
how to soak seeds Learn more about how to soak seeds

  • How to plant the latest chili seeds?

    How to plant the latest chili seeds?

    How do you plant chili seeds? Pepper is a very common ingredient, some vegetable friends want to grow their own, pepper seeds are easy to get, but do not know how to plant pepper seeds, in fact, pepper planting is still very simple, this paper is suitable for family planting from two angles. Pepper seed

    2020-11-10 The latest chili seed how plant
  • How do you plant chili seeds?

    How do you plant chili seeds?

    How do you plant chili seeds?

  • What are the methods of accelerating germination of pepper seeds in Solanaceae? How to soak chili seeds? How many days can it sprout?

    What are the methods of accelerating germination of pepper seeds in Solanaceae? How to soak chili seeds? How many days can it sprout?

    The genus Capsicum is an annual or limited perennial herb. The fruit is usually conical or oblong. In pepper planting, the germination rate of pepper seeds is a concern of growers. What are the methods of accelerating germination of pepper seeds? How many days can it sprout? First, seed selection: sure

    2020-11-09 Solanaceae plants chili seeds sprouting methods what how
  • How to plant cucumber seeds? Introduction to sowing methods of Cucumber Seeds

    How to plant cucumber seeds? Introduction to sowing methods of Cucumber Seeds

    How to plant cucumber seeds? Cucumber usually uses sexual reproduction (seed reproduction) when planting, but because the juice of cucumber contains some plant alkaloids and organic acids that inhibit growth, they can inhibit seed germination, if they are treated before sowing, it is difficult for cucumbers to germinate even after sowing.

  • How long does it take to soak rice seeds?

    How long does it take to soak rice seeds?

    It takes 48-72 hours to soak seeds below 20 ℃, 30-48 hours when seed soaking temperature is 20-25 ℃, and only 24-30 hours when seed soaking temperature is above 25 ℃. For rice seeds sown in the first and middle of May, the soaking time can be slightly longer, but not more than 60 hours.

    2020-11-09 Rice soaking seeds much long time below need
  • What are the key points of soaking vegetable seeds? How to choose and buy good seeds?

    What are the key points of soaking vegetable seeds? How to choose and buy good seeds?

    Vegetables are one of the inseparable foods in our life. We should eat a certain amount of vegetables and fruits every day, which is beneficial to human health. There are many varieties of vegetables, and some varieties of vegetables are propagated by seeds. In order to improve the germination rate of vegetables, the seeds will be soaked in advance.

    2020-11-08 Vegetables seeds soaking seeds techniques key points what are they and how
  • What are the common seed germination methods of fruits and vegetables such as tomato and eggplant? How many days can it sprout?

    What are the common seed germination methods of fruits and vegetables such as tomato and eggplant? How many days can it sprout?

    The seeds of fruits and vegetables such as tomato and eggplant germinate slowly and need to be accelerated. Usually, the seeds are sterilized, soaked, and then germinated. What are the seed germination methods of fruits and vegetables such as tomato and eggplant? How many days can it sprout? After budding treatment, the seed

    2020-11-09 Common tomato eggplant etc. fruits vegetables seeds
  • How to soak seeds and accelerate sprouting of the latest cucumber

    How to soak seeds and accelerate sprouting of the latest cucumber

    Before planting cucumber, in order to promote seed germination as soon as possible, improve germination rate, and lay a solid foundation for high yield, seed soaking and germination treatment should be carried out before sowing. So how to soak cucumber seeds to promote budding? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction with the editor.

    2020-11-10 The latest cucumber how to soak seeds accelerate budding in planting before
  • How do you plant the latest cucumber seeds?

    How do you plant the latest cucumber seeds?

    How do cucumber seeds grow? Cucumber is usually used for sexual reproduction (seed reproduction) when planted, but because the cucumber juice contains some plant alkaloids, organic acids, etc. that inhibit growth, they have the effect of inhibiting seed germination.

