
Colony Learn more about Colony

  • What is the role of the queen bee in the colony? What if it dies?

    What is the role of the queen bee in the colony? What if it dies?

    The queen bee, also known as the mother bee, is a female bee with fully developed reproductive organs, which is developed from fertilized eggs. Usually there is only one bee in each colony. The price varies with the quality of the queen bee, ranging from 100 yuan to several hundred yuan. So what is the role of the queen bee in the colony?

    2020-11-11 The queen bee in the colony has what the function it death
  • How can you raise bees without a queen bee?

    How can you raise bees without a queen bee?

    The queen bee is the main breeder of the whole colony, and the colony without the queen bee will fall into chaos, and sometimes the queen bee will disappear because of natural or perceived factors, which is not good news for beekeepers. How can you keep bees without a queen bee? First, get involved in the queen bee, which is the most

    2020-11-11 No queen bee how raise bee yes the whole colony
  • Disturbing the colony to speed up the aging of honeybees how to survive the winter safely in winter

    Disturbing the colony to speed up the aging of honeybees how to survive the winter safely in winter

    Disturbing the colony to speed up the aging of honeybees how to survive the winter safely in winter

  • It is necessary to prevent bee pesticide poisoning in autumn

    It is necessary to prevent bee pesticide poisoning in autumn

    After entering the autumn, the external honey sources gradually decreased, and the bee colony management gradually shifted from the production of bee products such as royal jelly and honey to the preparation of bee colony overwintering, especially the beekeepers who were transferred to other places from September to prepare for the overwintering of bee colony. Raised in recent years

    2020-11-08 Autumn need prevention bees pesticides poisoning entering autumn
  • Production technology of royal jelly

    Production technology of royal jelly

    1. The basic requirements for the production of pollution-free royal jelly 1. The environment of the beehive requires that the breeding and production sites of royal jelly production must be far away from seriously polluted urban areas. heavy industrial areas, chemical plants, pesticide plants, garbage treatment and landfill plants, sewage treatment plants, orchards and agricultural areas where pesticides are often sprayed to prevent indirect pollution of royal jelly. And there should be rich honey powder sources and auxiliary honey powder sources. 2. The royal jelly production site requires royal jelly as a direct edible food, and its production process should be in line with food hygiene.

  • Comprehensive measures to prevent the occurrence of bee disease in spring

    Comprehensive measures to prevent the occurrence of bee disease in spring

    In the practice of beekeeping, it is found that the occurrence of bee disease is directly related to the technology of feeding and management. Especially in the north of China, when the temperature difference between early and late spring is large, and the sources of honey and powder are scarce, the bee colony is most prone to bee disease. Once the disease occurs, it is bound to cause losses and affect the proliferation and economic benefits of the colony. Therefore, in spring, we should take the measures of "prevention first and treatment as the supplement" to control the occurrence of bee disease. The specific measures are as follows: 1. The selection and treatment of the beekeeping site the most basic conditions for the beekeeper to choose the site should be leeward and sunny and the terrain should be dry. Spring should be chosen.

  • Comprehensive control measures of bee disease in spring

    Comprehensive control measures of bee disease in spring

    The occurrence of bee disease is directly related to the technology of feeding and management. once it occurs, it is bound to affect the proliferation and economic benefits of the colony. Especially in the north of China, when the temperature difference between early and late spring is large, and the sources of honey and powder are scarce, the bee colony is most prone to bee disease. Therefore, in spring, we should take the measures of "prevention first and treatment as the supplement" to control the occurrence of bee disease. The selection and treatment of beekeeping sites the basic conditions for beekeepers to choose the site should be leeward and sunny and the terrain should be dry. There are more willow species in spring, and the shallow mountain areas or cutting sites dominated by Aceraceae plants can only be protected.

  • Where is the queen bee hiding in the colony? If you master these three tips, you can easily find out.

    Where is the queen bee hiding in the colony? If you master these three tips, you can easily find out.

    The most important thing in beekeeping is the queen bee. If there were no queen bee, then the bees would scatter and fly, not in swarms. So beekeepers have to check from time to time to see if there is still a queen in the colony. But beekeeping, the population of bees is huge, and the number of bees is even greater.

    2020-11-11 The queen bee hiding in the colony what location master this three tricks
  • How to keep honeybees from running away from honeybee diseases and enemy damage control

    How to keep honeybees from running away from honeybee diseases and enemy damage control

    When the honeybee population is too large or the queen is aging, the worker bee will build a queen hive, and the larvae hatched by the fertilized eggs laid in the queen will be fed to the royal jelly by the worker bee all the time. The natural grouping is usually led by the old queen bee.

