
Prida Learn more about Prida

  • Xian Wang jujube

    Xian Wang jujube

    Offer king jujube. Selected by Xianxian Forestry Bureau. The fruit is oblong, the average fruit weight is 9g, the maximum fruit weight is 12g, the pericarp is deep red and shiny, and the fruit surface is smooth and slightly concave and convex. Fresh jujube has yellowish-white pulp, hard taste, more juice, crisp and sweet, fresh jujube contains about 32% of soluble solids, and the edible rate of fruit is 90.4%. The sugar content of dried jujube is 76.5%, and the drying rate is 70%-78%. The jujube fruit has thick flesh, small stone, good taste and few cracking fruits. The tree posture of this variety opens, the branches bear fruit and then droop, and the crown is a natural semicircle. The tree is strong.

  • Huahang No. 1 (Rice)

    Huahang No. 1 (Rice)

    Variety profile: Huahang 1 is a new high-quality and high-yield rice variety selected from hundreds of mutants grown on the ground by the Department of Agronomy of South China Agricultural University after carrying rice seeds in space for 15 days and then sowing on the ground. This variety has the following characteristics: 1. The quality of rice is excellent, the grain is transparent and without abdominal white, and the ratio of length to width is 33 / 35. According to the identification of Guangdong Grain and Oil quality Inspection Station, early rice belongs to the first grade rice. 2. High yield performance. The panicle has large grains and high seed setting rate, with an average total grain number of 209 grains per panicle and 196 grains per panicle.

  • Significance and methods of thinning male flowers (male flowers) in walnut trees

    Significance and methods of thinning male flowers (male flowers) in walnut trees

    The number of male flowers of walnut is large, which far exceeds the need for pollination, and the development of male flower buds needs to consume a lot of water, sugars, amino acids and so on. Removing too many male flower buds from walnut trees is called sparse male. Thinning male flowers can save a lot of water and nutrients for the development of female flowers.

    2020-11-27 Walnut tree sparse except male flower male meaning method
  • High-yield cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus with high nutrition formula

    High-yield cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus with high nutrition formula

    The cultivation technology of high nutrition and high yield of Pleurotus ostreatus is to use wheat straw, rice straw and other raw materials, such as high nutrition formula, bacterial stick film removal, nutrient soil mulching and so on, so that the input and output of Prida is more than 1 / 10, and the economic benefit is very significant. 1. Wide temperature varieties such as Changbai No.1 were selected for strain selection. The suitable cultivation time is from September of that year to April of the following year. two。 There are 4 formulations for formula and treatment: ① soybean straw (crushed) 50%, corncob or wheat straw 40%, corn flour or wheat bran 8%, lime 2%. ② wheat straw 70%, wheat bran 27%, compound fertilizer 1

  • Preliminary report on the effect of Kobao Plant probiotics on Cotton

    Preliminary report on the effect of Kobao Plant probiotics on Cotton

    1 Materials and methods 1.1 the tested material Kebao plant probiotics was produced by Zhejiang Kebao Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and the tested variety was Xiangzamian 2. 1.2 the experimental site is Dashahu Farm, Honghu City, Hubei Province. Soil texture sandy loam, spring ploughing and spring irrigation, sprinkling 52% diammonium phosphate 300 kg/hm2 and 46% urea 75kg/hm2 before soil preparation. 1.3 the experiment was designed with 3 treatments. Treatment of ①: Kebao plant probiotics one time dosage 300g/

  • Cultivation and management techniques for high yield of Gastrodia elata

    Cultivation and management techniques for high yield of Gastrodia elata

    Gastrodia elata, also known as red arrow, tomorrow hemp, belongs to orchids, gastrodia elata tribe, gastrodia elata tribe, for perennial herbs parasitic plants. Due to the extensive planting and management technology of Gastrodia elata, the phenomenon of "looking at the sky" is more common, so it fails to achieve high yield and high yield. The main points of high yield cultivation techniques explored and tested by myself in recent years are summarized as follows: 1. Suitable environment for Gastrodia elata (1) Altitude Gastrodia elata is distributed in more than ten provinces and cities in China, and can be planted in areas with an altitude of 300~1900 meters. The most suitable altitude is 600~120

  • Agricultural production will continue to be under import pressure this year

    Agricultural production will continue to be under import pressure this year

    Affected by the growth of domestic demand, the expansion of internal and external price differences and the fluctuation trough of the international market, China's agricultural imports continued to grow at a high level in 2014. In terms of specific products, grain imports increased significantly, while oilseed vegetable oil imports remained stable as a whole.

    2016-03-20 This year agricultural production will continue bear import pressure and be affected by
  • Efficient Culture Technology of Black Dolphin

    Efficient Culture Technology of Black Dolphin

    Efficient Culture Technology of Black Dolphin

  • Effect of Trace element Water-soluble Fertilizer on yield and quality of Citrus

    Effect of Trace element Water-soluble Fertilizer on yield and quality of Citrus

    Effect of Trace element Water-soluble Fertilizer on yield and quality of Citrus A large number of element water-soluble fertilizer is a liquid or solid water-soluble fertilizer made of a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and adding an appropriate amount of medium or trace elements.

  • A large amount of land has been idle for a long time: the government accounts for more than 50%.

    A large amount of land has been idle for a long time: the government accounts for more than 50%.

    A large amount of land has been idle for a long time, which is giving rise to a variety of economic and social problems, so it is highly valued by leaders and competent departments at all levels. According to the 2014 China Land and Resources Bulletin issued by the Ministry of Land and Resources on April 22nd, the country has supplied construction land from 2009 to 2013.

    2016-03-20 Large land long-term idle government reason account for Prida 50%
  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Agaricus bisporus in bed frame

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Agaricus bisporus in bed frame

    In the past few years, the author has been engaged in the exploration of bed-frame high-yield cultivation techniques in Pleurotus ostreatus room, and some successful experiences have been obtained. Now the relevant technologies are summarized as follows for peer reference. 1 the mushroom house and bed frame structure mushroom house is 19.6 m long from east to west, 9 m wide from north to south, 2.5 m high from front and rear wall and 3.5 m high from gable. The wall is bricked with lime. Put cement on the outside; wipe it with lime mud on the inside, then brush it with lime mud. There are 4 25cm × 20cm ventilation windows up and down the front and rear wall facing the aisle, and the first ventilation window is 20cm from the ground. Front

  • Agricultural industrialization releases more energy in "innovation"

    Agricultural industrialization releases more energy in

    In the past, I worried about selling, but I couldn't step on the point of sales and had the temper of not knowing the market. Now there are cooperatives that buy them uniformly, or sell them to enterprises according to orders, so that they can save effort and make money!. The feeling of Chi Linguo, a big strawberry grower in Donggang City, Liaoning Province, represents all

    2016-01-10 Agriculture industrialization in " innovation " in release bigger
  • Development status of Waterfowl Industry in China

    Development status of Waterfowl Industry in China

    Development status of Waterfowl Industry in China

  • High-yield cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in bed frame

    High-yield cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in bed frame

    1. Mushroom house and bed frame structure mushroom house is 19.6m long from east to west, 9m wide from north to south, 2.5m high from front and rear wall and 3.5m high from gable. The wall is bricked with lime. Put cement on the outside; wipe it with lime mud on the inside, then brush it with lime mud. There are 4 25cm × 20cm ventilation windows up and down the front and rear walls facing the aisle. The first one passes through.
