
cholera Learn more about cholera

  • Prevention and treatment of Duck Cholera

    Prevention and treatment of Duck Cholera

    Prevention and treatment of Duck Cholera

  • The difference between Chicken Plague and Cholera

    The difference between Chicken Plague and Cholera

    When chicken cholera is prevalent, chickens, ducks and geese often die at the same time, while Newcastle disease occurs only in chickens. Symptoms chicken cholera acute crop is full of food, while Newcastle disease is full of gas and liquid; chronic will appear head and neck twisting and other neurological symptoms, chicken cholera has no neurological symptoms, the course of disease is short. A large amount of yellowish fluid was found in the pericardium of chicken cholera, epicardial hemorrhage, grayish-white necrotic spots on the surface of the liver, and yellow cheese-like exudates on the surfaces of airbags and intestines, while there were no necrotic spots in the liver of Newcastle disease.

  • Treatment of pigeon cholera

    Treatment of pigeon cholera

    Li Yue, Lailong Town, Suyu District, Suqian City, telephoned that his family raised 500 egg pigeons. Recently, 50% of the pigeons showed symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, and their feces were yellow, white or green. The sick pigeons could not stand and had mucus in their mouths. The local veterinarian diagnosed pigeon cholera. He asked how to prevent and cure pigeon cholera. Pigeon cholera is an acute septic infectious disease caused by Pasteurella multocida, also known as pigeon pasteurellosis or pigeon hemorrhagic septicemia. The most acute cases of pigeon cholera died suddenly without any clinical symptoms. Acute case table

  • Methods of distinguishing Duck Plague from Duck Cholera by raising Duck

    Methods of distinguishing Duck Plague from Duck Cholera by raising Duck

    Sick ducks with duck cholera often shake their heads before death, their mouths and noses are bleeding, their crops are full of fodder, and their hands feel hard, while those with duck plague shed tears, their eyes are bloodshot when they die, the crop is empty and have no food, and their hands feel soft when they touch them. 1.

    2020-11-08 Duck breeding identification duck plague and duck cholera methods infected ducks
  • Prevention and treatment of Cholera in Goose

    Prevention and treatment of Cholera in Goose

    Prevention and treatment of Cholera in Goose

  • Prevention and control of cholera in farmed thrush birds

    Prevention and control of cholera in farmed thrush birds

    1. The etiology of cholera, also known as pasteurellosis and hemorrhagic septicemia, is an acute septic infectious disease caused by Pasteurella multocida. Germs exist not only in sick birds, but also in healthy birds. When the resistance of birds decreases due to malnutrition, the germs are

    2020-11-08 Breeding thrushes poultry cholera disease prevention etiology
  • On the pathological types of Duck Cholera

    On the pathological types of Duck Cholera

    Duck cholera is mainly septic pathological changes, visible to the naked eye as small bleeding on the serosa and mucous membrane. There are needle-sized, gray-white, neat-edged necrotic spots on the surface of the liver; splenomegaly, with necrotic spots of varying sizes on the surface; coronary sulcus, endocardium, epicardial hemorrhage and pericardial effusion; pulmonary congestion and hemorrhage; duodenal and rectal mucosal bleeding, intra-abdominal, gastric and mesenteric fat surface bleeding. 1. The most acute type died quickly and there was no obvious pathological change in autopsy. two。 Acute acute disease

  • Prevention and treatment of Avian Cholera

    Prevention and treatment of Avian Cholera

    Prevention and treatment of Avian Cholera

  • Comprehensive and practical techniques for prevention and control of goose cholera

    Comprehensive and practical techniques for prevention and control of goose cholera

    Goose cholera is becoming more and more serious in China, and many farmers ignore the prevention and control, resulting in serious losses. The disease is an acute septic infectious disease caused by Pasteurella multocida; it often occurs in winter and spring, the incidence of adult geese is more than that of young geese, the untimely mortality rate is more than 80% and 95%, and the destruction loss is not uncommon. The goose house is damp, dark, crowded, abrupt climate, lack of vitamins. Malnutrition, internal and external infection of parasites can induce the disease. I. Epidemiology and symptoms this disease is common among chickens, ducks, geese, birds and birds.

