
Does the happiness tree blossom? what are the breeding methods and points for attention?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Happiness tree is a common greening plant, purifying the air and pleasing the mood. Families or offices like to raise happiness trees. Will you be happy if you plant this kind of tree? Does the happiness tree blossom? many people who raise happiness trees do not know that happiness trees can blossom, because the cultivation of happiness trees is very particular about temperature and region.

Happiness tree is a common greening plant, purifying the air and pleasing the mood. Families or offices like to raise happiness trees. Will you be happy if you plant this kind of tree?

Does the tree of happiness blossom?

Many people who raise happiness trees do not know that happiness trees can blossom, because the cultivation of happiness trees pays great attention to temperature and region, and the possibility of planting happiness trees in the north is very slim. in fact, happiness trees can blossom, and the key depends on everyone's level of conservation.

Does the tree of happiness blossom?

1. Flowering conditions

The happiness tree can blossom, but it must be properly maintained. If you want the happiness tree to blossom, you must have the right light, temperature and humidity, and the happiness tree must be maintained for a long time.

In the daily maintenance of the bark, we should pay attention to the following points: maintain the circulation of air and create a ventilated environment; watering to see dry and wet, can often spray water to the happiness tree to maintain humidity; it is the happiness tree that is exposed to sufficient sunlight.

The happiness tree is a perennial plant that can blossom every year if it is properly maintained.

2. Florescence

The flowering period of the happiness tree is different in different environments. The flowering period of the happiness tree usually changes from May to September every year, and it does not bloom very often in the north. Generally speaking, the happiness tree sown and propagated will grow to blossom for a relatively long time. The happiness tree propagated by cuttings and striping will blossom in 2-3 years. The happiness tree blossoms, the flowers are relatively small, the color is light and elegant, the flowers are yellow and light yellow, there is no fragrance. But it gives people a sense of closeness.

3. The implication of the flowering of the happiness tree

Flower language:

Happiness tree, as its name implies, can be seen that its flower language is related to happiness. It represents: peace, happiness, precious happiness.

Signs of flowering:

Happiness tree blossoms, the moral is still good, happiness tree blossoms, is to blossom happiness, pray for family and beauty, happiness. Happiness tree with a touch of small yellow flowers, giving people a touch of warm feeling, is not also a feeling of happiness ah.

The blooming of the happiness tree is a good sign.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Happiness Tree

The cultivation method of happiness tree:

1. Soil

Happiness trees like soil that is loose and fertile, well drained and rich in humus. The soil configuration of the happiness tree bought directly from the outside is generally pastoral soil + rotten leaf soil + mature organic fertilizer + river sand, which is mixed according to 5-15-3-1-1-1. But now perlite or vermiculite is mostly added to the soil to avoid soil hardening.

2. Moisture

Happiness trees like humid environment, during the growth period not only to ensure a high environmental humidity, but also need to maintain a certain amount of soil moisture, but in spring, bud germination and shoot growth process, to properly control moisture to avoid excessive branch growth.

In spring, water is watered every 2-3 days. When the temperature is high in summer and autumn, water is watered once every 1-2 days. In winter, water is properly controlled and water is watered once every 7-7 days. When watering, pay attention to the weather conditions, choose sunny days to water, cloudy days do not water. In addition, in the dry and hot season, spray water to the plant every day to maintain a certain humidity, so as to prevent the leaf water from evaporating and yellowing.

3. Temperature

The happiness tree likes a warm, humid environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is between 20 and 30 degrees. When the environment exceeds 30 degrees, it is necessary to properly cover the temperature, increase the environment and foliar spray, or move it to a cool and ventilated place. When the temperature drops below ten degrees, move the happiness tree into the shed. During the overwintering period, the indoor temperature should not be lower than 8 degrees, and the lowest temperature should not be less than 5 degrees, so as to avoid cold injury or fallen leaves.

4. Humidity

Happiness tree likes the humid environment, the air humidity is generally maintained at 70% to 80%, the well-ventilated toilet humidity is very good! When placed indoors, you can often spray plants with slightly warmer water to keep the leaves beautiful and increase the humidity of the air.

5. Lighting

Happiness trees are light-loving, slightly shade-tolerant, and can grow in full-day or semi-shady environments.

