
How to replant cauliflower in spring wheat field? Cultivation techniques of multiple cropping cauliflower of spring wheat

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The average yield and output value of cauliflower is 1500-2000 kg and the output value is 500,600 yuan. The main variety Beijing Dutch Snowball 80 days, Jinxuan 31-9-8, Japan Snow Mountain 80 days. Beijing Dutch snowball for 80 days, suitable for autumn vegetables cultivation. The variety has strong growth and compact plant type.

Output and output value

The average yield of cauliflower is 1500-2000 kg, and the output value is 500,600 yuan.

Main variety

Beijing Dutch snowball 80 days, Tianjin 31-9-8, Japan Snow Mountain 80 days. Beijing Dutch snowball for 80 days, suitable for autumn vegetables cultivation. The variety has strong growth, compact plant type, plant height of about 50 cm, natural development of 60 cm, heat resistance and waterlogging resistance. The flower ball is round, white and of good quality. the single ball weighs 0.4-0.8 kg.

Key points of cultivation

① seedlings were raised at the right time. Select the land with high dryness, good drainage and fertile soil to do seedlings, and the seedling bed should be filled with sufficient bottom fertilizer and sowed from June 15 to 20, with a sowing rate of 30-50 grams per mu. In hot weather, you should pay attention to shade. Strictly guard against cabbage insects and underground pests at seedling stage. Water frequently every day to keep the seedbed moist.

② was transplanted in time and close planting was reasonable. The seedlings can be transplanted when they grow to 3-5 true leaves from July 15 to 20. Before transplanting, the seedling bed was watered thoroughly, and the transplanting effect was good in the afternoon, with row spacing of 50-55 cm, plant 40-50 cm, and 2500-3000 seedlings per mu. When transplanting, the seedlings are planted separately, which is easy to manage.

③ increased manure application and topdressing irrigation. 3000-5000 kg agricultural fertilizer and 10 kg diammonium phosphate are applied per mu. 15 kg nitrogen per mu in rosette stage, 15 kg urea per mu in rosette stage, and timely watering combined with topdressing.

④ covers the bouquet frequently and harvests it at the right time. When the flower ball is formed, the work of covering the ball should be done carefully to keep the ball white and tender, and the old leaves can be used to cover the ball. When the basal flower branch is slightly loose, it is the harvest time.

⑤ short-term storage. The seasonal price difference can be used for short-term storage, and the planting method for the smaller flower heads can prolong the growth period and increase the yield.

How do you grow sesame seeds? Key points of cultivation techniques of Sesame with plastic Film mulching

Plastic film mulching cultivation technology is a common planting method in the process of crop planting, which can improve soil temperature, prevent soil consolidation, prevent nutrient loss and so on. In the process of sesame planting, plastic film mulching can increase the yield per mu of sesame, which is the key to achieve high yield of sesame planting. So, how to grow sesame seeds? In this paper, the key techniques of plastic film mulching cultivation of sesame are introduced as follows.

Picture: Sesame planting

First, timely and early broadcast

One of the main reasons for the high yield of plastic film sesame is to make use of the warming and heat preservation of plastic film to advance the sowing date, so as to make full use of light and heat resources and tap the high yield potential of sesame. Therefore, plastic film sesame must be sowed timely and early, and the suitable sowing time is from the end of April to the beginning of May. Although plastic film mulching has a great effect on increasing yield of summer sesame, its high yield potential is limited and its economic benefit is low. Of course, it is not cost-effective to grow spring sesame seeds only one season a year. In order to improve the multiple cropping index and planting efficiency, overwintering short-season vegetables (spinach, green cabbage, yellow cabbage, edible peas, early garlic moss, etc.) can be planted in front of sesame, or intercropping can be adopted when intercropping wheat. Wheat and overwintering vegetables are intercropped in a proper form, plastic film sesame is planted after early spring vegetable harvest, and summer cotton, sweet potato, peanut and other crops are interplanted after wheat harvest.

