
Cultivation techniques of sparse propagation and pest control of Scutellaria mandshurica

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultivation techniques of sparse propagation and pest control of Artemisia mandshurica; the seeds were harvested after ripening in autumn, dried and shelled, and the pure seeds were obtained by removing sundries. the seeds were refrigerated after drying. Sow seeds in the following spring, soak seeds before sowing, sow seeds.

Cultivation techniques of sparse propagation and pest control of Scutellaria mandshurica


Sowing and breeding autumn seeds are harvested after maturity, dried and shelled, pure seeds are removed from sundries, and the seeds are refrigerated after drying. Sowing seeds in the following spring, soaking seeds before sowing, the sowing rate is 20 ~ 30g per square meter. Covered with soil 1cm after sowing, the bed is covered with fine grass chips or sawdust, moisturizing and heat preservation to facilitate seedling emergence.

Cuttage propagation generally uses softwood cuttings. From June to July, cut off the slightly lignified twigs, cut off the cuttings that grew about 15cm, left 2 or 3 leaves on them, and inserted them into the pre-leveled seedbed. The row spacing of the cuttings was 10cm × 20cm. Immediately after cutting, water should be irrigated once, then covered with plastic film, and shaded by a curtain built on the seedbed. Water should be watered once a day after cutting to keep the seedbed moist. When the temperature is high at noon, the plastic film at both ends of the nursery bed can be opened to avoid excessive temperature in the bed.

Root-splitting propagation can be carried out by digging out part of the tillering seedlings for transplanting propagation. In order to obtain more and better tillering seedlings, the expected results can also be achieved by increasing the fertilizer and water management of the tillering mother trees. The specific method is to dig a trench with a depth of 30 ~ 40cm along the 50 ~ 100cm of the mother tree, evenly apply the rotten farm organic fertilizer 25kg into the ditch, and cover the original soil, and there will be a lot of tillers for planting in the next year.

Planting and cultivation

Planting time can be planted in spring and autumn, but in North China, late autumn and early winter is better than spring, easy to survive, large seedlings can bring lodging soil. Compost should be applied to each hole when planting, and attention should be paid to drainage in rainy season.

In the planting method, the diameter of the sparse tree pit is 60 ~ 80cm and the depth is 45 ~ 50cm. The bottom of the pit should be filled with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, and then the planting soil should be backfilled, compacted and watered once.

Water and fertilizer management Dahuasu is more drought-resistant, not resistant to waterlogging, watering is not suitable. It can be irrigated twice from spring germination to flowering. The drought can be irrigated for 2 ~ 3 times in summer and 1 ~ 2 times from autumn to frost. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season. Except that 2-3 spades of rotten compost should be applied to each plant at the time of planting, there can be no more topdressing.

After plastic pruning, the residual flowers should be trimmed, and the withered branches, overdense branches and diseased branches should be cut off after falling leaves. The life span of the sparse twigs is relatively short, which usually dries up in 1 ~ 2 years, so it should be renewed and pruned at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter every year, that is, all the dried parts should be cut off to promote the lower dry branches to pull out again. Branches that are too dense should also be cut off when pruning. After pruning, the plant will grow vigorously and spend more in the second year.

Pest control

There are few diseases and insect pests, mainly caused by aphids. When it occurs, 1.2% bitter tobacco EC 800cm 1000 times, or 6% imidacloprid EC 3000 ~ 4000 times, or 5% acetamiprid EC 5000 ~ 6000 times, etc. one of them is used for foliar spray.