selected for planting

    What kind of Gastrodia elata tuber should be selected for planting

    No damage, no diseases and insect pests, no deformity of Gastrodia elata tuber is the best cultivation. However, when the seed is scarce, the tuber is not seriously damaged, it can also be planted and cultivated after treatment. The treatment method is: first cut off the damaged part with a knife or bamboo, the knife edge is insolated to the extent that it does not run pulp, and then plant it, which can grow as usual. After a year of cultivation, it can be turned into a large arrow hemp. The cultivation of arrow hemp for asexual reproduction must break off the "parrot mouth"-like mixed bud at the top of the arrow hemp, so that the arrow hemp will not produce an arrow (no longer smoke.

  • The latest planting method of hemp

    The latest planting method of hemp

    The cultivation of hemp has a very long history. When it was first planted in the Han Dynasty in China, hemp was a kind of natural fiber. In the past, many clothes were made of hemp, and its functions of air permeability and heat dissipation are very good.

    2020-11-10 The latest hemp planting method history
  • Planting method of hemp

    Planting method of hemp

    Planting method of hemp

  • The planting method of hemp: field management can not be ignored!

    The planting method of hemp: field management can not be ignored!

    We have been growing hemp in China for a long time, and there have been relevant records since the earliest Han Dynasty. Hemp used to be used to make clothes, but later, as people learned more about this plant, they found other greater values. Except for clothing production.

    2020-11-09 Hemp planting methods field management can not ignore we
  • The latest planting method of hemp kernel

    The latest planting method of hemp kernel

    Hemp seed is pockmarked seed, which is actually the seed of hemp, a mulberry plant. It is of high medicinal value and can be used to moisturize the intestines and relieve defecation, blood deficiency, vomiting and other symptoms after insecticidal delivery. It can be used for cooking soup or porridge, making tea for consumption, and can also be used as medicine.

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  • Planting method of hemp kernel

    Planting method of hemp kernel

    Planting method of hemp kernel

  • How to store gastrodia elata for winter

    How to store gastrodia elata for winter

    Hemp seeds can be stored in a pit in the cellar. First dig pits in the cellar, the size of the pit depends on the number of hemp seeds, pit depth 45-50 cm. hemp seed should be removed from the vegetative propagation stem, air 1-2 days re-entry cellar. Sand with a moisture content of 20% should be selected as filler. Sand moisture content is too large, too small for hemp seeds are unfavorable. After the pit is dug, put a layer (3 cm thick) of sand from small rice grains to sorghum grains at the bottom layer, put a layer of hemp seeds, put 4-5 layers of hemp seeds in total, and put 5-6 cm thick sand cover at the top layer. Each layer of hemp seed must be placed separately, hemp and hemp

  • Harvesting and processing of Gastrodia elata

    Harvesting and processing of Gastrodia elata

    (1) Gastrodia elata should be harvested during the dormant period. Harvest in the second winter (November) or the third spring of winter planting. It is better to harvest in the winter of the year planted in spring or in the spring of the following year. When harvesting, carefully remove the topsoil, do not damage the hemp mouth or tuber, wait for the fungus to appear, first take the fungus, and then take Gastrodia elata, put the commercial flax, seed flax and hemp rice separately. Seed hemp as seed, hemp rice continues to be cultivated, and commercial hemp is processed and used as medicine. (2) the harvested arrow hemp and large white hemp should be processed in time. When processing, wash off the soil first, then add a small amount of rice bran or straw

  • What kind of plant is hemp oil?

    What kind of plant is hemp oil?

    Sesame oil is called longevity oil, which is liked by people because of its green, pollution-free and nutritional value. What kind of plant is sesame oil made from? What kind of plant is hemp oil? hemp oil is a kind of vegetable oil extracted from hemp kernel. The raw material used is hemp

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  • The edible method of hemp, what is the function of mai soup, and what is the nutrition and effect of hemp?

    The edible method of hemp, what is the function of mai soup, and what is the nutrition and effect of hemp?

    Not from the middle, may be a little strange to this plant, the Spring Equinox just passed, the mountain newly planted jute (jute), a lot of green. After rubbing away the bitter juice from the sesame leaves in water, add the larvae to boil to make a cool and summer-relieving mackerel soup, which is for the ancestors to deal with the hot summer.

