
relay Learn more about relay

  • The production technology of honey

    The production technology of honey

    The production technology of honey

  • The storage of the queen bee

    The storage of the queen bee

    The hive stores some spare queen bees, which can replace the aging and injured queen bee at any time, or replenish the lost queen bee at any time. There are two ways of storage: in-group storage and out-of-nest storage. The main results are as follows: (1) it is most convenient to store queen bees in mating colony. When the new queen bee in the mating group begins to lay eggs for a week or so, it is locked in a rectangular iron gauze platform and embedded in the spleen of the mating group. At the same time, it lures the group into a mature king platform. A similar method can be used to store the queen bee in the relay box of the strong group.

  • Vigorous local relay, "Nanfeng Australia Local Chronicles" revived, sent a letter for Southern Australia dialogue

    Vigorous local relay,

    Vigorous local relay, "Nanfeng Australia Local Chronicles" revived, sent a letter for Southern Australia dialogue

  • Ilan is a museum 13 "fish fish that no longer raise eels, aquatic plants relay to create vitality."

    Ilan is a museum 13

    Ilan is a museum 13 "fish fish that no longer raise eels, aquatic plants relay to create vitality."

  • The knowledge of harvesting honey in autumn

    The knowledge of harvesting honey in autumn

    Beekeeping must collect honey scientifically in order to obtain higher yield. the methods of collecting honey are introduced as follows: 1 the honey collection time can be put forward only when the honey spleen seal is more than 1 up to 2. Because when the honey is not covered, the honey is not yet mature, and the water content has not been ruled out to the appropriate water content. If the honey is taken at this time, the honey is easy to ferment and sour and cannot be stored for a long time. The best time to take honey is 3 ~ 4 days before the end of the nectar period, take off most of the honey spleen covered in the relay box and move it to the honey collecting room and separate it at once.

  • Do not relax efforts in the poverty alleviation relay

    Do not relax efforts in the poverty alleviation relay

    Towering Wuling Mountain will not forget, there is a solemn commitment, such as 30 years, farmers do not get rid of poverty, help do not decouple; leisurely clear rivers will not forget, there is a sincere intention, is to integrate with the grass-roots level, the industry poverty alleviation, fruitful. Since 1986, the Ministry of Agriculture

    2016-01-10 Poverty alleviation relay no slackening towering Wuling Mountain will not forget there
  • Beekeeping beware of honeybee tea nectar poisoning

    Beekeeping beware of honeybee tea nectar poisoning

    1. Etiological analysis showed that Camellia nectar mainly contained high polysaccharides in addition to trace caffeine and glycosides. The toxicity test shows that camellia nectar is not toxic, and the cause of bee poisoning is that bees cannot digest and utilize the oligomerization of camellia nectar.

    2020-11-08 Beekeeping beware bees camellias honey poisoning etiology test analysis
  • Introduction of beehive

    Introduction of beehive

    1. The structure of beehive with movable hive frame (movable beehive) is an important production tool for scientific beekeeping. Beekeeping with a movable beehive can open the hive at any time, take out the hive and spleen examination, understand the situation of the colony, observe the living activities of bees, and produce all kinds of bee products according to needs and possibilities, and it is easy to transfer to the ground for breeding. Beehives are kept in the open air for a long time and are exposed to wind, rain and sun, and bees must live in beehives to nurture bees and store fodder, so the structure of beehives must be in line with the living habits of bees, uniform size standards, and strong resistance.

  • How to grow green asparagus? the planting method of green asparagus

    How to grow green asparagus? the planting method of green asparagus

    The sandy loam soil with deep soil layer, high organic matter content, good permeability and refreshing water and good drainage and irrigation conditions should be selected, and the soil ph should be neutral. Fertilization: timely and rational application of bud-promoting fertilizer, relay fertilizer and autumn fertilizer. Pest control: mainly against asparagus stem blight

    2020-11-08 Green asparagus want how plant method summary site selection
  • Practical techniques for introduction to Apis cerana cerana cerana

    Practical techniques for introduction to Apis cerana cerana cerana

    Chinese honeybee (Apis cerana Next, let's talk about the introduction to the breeding of Chinese honeybee.

    2020-11-11 China honeybee breeding introduction practical technology
  • Spring propagation and strong colony of honeybee culture technology

    Spring propagation and strong colony of honeybee culture technology

    Beekeeping lies in spring all the year round, and spring propagation management is the key. There are strong groups in early spring and there is hope for a bumper harvest throughout the year. The weather is fine, high yield and bumper harvest of pulp, honey and powder.