    2020-11-10 latest cucumber seed how
  • How to plant cucumber seeds?

    How to plant cucumber seeds?

    How to plant cucumber seeds?

  • How to soak the seeds of carrots?

    How to soak the seeds of carrots?

    How to soak the seeds of carrots? Please guide carrot seeds because the epidermis is attached to a layer of bristles, so sow according to the conventional method, the emergence is slow and irregular. After years of practice, the effect of soaking seeds with hydrogen peroxide solution is better, and it has been popularized and applied in the carrot production base of Xiangcheng County. The time of soaking the seeds will be 2.

  • How to treat spinach seeds before sowing

    How to treat spinach seeds before sowing

    How to treat spinach seeds before sowing

  • How to improve the germination rate of pepper seeds?

    How to improve the germination rate of pepper seeds?

    How to improve the germination rate of pepper seeds? Do you have any netizens to give me some advice on how to improve the germination rate of chili seeds? the land network is arranged below for netizens' reference. Method 1, soak the seeds first and then scald the seeds: the general farmers first disinfect the hot pepper seeds with hot water and then soak the seeds, and according to the pen, they all try it many times.

  • How to do with pepper seed disease?

    How to do with pepper seed disease?

    How to do with pepper seed disease? Is there any way to eliminate the disease of pepper seed belt? Please guide that there are the following diseases in pepper seeds: quenched seedlings, blight, bacterial spots, virus disease, cotton blight, Verticillium wilt and so on.

  • How to deal with the latest spinach seeds before sowing

    How to deal with the latest spinach seeds before sowing

    Spinach is one of the main vegetables in China, and its planting area is very large in our country. Although the output of spinach is high, there are many places we need to pay more attention to when we plant spinach. In particular, the treatment of spinach seeds before sowing, such as soaking

    2020-11-10 The latest spinach seeds sowing before how treatment is
  • How to disinfect tomato seeds?

    How to disinfect tomato seeds?

    What's the use of disinfecting tomato seeds? How to disinfect tomato seeds? Hope that experienced netizens can help introduce tomato seeds that have not been coated before sowing, need to carry out seed disinfection treatment, farming network collated the benefits of tomato seed disinfection and disinfection methods, listed below for netizens' reference. ...

  • How to plant mini pumpkin seeds?

    How to plant mini pumpkin seeds?

    How to plant mini pumpkin seeds? Please guide the method of planting mini pumpkin seeds before sowing can be treated as follows: ① Chemical disinfection trisodium phosphate method: 10% phosphoric acid trimirror solution soaked pumpkin seeds for 20 minutes, removed and washed, the pumpkin mosaic virus control effect is better. Bleach disinfection...

  • How to deal with asparagus seeds before planting?

    How to deal with asparagus seeds before planting?

    How to deal with asparagus seeds before planting? What should be paid attention to when dealing with seeds? Ask the netizens who have planted to introduce asparagus planting, whether it is direct seeding cultivation or seedling transplanting cultivation, strict seed treatment must be carried out before sowing. The planting net has sorted out the treatment methods before sowing asparagus seeds.

  • How to disinfect rice seeds

    How to disinfect rice seeds

    Rice seedling raising is about to begin, and seed disinfection is the key to raising rice seedlings. Ten methods of seed disinfection were introduced. First, soak rice seeds in 500 times solution of 50% carbendazim, 50% thiram methyl or 50% thiram for 48 hours (200 grams of solution mixed with water 100 kilograms can soak rice seeds 60-70 kilograms), then remove and accelerate germination and sow seeds.

  • How to kill rice dry-tip nematode

    How to kill rice dry-tip nematode

    After the rice dry-tip nematode erodes rice, it will make the plant leaf tip form a unique white tip, and then necrosis. the invasion of this pest has brought serious economic losses to farmers. How does the rice stem tip bug spread? How do I kill him? 1. The dry tip of rice is such as

    2020-11-08 Rice dry tip nematode how kill rice