
sparse Learn more about sparse

  • Summary of dry cultivation and sparse planting of Rice

    Summary of dry cultivation and sparse planting of Rice

    Rice dry cultivation and sparse planting is one of the agronomic measures popularization. the perennial rice cultivation area is 9315 mu and the per unit yield is low. With the continuous non-development and progress of science and technology, the yield has been significantly increased, especially since the promotion of wide and narrow row planting and dry cultivation and sparse planting, the effect is better, and farmers have been able to increase production and income. Rice is dry and sparse.

  • Key points of cultivation techniques of dry cultivation and sparse planting of planting Rice

    Key points of cultivation techniques of dry cultivation and sparse planting of planting Rice

    According to the characteristics of high yield, the cultivation technique of dry cultivation and sparse planting of rice is based on the application of comprehensive cultivation techniques to promote rice to achieve strong seedlings, strong plants, long ears, full ears, many grains and full grains in the process of growth and development, and finally achieve high yield, low consumption and high efficiency.

    2020-11-08 Planting rice dry cultivation and sparse planting cultivation techniques key points
  • Introduction: why navel oranges should "sparse spring shoots and wipe summer shoots"

    Introduction: why navel oranges should

    The scientific practice of "thinning spring shoots and wiping summer shoots" for navel orange trees one year before or after production is an important measure to protect fruit and increase production. However, due to many fruit farmers will not use or improper implementation methods, not only failed to achieve the expected goal of high yield, but also caused the consequences of small crown, few branches and leaves and low yield of navel orange. Now the spring shoots will be sparse.

  • Sycamore family

    Sycamore family

    Latin name: Sterculiaceae English name: introduction to SterculiaFamily: trees or shrubs, sparse herbs or vines; often covered with stellate hairs; stem bark rich in fiber, often mucus. Leaves simple, palmately compound, alternate, sparsely opposite, stipules caducous. Inflorescences axillary, sparsely terminal, panicle, Cymes, racemes or corymbs, sparse flowers solitary; flowers unisexual, polygamous or bisexual; sepals 5 (3-4), slightly connate or separated, valvate; petals 5 or absent, separate or basally connate with androgynophore.

  • What if the goldfish orchid is too sparse?

    What if the goldfish orchid is too sparse?

    What if the goldfish orchid is too sparse?

  • Characteristics of sparse layered tree shape in the trunk of jujube

    Characteristics of sparse layered tree shape in the trunk of jujube

    Characteristics of sparse layered tree shape in the trunk of jujube

  • Apocynaceae


    Latin name: Apocynaceae English name: DogbaneFamily introduction: trees, shrubs or vines, sparse perennial herbs; with lotion or water. Leaves opposite, whorled, sparsely alternate, entire, rare denticulate, pinnately pinnate; stipules absent or reduced into glands, rare pseudostipules. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic; solitary or in Cymes. Calyx basally connate, (4) 5-lobed, lobes often arranged in double imbricate shape, inner base often with glands; Corolla connate, lobes (4) 5, covered.

  • What if the latest goldfish hanging orchid is too sparse?

    What if the latest goldfish hanging orchid is too sparse?

    Potted friends who are familiar with goldfish orchid, an evergreen flower plant, are usually attracted by its strong ornamental, but it is not easy to raise goldfish orchid, especially as a family potted plant. what's more, we need to master

    2020-11-10 The latest goldfish hanging orchid long too sparse how to do familiar with
  • Goldfish flower leaves are sparse and do not blossom. It turns out that it is the wrong way to raise them.

    Goldfish flower leaves are sparse and do not blossom. It turns out that it is the wrong way to raise them.

    Recently, I have received a lot of messages about goldfish flowers, the most frequently asked is that the leaves are sparse, do not grow new branches, do not bloom? In fact, goldfish flower is very easy to raise, if our goldfish flower leaves are sparse, do not grow new branches, or even do not bloom.

  • Cultivation techniques of sparse propagation and pest control of Scutellaria mandshurica

    Cultivation techniques of sparse propagation and pest control of Scutellaria mandshurica

    Cultivation techniques of sparse propagation and pest control of Artemisia mandshurica; the seeds were harvested after ripening in autumn, dried and shelled, and the pure seeds were obtained by removing sundries. the seeds were refrigerated after drying. Sow seeds in the following spring, soak seeds before sowing, sow seeds.

