
or trees Learn more about or trees

  • [fortune tree] the price and culture method of fortune tree

    [fortune tree] the price and culture method of fortune tree

    [fortune tree] the price and culture method of fortune tree

  • Does the happiness tree blossom? what are the breeding methods and points for attention?

    Does the happiness tree blossom? what are the breeding methods and points for attention?

    Happiness tree is a common greening plant, purifying the air and pleasing the mood. Families or offices like to raise happiness trees. Will you be happy if you plant this kind of tree? Does the happiness tree blossom? many people who raise happiness trees do not know that happiness trees can blossom, because the cultivation of happiness trees is very particular about temperature and region.

  • How to prune the happiness tree, the pruning method of the happiness tree is very important.

    How to prune the happiness tree, the pruning method of the happiness tree is very important.

    Happiness tree, a beautiful ornamental plant, grows very fast and grows luxuriantly without paying attention to it. And if we want to ensure the beauty of the happiness tree, like human hair, we have to prune it properly, then how to prune the happiness tree? In order for everyone to raise a beautiful happiness tree.

  • How to maintain the happiness tree?

    How to maintain the happiness tree?

    Alias chili tree, elbow umbrella, mountain happiness tree. Trade name: happiness Tree, Kirin Ziwei. Native to China's Taiwan, Hainan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi 300m valley or plain sparse woodland. Trees, bipinnately compound, leaflets ovate, 4-7 cm long, apex caudate

  • Maintenance measures of Happiness Tree

    Maintenance measures of Happiness Tree

    1, the temperature happiness tree likes the warm and hot environment, but in the summer high temperature must pay attention not to be exposed to the sun for a long time, otherwise the happiness tree will be sunburned, and in winter, we should pay attention to keep the happiness tree warm to prevent the happiness tree from frostbite. 2. light Happy trees like to have plenty of light

  • Famous experts teach you to make bonsai trees.

    Famous experts teach you to make bonsai trees.

    Bonsai is to show a certain part of the landscape of nature, it can be reduced to a tree or a piece of stone, the largest can contain a world, that is, its spiritual world. People often say that bonsai art creation has only a starting point, no.

  • How to model bonsai? Bonsai modeling method

    How to model bonsai? Bonsai modeling method

    Bonsai is a kind of display with a long history in our country, which makes woody plants, herbs or water, stone, etc., after artistic processing, planting or arrangement in the basin, making it a microcosm of nature. According to different materials, bonsai can be divided into two categories: tree Toona bonsai and landscape bonsai.

  • How much is a rich tree? What kinds do you have? How to take care of the family?

    How much is a rich tree? What kinds do you have? How to take care of the family?

    The rich tree is also known as Malaba chestnut, melon chestnut, Sino-American kapok, goose palm money. It is also distributed in the tropics of southern China. So how much is a rich tree? What kinds do you have? How to take care of the family? In fact, the rich tree is a popular potted plant with a temperature of more than 20 ℃.

    2020-11-09 Get rich more trees less money a tree have what kind how family
  • What is the matter with the yellow leaves of the rich tree?

    What is the matter with the yellow leaves of the rich tree?

    The first time I knew about Fortune Tree was because of a PSP game called "Le Ke Le Ke." The Q version of Fortune Tree in the picture made me want to stop. Therefore, I began to cultivate Fortune Tree. From not raising it to accumulating experience, I also raised many Fortune Trees.

  • How much is a rich tree? What kinds do you have? How to take care of the family?

    How much is a rich tree? What kinds do you have? How to take care of the family?

    The rich tree is also known as Malaba chestnut, melon chestnut, Sino-American kapok, goose palm money. It is also distributed in the tropics of southern China. So how much is a rich tree? What kinds do you have? How to take care of the family? In fact, the rich tree is a popular potted plant, and it can be sown when the temperature is above 20 ℃.