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  • Cultivation of imitation wild Gastrodia elata

    Cultivation of imitation wild Gastrodia elata

    Imitation wild cultivation of Gastrodia elata, that is, artificial cultivation imitating the field growth environment of Gastrodia elata, can not only maintain the quality of wild Gastrodia elata, but also increase its yield. The main results are as follows: 1. the seed hemp is selected to use the collected wild Gastrodia elata stem as the seed hemp, or the young hemp cultivated by sexual propagation technology as the seed hemp. It is required that the seed hemp has a yellow appearance, no scars, no black spots, conical shape and uniform size. Degraded Gastrodia elata, which has been planted for many years, can not be used as seed. Second, the selection and cultivation of fungus materials should choose the thickness of fungi.

  • What is Gastrodia elata planted in bed on the ground

    What is Gastrodia elata planted in bed on the ground

    This method of planting Gastrodia elata can be used in low-lying flat land, high groundwater level, low temperature, wet and rainy, or small area cultivation of Gastrodia elata in new areas. Bed planting is also divided into single-layer flax planting and double-layer flax planting. ① single-layer hemp planting method: flatten the ground and make a bed with a width of 60 cm to 70 cm. The length of the bed depends on the topography and the number of hemp plants. Spread the basic culture material 2cm to 3cm thick on the flat bed, and then swing the bacterial stick horizontally, the spacing of the bacterial stick is 6cm. On both sides of the stick, first add the culture material to half of the stick.

  • How long is the growth cycle of gastrodia elata?

    How long is the growth cycle of gastrodia elata?

    Under artificial cultivation conditions, it takes about 3 years for Gastrodia elata to complete a growth cycle. Its growth process is basically like this: from November to February of the following year, arrow hemp is sown, Tianma seeds mature in late June, and should be sown within a week. Please note that in production, gastrodia elata seeds and hemp seeds are two concepts. The former refers to the tiny seeds in capsules formed by spikes after arrow hemp grows out of the ground stems; the latter refers to rice hemp or hemp rice, i.e. small gastrodia elata. Gastrodia elata seeds germinate about 15 days after sowing

  • Co-planting method of fixed fungus of Gastrodia elata

    Co-planting method of fixed fungus of Gastrodia elata

    It is to use cellar or box to cultivate 2-3 layers of fungus before planting flax. When planting flax, first remove the covering on the cellar and box, take out the upper bacterial stick in layers, leave the lowest bacterial stick immobile, then gently pull out the middle bacterial stick, replace the new wood stick and plant the seed flax on both sides and both ends of the stick. The distance between planting large white flax, medium white flax, small white flax and rice hemp is 20 25 cm, 7 cm, 4 cm and 6 cm respectively. Pay attention to putting the hemp seed against the dense fungal cord of the seedling, and after the flax is planted, cover the soil.

  • How to raise succulent plants, methods and matters needing attention in flax culture

    How to raise succulent plants, methods and matters needing attention in flax culture

    I believe that everyone is very familiar with the saying that there is a quick cut and a clean break. Today, the editor is going to talk to you about a kind of succulent plant called quick knife and hemp. Sharp knife hemp is a representative kind of succulent plant, and its flowers are very bright.

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  • The propagation method of hemp stem flower

    The propagation method of hemp stem flower

    You may not know much about this variety, and even many friends have not heard of it. Today, the editor will introduce to you the breeding method of hemp stalk flower. Let's take a look at it together. I. the method of propagation of hemp stem flower is mainly propagated or divided by seed.

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  • Simple processing method of Gastrodia elata

    Simple processing method of Gastrodia elata

    The processing of Gastrodia elata must first remove the residual stem of Gastrodia elata, pay attention to retain the arrow buds, wash away the sediment, rub off the bacterial cord and scales, rinse with clean water and steam on the drawer. The firepower should be strong, and the drawer cover should be tight, so that it can kill the hemp body cells quickly, inhibit the enzyme activity in the flax body, and prevent serous extravasation. Hemp steamed for 30 minutes, hemp steamed for 15 minutes, to be fully cooked (no white heart) as the degree, if there is excessive flatulence can be punctured with raw needle exhaust, and then put in a hot Kang or drying room, can also be dried. Generally need 4-5 kg fresh Gastrodia elata can process 1 kg finished product. 1. Fire
