
What are the methods of accelerating germination of pepper seeds in Solanaceae? How to soak chili seeds? How many days can it sprout?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The genus Capsicum is an annual or limited perennial herb. The fruit is usually conical or oblong. In pepper planting, the germination rate of pepper seeds is a concern of growers. What are the methods of accelerating germination of pepper seeds? How many days can it sprout? First, seed selection: sure

The genus Capsicum is an annual or limited perennial herb. The fruit is usually conical or oblong. In pepper planting, the germination rate of pepper seeds is a concern of growers. What are the methods of accelerating germination of pepper seeds? How many days can it sprout?

(1) selection of species:

Be sure to select seeds with full, uniform size and high purity, and remove soil impurities from the seeds so as not to affect germination or cause rotten seeds.

2. Disinfection:

① soaked seeds with 10% copper sulfate solution to control anthracnose and bacterial leaf spot. The method is to soak the seeds in clean water for 4-5 hours, then soak the seeds with potion for 5 minutes, rinse and then sprout.

② soaked seeds in 0.2% Mel 0.4% zinc sulfate solution under the condition of 20 ℃-25 ℃ for 12 hours, which could inhibit the occurrence of pepper virus disease.

③ was soaked in cold water for 3-4 hours, then moved into 50% carbendazim 500x solution for 1 hour and washed with clean water to kill or purify pepper virus.

Third, soaking seeds:

Soak the seeds with 20 ℃-30 ℃ water before germination to make the seeds absorb enough water and speed up the budding speed. The duration of seed soaking varies with seed maturity and water temperature. The more fully mature the seed is, the longer the soaking time is, and the lower the water temperature is, the longer it takes. Pepper seeds need to be soaked for 6-8 hours.

Fourth, sprouting:

Control the soaked seeds to remove water, wrap them with well-ventilated gauze, and make sure that the seeds are loose and do not press too tightly.

Soak the selected seeds in warm water of about 30 ℃ for 15 minutes, then lower the water temperature to 35 ℃, soak for 10-12 hours, rinse with clean water, put them into a clean wet cloth bag and place them under 28 ℃-30 ℃ to accelerate germination. Pepper can sprout in 5-6 days.

Methods to improve the germination rate of Pepper Seeds

(1) soak the seeds first and then scald the seeds

In general, farmers first disinfect pepper seeds with hot water and then soak them, and according to many experiments, it is better to soak the seeds first and then blanch the seeds for disinfection. Because the dry seeds are directly scalded and sterilized, a small number of blighted seeds and aged seeds are easy to die under fierce high temperature and lose their germination ability, while soaking seeds first can increase the resistance of these seeds because they are enlarged in the country first, thus increasing the germination rate.

(2) Water consumption of soaking seeds

Generally submerged seeds can be, do not add too much water, so as not to dilute the internal nutrients of the seeds, affecting the germination rate.

(3) Water temperature of soaking seeds.

In order to improve the germination rate, the water temperature should be kept at about 30 ℃, which can quickly enter the suitable temperature stage with growth vigor and enhance the seed germination ability. To keep the water warm, soak the seeds in an incubator or quilt.

(4) seed soaking time

According to many experiments, it is found that the longer the seed soaking time is, the longer the budding time is, the longer the bud growth is, the lower the seedling emergence rate is, and the disease resistance at seedling stage is also poor. If the water temperature can be kept at 30 ℃, the best soaking time is 2 to 4 hours (h).

(5) seed disinfection

In order to make pepper seeds sprout more, as long as the seedbed soil is disinfected, after hot water high temperature sterilization, drug sterilization treatment can not be used. However, 600 times of chlorothalonil or 400 times of copper-ammonium mixture should be sprayed immediately after Qi seedling to control seedling diseases. In order to stimulate the germination of pepper seeds, the seeds can be soaked in 200-fold solution of cytokinin.

(6) Hot water blanching seeds

Hot water scalding is the use of the high temperature heat of water to kill the germs on the seed surface and inside the seed, and it is also a necessary means to break seed dormancy and increase seed vigor. The water temperature should be strictly controlled between 55-58 ℃ for 20 minutes, so as to achieve the goal of killing germs and not harming seeds. In order to keep the water temperature, hot water should be added when the water temperature is low. In order to heat the seeds evenly, keep stirring the seeds. If the amount of seed is small, the hot seed can be carried out in a thermos bottle. Rinse the scalded seeds with clean water and dry the steam to accelerate germination.

(7) the method of budding.

Wrap the soaked seeds in cloth and put them in a place of about 30 ℃ to accelerate germination. The heat energy of the electric lamp can be used. If the amount of seed is small, it can be wrapped with cloth, put it in a clean plastic bag, put it into the shirt of the body, use the constant temperature of the human body to promote germination, often turn the seed when accelerating germination, soak it with warm water every day, shake dry the water after washing, and then accelerate the germination. According to the above method, the buds can come out after 2 days, and the effect is very good.