
How to plant the latest chili seeds?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How do you plant chili seeds? Pepper is a very common ingredient, some vegetable friends want to grow their own, pepper seeds are easy to get, but do not know how to plant pepper seeds, in fact, pepper planting is still very simple, this paper is suitable for family planting from two angles. Pepper seed

How do you plant chili seeds? Pepper is a very common ingredient, some vegetable friends want to grow their own, pepper seeds are easy to get, but do not know how to plant pepper seeds, in fact, pepper planting is still very simple, this paper is suitable for family planting from two angles.

How do you plant chili seeds?

1. The method of not promoting germination: some flower friends who sow pepper seeds like to accelerate germination. According to the author's practice and other vegetable friends' cases, pepper seeds can be directly sowed without accelerating germination, and the seeds can be buried, watered thoroughly, irrigated with small water, and kept moist. Just wait for it to germinate.

2. The method of accelerating germination: seed germination can shorten the time of seed germination and promote the emergence of seedlings neatly and rapidly, and seed soaking is often combined with seed disinfection.

Soaking method of Pepper Seeds

The main methods of soaking chili seeds are water soaking, hot water soaking, potion soaking and trace element soaking and so on. Let's take a look at it.

1. Soak the seeds in clean water: soak the seeds in clean water at room temperature, preferably with well water. The water temperature can be adjusted to 20: 30 ℃. After the seeds are put into clear water, the shrunken seeds and peels floating on the water should be removed, and then soaked in clean water. The tools and water used for seed soaking should not be contaminated with oil, otherwise it will affect the seed respiration. When soaking seeds, the amount of water should not be too much, and it is appropriate that the seeds are completely submerged or the water surface is slightly higher than the seeds. The seed gradually expands after absorbing water, and when the seed is fully absorbed, the seed soaking work is over, then scrub repeatedly, remove the mucus outside the seed coat, and rinse with clean water. After drying, feel refreshing with the hand, do not stick to the hand, do not adhere to the degree between the grains. The soaking time of pepper seeds is 8-12 hours, and the soaking time is related to the water temperature. in a certain range, the water absorption rate of seeds increases with the increase of temperature.

2. Hot water soaking seeds: before soaking the seeds in hot water, soak the seeds in normal temperature water for 15 minutes, which can promote the pathogens on the seeds to germinate and easily burn to death, and then blanch the seeds in 55-60 ℃ hot water for 15 minutes, the amount of water is 5-6 times of the seed volume. Hot water should be added in time to make the seeds heated evenly and stirred continuously until the water temperature drops to about 30 ℃. The seeds can also be soaked in warm water of 30 ℃ for 4 hours after reaching the blanching time. During treatment, the temperature of the water should be measured by inserting a thermometer into the hot water all the time so that it can be adjusted as required at any time. When the amount of seeds is small, the seeds can be packed in a gauze bag and soaked in water when scalding. After reaching the specified time, the seeds can be quickly transferred to warm water of 30 ℃ and continue to soak; when the number of seeds is large, fine-hole net baskets can be used instead of yarn bags.

3. Soaking seeds with potion

When soaking seeds with potions, the concentration and time of soaking seeds should be strictly controlled. Before soaking the seeds into the potion, pre-soak the seeds with warm water for 4 hours and 5 hours. Rinse the seeds with clean water immediately after soaking in the potion.

Soak the seeds with ① copper sulfate for 4 hours, then soak the seeds with 1% copper sulfate solution for 5 minutes, rinse the seeds with clean water before sowing or sprouting, or soak them with 1% quicklime and neutralize the acidity before sowing. You can also take out the seeds after drying, mix with a small amount of cooked lime powder or plant ash, neutralize the acid before sowing. This method is effective in preventing anthracnose and scab.

② liter mercury water disinfection: first soak the seeds in clean water for 4 hours, disinfect them with 0.1% mercury water for 5 minutes, take out the seeds with clean water and rinse them, and then sprout, sow or dry them. This method is effective in the prevention and treatment of scab.

Soak the seeds with ③ streptomycin solution: soak the seeds in clean water for 4 hours, soak the seeds with 1000 ml / L agricultural streptomycin solution for 30 minutes, and then sprout after washing. This method is effective in preventing scab and bacterial wilt.

Soak seeds with ④ trisodium phosphate: soak the seeds in clear water, soak the seeds with 10% trisodium phosphate solution for 20 minutes for 30 minutes, then rinse clean with clean water. This method is effective in preventing virus diseases.

Soak the seeds with ⑤ 1% sodium hypochlorite for 5-10 minutes, wash the seeds with clean water several times after medicament treatment, and then soak the seeds in normal temperature water for 8 hours for 12 hours.

Soaking seeds with ⑥ trace elements: soak pepper seeds with 0.002% boric acid or 0.02% copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate and other solutions for 5 to 6 hours. It can promote early maturity and increase yield.