  • How to cultivate iron trees

    How to cultivate iron trees

    How to cultivate iron trees

  • Planting techniques and matters needing attention of family potted rich trees

    Planting techniques and matters needing attention of family potted rich trees

    The rich tree is a kind of plant with good meaning, which not only has high ornamental value, but also can absorb harmful substances in the air and play a role in purifying the air. Next, let's talk about the potted planting techniques of rich trees.

  • Introduction to the propagation methods of Indian rubber trees

    Introduction to the propagation methods of Indian rubber trees

    Indian rubber tree is a tropical tree species, which is often cultivated in various parts of China, especially in urban potted plants, the popularization rate of Indian rubber tree is very high, the cultivation of Indian rubber tree in the north should pay attention to greenhouse overwintering. The artificial propagation of Indian rubber tree can choose the method of sowing or cutting.

  • How is it that the rich tree loses its leaves? The reason why the rich tree loses its leaves

    How is it that the rich tree loses its leaves? The reason why the rich tree loses its leaves

    The rich tree has lost its leaves. I believe it has been encountered by the flower friends who cultivate the rich tree. A few days ago, I saw that there were a lot of fallen leaves around the company's rich tree flowerpot. Of course, the rich tree itself will lose its leaves, if it falls a lot, then we have to find out why.

  • Propagation mode and maintenance management of rich tree

    Propagation mode and maintenance management of rich tree

    The reproduction mode of the rich tree 1. Sowing and reproduction can be picked after the fruit is ripe, knock open the fruit shell, take out the seed, sow immediately. Generally, the seeds are sown in the shallow pot with a plant row spacing of 5 cm and 10 cm, the sowing substrate is plain sand, and the sowing depth is 3 cm to 4 cm. Soak the seeds with water after sowing

  • What are the points for attention in cultivating happiness trees? What if the leaves of the happiness tree turn yellow?

    What are the points for attention in cultivating happiness trees? What if the leaves of the happiness tree turn yellow?

    Happiness tree is a kind of large foliage potted plant, which is easy to see in the living room and office environment. Happiness tree can absorb harmful substances in the air and has the function of radiation protection. If you want to raise a happiness tree indoors, you must also know its growing environment, habits, origin, and so on.

  • Maintenance methods and matters needing attention of Happiness Tree

    Maintenance methods and matters needing attention of Happiness Tree

    1, the temperature happiness tree sex likes the warm hot environment, the growth most suitable temperature is 20 degrees to 30 degrees, so usually should pay attention to the temperature control. 2. Light Happiness trees like plenty of light, of course, they should pay attention to moderate light in summer, preferably on the balcony or windowsill

  • How to raise the rich tree in pot in winter and how to save the frostbite of the rich tree

    How to raise the rich tree in pot in winter and how to save the frostbite of the rich tree

    Lucky and lucky, the wealth tree is graceful and evergreen, and is deeply loved by people. However, the cold tolerance of the rich tree is poor. When the rich tree is cultivated in winter, attention should be paid to its temperature, moisture, light and so on.

  • Key points of daily maintenance and management of tree stump bonsai

    Key points of daily maintenance and management of tree stump bonsai

    Bonsai stumps are dominated by flowers and trees. The pros and cons of the tree stump does not lie in whether the tree species taken are valuable, nor in the size of the materials used, but in whether its natural form is possible, in the artistic conception and interest contained in the shape of the creator. The tree stump bonsai is the epitome of the old mountain pile, which is the first to learn from nature.

  • How to raise a happiness tree? what if the tree loses its leaves?

    How to raise a happiness tree? what if the tree loses its leaves?

    The happiness tree has beautiful shape, small and green leaves and whirling shadows. It is a very precious indoor ornamental plant. You can write your wish for happiness into a card and hang it on the tree. Alias: chili tree, elder umbrella, bean tree, Kirin Ziwei, Ping an tree (business name). The happiness tree is the representative tree of Hawaii.
