
Detailed rules for the implementation of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the people's Republic of China

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, (approved by the State Council on February 10, 1989, the Ministry of Health issued on March 6, 1989, in accordance with the decision of the State Council on amending the detailed rules for the implementation of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the people's Republic of China on April 24, 2010.

(approved by the State Council on February 10, 1989, issued by the Ministry of Health on March 6, 1989, revised in accordance with the decision of the State Council on amending the detailed rules for the implementation of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the people's Republic of China on April 24, 2010)

Chapter I General provisions

Article 1 these detailed rules are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law).

Article 2 the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law and these detailed rules refer to:

"Inspection" means the medical inspection and health inspection carried out by the frontier health and quarantine organ (hereinafter referred to as the health and quarantine organ).

"person infected with epidemic disease" means a person who is suffering from a quarantinable infectious disease, or a person who, after a preliminary diagnosis by the health and quarantine organ, considers that he has been infected with a quarantinable infectious disease or is in the incubation period of a quarantinable infectious disease.

"epidemic suspect" means a person who has been in contact with the infection environment of quarantinable infectious diseases and may spread quarantinable infectious diseases.

"isolation" refers to the detention of infected persons in designated places, restrictions on their activities and treatment until the risk of the spread of infectious diseases is eliminated.

"retention and examination" refers to the detention of a suspect infected with the epidemic in a designated place for diagnosis and examination.

"on-the-spot examination" means that a person goes to the nearest health and quarantine organ or other medical and health unit to undergo diagnosis and inspection during the period specified by the health and quarantine organ; or the health and quarantine organ or other medical and health unit goes to the person's place of residence to conduct diagnosis and examination.

"Transport equipment" means cargo containers.

"Sanitary treatment" refers to medical measures such as isolation, retention and local diagnosis, as well as sanitary measures such as disinfection, disinfestation and disinfestation.

"Infectious disease surveillance" refers to the investigation and study of epidemiology, serology, etiology, clinical symptoms and other related factors in a specific environment and population, so as to predict the occurrence, development and prevalence of relevant infectious diseases.

"Health supervision" means health inspection, health identification, health evaluation and sampling inspection carried out in the implementation of health regulations and standards.

"means of transport" means ships, aircraft, trains and other vehicles.

"Frontier Port" refers to the ports, airports, stations, land borders and border river crossings that are internationally navigable.

Article 3 the scope of work of health and quarantine organs at frontier ports refers to foreign-related hotels, restaurants and clubs that serve for frontier ports, units that provide food and services for entry and exit means of transport, and places for quarantine, monitoring and hygiene supervision of entry and exit personnel, means of transport, containers and goods.

Article 4 entry and exit persons, means of transport and containers, as well as luggage, goods and postal parcels that may spread quarantinable infectious diseases shall be quarantined in accordance with the provisions of these rules and shall only be allowed to enter or leave the country with the permission of the health and quarantine organ.

Article 5 when a person infected with an epidemic is found, the health and quarantine organ shall immediately isolate him so as to prevent any person from being infected and deal with them in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 8 of these rules.

When the health and quarantine organ finds a suspect infected with epidemic disease, it shall deal with it in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 8 of these rules. However, suspects of epidemic diseases other than those prescribed in Chapter 8 may, from the time the person leaves the infected environment, carry out on-the-spot medical examination or retention examination and other sanitary treatment not exceeding the longest incubation period of the infectious disease.

Article 6 the health and quarantine organ shall prevent the person infected with the epidemic or the suspect from leaving the country, but those who come from abroad and are subject to local consultation and examination at the time of arrival may be allowed to leave the country; if they leave the country by means of transport, the quarantine physician shall endorse this situation on the exit quarantine certificate and notify the person in charge of the means of transport to take necessary preventive measures.

Article 7 at the frontier port and on the entry and exit vehicles staying at the place, all corpses that die not as a result of accidental injury and whose cause of death is unknown must be examined by the health and quarantine organ and a permit for the removal of the body shall be issued before it can be transferred.

Article 8 where a means of transport from a domestic epidemic area, or a quarantinable infectious disease or suspected quarantinable infectious disease is found during a domestic voyage, or someone dies not as a result of accidental injury and the cause of death is unknown, the person in charge of the means of transport shall report to the health and quarantine office at the frontier port where he arrives and accept temporary quarantine.

Article 9 in the event of a pandemic of quarantinable infectious diseases at home or abroad, the administrative department of health under the State Council shall immediately report to the State Council for decision to adopt some or all of the following quarantine measures:

(1) to order the blockade of the relevant areas of land borders and frontier rivers

(2) to specify that certain articles must be disinfected and disinfested before they are allowed to be imported into or out of the country.

(3) it is prohibited for certain articles to be imported into or out of the country from abroad.

(4) designate the first port of entry and the landing airport. Vessels or aircraft from foreign epidemic areas shall not be allowed to enter other ports and airports except for distress or other special reasons without quarantine at the port of first entry or airport.

Article 10 when entry or exit containers, goods, waste and other articles arrive at the port, the carrier, agent or owner must declare to the health and quarantine organ and undergo health and quarantine. Containers, goods, wastes and other articles from epidemic areas, contaminated by infectious diseases and those that may spread quarantinable infectious diseases or find rodents and vector insects related to human health, disinfection, disinfestation, disinfestation or other necessary sanitary treatment shall be carried out.

If the owner of containers, goods, waste and other articles requests that health and quarantine or sanitary treatment be carried out in other places, the health and quarantine organ may provide convenience and handle the matter in accordance with the relevant provisions.

The customs shall release it on the strength of the sanitary treatment certificate issued by the health and quarantine organ.