  • How to treat mixed infection in chickens

    How to treat mixed infection in chickens

    If the chicken has a mixed infection, first of all, the sick chicken should be tested to determine what kind of mixed infection, and then timely treatment. If Newcastle disease is detected, emergency immunization of sick chickens with Newcastle disease vaccine can be carried out by drinking water, oral administration, nasal drops, eye drops or injection. Antibiotics treatment of avian cholera effect is very good, you can use ofloxacin, norfloxacin and other antibiotics drinking water or mixed feed feeding, feeding 2 times a day. Then use broad-spectrum anti-coccidiosis drugs drinking water, mixing treatment. Respiratory disease, if it is a branch

  • Goose plague vaccine

    Goose plague vaccine

    1. Gosling plague Gosling Vaccine this product is made of attenuated strain of Gosling plague virus obtained by many generations of goose embryo. After inoculating 12-14-day-old goose embryo, the infected goose embryo sac fluid is harvested, proper amount of protective agent is added and made by freeze-vacuum drying. Properties: milky spongy loose mass, which dissolves quickly after adding diluent. Use: it is used to prevent Gosling plague. Dose and usage: this vaccine is suitable for emergency vaccination of offspring of unimmunized breeder geese or goslings whose immunity has reached more than 7mur8 Kang after immunization. Indicate the dose according to the bottle label when in use

  • Prevention and treatment of common duck diseases

    Prevention and treatment of common duck diseases

    Prevention and treatment of common duck diseases

  • The key points of management techniques for keeping ducks in captivity can save labor.

    The key points of management techniques for keeping ducks in captivity can save labor.

    The key points of management techniques for keeping ducks in captivity can save labor.

  • What disease did the goose get when he defecated green and died quickly?

    What disease did the goose get when he defecated green and died quickly?

    Ma Yonggen, Qinxing Village, Zhenze Town, Wujiang City, called to say that he raised more than 400 geese. When the geese weighed three or four jin, he found that several geese could not afford to lie down, excreted green feces, and died quickly. Six geese died in two days, and several geese also showed lying symptoms. The local veterinarian diagnosed a septic infectious disease. According to the above situation, geese may have viral enteritis or avian cholera. Both diseases have symptoms of green feces and rapid death, which should be further diagnosed.

  • The best epidemic prevention procedure for chickens

    The best epidemic prevention procedure for chickens

    1. Before eating, the chicks were sprayed with streptomycin or nasal drops of 2000-4000 units each to prevent respiratory diseases. At the age of 2.1 days, the turkey herpesvirus vaccine was injected subcutaneously with 0.2 ml solution to prevent Marek's disease. 3.3-day-old drinking water with 0.01% potassium permanganate to prevent digestive tract diseases. At the age of 4.5 days, chopped garlic was mixed into the feed for chickens, or half a piece of ground oxytetracycline was added to every kilogram of feed for 7 days to prevent white dysentery in chicks.

  • Captive rearing technique of Young Egg Duck

    Captive rearing technique of Young Egg Duck

    Captive rearing technique of Young Egg Duck

  • Detailed rules for the implementation of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the people's Republic of China

    Detailed rules for the implementation of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the people's Republic of China

    (approved by the State Council on February 10, 1989, the Ministry of Health issued on March 6, 1989, in accordance with the decision of the State Council on amending the detailed rules for the implementation of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the people's Republic of China on April 24, 2010.

    2015-12-26 People's Republic of China Frontier Health and Quarantine Law detailed rules for implementation
  • Color of Chicken feces and Disease diagnosis

    Color of Chicken feces and Disease diagnosis

    Color of Chicken feces and Disease diagnosis

  • Common disease symptoms and prevention methods of ducks

    Common disease symptoms and prevention methods of ducks

    Common disease symptoms and prevention methods of ducks

  • Diagnosis and Prevention of Common Chicken Diseases

    Diagnosis and Prevention of Common Chicken Diseases

    Diagnosis and Prevention of Common Chicken Diseases
