
What is the matter with the yellow leaves of the rich tree?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The first time I knew about Fortune Tree was because of a PSP game called "Le Ke Le Ke." The Q version of Fortune Tree in the picture made me want to stop. Therefore, I began to cultivate Fortune Tree. From not raising it to accumulating experience, I also raised many Fortune Trees.

The Q version of the Fortune Tree in the game of Locke.

The first time I knew that the fortune tree was because of a PSP game called "Locke". In the picture, the Q version of the fortune tree made me unable to stop, so I began to breed the fortune tree. I never raised it to accumulate experience constantly, and I also raised a lot of it, a large part of which died from the yellowing of the leaves of the tree. The yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree is not optimistic. Very often, it is very difficult to treat the yellowed leaves of the rich tree. We can only start with the causes of the yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree, so as to prevent the occurrence of the yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree and avoid the death of the rich tree.

First, too much watering causes the leaves of the rich tree to turn yellow

Those who have had experience in raising know that the rich tree is a plant that doesn't like water, so don't water it easily. If you water too much, it will accumulate for a long time, which will cause the leaves to turn yellow, the inner stem to store too much water, and you will die after a long time. Two of my friends once bought two pots of wealth trees and put them in their respective homes at the same time. One of them was not careful and did not water much when he bought it back. The other friend took good care of the flowers and plants every day. Two months later, the unwatered wealth tree sprouted, which made me conclude that the wealth tree is a kind of plant that does not like water, and it is also a plant suitable for lazy people. If the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow because of excessive watering, the watering should be stopped in time, the soil should be loosened frequently, and if it is not serious, it can restore its health on its own, and if it is serious, it will be useless.

The leaves of the rich tree turn yellow.

Second, nutritional factors cause the leaves of rich trees to turn yellow.

If you don't apply fertilizer for a long time or often, it will cause the leaves of the rich tree to turn yellow. When fertilizing too much, the new leaf thickens and the leaf tip of the old leaf turns yellow. at this time, the fertilizer supply should be stopped in time, and in serious cases, the soil in the basin should be changed; if the leaves are not fertilized or changed for a long time, the leaves will become thinner and yellowing, and nitrogen fertilizer should be provided in time, or new soil should be replaced.

Third, temperature and light cause the leaves of rich trees to turn yellow.

It is hot in summer, the roots of the rich tree can not breathe smoothly, and the nutrition is difficult to absorb. At the same time, the summer sun is strong, which causes the leaf tip to turn yellow. At the low temperature in winter, the leaves of the rich tree can not stand the cold room temperature, and there is no long-term sunlight. The leaves will slowly turn yellow and not green. These are the factors that lead to the yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree, so it is important to adjust the temperature and time to bask in the sun in time in cold and hot seasons. the lowest temperature in winter should not be less than 16 ℃.

The yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree gradually leads to death

Fourth, disease factors cause the leaves of the rich tree to turn yellow.

Root rot and leaf blight are common diseases of rich trees. Both diseases will lead to yellowing of the leaves of rich trees. It is necessary to clean up the yellow leaves in time and spray an appropriate amount of fungicides to suppress this phenomenon. It should be noted that the rich tree is sensitive to drugs, so the dose should not be too much, otherwise it will cause death.

Soil acidity and alkalinity control

The rich tree is sensitive to the acidity and alkalinity of the soil, mainly due to the lack of some necessary nutrient elements under different acid-base conditions, such as lack of iron ion in alkaline soil and lack of magnesium ion in acidic soil. the leaves will gradually turn yellow, which will lead to the death of the rich tree for a long time.

The rich tree is relatively strict to the breeding environment, although many lazy people have successfully raised the rich tree, but after all, raising the rich tree is a project to exercise patience, and it can not be seen whether it is good or bad for a period of time. The people who really raise the wealth tree are those who are careful. The yellowing of the leaves of the wealth tree is a slow process. As long as you observe it carefully, you can find it, treat it in time or change its living state. Is the only way to stop death.

What is the reason for the yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree? what about the yellow leaves of the rich tree?

Nowadays, many families use the tree as a mascot to cultivate it at home, but if it is not raised well, the leaves of the tree will probably turn yellow. So what is the cause of this situation? Is there any solution? Today, the editor briefly introduces several causes and solutions that lead to the yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree.