Article 11 carriers, shippers or posters of entry and exit microorganisms, human tissues, biological products, blood and their products and other special articles must declare to the health and quarantine organ and accept health and quarantine, without the permission of the health and quarantine organ, entry or exit is not allowed.

The customs shall release the goods on the strength of the examination and approval form issued by the health and quarantine organ.

Article 12 luggage and articles carried or checked by inbound or outbound passengers and employees that may spread infectious diseases shall be subject to health inspection. The health and quarantine organ shall carry out sanitary treatment or destruction of all kinds of food, beverages and aquatic products from epidemic areas or contaminated by infectious diseases, and issue sanitary treatment certificates.

The customs shall release it on the strength of the sanitary treatment certificate issued by the health and quarantine organ.

Article 13 when the health and quarantine organ conducts sanitary inspection and necessary sanitary treatment of postal parcels that should be subject to health and quarantine, the postal department shall cooperate. The postal department shall not transport or deliver without the permission of the health and quarantine organ.

Article 14 the types, patterns and issuing methods of health and quarantine orders and certificates shall be formulated by the administrative department of health under the State Council.

Chapter II report of epidemic situation

Article 15 when quarantinable infectious diseases or suspected quarantinable infectious diseases are found at the frontier port or on the means of transport staying at the frontier port, or if someone dies not as a result of accidental injury and the cause of death is unknown, the relevant units at the frontier port and the person in charge of the means of transport shall immediately report to the health and quarantine organ.

Article 16 when a health and quarantine organ discovers quarantinable infectious diseases, surveillance infectious diseases or suspected quarantinable infectious diseases, it shall notify the local health administrative department and the health and anti-epidemic organ; when quarantinable infectious diseases are found, it shall also report to the administrative department of health under the State Council as soon as possible.

When a local health and anti-epidemic institution discovers quarantinable infectious diseases or monitors infectious diseases, it shall notify the health and quarantine organ.

Article 17 when a quarantinable infectious disease occurs in a certain area at home or abroad, the administrative department of health under the State Council may declare that area as an epidemic area.

Chapter III Health and Quarantine organs

Article 18 the health and quarantine organ may, in accordance with the needs of its work, set up dispatched offices. The establishment, merger or cancellation of the health and quarantine organ shall be decided by the administrative department of health under the State Council.

Article 19 the functions and duties of the health and quarantine organ shall be as follows:

(1) to implement the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law and its implementation rules and relevant national health laws and regulations

(II) to collect, collate and report the occurrence, prevalence and termination of infectious diseases at international and frontier ports

(3) to exercise health supervision over the sanitary conditions of frontier ports; quarantine inspection, infectious disease surveillance, health supervision and sanitary treatment shall be carried out on entry and exit means of transport, personnel, containers, corpses, skeletons and luggage, goods and parcels that may spread quarantinable infectious diseases

(4) to carry out health and quarantine on special articles such as entry and exit microorganisms, biological products, human tissues, blood and their products, as well as animals that can spread human infectious diseases

(5) vaccination, health examination, medical services, international travel health consultation and health publicity for entry and exit persons

(6) issuing health and quarantine certificates

(7) conducting epidemiological investigations and studies and carrying out scientific experiments

(8) to carry out other work designated by the administrative department of health under the State Council.

Article 20 the duties of health supervisors at frontier ports shall be as follows:

(1) to carry out health supervision and publicity on inbound and outbound means of transport staying at frontier ports and those staying at frontier ports

(2) to provide technical guidance in sanitary treatment such as disinfection, disinfestation, disinfestation, etc.

(3) to investigate the accidents that caused the spread of infectious diseases, the spread of rodents and vector insects, food poisoning and food contamination, and put forward control measures.

Article 21 staff members of health and quarantine organs and health supervisors at frontier ports shall wear quarantine uniforms and quarantine signs when performing their duties; the means of transport of health and quarantine organs shall fly quarantine flags during the period of carrying out their duties.

The patterns and measures for the use of quarantine uniforms, signs and flags shall be formulated by the administrative department of health under the State Council in conjunction with relevant departments and submitted to the State Council for examination and approval. Chapter IV Harbour Quarantine

Article 22 the entry quarantine of a ship must be carried out at the quarantine Anchorage of the port or at a designated place approved by the health and quarantine organ.

The quarantine Anchorage shall be determined by the harbour superintendency administration and the health and quarantine organ through consultation and submitted to the administrative department of transportation and health under the State Council for the record.

Article 23 A shipping agent shall notify the health and quarantine organ of the following matters as soon as possible before the arrival of the ship subject to entry quarantine:

(1) name of the ship, nationality, scheduled date and time of arrival at the quarantine Anchorage

(2) the port of departure and the last port of destination

(3) number of crew and passengers

(4) types of goods.

The harbour superintendency administration shall notify the health and quarantine organ as soon as possible of the date and time of the ship's arrival at the quarantine Anchorage.

Article 24 if a ship subject to entry quarantine finds a quarantinable infectious disease or suspected quarantinable infectious disease during the voyage, or if someone dies not as a result of accidental injury and the cause of death is unknown, the captain must immediately report the following matters to the health and quarantine organ of the port where quarantine is implemented:

(1) name of the ship, nationality, scheduled date and time of arrival at the quarantine Anchorage

(2) the port of departure and the last port of destination

(3) number of crew and passengers

(4) types of goods

(5) the name or main symptoms of the disease, the number of patients and the number of deaths

(6) whether there is a ship doctor on board.

Article 25 ships subject to entry quarantine must hang quarantine signals pending inspection in accordance with the following provisions, and shall not lower quarantine signals before the entry quarantine certificate is issued by the health and quarantine organ.

International language signal flags are hoisted in conspicuous places during the day:

(1) the "Q" flag says: the ship is not infected with epidemic, please issue an entry quarantine certificate.