Second, select middle and late maturing sesame varieties with high yield potential.

After plastic film mulching, the effective growth period of sesame was prolonged. Therefore, it is suitable to plant some excellent sesame varieties with waterlogging resistance, disease resistance and high yield potential, such as Yuzhi 5, 7, 8 and sesame hybrids. Only by selecting middle and late mature sesame varieties can we make full use of the growing season and increase the yield of sesame.

Picture: Sesame planting

Third, increase the application of fertilizer and pay attention to fertilization skills

Plastic film mulched sesame has long growth period, rapid growth and tall plants, so it is necessary to apply more fertilizer to meet its nutrient demand. At the same time, because the possibility of plastic film mulching sesame lodging increases, and it is easy to get rid of fat and early senescence in the later growth stage, plastic film mulching sesame pay great attention to fertilization skills. The principle of fertilization is to increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer. Under this principle, high phosphorus, high potassium, nitrogen supplement, nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium close to 1:1:1. When the yield of sesame per mu is more than 200 dry grams, each of the three is about 20 kilograms. In the method of fertilization, it is mainly based on base fertilizer, supplemented by topdressing at flowering stage and foliar topdressing. Half of the total phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and total nitrogen were used as base fertilizer, and the other half nitrogen fertilizer was used as topdressing. The period, dosage and method of topdressing should be determined according to the condition of sesame seedlings and weather. Seedling weak early application, more application; seedling strong appropriate amount of application, late application or no application. In the case of drought, it can be combined with irrigation and topdressing; when the soil moisture is good, the fertilizer solution can be poured into the ridge Jack (or topdressing with a manure gun). At the same time, foliar topdressing can be carried out in combination with disease prevention and pest control. In addition, under the condition of high yield of sesame, the application of trace element fertilizers such as boron, zinc and manganese should be considered.

IV. Chemical regulation

Soak seeds with 100mg / kg-150mg / kg ppm before sowing or spray 150mg / kg ppm at seedling stage to promote root squatting. Spraying plant growth regulators such as Yemianbao and Fushibao at flower bud stage, and combined with spraying 0.1%-0.2% borax, 0.1% urea and 1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate to promote flower and capsule.

Picture: Sesame planting

Fifth, watering to prevent drought and disease to protect leaves

Plastic film mulching has a certain effect of preventing waterlogging and drought, but it is not absolute, especially when the growth of plastic film sesame is seriously inhibited by long-term continuous drought, or even capped early, it must be watered in time. In addition, in order to prolong the photosynthetic function period of plastic film mulched sesame stems and leaves as long as possible, the sesame leaf disease should be controlled by spraying 500-700 times carbendazim once or twice in the full flowering stage and capping stage.

[conclusion] planting sesame with plastic film mulching is an important reason for high yield of sesame. The key points of plastic film mulching cultivation techniques of sesame are introduced above, and I hope it can be helpful to everyone!

Interplanting and multiple cropping model in wheat field

Due to the different geographical location, natural resources and production conditions in different regions, the arrangement of stubble and crop layout should be adjusted to local conditions. Based on the local experience, the intercropping and multiple cropping models of wheat are as follows:

1. Intercropping and multiple cropping of wheat and grain. There are three forms: multiple cropping of wheat and grain, interplanting of wheat and grain and banded interplanting of two crops of wheat and grain.

The main results are as follows: (1) replanting wheat and grain. That is, the two-cropping system in one year, in which autumn crops are planted after wheat harvest. This model is mostly adopted in the wheat area of central and southern Hebei in our province.

(2) interplanting wheat and grain. Interplanting two crops of wheat and corn. On the premise of ensuring that the yield of wheat will not be reduced in that year, it can increase the yield of corn by 10% and 20%. This model is suitable for wheat areas with frost-free period of 210-230days and active accumulated temperature of more than 4700 ℃ in our province.