Causes of yellowing of leaves of rich trees and their solutions

1. Due to watering. Improper watering may cause the leaves of the rich tree to turn yellow. Because the rich tree itself likes a moist and warm environment, the soil should be kept moist. In this way, we have to water the soil thoroughly to prevent the upper layer from getting wet and the lower layer from drying up.

two。 Because of the light. The rich tree itself is a kind of plant that likes sunlight, but it does not mean that it needs strong light. When the eyes are not illuminated for a long time, the leaves of the rich tree may turn yellow. For this situation, we need to choose a sunny noon, put the wealth tree outside or on the balcony at home, receive sunlight for an hour or two, and slowly relieve the symptoms.

3. Because of diseases and insects. Leaf spot is a very common disease of rich trees. When rich trees get this disease, there will be spots on the leaves, and gradually spread, causing the leaves to turn yellow or wither. In addition, red spiders, or mites are also favored by rich trees, for these phenomena, we can disinfect and disinfect them by spraying garlic juice.

4. Due to fertilization. The rich tree is a plant that needs regular fertilization. The cycle of right and wrong is usually about twenty days. If you fertilize too much, or too often, the leaves will turn yellow. When this happens, we should reduce the number of fertilizers and change the soil frequently.

The above is a brief introduction to the causes of the yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree and the solutions, hoping to help the friends who have these situations when the rich tree at home.

The cause of the yellowing leaves of the rich tree how to solve the problem that the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow

The rich tree is a highly ornamental plant variety, which has been widely concerned by people all the time. Then let's take a look at how the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow. Through the study of the knowledge of the rich tree, we can better apply it to our daily life.

The reason why the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow

1. Overwatering

Some plants do not need to be watered frequently, such as rich trees. If it is often watered, the basin soil will be too wet, which will cause anoxia in the soil, make some fibrous roots rot, hinder normal respiration and absorption of water and nutrients, and cause leaves to turn yellow and fall off.

2. Drought dehydration

If the plants are not watered for a long time, the leaves will inevitably turn yellow. if the soil is not watered properly, it will not only make the soil wet and dry, but also affect the absorption of nutrients, and it is also easy to cause the leaves to be dull and dull, and the leaves wilt and droop. First, the lower old leaves aged, and gradually withered and yellowed off from the bottom up. You can water or spray a small amount of water, and then water normally when the plants return to normal.

3. Excessive fertilization

Excessive fertilization will lead to excessive nutrition of plants, the emergence of new leaves hypertrophy, and many uneven, old leaves dry tip scorched yellow shedding. At this time, you can stop fertilizing, increase the amount of water, and let the fertilizer flow out of the basin.

4. Heat, high temperature or excessive shade

Putting the wealth tree in the sun for a long time can also cause scorch on the tip and edge of young leaves, or yellow shedding of leaves. At this time, it should be moved to a ventilated and cool place.

Putting the wealth tree in shade or in a place with insufficient light for a long time will also cause the leaves of the wealth tree to turn yellow. The shade tolerance of the rich tree is strong, and it can be placed indoors for 2 or 4 weeks and then put in a sunny place, but it should not be placed in a place without sunshine for a long time.

5. Diseases and insect pests

When plants receive fungi and other bacteria will cause leaf spot disease, at this time there will be local leaf necrosis or yellow spots or patches, in serious cases will lead to withered and yellow shedding. At this time, plants should be sprayed with drugs for prevention and control.

6. The temperature is too low

The yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree is also related to the temperature. The lowest temperature of the planting environment in winter is 16-18 ℃, below which the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the leaves are easy to die below 10 ℃. Rich trees can be watered less in winter and occasionally spray water to the page.

The leaves of the rich tree turn yellow.

First, water yellow: caused by excessive watering, which is characterized by no obvious change in old leaves and yellowing of young leaves, which should be controlled immediately.

Second, dry yellow: caused by lack of water, drought, its characteristic is from bottom to top old leaves first yellow, if the lack of water for a little longer, it will be the whole plant yellow leaves, or even death, should be timely watering.

Third, fat yellow: caused by excessive fertilization or high concentration; characterized by thick, shiny and uneven young leaves; fertilizer, ploughing and watering should be controlled.

Fourth, hungry yellow: caused by insufficient fertilizer, low fertilization concentration, and long interval of fertilization; it is characterized by yellow young leaves and tender stems, and if it is not fertilized in time after seeing this phenomenon, it will also cause yellow leaves and even death of the whole plant; for flowers that lack fertilizer, do not apply a large amount of thick fertilizer at one time, so as not to cause root burning.