(2) the "QQ" flag indicates that the ship is suspected of being infected with epidemic disease or suspected of being infected with epidemic disease. Please carry out quarantine immediately.

Lights are hung vertically in conspicuous places at night:

(1) three red lights say: the ship is not infected with epidemic, please issue an entry quarantine certificate.

(2) the red, red, white and red lights indicate that the ship is suspected of being infected or suspected of being infected with epidemic disease, so please carry out quarantine immediately.

Article 26 except for pilots and personnel approved by the health and quarantine organ, vessels flying quarantine signals shall not be allowed to board, load or unload luggage, goods, postal parcels and other articles, and other vessels shall not approach; except because the ship is in distress, shall not be allowed to leave the ship without the permission of the health and quarantine organ; the pilot shall not lead the ship away from the quarantine Anchorage.

Article 27 A ship applying for telecommunications quarantine shall first apply to the health and quarantine organ for health inspection, and those who are qualified shall be issued with a health certificate. The certificate can be applied for telecommunication quarantine within 12 months from the date of issuance.

Article 28 A ship holding a valid health certificate shall report the following matters to the health and quarantine organ 24 hours before entering the country:

(1) name of the ship, nationality, scheduled date and time of arrival at the quarantine Anchorage

(2) the port of departure and the last port of destination

(3) the number of crew and passengers and their health status

(4) types of goods

(5) the date and number of the ship's sanitary certificate, the date and port of issuance of the deratization certificate or exemption deratting certificate, and other health certificates.

After the health and quarantine organ has agreed to the above report, it may enter the port.

Article 29 entry quarantine of ships shall be carried out within the period from sunrise to sunset; port ports that have the conditions for ships to sail at night and leave the wharf reliably at night and loading and unloading operations shall be subject to 24-hour quarantine. Ships from epidemic areas shall not be subject to night quarantine.

Article 30 the captain of a ship subject to entry quarantine must, when the quarantine physician arrives on board, submit a nautical health declaration, a crew list, a passenger list and a cargo declaration signed by the captain or signed by the ship's doctor, and show the certificate of deratization or exemption from deratization.

During the inspection, the quarantine physician shall have the right to consult the log book and other relevant documents; when it is necessary to know more about the sanitary conditions of the ship during navigation, the quarantine physician may make inquiries to the captain and ship doctor, and the captain and ship doctor must give truthful answers. When giving a written answer, it must be signed by the captain and signed by the ship's doctor.

Article 31 after the completion of the entry inspection of a ship, the quarantine physician shall immediately issue an entry quarantine certificate to the ship that is not infected with epidemic; if the ship is subject to sanitary treatment or restriction, it shall endorse the entry quarantine certificate and handle it in accordance with the endorsement. In addition to notifying the harbour superintendency administration, a notice of sanitary treatment shall be issued to a ship infected or suspected of epidemic. The pilot on board the ship and the personnel on board with the permission of the health and quarantine organ shall accept the relevant sanitary treatment as the staff, and an entry quarantine certificate shall be issued after the sanitary treatment has been completed.

After receiving the entry quarantine certificate issued by the health and quarantine organ, the ship may lower the quarantine signal.

Article 32 A shipping agent shall notify the health and quarantine organ of the following matters as soon as possible before the ship subject to exit quarantine sets sail:

(1) name and nationality of the ship, date and time of scheduled sailing

(2) Port of destination and initial port of destination

(3) crew list and passenger list

(4) types of goods.

The harbour superintendency administration shall notify the health and quarantine organ as soon as possible of the date and time of sailing of the ship.

When the entry and exit quarantine of a ship is carried out at the same port, the crew list and passenger list may be exempted if there is no change in the crew and passenger list; if there is any change, the crew and passenger list shall be reported.

Article 33 the captain of a ship subject to exit quarantine shall show the certificate of deratization or exemption from deratization and other relevant quarantine certificates to the health and quarantine organ. The quarantine physician may ask the captain and ship doctor about the health of the crew and passengers and the sanitary condition of the ship, and the captain and ship doctor shall truthfully answer the above-mentioned questions.

Article 34 after the completion of the exit quarantine of the ship, the quarantine physician shall immediately issue the exit quarantine certificate in accordance with the quarantine results. If the ship cannot sail at the scheduled time due to sanitary treatment, it shall promptly notify the harbour superintendency administration.

Article 35 after the completion of the exit quarantine of the ship, except the pilot and the personnel approved by the health and quarantine organ, no other personnel shall be allowed to board the ship or load or unload luggage, goods, postal parcels and other articles. If the above regulations are violated, the ship must re-implement exit quarantine.

Chapter V Aviation Quarantine

Article 36 an aircraft shall not throw down or allow it to drop any article that can spread infectious diseases while in flight.

Article 37 the airport terminal that carries out health and quarantine shall notify the health and quarantine organ of the following matters as soon as possible before the arrival of the aircraft subject to entry quarantine:

(1) nationality, type, number, identification mark and scheduled time of arrival of the aircraft

(2) departure stations and stops

(3) the number of crew and passengers.

Article 38 if an aircraft subject to entry quarantine finds a quarantinable infectious disease or suspected quarantinable infectious disease in flight, or if someone dies not as a result of accidental injury and the cause of death is unknown, the pilot-in-command shall immediately notify the air station arriving at the airport, report the following matters to the health and quarantine organ:

(1) nationality, type, number, identification mark and scheduled time of arrival of the aircraft

(2) departure stations and stops

(3) the number of crew and passengers

(4) the name of the disease or the main symptoms, the number of patients and the number of deaths.

