
Propagation mode and maintenance management of rich tree

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The reproduction mode of the rich tree 1. Sowing and reproduction can be picked after the fruit is ripe, knock open the fruit shell, take out the seed, sow immediately. Generally, the seeds are sown in the shallow pot with a plant row spacing of 5 cm and 10 cm, the sowing substrate is plain sand, and the sowing depth is 3 cm to 4 cm. Soak the seeds with water after sowing

The mode of reproduction of the rich tree

1. Sowing and reproduction

After the fruit is ripe, you can pick it, knock open the shell, take out the seed, and sow it immediately. Generally, the seeds are sown in the shallow pot according to the plant row spacing of 5 cm × 10 cm, the sowing substrate is plain sand, and the sowing depth is 3 cm to 4 cm. Soak the soil with water after sowing, keep the soil moist, control the temperature at 25-30 ℃, and germinate after 7-10 days. The rich tree is a polyembryonic plant, which can produce 1-4 seedlings per seed, and the propagation coefficient is large. When the seedlings grow to 3-5 leaves, they can be planted in the pot. When putting on the basin, it should be planted shallowly to expose the inflated roots.

2. Cuttage propagation

The cutting propagation is easy to obtain materials, the survival rate is high, and it can also be propagated in large quantities, but the base of the cutting seedlings does not form swelling. Cutting propagation can be carried out in South China all the year round, and it should be carried out from May to August in the north. Cutting propagation often choose branches with top tips as cuttings, cuttings are cut in a basin or sand bed filled with plain sand, watered thoroughly and covered with plastic film to moisturize. Keep the temperature at 25: 28 ℃, keep the basin (bed) moist, and pay attention to shade. It will take about 15 days to take root.

3. Grafting propagation

The rich trees of variegated varieties need to be propagated by grafting in order to maintain their excellent characteristics. The rootstock uses a common rich tree. It is generally grafted from August to September, and the scion has 3 buds, which is grafted by twig split grafting. After grafting, it is placed in a plastic shed to prevent rain. If you take good care of it, you can grow seedlings in that year.

How to cultivate and manage the rich tree?

1. Potted soil selection:

Most of the wealth trees bought now are brought by businessmen. Flower lovers do not have to change the soil immediately after they have bought it. Keep it first, and then consider the matter of changing soil later. If you change the soil, rich trees generally use loose vegetable garden soil or peat soil, rotten leaf soil, coarse sand, plus a small amount of compound fertilizer or chicken manure as base fertilizer and culture soil.

2. Watering management:

The root system of rich trees is very underdeveloped, and many rich trees die because of rotten roots. The situation of watering is different in different places at a time, and the use of pots and soil is also different, so there is no fixed standard of watering. Generally speaking, watering once a month is not rare. In addition, the lack of water plants will not die soon, after watering will soon recover, but if the stagnant water is basically irreparable, wealth trees can usually spray more water, less watering.

3. Fertilization management:

Rich trees do not need to be fertilized when the soil is fertile enough. If they have been raised for a long time, consider giving them thin fertilizer, avoid thick fertilizer, and use some common foliage fertilizer. Be sure to use thin fertilizer.

4. Reasonable pruning:

Generally speaking, rich trees are overcut, so they can also be pruned properly in spring, which can be beautiful on the one hand and promote the growth of new branches on the other.

5. Pest control:

At the initial stage of the rotten stem of the rich tree, 1000 times of the water-soluble powder of 50% germicidal king should be sprayed, sprayed once every 10 days, for 2 or 3 times in a row. Anthracnose can be controlled by spraying 50% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times or 50% carbendazim 600 times, once every 7 to 10 days. Pieris rapae, inchworm and red spider can be sprayed regularly with 40% omethoate 800 times or 50% dichlorvos 1000 times, spraying 2 times every 7 days.

The Propagation method of Rich Tree Propagation, maintenance and Management of Wealth Tree

Fortune tree is very popular because of its indomitable vitality, unique ornamental value, and auspicious name. Next, I will share with you the breeding method and maintenance management of fortune tree.

The breeding method of the rich tree:

The propagation methods of rich trees are generally divided into three types: sowing propagation, cutting propagation and grafting propagation.