The happiness tree has different performance in different growth stages, the seedling stage is more shade-tolerant, shading can grow well; adult plants had better be placed in front of indoor windows with sufficient light, sometimes full light, sometimes scattered light. If the happiness tree grows in a dark environment for a long time, it is easy to cause fallen leaves.

6. Fertilization

Every April, when the temperature rises, the happiness tree will be moved to outdoor breeding, combined with turning the basin, adding a certain compound fertilizer to the soil; the rotten liquid fertilizer will die once a month in the peak growing season, and the phosphorus and potassium fertilizer will be applied once after the Mid-Autumn Festival to enhance the cold resistance of the plant and ensure its safe passage through the winter.

It should be noted that fertilization should be stopped when the summer temperature is higher than 32 ℃ and the winter temperature is lower than 12 ℃. Because at this temperature, the happiness tree grows slowly, the absorption capacity of fertilizer is poor, fertilizer stays in the basin soil for a long time, which is easy to cause fertilizer damage.

Little happiness tree

The Little Happiness Tree and the Happiness Tree are plants, but people seem to prefer the mini version. The characteristic of the little happiness tree is that the leaves are bright, as if they are fake, and they are very beautiful.

The breeding method of the small happiness tree and the big happiness tree is no different, the environment is the same, but watering, fertilizing amount watering, adjust according to the size of the flowerpot. Generally speaking, the flowerpot is smaller and the water evaporates faster, so the watering cycle should be shortened appropriately according to the dry and wet condition of the pot soil.

Points for attention in the cultivation of Happiness Tree:

1. Avoid frostbite

Summer and winter is the hardest part of the happiness tree, either hot or cold, hot is fine, but when it is cold, the plant is easy to frostbite. Therefore, the degree of happiness should be moved to indoor maintenance in time after winter, and the temperature should be kept above 10 ℃. If the heat preservation measures are improper and the temperature is below 5 ℃ for a long time, it is likely to cause chilling injury and lead to leaf loss.

2. Diseases and insect pests

Happy trees are afraid of freezing in winter and stuffy in summer, and the muggy environment can easily lead to all kinds of diseases and insect pests. Precautions should be taken in time. As soon as you find bugs on the leaves, spray immediately and strengthen ventilation. If the leaves are yellowing and falling off, clean the yellowed leaves in time and spray fungicides.

Happiness tree breeding methods and matters needing attention, happiness tree leaves off, happiness tree pictures, happiness tree breeding method happiness tree perhaps many people do not know very well, in fact, this is a kind of plant called bean tree, can also be called bean tree. It can be said that the happiness tree is easy to breed, and its growth requirements are not very high. It likes the environment of high temperature, humidity and sufficient sunshine. Resistant to high temperature, afraid of cold, should be moist, avoid drying. The happiness tree can be fed almost as long as there is water, so even some people who do not have time to take care of it can raise it. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Happiness Tree

I. the cultivation method of Happiness Tree

Happiness tree likes warm and hot environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. During the hot summer, when the ambient temperature is more than 30 ℃, it is necessary to build a shed to cover the shade, increase the environment and foliar spray, or move it to a cool and ventilated place with shade. At the end of autumn, when the ambient temperature drops to about 10 ℃, it should be moved to the shed in time. During the overwintering period, it is best to maintain a greenhouse temperature of not less than 8 ℃, and a minimum of 5 ℃, so as to avoid cold injury or fallen leaves. Family potted plants can be moved to rooms with air conditioners or electric heaters to ensure that the room temperature is not less than 8 ℃, so that they can survive the winter safely.

The happiness tree loses its leaves

Analysis on the reasons for the loss of leaves in Happiness Tree

1. According to the reason of temperature: bean trees like warm environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. During the hot summer, when the ambient temperature is more than 30 ℃, it is necessary to build a shed to cover the shade, increase the environment and foliar spray, or move it to a cool and ventilated place with shade. At the end of autumn, when the ambient temperature drops to about 10 ℃, it should be moved to the shed in time.

The leaves of the happiness tree turn yellow.

What if the leaves of the happiness tree turn yellow?