Article 39 after the aircraft subject to entry quarantine arrives at the airport, the quarantine physician shall board the plane first. The pilot-in-command or his authorized agent must submit to the health and quarantine organ the general declaration form, the passenger list, the cargo warehouse receipt and the valid mosquito control certificate, as well as other relevant quarantine documents; the captain or his authorized agent shall truthfully answer the questions raised by the quarantine physician about the sanitary condition of the aircraft. Before the end of quarantine inspection, except with the permission of the health and quarantine organ, no one shall get on or off the aircraft or load or unload luggage, goods, postal parcels and other articles.

Article 40 entry passengers must undergo entry inspection at the designated place and at the same time answer the relevant questions raised by the quarantine physician in writing or orally. During this period, incoming passengers are not allowed to leave the inspection place.

Article 41 after the inspection of the entry aircraft, according to the inspection results, the quarantine physician shall issue an entry quarantine certificate to the aircraft that is not infected with the epidemic; if the aircraft is subject to sanitary treatment or restriction, shall endorse the entry quarantine certificate, which shall be carried out by the captain or his authorized agent For an aircraft infected with or suspected of being infected with epidemic disease, in addition to notifying the air station, a notice of sanitary treatment shall be issued to the aircraft, and an entry quarantine certificate shall be issued after the prescribed sanitary treatment has been completed.

Article 42 the airport terminal that implements health and quarantine shall, before the aircraft subject to exit quarantine takes off, submit the general declaration form, cargo warehouse receipt and other relevant quarantine documents to the health and quarantine organ as soon as possible, and notify the following:

(1) nationality, type, number, identification mark and scheduled departure time of the aircraft

(2) via stops and destinations

(3) the number of crew and passengers.

Article 43 after the inspection of the exit aircraft, if there is no epidemic infection, the quarantine physician shall issue the exit quarantine certificate or issue the exit quarantine certificate after the necessary sanitary treatment has been completed; if the aircraft cannot take off at the scheduled time due to sanitary treatment, the airport shall be notified in time.

Chapter VI Land Border Quarantine

Article 44 the station carrying out health and quarantine shall notify the health and quarantine organ of the following matters as soon as possible before the arrival of the train subject to entry quarantine:

(1) the number of trains and the scheduled time of arrival

(2) departure station

(3) Train formation.

Article 45 after the train and other vehicles subject to entry quarantine have arrived at the station or gate, the quarantine physician shall first board the train, and the conductor or other person in charge of the vehicle shall declare to the health and quarantine organ orally or in writing the health condition of the personnel on the train or other vehicle, and shall truthfully answer questions about the health condition and health of the personnel raised by the quarantine physician. Article 46 when trains and other vehicles subject to entry quarantine arrive at stations and gates, no one is allowed to get on or off trains or other vehicles without the permission of the health and quarantine organ, and no one is allowed to load or unload luggage, goods, postal parcels and other articles before carrying out entry quarantine without obtaining an entry quarantine certificate.

Article 47 stations that carry out health and quarantine shall notify the health and quarantine organ of the following matters as soon as possible before the departure of the exit quarantine train:

(1) the number of trains and the scheduled departure time

(2) final arrival at the station

(3) Train formation.

Article 48 if a quarantinable infectious disease or suspected quarantinable infectious disease is found during the journey of a train or other vehicle subject to entry or exit quarantine inspection, or if someone dies not as a result of accidental injury and the cause of death is unknown, when the train or other vehicle arrives at the station or gate, the conductor or other person in charge of the vehicle shall report to the health and quarantine organ.

Article 49 if a train subject to entry or exit quarantine inspection discovers quarantinable infectious diseases or suspected quarantinable infectious diseases, or cannot leave at the scheduled time due to sanitary treatment, the health and quarantine organ shall promptly notify the stationmaster of the station. If the train is not suitable for sanitary treatment at the original parking place, the stationmaster may choose other locations within the station to carry out sanitary treatment. Before the disposal is completed, no one is allowed to get on or off the train or load or unload luggage, goods, parcels and other articles without the permission of the health and quarantine organ.

In order to ensure the normal transportation of the entry through train, the health and quarantine organ may send personnel to carry out quarantine with the train, and the conductor shall provide convenience.

Article 50 after the completion of the entry and exit quarantine of trains or other vehicles, the quarantine physician shall issue entry and exit quarantine certificates respectively according to the quarantine results, or after the necessary sanitary treatment has been completed, then issue entry and exit quarantine certificates respectively.

Article 51 personnel entering or leaving the country on foot must first undergo entry and exit inspection at the designated place, and are not allowed to leave the designated place without the permission of the health and quarantine organ.

Article 52 trains and other vehicles subject to entry and exit quarantine carry goods from epidemic areas, which are suspected of being infected or suspected of being infected, or carrying vector insects and rodents that can spread infectious diseases, shall be subject to health inspection and necessary sanitary treatment.

Chapter VII Sanitary treatment

Article 53 when carrying out sanitary treatment, the staff of the health and quarantine organ must pay attention to the following:

(1) to prevent harm to the health of any person

(2) to prevent damage to the structure and equipment of vehicles

(3) Prevention of fire

(4) to prevent damage to luggage and goods.

Article 54 entry and exit containers, luggage, goods, postal parcels and other articles that need sanitary disposal shall be carried out by the health and quarantine organ.

If the entry or exit means of transport are in any of the following circumstances, the health and quarantine organ shall carry out disinfection, disinfestation, disinfestation or other sanitary treatment:

(1) those from quarantine and infectious disease areas

(2) those contaminated by quarantinable infectious diseases

(3) rodents or vector insects related to human health are found to have exceeded the national health standards.

Article 55 if goods shipped from abroad through the territory of the people's Republic of China are not replaced within the territory, sanitary treatment shall not be carried out under normal circumstances, except for events of epidemiological significance that require sanitary treatment.