(3) two-stubble intercropping of wheat and grain. Most of the planting methods are 1.3-1.7 meters as a planting belt, wheat covers an area of 0.7-1 meter, planting wheat 4-6 rows, leaving 0.6-0.7 meters interplanting rows, 40-50 days before wheat harvest interplanting two rows of autumn grain, generally mainly corn, can also interplant sorghum, sweet potato and other crops. The yield of this method is slightly lower than that of flat sowing of wheat, but there is great potential to increase yield and income of interplanting corn and other crops. This planting mode is "give priority to autumn, protect autumn and compete for summer", which can turn the areas where it is difficult to double cropping into double cropping, which is suitable to be popularized in the cooler wheat area of eastern Hebei (including the north of Langfang, Tang and Qin).

two。 Interplanting wheat, autumn grain and green fertilizer. It is a method to increase green manure crops and realize the combination of land use and land cultivation on the basis of interplanting between wheat and autumn grain. This model is suitable for the areas where the production conditions and yield level are low, or where there is more land and few people and extensive farming, and the development of green manure crops is regarded as an effective way to fertilize the soil. There are two ways: two grains and one fertilizer, and two grains and two fertilizers.

(1) two grains and one fertilizer. It is suitable for development in areas with serious spring drought, concentrated summer rain and lack of irrigation conditions. Most of the interplanting methods are 2.5 meters as a planting belt, wheat covers an area of 1.7 meters, sowing 10-12 rows, corn covers an area of 0.7-0.8 meters, and 2 rows of corn are interplanted in the first and middle of May. After wheat harvest, replant leguminous green manure crops, such as sesbania, beans and so on. In this way, the area of the first stubble wheat is smaller than that of flat sowing, and it can be fertilized centrally. the middle stubble corn interplanting early, resistant to disaster and stable harvest, and the three crops of green manure can be turned over and pressed before planting wheat to benefit the soil.

(2) two grains and two fertilizers. This model needs to have two conditions: first, heat can not only produce a certain green manure, but also timely turn over and plant autumn grain crops; second, there should be a certain amount of rainfall to ensure its normal sowing, or water irrigation conditions. Generally, 2-2.4 meters border belt, planting vetch in the middle of the reserved gap of wheat, interplanting corn with vetch, replanting strange hemp, sesbania or mung bean after wheat harvest, turning green manure after corn harvest to make wheat base fertilizer, generally increasing grain production by 15% and 30% in the same year. The requirements of green manure varieties of intercropping in the first half of the year are very strict. According to the wheat variety identification test of green manure interplanting in Nanpi County, Hebei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, hairy leaf vetch is better, with fast growth in early spring and high grass yield, up to more than 1250 kg per mu. And easy to turn over; the second is arrow tongue pea. The green manure of corn intercropping in the second half of the year, it is better to use mung bean whose natural plant height is lower than that of corn ear.

3. Interplanting wheat and oil. Mainly refers to wheat, peanut interplanting. This is a planting mode to win a bumper harvest of grain and oil in peanut producing areas. It is divided into two ways: flat sleeve and groove sleeve. Flat interplanting is more than wheat interplanting peanut at flowering stage, 7000-8000 holes per mu, 2 grains per hole. Planting wheat at the bottom of the ditch and peanuts on the ridge, interplanting peanuts 20 days before the wheat harvest, generally about 0.8 meters apart from the ridge, planting 3 rows of wheat at the bottom of the furrow, and interplanting 2 rows of peanuts at the top of the ridge in spring. Although the yield of interplanting peanuts is slightly lower than that of one crop of spring planting, it can harvest about 300 kilograms more wheat.

In order to solve the problem of land competition for grain and oil and long-term continuous cropping of peanuts, the planting model of wheat, oil and beans, that is, wheat, peanut and soybean belt rotation, has been created in the peanut producing area of eastern Hebei Province. In the areas with poor soil quality and water conservancy conditions, peanuts are dominated by peanuts, with a bandwidth of 1 meter, ridging and ditching. Peanuts cover an area of 0.7 meters and are planted in ridges.