Fifth, iron deficiency yellow leaves: woody flowers in greenhouse, etc., due to great changes in soil fertility conditions, yellow leaves often appear, characterized by obvious young leaves, light old leaves, yellow mesophyll, green veins, and forming a typical network; ferrous sulfate solution can be used to solve the problem, the method is as follows: 7 parts of cake fertilizer, 5 parts of ferrous sulfate and 200 parts of water.

The causes of the yellowing of the leaves of rich trees and the solutions

1. Improper watering: the rich tree likes the warm and humid climate, and the basin soil should be moist, but the pot soil is generally not dry and watered thoroughly in indoor cultivation. Because, if it is not watered thoroughly, it will affect the absorption of nutrients, resulting in dull and dull leaves, and gradually wither and fall off from the bottom up. In this case, a small amount of water is needed and often sprayed to make it gradually recover and then turn to normal watering.

2. Light discomfort: rich trees like light, but can not tolerate strong direct light. Semi-overcast or scattered light is suitable. Only better light conditions are needed in winter to grow well. Starting from late April, you can choose a sunny noon, move the basin out of the outdoor or balcony, directly see the sun for 1-2 hours, and gradually extend the time, there will be a good breeding effect. If you stay in the shade or dark for a long time, there will be yellowing and defoliation of leaves, and in serious cases, it will also appear.

3. Disease and pest control: leaf spot is a common disease of rich trees, the symptom is that a few spots appear at first, then the spots gradually expand and extend to the whole leaf, and fall off, and can be sterilized with garlic juice. In terms of insect pests, there are mainly red spiders and shell insects. Red spider individual is small, the body length is less than 1 mm, can use mite net, acaroid, triclofenac and so on to carry on the effective control. The individual scale insects vary from species to species and vary in color, but they have a common feature, that is, they are round or oval, generally do not move, suck juice close to the stem or petiole of the plant, and can be wiped clean with strips of cloth, because the scale insects die as soon as they leave the plant, and 0.2% solution of essential oil and washing powder can be sprayed for prevention and control.

4. Too much fertilizer: in general, in the period of suitable temperature for the growth of the rich tree, regular fertilization should be applied to ensure the luxuriant growth of the plant. Generally, thin fertilizer should be applied once in about 20 days, and rotten base fertilizer should be added when changing the basin. If the fertilizer is applied too much, or the fertilizer is not mature, it will cause the rich tree to burn its roots and cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall off.

5. Dust on the leaves: if the dust on the leaves is too thick, it will not only affect the appearance, but also affect the respiration and photosynthesis of the plants, resulting in yellowing of the leaves. Dust should be wiped clean in time.

6. Error in soil exchange operation: when changing soil, incorrect operation will also cause the leaves of the rich tree to turn yellow. When changing the soil for the rich tree, it is necessary to hurt the roots as little as possible, the added matrix should be aseptic, breathable, fertile and slightly acidic, and the basin soil should be filled with no space. If there is a gap, the plant will be irrigated with more water, or the phenomenon of water shortage will occur, resulting in yellowing leaves.

7. Low environmental temperature: the rich tree likes the warm and humid environment. The suitable temperature for its growth is 20-30 ℃. If the temperature is lower than 18 ℃, the rich tree can stop growing, and the temperature as low as 10 ℃ can adapt, but the lowest temperature can not be lower than 5 ℃. Otherwise, freezing injury will occur, the light ones will be scattered, and the heavy ones will die.

8. Hot and high temperature: for wealth trees that are sexually fond of warm and humid environment, if exposed to high temperature, the transpiration of the plant is too high, and the root water and nutrients are in short supply, which can easily cause leaf tip scorch or leaf yellow shedding, which should be moved to a cool place with good ventilation in time.

9. No ventilation: if the branches and leaves of the rich tree grow too luxuriantly and have not been pruned for a long time, the inner branches and leaves of the rich tree are not bright enough, which can easily cause the leaves to yellowing and falling off, so that the pruning should be strengthened in time to make it ventilated and transparent.

10 soil and water alkalinity: the soil and water in most northern areas contain more salt and alkali, which is not suitable for planting acidophilic rich trees. Because of the lack of iron elements that can be absorbed by them in the soil, the leaves of rich trees will gradually turn yellow. When planting, we should pay attention to the selection of acidic soil, and often pour alum fertilizer and water during the growth period.

The above is the relevant introduction of this article, I believe you have a simple understanding of this after reading it, if necessary, you can continue to pay attention to the No. 1 home network to learn more information.