1. Sowing and propagation of rich trees

The sowing and propagation of rich tree is one of the most common and simple propagation methods. The reasons for sowing and propagation are: neat sowing seedlings, straight roots and smooth seedlings, large seedling emergence, thick "radish head" shape in the lower part, and improve ornamental value.

2. Cutting propagation of rich trees.

The cutting propagation of the rich tree can be carried out all the year round in the south and from May to August in the north. The top tips and branches will be cut into 10cm and 15cm and inserted into the coarse sand, but the base is not inflated and not straight. The rich tree grows rapidly, and after a period of growth, it often causes the branches to grow too long, which affects the ornamental effect. Generally speaking, the overlong branches can be cut at any time during the growth period, or they can be cut short in combination with cutting propagation in spring to maintain a good plant shape. The cutting propagation of the rich tree is easy to survive, but after the seedling grows up, the rhizome will not become thicker and inflated, and the ornamental value is poor, so it is rarely used.

3. Grafting and propagation of rich trees

Rich trees generally blossom and bear fruit 8 years after sowing, and if they want to blossom and bear fruit ahead of time, two-year-old braided seedlings can be selected as rootstocks, and scions can be selected from one-year-old sturdy branches on evaluated flowering trees. In mid-late February, the split method was adopted, and the survival rate reached 80%. The rich tree blossoms in the second year after grafting, but it can blossom and bear fruit five years ahead of schedule.

Reproduction, maintenance and management of rich trees:

The rich tree is not strict with the light and can adapt to the strong sunshine or low light room, so it is best to cultivate it in the shade shed. During the peak growth period, apply 1cm to 2cm thick rotten cake fertilizer in each pot and cover it with 1cm thick culture. Proper application of multi-component compound fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is beneficial to the expansion of dry base. More hardy, watering would rather be dry than wet. The high temperature and humidity in summer are very beneficial to the rich tree, and it is the fastest growing period. In winter, not less than 5 ℃, it is best to keep 18-20 ℃. Medium amount of water in the growing season, less watering in winter, dry and wet, often spray water to the leaves to keep moist, can grow strong.

Maintenance method of rich tree propagation method of rich tree

Now many families like to raise green plants in their rooms, which are both beautiful and can purify the air, and the rich tree is one of the most popular plants. So, how to maintain the rich tree, and what are the breeding methods? Next, I will tell you about the maintenance methods and breeding methods of rich trees.

Maintenance methods of rich trees

1. The location of the rich tree culture

The general wealth tree is larger, so it is suitable to be placed in a more spacious space, such as living room, study, office and so on. The mini wealth tree does not have much restriction on the space and can be placed as much as you like. What I want to say here is that the rich tree can not grow well in all environments. Therefore, it is recommended that we keep the rich tree in a place with bright light and good ventilation. And be careful not to move it often, and don't put the fortune tree on the side of the TV.

2. Selection of flowerpots for culture of rich trees.

For the choice of flowerpots, in the eyes of many flower friends can not understand, how to grow flowers also depends on the pot? What we are prepared to say is not to look at the style of the pot, but to look at the depth and size of the flowerpot. It is not good if the pot is too deep and too big. Now the big wealth trees on the market are all very deep and large ceramic pots. To tell you the truth, that kind of deep and large pots are really not suitable for raising wealth trees, because the roots of the wealth trees are not well developed, and the air permeability of the pots is very poor. It is very easy to cause the roots of the wealth trees to rot because of watering problems. Therefore, if you like big pots, it is suggested that you can use large pots and small pots to raise wealth trees, which can not only solve the problem of beauty, but also solve the problem of stagnant water in wealth trees.

3. The selection of basin soil for the culture of rich trees.

At present, most of the rich trees are bought in the market, and the potted soil is also brought by businessmen, so flower friends do not need to change the soil immediately after buying it, but they can first raise it and then consider changing the potted soil, but if they have been raised for a long time, they should choose fertile, loose, breathable and water-retaining sandy loam or acidic soil, avoid alkaline soil or clayey soil, and can use loose vegetable garden soil or peat soil, rotten leaf soil and coarse sand. Add a small amount of compound fertilizer or chicken manure as base fertilizer and culture soil.