  • Hygiene and disinfection of beehive

    Hygiene and disinfection of beehive

    The hygiene and disinfection of beehive in apiculture is an important link in the prevention and control of apiosis. Some pathogens can survive in adverse environments for months, while some bacterial spores, fungal spores, or even years. Beekeeping grounds, beekeeping equipment, hive spleen and honeybee feed are the living places of these pathogens. the hygiene and disinfection of beehives are important means and measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of honeybee diseases. First, disinfect the beehive site, first eradicate the weeds in the beehive, clean up in time or

  • Selection and purchase skills of breeding honeybee species

    Selection and purchase skills of breeding honeybee species

    The bee is a kind of insect, and some people feel terrible when they think of it, because we often hear about the sting of bees. In fact, bees don't sting people casually. Look at the people who raise bees. They live with thousands of bees every day.

    2020-11-08 Breeding bees species shopping skills it is a kind of
  • The method of rapid propagation of honeybee

    The method of rapid propagation of honeybee

    Bees generally collect honey during the day and make honey at night, and can also help fruit trees complete the task of pollination. Many beekeepers raise a large number of bees. So what are the ways to reproduce bees quickly? First, how can bees reproduce quickly? 1. Flying in the right amount: spring

    2020-11-11 Fast breeding bees methods generally during the day.
  • What should beginners of beekeeping do? rapid propagation of honeybees

    What should beginners of beekeeping do? rapid propagation of honeybees

    Now in life, people pay more and more attention to health care, so honey is more and more loved by everyone. We all like to drink honey as a delicacy, because it not only beautifies beauty but also loses weight and enhances resistance. More and more people like it, no

    2020-11-08 Beekeeping beginners should how do bees fast reproduction technology
  • How to prevent bee fever in the process of Chinese bee breeding?

    How to prevent bee fever in the process of Chinese bee breeding?

    When the colony develops to a certain number of bees, when the spleen in the hive reaches four or five frames, it is often easy to divide the bees naturally. In the process of dividing bees, it is inevitable that the worker bees will slow down and the number of eggs laid by the female bees will decline, especially during the main honey gathering period, so that the large groups will be divided into small groups.

    2020-11-11 Chinese bees breeding in the process how to prevent divide bee fever bees mass
  • Forced moulting to shorten the period of suspension of production

    Forced moulting to shorten the period of suspension of production

    After laying a certain number of eggs, the laying duck will stop moulting. Under natural conditions, it takes 3 months from molting to relaying eggs. However, when it is found that the laying duck stops production and pecks the feather back and forth, the stopped duck is forced to molt, that is, the hard long and short feathers on both sides of the wings are pulled out, and then raised in captivity, the feeding management is strengthened, and the high quality feed is fed. After about 5 days, the duck stopped laying eggs.

  • Strengthen the Management of Seedling Field and cultivate strong Rice seedlings

    Strengthen the Management of Seedling Field and cultivate strong Rice seedlings

    1. The seedling bed tube for raising seedlings with flood and drought does not need to replenish water at the seedling stage, so as to improve the drought tolerance of the seedlings. At the same time, attention should be paid to watering the seedlings three times, that is, pouring enough "soil moisture" before sowing, pouring "uncovering film water" when the film is uncovered, and "rolling leaf water" during drought. We should properly control water in the first and second leaf stage to promote seed root rooting, pay attention to replenishing water to prevent dead seedlings in the second and third leaf stage, strictly control water after the third leaf stage, and cultivate physiologically strong seedlings by dry cultivation. In order to prevent too many Rain Water, dry farming and drought management can not be carried out, small arch shed or greenhouse can be strictly controlled.

  • The benefit of mountain bee domestication is high.

    The benefit of mountain bee domestication is high.

    Mountain wasp is a kind of wild economic insect. The honey it collects from natural flowers is the best honey. The market price can reach 30 RMB40 per kilogram. Generally, each barrel of mountain bees can get about 25 kilograms of honey a year, such as strong bees, good honey sources and suitable climate. Each group of bees can produce 40 kilograms of honey. At present, it is the peak period for mountain bees to be grouped, and bringing mountain bees home for breeding is a good project with less investment and quick results. The manufacture and placement of a bee bucket consists of a bottom bucket, a relay bucket, a bottom bucket, and a bucket.

  • The cultivation of queen bees: the natural alternation of King Tai and King Yu

    The cultivation of queen bees: the natural alternation of King Tai and King Yu

    Select the excellent colony with the old queen bee as the population, when they build the alternate king platform, put the nest spleen with the natural king platform in the relay box, put the unsealed lid spleen on both sides, and add a king partition board between the nest box and the successor box to limit the queen bee to the nest box and record the date of the birth of the queen bee in each natural king platform. The natural alternating king platform can be extracted from this old king group one after another, and the natural alternating queen bee can make the good characters of the population more stably inherited. When this kind of natural alternation occurs, the bee colony generally builds only a few queens, and the quality of the queen bee is compared.
