
Agricultural industrialization releases more energy in "innovation"

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In the past, I worried about selling, but I couldn't step on the point of sales and had the temper of not knowing the market. Now there are cooperatives that buy them uniformly, or sell them to enterprises according to orders, so that they can save effort and make money!. The feeling of Chi Linguo, a big strawberry grower in Donggang City, Liaoning Province, represents all

"in the past, I worried about selling, but I couldn't step on the point of sales and had the temper of not knowing the market, but now there are cooperatives that buy it uniformly, or hand it over to enterprises according to orders, so that they can save effort and make money!" Chi Linguo, a major strawberry grower in Donggang City, Liaoning Province, represents the aspirations of all farmers who have benefited from strawberry industrialization.

Strawberry industry in Donggang is a microcosm of the rapid development of agricultural industrialization in China in recent years. Looking at the whole country, new business type continues to emerge into agricultural industrialization management such as "Internet +", and the business models of leading enterprises such as "using feed and sending breeding pigs for free" continue to innovate. New ideas in agricultural industrialization management, such as supporting farmers' land management rights to participate in shares, have been innovated and put into practice.

Not only should the financial statements of enterprises look good, but also the pockets of farmers should be bulged.

Agricultural industrialization is connected with farmers at one end and the market at the other; the industrialization chain connects bases, farmers, cooperatives, enterprises, markets and other main bodies, realizing the efficient operation of agricultural products, capital and other elements.

By 2014, there were 354200 agricultural industrialization organizations and 125500 leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, especially the number of large leading enterprises increased. There were nearly 20, 000 leading enterprises with annual sales income exceeding 100 million yuan, and 70 enterprises exceeding 10 billion yuan.

The financial statements of leading enterprises look good, so has the income of farmers increased?

Data show that last year, leading enterprises and other business organizations radiated 124 million peasant households, and the average annual income of farmers participating in agricultural industrialization increased by 3234 yuan. Enterprises provide farmers with social services such as agricultural material supply, technical training, epidemic prevention and control, market information, etc., improve farmers' planting and breeding level, expand the scale of operation, and give birth to a large number of professional families and family farms.

"supporting the 'dragon head' is for the sake of rich farmers." Chen Xiaohua, vice minister of agriculture, said. To solve the difficulties of agricultural enterprises and strengthen their strength is to enhance the ability to increase the income of farmers.

At present, Anhui is building a new modern agricultural industrialization management model with leading enterprises as the core, professional large families and family farms as the foundation, and farmers' cooperatives as the link, which integrates the connection of interests, the integration of elements, mutual assistance and win-win, and joint development. Inner Mongolia has issued the "opinions on establishing and perfecting the interest connection mechanism between leading enterprises and farmers and herdsmen".

In order to establish an incentive mechanism to guide leading enterprises to combine agriculture with farmers, and to give full play to the prying role of financial funds, in recent years, the Ministry of Agriculture has given financial rewards and subsidies to leading enterprises in developing order agriculture and providing guarantees for farmers' loans. Data show that 33 key state-level leading enterprises have purchased more than 600 million yuan of agricultural products from farmers and helped more than 5000 farmers obtain loans of more than 900 million yuan.

In addition, we will guide the sharing and interconnection of various elements and resources in the agricultural industrialization demonstration base, support the construction of public service platforms such as quality testing, technological research and development, and logistics information, and have cumulatively provided services equivalent to 15 million yuan to the leading enterprises in the demonstration base. to promote enterprises to save costs and increase efficiency.

We should support those who are engaged in agriculture to help farmers, and say "no" to those who go to the countryside to illegally reclaim land.

Industry has 4.0, so how to manage agriculture with industrial thinking? The answer is that agriculture should also be upgraded by 4.0. To this end, the state encourages industrial and commercial capital to go to the countryside to engage in agricultural industrialization, but firmly says "no" to engage in "non-agricultural" operation and illegal enclosure of land under the banner of agriculture.

In recent years, the speed of industrial and commercial capital investment in agriculture has accelerated, especially a number of non-agricultural industrial and commercial capital from cities have poured in. According to statistics, among the original capital invested in modern agriculture in Wuhai City, Inner Mongolia, the capital from industrial manufacturing, energy and mineral resources, and real estate accounts for about 56% of the total investment.

There is also a number of industrial and commercial capital, under the guidance of the local government, actively developing the industrialized operation of agriculture, injecting advanced factors of production and modern management mode into traditional agriculture. For example, Lenovo Jiawo Company makes use of the technical advantages of long-term engaged in IT industry, using video surveillance, wireless transmission and other technologies to build an agricultural Internet of things system to achieve remote monitoring of crop plant growth and full process management.

Under the new economic normal, local governments encourage leading enterprises to strengthen business models and technological R & D and innovation, and new business type and new business models of agricultural industrialization continue to emerge.

In the era of "Internet +", agriculture certainly cannot be absent. A large number of leading enterprises test the waters of e-commerce and set up stores on well-known e-commerce platforms. the surge in commodity sales has led to the rapid digestion of agricultural products in the hands of farmers. Some leading enterprises are also actively innovating business models, such as Chengdu Juxing Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. launched the "feed, free breeding pigs" plan, enterprise feed sales have increased steadily, farmers have also been benefited, and the win-win situation of "enterprises + farmers" has been realized.