Article 56 the health and quarantine organ shall, according to the degree of pollution, carry out disinfection, disinfestation, disinfestation and destruction of seriously polluted waste articles entering and leaving the country and waste vehicles that have been used in overseas ports.

Article 57 shippers or agents of corpses and skeletons entering or leaving the country shall apply for health and quarantine and produce death certificates or other relevant certificates. If they do not meet the health requirements, they must accept the sanitary treatment carried out by the health and quarantine organ. Only after the entry and exit permits of corpses and skeletons have been issued by the health and quarantine organ shall they be allowed to be transported in or out.

The bodies of patients who die of quarantinable infectious diseases must be cremated nearby and shall not be transported.

Article 58 the health and quarantine organ shall no longer repeat sanitary treatment for vehicles that have carried out sanitary treatment at other ports prior to their arrival at this port. However, sanitary treatment shall still be carried out under any of the following circumstances:

(1) where an incident of epidemiological significance occurs at the port where sanitary treatment was originally carried out or on the vehicle, and further sanitary treatment is needed.

(2) the sanitary treatment carried out at other ports before arriving at this port has no practical effect.

Article 59 if an abnormal death of a rodent is found on a frontier port or a means of transport or the cause of death is unknown, the person in charge of the relevant unit or means of transport at the frontier port must immediately report to the health and quarantine organ, promptly ascertain the cause and carry out sanitary treatment.

Article 60 the captain of an international voyage ship must apply to the health and quarantine organ for rodent inspection every six months, and the health and quarantine organ shall, according to the inspection results, carry out deratization or exemption from deratization, and issue a certificate of deratization or exemption from deratization respectively. The certificate is valid for 6 months from the date of issuance.

Article 61 the health and quarantine organ may issue a certificate of exemption from deratization only if it is confirmed by inspection that the ship is free of rodent damage under one of the following circumstances:

(1) empty cabin

(2) although ballast articles or other articles are contained in the cabin, these articles do not attract rats, and their placement does not hinder the implementation of rodent infestation inspection.

A certificate of deratization exemption may be issued when an oil tanker is inspected in the full cabin.

Article 62 rodent inspection or deratization of a ship shall be carried out as far as possible when the ship's cabin is empty. If, for some reason, it is not suitable for the ship to carry out rodent inspection or fumigation on schedule, and the ship is sailing to a port where it is convenient to carry out rodent inspection or fumigation, the validity period of the original deratization certificate or exemption deratization certificate may be extended by one month, and an extension certificate shall be issued.

Article 63 for ships on international voyages, when rodents shall be removed by steaming and fumigation in accordance with the standards prescribed by the State, if the deratization certificate or exemption certificate of the ship has not expired, except that the ship is suspected of being infected with plague or plague, the health and quarantine organ shall notify the captain of the reasons for deratization. The captain shall comply with the requirements.

Article 64 during the period when a ship is at port, the captain shall be responsible for taking the following measures:

(1) an effective rodent protection board or other rodent protection device must be used on the cable

(2) when placing escalators and bridge boards at night, they shall be illuminated by strong light.

(3) when dead rats are found or rodents are caught on board, they shall report to the health and quarantine organ.

Article 65 if there is a rodent infestation on a domestic sailing ship staying at a frontier port, the vessel shall carry out deratization. According to the ship's application, rodent removal may also be carried out by the health and quarantine organ.

Article 66 when the administrative department of health under the State Council deems it necessary, it may require persons from abroad or certain areas abroad to produce to the health and quarantine organ some valid vaccination certificate or health certificate when entering the country.

Article 67 the period of validity of vaccination is as follows:

(a) the yellow fever vaccine is effective for 10 years from the 10th day after vaccination. If the previous inoculation has been repeated within 10 years, it will be effective within 10 years from the date of re-cropping.

(2) the period of validity of other vaccinations shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Chapter VIII Administration of Quarantinable Infectious Diseases

Section 1 Plague

Article 68 the incubation period of plague is 6 days.

Article 69 when a ship or aircraft arrives, it shall be infected with plague under any of the following circumstances:

(1) there is a case of plague on board a ship or aircraft

(2) rodents infected with plague are found on board ships or aircraft

(3) there have been people on board the ship who have contracted plague six days after boarding the ship.

Article 70 at the time of arrival, a ship is suspected of being infected with plague under any of the following circumstances:

(1) there are no cases of plague on board, but there have been people who have contracted plague within six days after boarding the ship.

(2) abnormal death of rodents on board, and the cause of death is unknown.

Article 71 ships and aircraft infected with plague shall undergo the following sanitary treatment:

(1) quarantine those infected with the epidemic

(2) to carry out deworming of the suspects infected with the epidemic, and to carry out on-the-spot medical examination or retention examination of no more than 6 days from the time of arrival. During this period, the crew of the ship shall not be allowed to go ashore except for work and with the permission of the health and quarantine organ.

(3) to disinfect the luggage of the infected person or suspect, other used articles and articles considered by the health and quarantine organ to be suspected of contamination, and disinfect them if necessary

(4) to disinfect the parts occupied by the infected person and those suspected of contamination by the health and quarantine organ, and disinfect them if necessary

(5) if there are rodents infected with plague on board a ship or aircraft, the health and quarantine organ must carry out deratization. If only rodents that are not infected with plague are found on board the ship, the health and quarantine organ may also carry out deratization. Deratization can be carried out in isolation. Deratization of ships shall be carried out before unloading.

(6) the unloading shall be carried out under the supervision of the health and quarantine organ, and the unloading staff shall be prevented from being infected. If necessary, the unloading staff shall carry out on-the-spot medical examination or retention of inspection for no more than 6 days from the time the unloading is completed. Article 72 ships suspected of being infected with plague shall be subject to the sanitary treatment provided for in items (2) to (6) of Article 71 of these rules.