    2020-11-08 Bees how raise can not run disease and enemy damage control
  • Preparation for artificial breeding of queen bee

    Preparation for artificial breeding of queen bee

    Before artificial rearing, the following preparatory work needs to be done: (1) parents should be selected to choose healthy and disease-free colonies whose honey or royal jelly output exceeds the average yield of the whole field, with weak bee distribution and rapid development. The father colony is the colony that provides the drones, and the mother colony is the colony that provides the queen. Both parent and parent groups are used to cultivate bee larvae. A single parent group can also breed thousands of drones. If one or two groups of species are used to breed queens and drones every year, the whole colony will form inbreeding, making productivity and

  • Practical techniques for introduction to Apis cerana cerana cerana

    Practical techniques for introduction to Apis cerana cerana cerana

    Chinese honeybee (Apis cerana Next, let's talk about the introduction to the breeding of Chinese honeybee.

    2020-11-11 China honeybee breeding introduction practical technology
  • High quality and High yield techniques of Bee Pollen

    High quality and High yield techniques of Bee Pollen

    Select a good source of powder to place the colony in a favorable position to collect pollen, and a good source of honey and powder should be selected as far as possible to release the bee. Such as rape, watermelon, corn, sunflower, buckwheat and other plants, not only can collect a large number of pollen, and the pollen obtained is of high purity and high quality. The cultivation of appropriate age colony worker bees is the key to collecting pollen. Strong collection groups must be cultivated actively to ensure the increase of pollen collection. The production of pollen is the same as the production of honey, there must be a large number of age-appropriate collection bees. For this reason, it should be cultivated for pollen production 45 days before the start of pollen production.

  • Why do bees turn black and do not come out of the room to collect honey? How to deal with it?

    Why do bees turn black and do not come out of the room to collect honey? How to deal with it?

    When it comes to bee farming, I believe we will find all kinds of problems when we raise new bees, which can be easily dealt with for our experienced friends, but it will be at a loss for some friends who have no experience in raising bees.

    2020-11-11 Bees turn black don't come out house harvest honey yes why how
  • How do bees survive winter?

    How do bees survive winter?

    When the temperature drops below 8 degrees, the bees will unite in the nest to eat honey to maintain life, in a dormant state. Bees tend to clump together for the winter. They move closer to each other in the hive, and the cooler the temperature, the tighter the clusters, reducing the surface area of the colonies.

    2020-11-11 bee is how winter of when temperature lower over
  • How to choose a beekeeping site in spring? What are the precautions?

    How to choose a beekeeping site in spring? What are the precautions?

    Beekeeping is not a simple thing, more tedious, and in recent years, the honey market is unstable, good and bad, so that many beekeepers feel confused. In the specific process of beekeeping, some technology is needed. So how to choose a beekeeping site in spring? Where is it?

    2020-11-11 Spring how to choose release bees venue yes what matters needing attention
  • Adopt high-quality queen bee

    Adopt high-quality queen bee

    In order to adopt the high quality queen bee, we should mainly consider three aspects: selecting the Chinese bee species with excellent species and production performance, adopting the new queen bee and preventing the degradation of the bee species in use. The queen bee with excellent characteristics is the guarantee of strong colony rearing, and the bee species with strong fecundity, strong population potential, weak bee division, high yield and strong disease resistance (especially resistance to cystic disease) should be selected in the breeding of Chinese bee. A good queen bee can be obtained through the bee species production department, but it must be noted that the introduced queen bee should be able to perform in the production of beekeeping in the use area.

  • How long is the life span of the queen bee family? How much is it usually? What about the dead swarm?

    How long is the life span of the queen bee family? How much is it usually? What about the dead swarm?

    The queen bee, also known as mother bee and queen bee, is a bee developed from fertilized eggs, which can lay eggs and secrete substances to maintain the order of the colony, so if you want to keep a good bee, you need a queen bee, how long is the life span of the queen bee? How much is it usually? What about the dead swarm?

    2020-11-11 Bee family queen bee lifespan how long average more less money
  • Key points of colony management in cold season

    Key points of colony management in cold season

    Key points of colony management in cold season

  • How to cultivate queen bee artificially

    How to cultivate queen bee artificially

    We all know that there is a queen bee in every colony, the queen bee's reminder is relatively large, and the main function of the queen bee is to reproduce and do nothing else. Each queen bee lays more than 2000 eggs a day during the spawning season. The basic purchase of the queen bee is about

    2020-11-08 How artificial breeding queen bee technology we all know
  • Late autumn hundred flowers fall beekeeping overwintering busy late autumn beekeeping points for attention

    Late autumn hundred flowers fall beekeeping overwintering busy late autumn beekeeping points for attention

    Late autumn hundred flowers fall beekeeping overwintering busy late autumn beekeeping points for attention