  • The pruning method of the year-to-year tree of the trunk sparse layer

    The pruning method of the year-to-year tree of the trunk sparse layer

    The pruning method of the year-to-year tree of the trunk sparse layer

  • High-ridge sparse planting and High-yield cultivation techniques of Spring Maize

    High-ridge sparse planting and High-yield cultivation techniques of Spring Maize

    At present, many fine spring maize varieties need high ridge and sparse planting, but farmers generally use low ridge and close planting, which makes the good characters of corn can not be fully shown, which seriously affects the increase of farmers' income. Especially Dongdan 60, Sanbei 6, Dongdan 13, Zunyan 1, the number of plants per mu can not exceed 3000, and.

  • Introduction to sparse planting methods and cultivation management techniques of Carpinus sibirica

    Introduction to sparse planting methods and cultivation management techniques of Carpinus sibirica

    The small flower is a deciduous shrub of Saxifragaceae, which is distributed in Northeast and North China, as well as in Russia and Korea. Most of them are born on the edge of broad-leaved forest or in bushes. Small flowers are sparse and elegant in color, small but dense, and bloom at the time of few flowers in summer. It is a good material for landscaping.

  • These four points of raising jasmine in autumn should pay attention to the sparse flowers and drop the bud.

    These four points of raising jasmine in autumn should pay attention to the sparse flowers and drop the bud.

    Jasmine is a kind of flower with unique fragrance and a favorite potted plant, but some jasmine flowers are sparse and easy to switch packages, so what is the reason for this? The first light, autumn.

  • Morphological characteristics and Management methods of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Morphological characteristics and Management methods of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Morphological characteristics perennial root herbs, leaves many opposite, sparse alternate, entire, lobed or cleft. Flowers solitary or sparse panicles, involucre in two rows, 3 in each row, basally connate. Ligulate flowers 1-row, broadly ligulate, yellow, brown or pink. Tubular flowers yellow to brown. Main species: Golden Chrysanthemum Coreopsisbasalis, plant height 30~gOcm, sparse growth hairs of the whole plant, leaves entire margin lobed, cauline leaves oblong spatulate or lanceolate, cauline leaves 3-5-lobed, capitate inflorescence diameter 6-7cm, long pedunculate, flowers

  • What if the leaves of duck foot wood are sparse, yellow and grow slowly?

    What if the leaves of duck foot wood are sparse, yellow and grow slowly?

    Duck foot wood is a kind of plant whose branches and leaves are evergreen all the year round, not only with strange leaf shape and green leaf color, but also with beautiful plant shape, so it is a very beautiful ornamental plant. Not only that, its leaves can also absorb nicotine and other harmful gases caused by smoking, which for friends who like to smoke at home

  • Why does Pleurotus ostreatus need to sparse the bud?

    Why does Pleurotus ostreatus need to sparse the bud?

    Why does Pleurotus ostreatus need to sparse the bud? How does Pleurotus ostreatus sparse buds? Netizens who have experienced in the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus are also asked to help introduce that the main purpose of thinning buds is to reduce nutrient consumption and ensure the yield and quality of Pleurotus ostreatus, so thinning buds should be adopted in the mushroom emergence stage. But the operation of many mushroom farmers on Bailing mushroom is not.

  • Control of insects in the fruits of growing plums

    Control of insects in the fruits of growing plums

    When it comes to plums, I think we are no stranger. I remember that when I was a child, there were several plum trees in front of my house, but at that time our family did not need too much management of plum trees and could produce a lot of fruit every year. But if you want to produce delicious and beautiful plums

    2020-11-08 Species plums fruits interior raw insect control speaking of
  • Is it better to plant corn sparsely or densely?

    Is it better to plant corn sparsely or densely?

    Synopsis: Should corn be planted at "high density" or sparsely? Now it was autumn harvest season, and corn had entered harvest season one after another. The problem of corn close planting is actually a concern of many farmers. I've seen it before.

  • The pruning method of the trunk sparse layer tree from the first to the first year

    The pruning method of the trunk sparse layer tree from the first to the first year

    The pruning method of the trunk sparse layer tree from the first to the first year