The state encourages leading enterprises to establish raw material bases for agricultural products by means of self-construction or orders, to purchase, store, process and transform agricultural products nearby, and to develop logistics and distribution, chain operation, agricultural super-docking, and so on. it has realized the organic connection of the production, processing, sale and circulation of agricultural products.

In 2014, the sales income of key leading enterprises at and above the provincial level and the total purchase of raw materials for major agricultural products were 2.48 ∶ 1 of Prida.

Leading enterprises make integrated use of advanced production factors such as capital, talents and technology, strengthen independent scientific and technological innovation, and develop new varieties, new technologies and new technologies. In 2014, nearly 90% of the national key leading enterprises set up special R & D centers. Yunnan Huahong Import and Export Company innovates flower processing and fresh-keeping technology and develops "everlasting flowers" with a shelf life of up to 5 years, which is in short supply in the international market.

Industrial and commercial capital in rural areas has brought capital, technology, talents and advanced management ideas to rural areas, and played a positive role in the development of agricultural modernization. But at the same time, there is also a by-product, that is, the tendency of non-grain, or even non-agriculture. In the process of industrial and commercial capital going to the countryside, it is inevitable that "fish and dragons are mixed". Some places attract investment blindly for their political achievements, and even give the green light for some enterprises to engage in "non-agricultural" operations. these behaviors seriously threaten the national food security, encroach on the precious arable land and infringe upon the vital interests of farmers.

In this regard, the central authorities clearly put forward that it is necessary to explore and establish a strict access and supervision system for industrial and commercial enterprises to lease contracted cultivated land to farmers, encourage and guide urban industrial and commercial capital to develop farming industries suitable for enterprise management in rural areas, increase support for grain production, encourage and support the use of transferred land for grain production, curb non-grain conversion, strictly prohibit non-agriculturalization, and never allow non-agricultural construction in the name of land transfer.

Explore "shares of Farmers' Land Management right" and share the value-added benefits of the secondary and tertiary industries

"promoting the continuous increase of farmers' income is the fundamental starting point and foothold for the development of agricultural industrialization. Under the new economic normal, farmers' household operating income, wage income, transfer income and property income are all faced with challenges to varying degrees, and it is necessary to open up new channels to increase income. " Chen Xiaohua, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, said: to develop agricultural industrialization is to bring farmers to work, help them sell, and make them rich, and to find a point for farmers to increase their income in the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, while agricultural industrialization shows a strong power source in the integrated development of the three industries.

In terms of increasing household operating income, support leading enterprises to drive the common development of ordinary farmers and large-scale operators, implement order agriculture, carry out production and marketing docking, in the form of guaranteed floor price acquisition, price increase acquisition and secondary profit return, let farmers share the value-added income of the secondary and tertiary industries. In terms of increasing wage income, leading enterprises should be encouraged to give priority to hiring local farmers, carry out skills training, train high-quality farmers, and let them obtain the input effect of human capital spillover; in increasing property income, strengthen the supervision of industrial and commercial capital leasing of agricultural land to protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers.

At present, it has become an exploratory and innovative practice to guide farmers to invest in land management rights, funds, technology, facilities and so on.

At present, the Ministry of Agriculture has carried out pilot projects in Heilongjiang, Zhejiang, Sichuan and other places, and the number of farmers' cooperatives or leading enterprises with land contractual management rights has gradually increased, and farmers can directly share the value-added achievements of the industrial chain as shareholders. Chongqing Dongjiang Pig breeding Company adopts the income distribution mode of "bottom guarantee + dividend", absorbing 23.24mu of local farmers to buy shares. In addition to the guaranteed income, the dividend per mu is more than 1000 yuan per mu, which is much higher than the rental income of direct land lease. it explores the realistic path for farmers to share the value-added income in processing, circulation and other links.

In addition to exploring and practicing the ownership of farmers' land management rights, we can also guide leading enterprises to establish or lead farmers' cooperatives in the form of capital shares, encourage farmers' cooperatives to set up leading enterprises, and realize the deep integration of leading enterprises and farmers' cooperatives.

Farming is still the main source of farmers' income. In order to increase income, it is necessary to expand the scale of planting and breeding, and it is necessary to increase capital investment, but it often suffers from difficult and expensive loans. Agricultural enterprises are also in "the same misery". The difficulty of loans and the high cost of financing have become "obstacles" for enterprises to increase their agricultural income.

In view of the problem of funds, at present, 6 provinces, including Jiangxi, have set up guarantee companies for agricultural industrialization by means of financial funds; 11 provinces, including Hebei, have set up guarantee companies led by leading enterprises to solve the problem of shortage of production funds for farmers in the base. In addition, Jilin and other provinces are actively preparing for the establishment of agricultural industry fund companies to make direct investment in growing leading enterprises.

Only when we strengthen the leader, enrich the farmers, and make the enterprises better, can we make the farmers who follow the enterprises to enter the market lead a good life. As the saying goes, "one chess piece is all-round". The enhancement of the financial strength of the enterprise has driven the vitality of the whole industrial chain and released more energy to increase the income of farmers.