Article 73 if a ship or aircraft that is not infected with plague comes from a plague area, the health and quarantine organ may, when it deems it necessary, carry out the following sanitary treatment:

(1) for an epidemic suspect who leaves a ship or an aircraft, no more than 6 days of on-the-spot medical examination or retention shall be carried out from the time when the ship or aircraft leaves the epidemic area.

(2) deratization of vessels and aircraft shall be carried out under special circumstances.

Article 74 the following sanitary treatment shall be carried out for trains and other vehicles carrying plague cases at the time of arrival:

(1) Sanitary treatment as provided for in items (1), (3), (4) and (6) of Article 71 of these rules

(2) to carry out deworming of the suspects infected with the epidemic, and to carry out on-the-spot medical examination or retention examination of no more than 6 days from the time of arrival.

(3) when necessary, deratization of trains and other vehicles shall be carried out.

Section 2 Cholera

Article 75 the incubation period of cholera is 5 days.

Article 76 the ship carries cholera cases at the time of arrival, or within 5 days prior to arrival, there have been cholera cases on board, which is infected with cholera.

The ship has had cholera cases during the voyage, but no new cases occurred within 5 days before arrival, which is suspected of being infected with cholera.

Article 77 when an aircraft arrives, it carries a case of cholera and is infected with cholera.

The aircraft had a cholera case during the voyage, but the patient had left before arriving and was suspected of being infected with cholera.

Article 78 ships and aircraft infected with cholera shall be subjected to the following sanitary treatment:

(1) quarantine those infected with the epidemic

(2) employees and passengers who leave the ship or aircraft shall be examined or retained for no more than 5 days from the time of sanitary treatment; within 5 days from the time the ship arrives, the crew on board shall not be allowed to go ashore except because of work needs and with the permission of the health and quarantine organ.

(3) to disinfect the luggage, other articles used and articles and food suspected of contamination of the people or suspects infected with the epidemic.

(4) Disinfection shall be carried out on the parts occupied by people infected with the epidemic and suspected sites of contamination

(5) drinking water that is contaminated or suspected of contamination shall be disinfected and discharged, and clean drinking water shall be replaced after disinfection of the water storage container.

(6) Human excreta, garbage, waste water, waste and ballast water from cholera epidemic areas shall not be discharged or removed without disinfection.

(7) the unloading of the cargo must be carried out under the supervision of the health and quarantine organ and prevent the staff from being infected. If necessary, the unloading staff shall carry out on-the-spot medical examination or retention of inspection for no more than 5 days from the completion of the unloading.

Article 79 ships and aircraft suspected of cholera shall be subject to the following sanitary treatment:

(1) Sanitary treatment as provided for in items (2) to (7) of Article 78 of these rules

(2) employees and passengers who disembark from the ship or aircraft shall carry out on-the-spot medical examination or retention of inspection for no more than 5 days from the time of arrival. During this period, the crew of the ship shall not be allowed to leave the port area except because of work and with the permission of the health and quarantine organ, or employees and passengers who leave the ship or aircraft shall be counted from the time of leaving the epidemic area, carry out on-the-spot medical examination or stay for examination of no more than 5 days.

Article 80 if a ship or aircraft that is not infected with cholera comes from a cholera epidemic area, the health and quarantine organ may, when it deems it necessary, carry out the following sanitary treatment:

(1) Sanitary treatment as provided for in items (5) and (6) of Article 78 of these rules

(2) employees and passengers who leave the ship or aircraft shall carry out on-the-spot medical examination or retention of examination for no more than 5 days from the time they leave the epidemic area.

Article 81 trains and other vehicles carrying cholera cases at the time of arrival shall be subject to the following sanitary treatment:

(1) hygienic treatment in accordance with items (1), (3), (4), (5) and (7) of Article 78 of these rules

(2) the suspect infected with epidemic disease shall be examined or retained for on-the-spot examination for no more than 5 days from the time of arrival.

Article 82 the health and quarantine organ may disinfect and disinfect vehicles from cholera epidemic areas or suspected of cholera when they deem it necessary; if the vehicles contain aquatic products, fruits, vegetables, drinks and other foods, except in sealed containers that are not contaminated, they shall not be unloaded without the permission of the health and quarantine organ, and sanitary treatment may be carried out if necessary.

Article 83 when inspecting aquatic products, fruits, vegetables and beverages from cholera epidemic areas and postal parcels containing these products, the health and quarantine organ may, in order to determine whether they are contaminated, conduct sampling inspection and, if necessary, carry out sanitary treatment.

Section 3 Yellow Fever

Article 84 the incubation period of yellow fever is 6 days.

Article 85 personnel from yellow fever epidemic areas must show a valid certificate of yellow fever vaccination to the health and quarantine organ when entering the country.

For a person who does not have a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate, the health and quarantine organ may carry out a 6-day stay from the time the person leaves the infected environment, or carry out vaccination and retain the inspection until the yellow fever vaccination certificate becomes effective.

Article 86 when the aircraft arrives, it carries a case of yellow fever, which is infected with yellow fever.

Article 87 an aircraft from a yellow fever epidemic area shall produce a mosquito control certificate before taking off from the epidemic area; if the mosquito control certificate is not produced upon arrival, or if the health and quarantine organ considers that the mosquito control certificate does not meet the requirements, and live mosquitoes are found on the aircraft shall be suspected of being infected with yellow fever.

Article 88 when a ship arrives, it carries a case of yellow fever, or if a case of yellow fever has occurred during the voyage, it shall be infected with yellow fever.

