
[fortune tree] the price and culture method of fortune tree

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, [fortune tree] the price and culture method of fortune tree

The rich tree is an evergreen shrub with erect stems and large leaves that rely on each other. The rich tree has 12 smaller leaves, and the leaflets are about 12-15 cm long and 6 cm wide. The leaf shape of the rich tree is very strange, and although its name is a bit tacky, it bears a good omen of good luck. The price of the rich tree is related to its variety.

The original name of Taiwan Fortune Tree is the Parama Chestnut we mentioned above. Its origin is in Mexico. Because it is widely planted in Taiwan, it is called Taiwan Wealth Tree. Most of the wealth trees planted in mainland China are introduced from Taiwan and have good ornamental value. The price of a small Taiwan fortune tree is only 20 or 30 yuan.

The big leaf rich tree was originally called Queensland umbrella tree, and its origin is Australia. The ornamental value of the big-leaf rich tree is mainly reflected in the leaves, so when breeding, we should pay attention to the best sunny leaves in order to make it grow better, but also pay attention to more watering, the principle of watering is that it would rather be wet than dry. The price of the big leaf rich tree is about sixty yuan.

Rich and beautiful tree is goose palm wood, which belongs to Araliaceae and is widely produced in Taiwan, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Fujian, Hainan Island and other places. Its wood texture is relatively soft, can be used as matchsticks or raw materials for steamers, its leaves and roots can be used as medicine, specializing in the treatment of injuries and influenza. The prices of this kind of wealth tree range from dozens of yuan to hundreds of yuan.

1. Temperature: the lowest temperature of farmed rich trees in winter should not exceed 16 degrees, otherwise the leaves of rich trees will turn yellow, fall off or even die. two。 Humidity: to keep sufficient moisture in the basin soil, but no stagnant water, less watering in winter. 3. Light: the rich tree is afraid of the cold and the sun. It needs to be placed in a place with strong light after it has been placed in a place with weak light for two or three weeks.

Conclusion: the rich tree is native to Australia and some islands in the Pacific Ocean. It is suitable for growing in a warm, humid and ventilated environment, and it can also grow well in the tropics. If you also raise a wealth tree, it grows best in a loose, fertile and well-drained soil. The price of the rich tree is not expensive, it can not only play the role of decorating the interior, but also has a certain ability to purify the air!

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The price of the rich tree and the method of culture.

The rich tree is an evergreen shrub with erect stems and large leaves that rely on each other. The rich tree has 12 smaller leaves, and the leaflets are about 12-15 cm long and 6 cm wide. The leaf shape of the rich tree is very strange, and although its name is a bit tacky, it bears a good omen of good luck. The price of the rich tree is related to its variety.

The original name of Taiwan Fortune Tree is the Parama Chestnut we mentioned above. Its origin is in Mexico. Because it is widely planted in Taiwan, it is called Taiwan Wealth Tree. Most of the wealth trees planted in mainland China are introduced from Taiwan and have good ornamental value. The price of a small Taiwan fortune tree is only 20 or 30 yuan.

The big leaf rich tree was originally called Queensland umbrella tree, and its origin is Australia. The ornamental value of the big-leaf rich tree is mainly reflected in the leaves, so when breeding, we should pay attention to the best sunny leaves in order to make it grow better, but also pay attention to more watering, the principle of watering is that it would rather be wet than dry. The price of the big leaf rich tree is about sixty yuan.

Rich and beautiful tree is goose palm wood, which belongs to Araliaceae and is widely produced in Taiwan, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Fujian, Hainan Island and other places. Its wood texture is relatively soft, can be used as matchsticks or raw materials for steamers, its leaves and roots can be used as medicine, specializing in the treatment of injuries and influenza. The prices of this kind of wealth tree range from dozens of yuan to hundreds of yuan.

1. Temperature: the lowest temperature of farmed rich trees in winter should not exceed 16 degrees, otherwise the leaves of rich trees will turn yellow, fall off or even die. two。 Humidity: to keep sufficient moisture in the basin soil, but no stagnant water, less watering in winter. 3. Light: the rich tree is afraid of the cold and the sun. It needs to be placed in a place with strong light after it has been placed in a place with weak light for two or three weeks.

Conclusion: the rich tree is native to Australia and some islands in the Pacific Ocean. It is suitable for growing in a warm, humid and ventilated environment, and it can also grow well in the tropics. If you also raise a wealth tree, it grows best in a loose, fertile and well-drained soil. The price of the rich tree is not expensive, it can not only play the role of decorating the interior, but also has a certain ability to purify the air!

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[picture of rich tree] the culture method of rich tree and the price of rich tree

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