
How much is a rich tree? What kinds do you have? How to take care of the family?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The rich tree is also known as Malaba chestnut, melon chestnut, Sino-American kapok, goose palm money. It is also distributed in the tropics of southern China. So how much is a rich tree? What kinds do you have? How to take care of the family? In fact, the rich tree is a popular potted plant with a temperature of more than 20 ℃.

The rich tree is also known as Malaba chestnut, melon chestnut, Sino-American kapok, goose palm money. It is also distributed in the tropics of southern China. So how much is a rich tree? What kinds do you have? How to take care of the family? In fact, the rich tree is a popular potted plant, which can be sown when the temperature is above 20 ℃, and the germination rate is still very high. Compared with the cuttage potted plant bought, the rich tree sown by yourself is easier to maintain.

How much is a rich tree?

1. Small ones, 10 yuan per tree. Large ones, 80 yuan per tree.

What are the kinds of rich trees?

1. Taiwan Fortune Tree

Taiwan's rich tree, known as Malabali in Chinese, is of Mexican origin. Taiwan is the most widely cultivated, and most of the plants planted in the mainland of the motherland are introduced from Taiwan.

two。 Big leaf rich tree

Daye Fortune Tree, formerly known as Queensland umbrella tree, originated in Australia.

3. Make a fortune and grow a beautiful tree

Rich beautiful tree is goose palm wood, belongs to Araliaceae, produced in Taiwan, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Fujian, Hainan Island and other places.

The three are all compound leaves, and most of the former have six or seven leaflets on each petiole, but there are also eight. Because of the homonym of "eight" and "Fa", some florist owners call it "Wealth Tree".

How to take care of the family?

The rich tree is a perennial evergreen shrub, native to Malaysia Peninsula and Nanyang Islands. In recent years, through cultivation and breeding, it has been widely used in urban and rural families in China. As a family cultivation, we should pay attention to the following four points according to their living habits of high temperature, humidity, frost and dryness:

1. Pay attention to the sunshine

The rich tree likes high temperature, humidity and sunlight, so it can't be shaded for a long time. Therefore, it should be placed in a sunny place indoors during maintenance and management. When placed, the leaves must be facing the sun. Otherwise, because the leaves tend to light, the whole branches and leaves will be distorted. In addition, spray water to the leaves every 3 to 5 days, which is not only conducive to photosynthesis, but also make the branches and leaves more beautiful.

two。 Pay attention to watering

Watering is an important link in the process of maintenance management. If the amount of water is small, the development of branches and leaves will stagnate; if the amount of water is too large, it may lead to the death of rotten roots; if the amount of water is moderate, the branches and leaves will be hypertrophic. The first principle of watering is rather wet than dry, followed by "two more and less", that is, more watering in summer and less in winter; large and medium-sized plants with vigorous growth should be watered more, and small plants newly planted in pots should be watered less. When the amount of watering is too large, it is easy to make the roots of the plant rotten, causing the leaves to sag, lose luster, and even fall off. At this time, it should be moved to a cool place immediately, the amount of water should be reduced to a minimum, as long as the basin soil is not dry, spray water on the leaves many times a day with a spray can, stop fertilizing water, about 15 to 20 days can gradually recover.

3. Pay attention to fertilization

The rich tree is fond of fertilizing flowers and trees, and the demand for fertilizer is greater than other common flowers and trees. When changing the basin every year, the proportion of fertile soil can account for 1 / 3 or even more. Fertile soil comes from a wide range of sources, which can be collected from deciduous humus soil of broad-leaved trees and mixed with a little pastoral soil and mixed bean cake dregs. This fertile soil is highly effective and easy to obtain, but attention should be paid to full maturity so as not to "burn" the leaves. In addition, during the growing period of rich trees (from May to September), mature liquid fertilizer or mixed flower fertilizer can be applied every 15 days to promote deep roots and luxuriant leaves.