If the ship leaves the yellow fever epidemic area for less than 6 days or less than 30 days upon arrival and Aedes aegypti or other yellow fever vectors are found on board, it is suspected of being infected with yellow fever.

Article 89 ships and aircraft infected with yellow fever shall undergo the following sanitary treatment:

(1) quarantine those infected with the epidemic

(2) employees and passengers who disembark from the ship or aircraft and do not have a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate shall carry out the sanitary treatment prescribed in Article 85 of these rules.

(3) thoroughly kill Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and their eggs, larvae and other yellow fever vectors on ships and aircraft, and limit the distance between the ship and land and other ships to not less than 400 meters before mosquito control is completed.

(4) the unloading shall be carried out after the mosquito control, and if the cargo is unloaded before the mosquito control, it shall be carried out under the supervision of the health and quarantine organ, and preventive measures shall be taken to protect the unloading staff from infection. If necessary, the unloading staff shall carry out on-the-spot medical examination or retention inspection for 6 days from the completion of the unloading.

Article 90 ships and aircraft suspected of being infected with yellow fever shall be subject to the sanitary treatment provided for in items (2) to (4) of Article 89 of these rules.

Article 91 if a ship or aircraft that is not infected with the epidemic comes from a yellow fever epidemic area, the health and quarantine organ may, when it deems it necessary, carry out the sanitary treatment provided for in item (3) of Article 89 of these rules.

Article 92 trains and other vehicles carrying cases of yellow fever at the time of arrival, or trains and other vehicles from yellow fever epidemic areas, shall carry out the sanitary treatment provided for in items (1) and (4) of Article 89 of these rules; completely kill adult mosquitoes and their eggs and larvae on trains and vehicles Employees and passengers who do not have a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate shall carry out the sanitary treatment prescribed in Article 85 of these rules.

Section IV on-the-spot diagnosis, retention and isolation

Article 93 the health and quarantine organ shall issue a record book of local diagnosis and examination to the personnel undergoing on-the-spot medical examination. When necessary, the health and quarantine organ may issue the record book of on-the-spot medical examination after the personnel have issued a guarantee for performing the on-the-spot medical examination.

The personnel subject to on-the-spot medical examination shall bring the local medical examination record book and undergo medical examination in accordance with the period and place designated by the health and quarantine organ; if the results of on-the-spot medical examination are not infected, the personnel subject to on-the-spot medical examination shall return the on-the-spot medical examination record book to the health and quarantine organ at the expiration of the local diagnosis and examination period.

Article 94 the health and quarantine organ shall, by the quickest means, notify the health and quarantine organ or other medical and health unit in the place where the travel of the personnel subject to on-the-spot medical examination is staying.

The health and quarantine organ and the medical and health unit shall, when a person subject to on-the-spot medical examination requests a medical examination, treat it as an emergency and endorse the examination results on the local medical examination record book. If they are found to be suffering from quarantinable infectious diseases or surveillance infectious diseases, suspected quarantinable infectious diseases or suspected surveillance infectious diseases, they shall immediately take necessary sanitary measures and take back the record book of on-the-spot diagnosis and inspection, and report to the local health and epidemic prevention agency and the health and quarantine organ that issued the record book of on-site diagnosis and inspection.

Article 95 personnel detained for inspection must be retained for inspection at the place designated by the health and quarantine organ, but may be retained for inspection on board the ship under any of the following circumstances with the consent of the health and quarantine organ:

(1) where the captain requests the crew to keep the inspection on board the ship

(2) where the passenger requests to keep the inspection on board the ship with the consent of the captain, and there are ship doctors and medical and disinfection equipment on board.

Article 96 if a person detained for inspection shows symptoms of a quarantinable infectious disease during his stay for inspection, the health and quarantine organ shall immediately isolate the person, and shall carry out necessary sanitary treatment for other persons who are in contact with him for inspection, and recalculate the retention time from the time when the sanitary treatment is completed. Chapter IX Infectious Disease Surveillance

Article 97 entry and exit means of transport, personnel, food, drinking water and other articles, as well as disease-borne insects and animals are all objects of infectious disease surveillance.

Article 98 the contents of infectious disease surveillance are as follows:

(1) case investigation of the first case

(2) Epidemiological investigation of outbreaks

(3) investigation on the source of infection

(4) retrospective investigation of surveillance of infectious diseases at frontier ports

(5) isolation and identification of pathogens, serological investigation of people and related animals and epidemiological investigation

(VI) investigation of animals, vector insects, food, drinking water and environmental factors

(7) observation and evaluation of the effect of disinfection, disinfestation and disinfestation

(8) Collection, arrangement, analysis and transmission of infectious diseases at border ports and surveillance of infectious diseases at home and abroad

(9) to carry out health examinations on surveillance objects and to manage patients, suspected patients and persons in close contact with infectious diseases.

Article 99 the health and quarantine organ shall prevent foreigners suffering from serious mental illness, infectious pulmonary tuberculosis or other infectious diseases that may cause major harm to public health from entering the country.

Article 100 Persons subject to entry or exit quarantine must, in accordance with the requirements of the quarantine physician, truthfully fill in the health declaration card and produce a valid infectious disease vaccination certificate, health certificate or other relevant documents.

Article 101 the health and quarantine organ shall monitor the infectious diseases of the foreign guests' halls, entry and exit personnel and staff residing in the hotels at the frontier ports, and take necessary prevention and control measures according to the circumstances.

For persons from quarantinable infectious diseases and epidemic areas where infectious diseases are monitored, quarantine physicians may issue convenience cards based on the results of epidemiological and medical examinations.

