
Efficient Cultivation Techniques of Sesame

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sesame efficient cultivation techniques Sesame family, is the seed of flax. Although its close relatives appear in Africa, the natural origin of the breed is still unknown. It is found in tropical regions of the world. Sesame is one of the four major edible oils in China.

Efficient cultivation techniques of Sesame

Sesame and Sesame is the seed of flax. Although its close relatives appear in Africa, the natural origin of the species is still unknown. It's all over the tropics of the world. Sesame is one of the four major edible oil crops in China, and it is one of the main oil crops in China. Sesame products have high application value. Its seeds contain as much as 61% oil. Since ancient times, there have been many famous and special foods and delicacies made of sesame and sesame oil in China, which have been famous all over the world.

Sesame contains a lot of fat and protein, as well as sugars, vitamin a, vitamin e, lecithin, calcium, iron, magnesium and other nutrients; linoleic acid in sesame can regulate cholesterol.

(l) seed selection and seed soaking: at the beginning of April, the sesame seeds were spread out into a single layer after sunrise and dried in the sun, recovered before sunset for 2-3 days, and often turned during the drying process to remove damaged and pest seeds. The dried sesame seeds are selected by air twice to remove most of the shrunken seeds, weigh the selected seeds, put them in clear water and stir for 1 hour, stirring every half an hour, finally fish out the floating seeds, put the full seeds sinking under the water into a plastic container, soak the seeds in 30 ℃ warm water for 12-18 hours, adjust the water temperature and stir every 3 hours, in order to improve the germination rate and the uniformity of germination.

(2) Disinfection of seeds: (1) remove the soaked seeds and put them into a sieve basket to control water for 30 minutes, then mix the seeds with 50% carbendazim wettable powder (the powder dosage is 5% of the dry weight of the seeds.) seed dressing to be uniform) and dry

(3) preparation of nutrition bowl: AM bacterial fertilizer, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate and ternary compound fertilizer (N: P:K=16:J6:16) organic fertilizer were mixed according to 1:2:2: 30: 1000 to form formula fertilizer, and then mixed with soil according to 1: 50 to form nutrition bowl matrix. Nutrition bowl matrix is made by the bowl making mechanism of caliber 8cm and deep 12cm

(4) sprouting and serving: (2) put the treated seeds in a cloth bag and put them in a haystack and keep them under the condition of 25 ℃. Turn them every 6-8 hours and start sowing in a bowl when you find that the seed coat begins to break and expose. When sowing, place the nutrition bowl in a greenhouse or large plastic greenhouse containing formula fertilizer. When the seedlings in the nutrition bowl grow two true leaves, they can be transplanted to the field; the formula fertilizer nutrition bowl is rich in phosphorus, calcium and potassium to provide superior microhabitats for the growth of sesame seedlings, promote their growth and health, improve their disease resistance, reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests such as bacterial wilt, and appropriately advance the cultivation time.

(5) keep the soil weakly alkaline: the sesame planting land should keep the soil weakly alkaline. When the soil Ph value is less than 7, alkaline substances such as lime are applied to make the soil Ph value more than 7 weakly alkaline, so as to prevent the occurrence of diseases such as sesame bacterial wilt when the soil is acidic.

(6) Field treatment: in the middle and first ten days of April, 2000 kg organic fertilizer and 10 kg urea diammonium phosphate 10kg per mu were applied and ploughed and leveled immediately, then ridges with 30cm width and 10cm height were built, and drainage ditches with a width of 30cm and a depth of 30-35cm were dug between the ridges.

(7) compound planting: when planting sesame, a layer of AM bacterial fertilizer matrix is removed from every 80cm hole in the middle of the ridge, and the nutrient bowl of sesame seedling is planted in the hole to pour water through, but pay attention to making the base of the seedling slightly higher than the surrounding area. Plant oil plant oil soybeans 1-2 holes between sesame plants on the ridge, sow 2 rows of early-maturing spring soybeans on both sides of the inter-row drainage ditches of sesame seeds, pick in time when the pods are available and bury the seedlings at the bottom of the gutters to make green manure, then loosen the soil to sow summer beans, summer pods are picked and sold when vegetables are available, stem seedlings are used as green manure, and spring and summer sows are sprayed with ammonium molybdate solution to mix seeds. The amount of ammonium molybdate is 2% of the dry weight of soybean seeds. After harvest, stem seedlings are also used as green manure; fertilizing after autumn harvest, planting overwintering vegetables such as radish, broad bean, cabbage, etc., broad bean seedlings are used as green manure, and scopolamine is planted after harvest; next spring, sesame seeds will be planted in this year's drainage ditch, alternately. High ridge cultivation of sesame, oil soya bean, scopolamine and other fertilizer-tolerant and early-tolerant plants, and planting fertilizer-loving and water-loving soybean beside the drain between rows, making full use of time and space, can produce huge economic and ecological benefits. The sales of oil sesame beans, scopolamine seeds, vegetable pods, radish, broad bean and cabbage can greatly improve the annual yield per mu; the symbiosis of AM bacteria and plant roots can not only increase the ability of plants to absorb nutrients. Many kinds of green manure are fermented and decomposed underground to form humus and a variety of nutrient elements to balance nutrition, improve plant disease resistance, enrich soil microbial community and reduce pathogenic bacteria.

(8) promoting fruit setting: in addition to topdressing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the soil when the first main ear of sesame begins to bud, it is also necessary to choose to spray 0.1-0.2% boric acid, manganese sulfate and zinc sulfate solution on a sunny day when it is about to enter the flowering stage. spray once every 5-8 days, a total of 2-3 times, improve plant disease resistance and promote pollen development and pollination.