The happiness tree is a positive tree species, which likes light, is tolerant to half shade, has strong drought resistance, has a high survival rate of seedlings, and is easy to survive and take shape when transplanting big trees. Good attention should be paid to the maintenance to avoid yellow leaves and other problems. The main reasons for the yellowing of happiness tree leaves are as follows:

1. Excessive temperature causes yellow pages and leaves. Many friends will not pay attention to the comfort of the plant when placing the happiness tree plant, usually placed quite close to the air conditioner and the computer, and some friends will direct the plant to the air outlet of the computer, so that the plant will be very uncomfortable. I'm sure you won't be able to lose the leaves.

Propagation method of Happiness Tree

1. The method of pressing and breeding of Happiness Tree:

From March to April, circular peeling can be carried out under the nodes of 2-year-old strong branches or stems, and the peeling width is generally 2 to 3 times the diameter of the pressed stem. Under the ring peeling mouth, tie a piece of plastic film of 15cm × 20cm. Using clean, moist peat or sandy loam, squeeze a lump of soil with a diameter of 8 cm to 10 cm at the ring. Then, wrap the soil mass with plastic film, leave a good water port at the upper end, and tie it against the thick trunk to prevent the droop from being broken by the wind. At the end of autumn, after the ring peeling mouth grew a better root system, it was cut off from the mother plant and planted in a pot.

Happiness tree pictures

First, about the happiness tree:

The happiness tree is the bean tree. Bean tree is also called: snake tree, bean tree, elder umbrella, oxtail tree, Chaoyang flower, kidney bean, Kuling uncle (Taiwan), lobular oxtail, Golu (Hainan Island), Snake tree, safflower tree (list of trees and shrubs in Guangdong), oxtail tree (second volume of tree science), cowpea tree (Yunnan Funing), pepper tree (Yunnan estuary), elder umbrella, forest umbrella, Chaoyang flower, oxtail wood (Guangxi practical Chinese herbal medicine), bean wood, Oxtail bean, snake bean, Dachaoyang (veterinary medicinal plant in Guangxi), dead cat tree (Hainan) and so on. There are many names, also known as Happiness Tree, Kirin Ziwei and other commodity names in the flower market.

Does the tree of happiness blossom?

The scientific name "Happiness Tree" is Bean Tree, which enjoys a hot, humid and sunny environment. Resistant to high temperature, afraid of cold, should be moist, avoid drying. Loam and sandy loam which are loose and fertile, well drained and rich in organic matter should be used for cultivation. Flowering from May to September and fruiting from October to December.

The function of Happiness Tree

Happiness tree is such an ornamental plant. 1. It can remove the bad smell. Happiness tree potted plant, can effectively absorb formaldehyde, benzene, is the preferred plant after decoration of the house. Through the leaves can correct odor and antibacterial, the absorption of carbon monoxide and other harmful gases in the air also has a certain ability, of course, it also plays a certain role in resisting the exhaust gas produced by tobacco combustion. Therefore, the happiness tree can be used as an "efficient air purifier" in the new house.

Does the happiness tree purify the air?

Green plants play a very good role in beautifying the home, and they are even more outstanding in purifying the air. Happiness tree is such an ornamental plant.

1. It can remove the bad smell. Happiness tree potted plant, can effectively absorb formaldehyde, benzene, is the preferred plant after decoration of the house. Through the leaves can correct odor and antibacterial, the absorption of carbon monoxide and other harmful gases in the air also has a certain ability, of course, it also plays a certain role in resisting the exhaust gas produced by tobacco combustion. Therefore, the happiness tree can be used as an "efficient air purifier" in the new house.

2. It can release oxygen at night. In addition to purifying the air, the happiness tree can also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night, increasing the content of negative ions in the air and increasing air humidity. Because of this, the happiness tree is of great help in improving indoor air quality. The small happiness tree is also suitable to be placed in the bedroom, which can replenish oxygen, purify the air and help us sleep.

3. It shows a personal appreciation style. The so-called love of beauty, everyone has, although the happiness tree does not want the flowers there gorgeous and moving, colorful, but it reveals the beauty of fortitude in simplicity.

