
temperature Learn more about temperature

  • Quick check table of suitable temperature for common melons, fruits and vegetables

    Quick check table of suitable temperature for common melons, fruits and vegetables

    Many vegetable farmers have been growing vegetables for many years, but they are still confused about the habits of vegetables, especially the temperature they adapt to. There are also some farmers who grow a crop all the year round.

  • What are the temperature requirements for the growth of apple trees?

    What are the temperature requirements for the growth of apple trees?

    At what temperature is the apple tree suitable for cultivation? Please introduce the various physiological activities, biochemical reactions, growth and development of apple trees, which can only be carried out under certain temperature conditions. Otherwise, its normal growth and development will be inhibited, hindered, victimized or even died. So the farming network arranged the temperature of the apple trees.

  • Cultivation techniques of tea plant

    Cultivation techniques of tea plant

    Temperature is the basic condition for the life activity of tea trees. It not only affects the geographical distribution of tea, but also restricts the growth rate of tea. The effect of temperature on tea tree is mainly manifested in two aspects: air temperature and soil temperature. Air temperature mainly affects the growth of aboveground parts, while ground temperature mainly affects the growth of roots. But air temperature and ground temperature are interrelated. As far as temperature is concerned, tea trees from the tropics to temperate zones can adapt widely. But as far as growth is concerned, there are three basic points of temperature, that is, the threshold temperature for the growth of tea trees, suitable temperature and low temperature.

  • What temperature is suitable for planting apple trees?

    What temperature is suitable for planting apple trees?

    What temperature is suitable for planting apple trees? What kind of temperature do apple trees need in what season? Netizens who have experience in apple tree planting are also invited to help introduce the various physiological activities, biochemical reactions, growth and development of apple trees, which can only be carried out under certain temperature conditions. Otherwise, its normal growth and development.

  • Temperature Regulation in Cultivation of Edible Fungi

    Temperature Regulation in Cultivation of Edible Fungi

    Temperature Regulation in Cultivation of Edible Fungi

  • The skill of making Phalaenopsis bloom

    The skill of making Phalaenopsis bloom

    There are three reasons that affect the flowering quality of Phalaenopsis. -it is genetic reasons, including flower color, shape, size, number, number of peduncles, pedicel bifurcation, pedicel length, and so on. If we already have this at home, there is no way to change and choose, hehe. He is in a state of health.

  • Effect of temperature on the growth and development of flowers

    Effect of temperature on the growth and development of flowers

    Effect of temperature on the growth and development of flowers

  • How to manage the temperature in Cucumber planting

    How to manage the temperature in Cucumber planting

    How to manage the temperature in Cucumber planting

  • Temperature management of cantaloupe

    Temperature management of cantaloupe

    Temperature management of cantaloupe

  • Effect of High temperature and Heat damage on Rice production in Fanchang County and its Prevention and remedial measures

    Effect of High temperature and Heat damage on Rice production in Fanchang County and its Prevention and remedial measures

    In the process of rice production, the most influential and difficult climatic factors are temperature and moisture. Reasonable irrigation can replenish and regulate water, but the temperature is difficult to control. It has a significant impact on the life of rice. Rice is the main crop in grain production in Fanchang County, which ranks first in terms of planting area and total yield. At present, the rice planting area in Fanchang County is about 16360 hectares (including multiple cropping index), of which medium indica rice is about 13191 hectares (mainly hybrid rice), early rice is about 1514 hectares, and double late rice is about 1655.

  • Suitable conditions for growth of tea trees

    Suitable conditions for growth of tea trees

    The shape of heat is generally expressed by temperature, while the main factors affecting the growth of tea trees are air temperature and soil temperature. The biological lowest temperature of tea plant is generally about 10 ℃ (growth threshold temperature). The early bud species are less than 10 ℃, while the late bud species are higher than 10 ℃. The optimum temperature for the growth of tea trees refers to the most vigorous and active temperature of tea trees, which varies with different varieties and producing areas, mostly 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃. The temperature difference and the temperature difference between day and night directly affect the accumulation of photosynthetic matter. The temperature is high during the day, and the light and matter are combined.

  • How to manage the temperature in the latest cucumber planting

    How to manage the temperature in the latest cucumber planting

    The planting area of cucumber in our country is very large. When planting cucumber, we should do a good job of management to ensure the growth of cucumber. We need to pay attention to all aspects, especially the temperature control of planting cucumbers in winter shed. Temperature is crucial to the growth of cucumber.

    2020-11-10 The latest cucumber planting yes temperature how management in
  • Analysis and Countermeasures of Meteorological Diseases of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Analysis and Countermeasures of Meteorological Diseases of Pleurotus ostreatus

    The cultivation practice of Pleurotus ostreatus for many years has proved that the abnormal sharp rise or sudden drop of temperature in spring can cause the same meteorological disease of Pleurotus ostreatus in the same climatic area. if it is poorly managed, a large number of wilting and death will occur in the fruiting body of Pleurotus ostreatus within 1-7 days. heavy losses. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the meteorological diseases of edible fungi, make use of the weather forecast results and formulate effective defense measures to reduce the loss of edible fungi and improve the economic benefits of growing mushrooms. 1 typical case and analysis 1.1 typical case 1:1

  • Temperature Management of muskmelon planting

    Temperature Management of muskmelon planting

    Melons, also known as cantaloupe, Bailan melon, taste sweet, more moisture, very popular, for muskmelon planting temperature management is very important. So, what is the temperature management of melon planting? Let's get to know it together. 1. Planting period of muskmelon

    2020-11-09 Melon planting temperature management melon also known as cantaloupe
  • Flowers require temperature.

    Flowers require temperature.

    Flowers require temperature.

  • Temperature management of the latest cantaloupe

    Temperature management of the latest cantaloupe

    Cantaloupe, also known as cantaloupe, is an annual trailing herb of Cucurbitaceae. Cantaloupe tastes very sweet and is distributed all over our country. Its artificial planting area is also relatively extensive, and the temperature requirement for the growth of muskmelon is relatively high, in its different growth stages.

    2020-11-10 The latest cantaloupe temperature management also known as muskmelon
  • How to manage the temperature of cherries in greenhouse

    How to manage the temperature of cherries in greenhouse

    How to manage the temperature of cherries in greenhouse

  • Constant temperature scorpion breeding technique

    Constant temperature scorpion breeding technique

    Constant temperature scorpion breeding technique

  • When and at what water temperature can high yield be achieved by releasing shrimp seedlings?

    When and at what water temperature can high yield be achieved by releasing shrimp seedlings?

    No matter what kind of aquaculture, breeders hope to get the maximum profit space through the least investment cost, so getting high yield is their greatest concern for breeders, so it is wrong to reasonably master their living environment and living water temperature.

    2020-11-08 When what water temperature shrimp release seedling energy get high yield
  • Sorghum planting: what are the temperature requirements for sorghum?

    Sorghum planting: what are the temperature requirements for sorghum?

    What are the temperature requirements for sorghum? Please introduce that sorghum is a temperature-loving crop. The whole growth period requires a higher temperature than the municipal system. However, in different growth stages, the temperature requirements are also different. The lowest temperature for sorghum germination is 6 ℃. Sowing at this temperature can produce seedlings, but germinate slowly.