4. Watering methods of rich trees.

The watering of the rich tree has always been an unclear topic, and it is also a very important topic, because if the water is well watered, the rich tree can grow healthily, and if it is not watered well, it will directly lead to the death of the rich tree. So flower friends should spend more time on this, the rich tree is not resistant to water, and the root system is not developed, so if too much watering or a little stagnant water in the basin soil, it is very easy to cause the root of the rich tree to rot and lead to plant death.

Therefore, it is suggested that flower friends should know whether the soil can volatilize the water quickly before watering their wealth trees. some soils are basically dry in the morning and evening, but some soils are watered once a month or even moist for a month. in addition, some pots are still deep (so the choice of flowerpots is very important), so it is easy for flower friends to continue watering after half a month. The water gradually accumulates after a long time, and you don't know it.

Therefore, watering does not say that it should be watered every few days, it must be watered according to the actual situation. The rich tree plant will not die immediately and can be saved, but if there is stagnant water, it may not be able to be saved. In ordinary times, flower friends should spray water on the leaves of the rich trees every day, especially when the air is dry, in order to meet the requirements of high wet air and keep the leaves clean, fresh and shiny. Remember not to let the rich tree accumulate water, watering should be based on your own actual situation.

5. Fertilization methods for rich trees.

Because the rich tree has plump plants, large leaves and prosperous growth, the rich tree likes fertilizer, and there is a great demand for fertilizer. When changing the basin, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, which generally accounts for 3% of the basin soil. During its growing period, it can be fertilized with mature liquid fertilizer or mixed flower fertilizer every 15 days, in order to promote deep roots and luxuriant leaves. 200 times the solution of 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or double-effect micro-fertilizer can also be applied on the leaf surface for 2 times.

If it is just planted seedlings, in the first year after planting, half a year after topdressing fertilizer, fertilizer can be some solid compound fertilizer. In addition to requiring fertile soil, potted rich trees should stop all forms of topdressing in winter to prevent fertilizer from injuring roots and causing leaves to yellowing or scorched off, otherwise it is difficult to restore the original appearance of the plant.

6. Environmental requirements for the culture of rich trees

The rich tree is not too strict with the sun. It can be watched for 2-4 weeks in a dark place indoors, and can also grow in full sunshine, half-day or shady environment. So it can be placed anywhere in the room for a long time, but always turn the flowerpot to allow the whole plant to receive symmetrical light. In winter, put it in a place with plenty of light indoors.

Rich trees have high requirements for temperature and humidity, so we should pay attention to keep the temperature above 15 ℃ in the process of culture, and often spray water on the branches and leaves of rich trees in order to increase the necessary humidity. If the temperature is too low or the humidity is not enough, there may be fallen leaves, and in serious cases, the branches will be bald, which is not conducive to ornamental, and may also cause the death of rich tree plants.

The propagation method of rich tree

The propagation methods of rich trees are generally divided into three types: sowing propagation, cutting propagation and grafting propagation.

1. Sowing and reproduction

The sowing and propagation of rich tree is one of the most common and simple propagation methods. The reasons for sowing and propagation are: neat sowing seedlings, straight roots and smooth seedlings, large seedling emergence, thick "radish head" shape in the lower part, and improve ornamental value.

2. Cuttage propagation

The cutting propagation of the rich tree can be carried out all the year round in the south and from May to August in the north. The top tips and branches will be cut into 10cm and 15cm and inserted into the coarse sand, but the base is not inflated and not straight. The rich tree grows rapidly, and after a period of growth, it often causes the branches to grow too long, which affects the ornamental effect. Generally speaking, the overlong branches can be cut at any time during the growth period, or they can be cut short in combination with cutting propagation in spring to maintain a good plant shape. The cutting propagation of the rich tree is easy to survive, but after the seedling grows up, the rhizome will not become thicker and inflated, and the ornamental value is poor, so it is rarely used.

3. Grafting propagation

Rich trees generally blossom and bear fruit 8 years after sowing, and if they want to blossom and bear fruit ahead of time, two-year-old braided seedlings can be selected as rootstocks, and scions can be selected from one-year-old sturdy branches on evaluated flowering trees. In mid-late February, the split method was adopted, and the survival rate reached 80%. The rich tree blossoms in the second year after grafting, but it can blossom and bear fruit five years ahead of schedule.

The above is for you to introduce the wealth tree maintenance methods, as well as the wealth tree breeding methods, do you understand? Please pay attention to more household knowledge.