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Does the happiness tree blossom? Picture of Happiness Tree blossoming

Happiness tree is a very good foliage type large potted plant, which is generally cultivated indoors in the north, but most of them are raised in home and office environment. The leaves are dense and green, full of vitality, and can be used as a thriving plant. Bring happiness to people. Let's take a look at whether the happiness tree will blossom or not.

Does the happiness tree blossom?

The tree of happiness blossoms. In fact, many people who raise happiness trees do not know that happiness trees can blossom, because the cultivation of happiness trees is very particular about temperature and region, and the possibility of planting happiness trees in the north is very small. The blooming of the happiness tree depends on strict environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and sunlight, and grows to a certain number of years. For example, pay attention to ventilation, pay attention to watering, try to bask in the sun, as long as you take good care of it, it is possible to blossom every year.

The habits of the Happiness Tree

Happiness tree likes warm and hot environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. During the hot summer, when the ambient temperature is more than 30 ℃, it is necessary to build a shed to cover the shade, increase the environment and foliar spray, or move it to a cool and ventilated place with shade. At the end of autumn, when the ambient temperature drops to about 10 ℃, it should be moved to the shed in time. During the overwintering period, it is best to maintain a greenhouse temperature of not less than 8 ℃, and a minimum of 5 ℃, so as to avoid cold injury or fallen leaves.

How to raise the happiness tree

1. Temperature: the happiness tree likes a warm and humid environment, and temperature is the most important. The temperature during the day is controlled between 19 ℃-21 ℃ and at night between 18 ℃-20 ℃, which is the most suitable temperature for growth. Too high or too low will affect its growth. Try to keep the temperature below 27 ℃ in hot summer. When the ambient temperature is very high, it is necessary to use a shed for shade. Increase the humidity of the environment, thus increasing the humidity of the leaf surface. When in winter, the temperature should not be less than 8 degrees and the humidity should not be less than 5 degrees, otherwise the temperature will be frostbitten.

2. Humidity: the happiness tree likes to be moist to the soil environment and indoor environment. The humidity in the room is controlled between 70 and 80%. The humidity can not be controlled in the large banquet hall, we spray the leaves once in the morning and evening, if the humidity is too low or in a dry environment for a long time, the leaves will curl and turn yellow, affecting the ornamental.

3. Illumination: the Happiness Tree is a kind of plant that likes sunshine and can endure shade. It is very important in light. Happiness Tree likes to grow in a semi-shady environment. In the north, we usually keep it indoors, so there is no problem of direct sunlight. I am afraid that if I keep it in a dark place for a long time, where both direct and scattered light can not be illuminated, when the time is long, the leaves will fall off. So winter should be placed on the balcony or sunny window to enrich the light.

4. Watering: when it comes to summer, potted happiness trees should be watered every 3 to 4 days, but it also depends on individual conditions. In winter, the happiness tree almost stops growing indoors in the north, and watering should be controlled in the basin soil. Water it thoroughly. If you don't water it, you can't pour a drop of water into the basin. This is the principle, please remember.

5. Pruning: the purpose of cultivating Happy trees is to watch and set off the indoor environment. If the tree does not look like it, it is not beautiful, so it should be pruned attentively, generally in the shape of mushrooms or round piles. Cut off some old leaves and yellow leaves.

6. Soil: when a happiness tree is growing, soil is equally important. Choose soil that is loose, breathable, well drained and nutritious. It is usually prepared with the ratio of garden soil: rotten leaf soil: rotten organic fertilizer: River sand = 5 to keep the soil loosened once a month during the growing season to ensure that its roots are always in a good state of permeability. If it is found that there is stagnant water in the basin, it should be removed as soon as possible, and the basin soil should be turned over and changed after the basin soil is dry, so as to keep the happiness tree growing better.

7. Fertilization: fertilize the happiness tree frequently during the growing period to ensure the exuberant growth of the happiness tree. Compound fertilizer or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 20:10:10 or farm fertilizer can be stopped in winter.

8. Disease prevention: to deal with the pests on the happy tree, there are generally shell insects, mites, aphids, scale must-die, parathion, paracetamol, zinc parathion, omethoate, and dimethoate. As long as it is ventilated and ventilated frequently, there will be no pests in general. The disease resistance of the happiness tree is still very strong. If the pest is not serious, it can be removed by hand.