4. Pay attention to temperature and humidity

The rich tree has higher requirements for temperature and humidity. If the temperature is low or the humidity is missing, the leaves will often fall, and when the branches are bald, it will not only hinder the ornamental, but also easily cause plant death. Therefore, attention should be paid to keeping the temperature above 15 ℃ and often spraying water to the branches and leaves to increase the necessary humidity. In late autumn and winter, we should pay attention to overwintering cold prevention, anti-freezing management and protection.

The garden use of the rich tree:

1. As a pile landscape tree

Because the rich tree has a strong germination rate, it can grow new branches and leaves quickly after some construction work, so the rich tree can keep its branches and leaves luxuriant all the time. As a chic pile landscape tree, the rich tree needs to be bent or braided in the young stage of the rich tree, and cut off and dried when the rich tree grows up.

two。 As a shade tree

The rich tree can be used as a shade tree in landscaping to shade. In the early landscaping, the rich trees were often planted alone or opposite to each other to create a cool and comfortable garden environment to cover the scorching sun. Later, the rich tree was used in the garden and green space, and it was also planted in some scenic spots. The rich tree is an evergreen tall tree, which can grow a trunk of 10m and a large crown, forming a large shade, which can cover the scorching sun, adjust the temperature, and bring a good and comfortable rest environment. The rich tree has flat leaves, no bad smell, strong growth and fecundity, and can adapt to different ecological environments. The tree shape of the rich tree also has high ornamental value. These characteristics determine that it can be widely used by landscaping workers. As a specific application of shade trees, we can decide to plant, isolated or cluster rich trees according to the size of the actual site area of the garden and the height of the surrounding buildings.

3. As a street tree

The rich tree can be used as a street tree in the greening of the garden. The rich tree belongs to the tree species that is easy to take root, with well-developed roots, which can store a large amount of water, requires less water, has strong drought tolerance, and does not need regular irrigation; the rich tree has strong growth ability, few diseases and insect pests, and is easy to be managed and protected in the garden; the rich tree has strong adaptability, a wide range of applications, rapid growth, and can be pruned repeatedly. The tree shape is beautiful, the crown width is large, can form a large shade, very suitable as a sidewalk tree, cultivated in the sidewalk green belt or sub-lane greenway and other places, can improve the overall ecological quality of the garden environment. As the application of the street tree, the wealth tree needs to grow according to the natural tree shape, and the seventh fulcrum needs a high height to meet the normal passage of pedestrians and vehicles on the road. When the road surface is narrow or large vehicles are needed to pass by, it is necessary to keep the branching point of the wealth tree above 3.0m to 3.5m. When the road surface is wide or in a walking commercial street, the branching point of the rich tree can be kept between 2.5m and 3.0m. When the turning radius of the street is very small or there is no good view, you should not plant wealth trees on the street to prevent them from blocking the view of pedestrians or vehicle drivers.

The flower words of the rich tree:

1. Money and treasures will be plentiful

Making a fortune tree in the southeast will help to attract wealth and treasure. Clean up the sundries stacked in the southeast, and then move the gold items that destroy the wood's energy, you can begin to plan the fengshui of the southeast, which can strengthen the color of the energy in the southeast, including the dark blue of the water and the green of the trees. The rich tree is the best choice.

two。 Fengshui implication

If you put a fortune tree on the wind level, the family will become more energetic. The wind level is very suitable for placing bonsai to enhance the energy of the wood line. Bonsai to keep healthy and luxuriant, avoid using dried flowers, because it will accumulate Yin gas, rich tree is the most popular choice.

3. It means to get rich.

The meaning of the name is self-evident, get rich. Because the thick leaves of the rich tree are rich in water, it needs a lot of sunlight and little water. In winter, the rich tree will go into hibernation and need less water. Any fertilizer rich in potassium is suitable for the rich tree. If you are lucky, the tree will blossom in December or July, when a windfall is likely to come.

4. Money to maintain money

Pressing a large denomination note under the wealth tree will have the effect of raising money with money. Get rich water is already a very meaningful decoration of goods, coupled with the money under the cushion, more conducive to the accumulation of wealth.