When a person holding a medical convenience card requests a medical examination, the health and quarantine organ or medical and health unit shall treat it as an emergency medical examination; if he is found to be suffering from a quarantinable infectious disease or surveillance infectious disease, if it is suspected of quarantinable infectious disease or suspected surveillance infectious disease, it shall immediately implement the necessary health measures and report the situation to the local health and epidemic prevention institution and the health and quarantine organ that issued the medical convenience card.

Article 102 all Chinese nationals who apply for residence abroad for more than one year must hold a health certificate issued by the health and quarantine organ. The administrative organs of exit and entry of Chinese citizens shall go through the exit formalities on the strength of the health certificate issued by the health and quarantine organ.

All Chinese nationals who have resided abroad for more than one year must declare their health status to the health and quarantine organ when entering the country, and have a health examination at the nearest health and quarantine organ or hospital at or above the county level within one month after entry. The public security organ shall go through the relevant formalities on the strength of the health certificate. A copy of the health certificate shall be sent to the health and quarantine organ at the original port of entry for the record.

Chinese employees on international means of transport shall hold a health certificate issued by the health and quarantine organ or a hospital at or above the county level. The items and format of the health certificate shall be uniformly prescribed by the administrative department of health under the State Council and shall be valid for 12 months.

Article 103 when a health and quarantine organ sets up an infectious disease surveillance point at a frontier port, the units concerned shall provide assistance and convenience.

Chapter X Health Supervision

Article 104 Health and quarantine organs shall exercise sanitary supervision over frontier ports and means of transport in accordance with the provisions of articles 18 and 19 of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law.

Article 105 the sanitary requirements for frontier ports are:

(1) Foreign-related hotels, living service units and waiting rooms (rooms) at frontier ports and frontier ports shall have a sound sanitary system and necessary sanitary facilities, and shall keep the indoor and outdoor environment clean and well ventilated.

(2) the relevant departments at frontier ports shall take practical measures to control rodents and vector insects so as to reduce their numbers to the extent that they are not harmful. Warehouses and cargo yards must have rodent protection facilities.

(3) garbage, waste, sewage and faeces at the frontier ports must be treated innocuously so as to keep the environment at the frontier ports clean and hygienic.

Article 106 the hygiene requirements for means of transport are as follows:

(1) the accommodation cabins and carriages on the means of transport must be kept clean and well ventilated

(2) adequate disinfection, deratization, insecticide and equipment must be provided on the means of transport, as well as anti-rodent devices.

(3) the cargo holds, baggage compartments and truck compartments on the means of transport shall be thoroughly cleaned before loading or after unloading, and toxic substances and food shall not be mixed to prevent pollution.

(4) entry and exit means of transport that do not meet the health requirements must be subject to the supervision of the health and quarantine organ for immediate improvement.

Article 107 the hygiene requirements for drinking water, food and employees are as follows:

(1) Food and drinking water on frontier ports and means of transport must meet the relevant hygiene standards

(2) Foreign-related hotels in frontier ports and departments that provide catering services to entry and exit means of transport must apply for a health permit from the health and quarantine organ before doing business.

(3) employees of foreign-related hotels and food and drinking water on entry and exit means of transport at frontier ports shall hold health certificates issued by health and quarantine organs. The certificate is valid for 12 months from the date of issuance.

Article 108 relevant units at frontier ports and persons-in-charge of means of transport shall observe the following items:

(1) to abide by the provisions of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law, these rules and relevant health regulations

(2) to accept the supervision and inspection of health supervisors and provide convenience for their work

(3) to take timely measures to improve the sanitary conditions of frontier ports and means of transport in accordance with the recommendations of health supervisors.

Chapter 11 penalties

Article 109 the acts subject to administrative punishment as stipulated in the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law and these rules refer to:

(1) ships that should be subject to entry quarantine do not hang quarantine signals

(2) entry and exit means of transport loading and unloading luggage, goods, parcels and other articles without authorization before or after entry and exit quarantine

(3) refusing to accept quarantine or health supervision or refuse to accept sanitary treatment

(4) forging or altering quarantine documents or certificates or failing to truthfully declare the epidemic situation

(5) concealing the carrying of prohibited microorganisms, human tissues, biological products, blood and its products or other animals and articles that may cause the spread of infectious diseases

(6) entry or exit means of transport without quarantine inspection leaving the quarantine place without authorization to evade inspection

(7) concealing the epidemic or falsifying the circumstances

(8) discharging ballast water and removing garbage, dirt and other controlled articles without sanitary treatment carried out by the health and quarantine organ

(9) transporting corpses or skeletons without sanitary treatment by the health and quarantine organ

(10) entering, leaving, using or dismantling waste articles or vehicles without declaration to the health and quarantine organ, without sanitary treatment and issuance of health and quarantine certificate by the health and quarantine organ

(11) removing patients with infectious diseases from the means of transport without inspection by the health and quarantine organ, thus causing the risk of the spread of infectious diseases.

Article 110 whoever commits any of the acts listed in items (1) to (5) listed in Article 109 of these rules shall be given a warning or a fine of not less than 100yuan but not more than 5000 yuan

For any of the acts listed in items (6) to (9) listed in Article 109 of these rules, a fine ranging from 1000 yuan to 10,000 yuan shall be imposed.

Whoever commits any of the acts listed in items (10) and (11) of Article 109 of these rules shall be fined not less than 5000 yuan but not more than 30,000 yuan.

Article 111 when collecting a fine, the health and quarantine organ shall issue a formal receipt for the fine. All fines will be handed over to the state treasury.

Chapter XII Supplementary provisions

Article 112 the rates of fees charged by the frontier health and quarantine organs for carrying out health and quarantine shall be jointly formulated by the administrative department of health under the State Council and the financial and price departments of the State Council.

Article 113 the administrative department of health under the State Council shall be responsible for the interpretation of these rules.

Article 114 these rules shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation.