
Comprehensive control measures of bee disease in spring

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The occurrence of bee disease is directly related to the technology of feeding and management. once it occurs, it is bound to affect the proliferation and economic benefits of the colony. Especially in the north of China, when the temperature difference between early and late spring is large, and the sources of honey and powder are scarce, the bee colony is most prone to bee disease. Therefore, in spring, we should take the measures of "prevention first and treatment as the supplement" to control the occurrence of bee disease. The selection and treatment of beekeeping sites the basic conditions for beekeepers to choose the site should be leeward and sunny and the terrain should be dry. There are more willow species in spring, and the shallow mountain areas or cutting sites dominated by Aceraceae plants can only be protected.

The occurrence of bee disease is directly related to the technology of feeding and management. once it occurs, it is bound to affect the proliferation and economic benefits of the colony. Especially in the north of China, when the temperature difference between early and late spring is large, and the sources of honey and powder are scarce, the bee colony is most prone to bee disease. Therefore, in spring, we should take the measures of "prevention first and treatment as the supplement" to control the occurrence of bee disease.

Selection and treatment of bee release sites

The basic conditions for beekeepers to choose the site should be leeward and sunny and the terrain should be dry. There are more willow species in spring, and shallow mountain areas or cutting sites dominated by Aceraceae plants should be selected in spring. Only by ensuring a sufficient source of honey and powder can they breed strong groups and enhance their disease resistance. In order to reduce labor intensity, many beekeepers are accustomed to using the sites where the bees were released last year to put them again. In order to prevent bees from cross-infecting various diseases (especially chalk), 1%-3% caustic soda solution was sprayed on the site 15-20 days before the colony was placed, and 5-7 days later, some quicklime was sprinkled for disinfection and sterilization. It is best to seize the opportunity to burn the site with fire and sterilize at high temperature during the non-fire period. After the bee swarm is placed on the site, it is necessary to dig drainage ditches to ensure the smooth flow of running water on rainy days. Otherwise, bee disease will be induced by dampness in the beehive. In addition, the diameter distance between beehives should be more than 10 km ~ 15 km, so as to avoid colony crowding, resulting in bee disease cross-infection and serious loss of bees.

Remove the adjustment of bee colony during the overwintering period

After the overwintering period of 120 ~ 140days in the north, the air temperature above 7 ℃, breeze or no wind should be selected to promote the excretion of the overwintering bee colony. On the same day, clean up all the dead bees in the hive and replace the wet hive. Within 3 ~ 5 days after colony excretion, bee mites should be severely treated once or twice to reduce the harm of bee mites to the colony and make the bees grow healthily. According to the early and late excretion time, the prisoner king and flight control should be carried out as appropriate. Feeding observation found that bees reproduce early, under the conditions of no honey, powder sources and low temperature, bees feed a large number of larvae, but once the continuous change of weather, bees have no chance of excretion, resulting in indigestion or reptile disease; especially in early breeding, bees feathered out of the house with sugar water, pollen or substitute pollen have poor physique, and bees are easy to be infected with bee disease. Therefore, early reproduction of bee colonies is not advocated in the north of China.

Create a suitable breeding environment

The spring reproduction begins when the bee colony is added to the pollen spleen in spring. In order to prevent the occurrence of bee disease and promote the healthy reproduction of the colony, heat preservation should be carried out according to the colony potential of the colony, internal and external heat preservation should be carried out if the group is weak, and some quicklime should be sprinkled on the external insulation. Through years of observation, it is found that the occurrence of bee disease is directly related to the long-term use of straw mat as insulation. In order to prevent the occurrence of bee disease, it is best to put the weeds cut back in the field into a woven bag to make a pad for heat preservation in the colony, and choose good weather to often air the insulation to keep the hive dry. When checking the colony, it is necessary to cut off the non-species drones, because the drones have a large nutritional demand, and when the external honey and powder sources are slightly poor in spring, the drones are easy to get sick during the development period; when it is snowing in spring, it is necessary to control the flight of the colony. However, do not take the method of closing the nest door, so it is easy to make the bee colony hot, resulting in "flower arrangement spleen". Try not to open the box to check the colony when the temperature is low to prevent frostbite of bee larvae.

Eliminate inferior queen bees in time

As we all know, a high-quality queen bee is a key measure to reproduce a strong colony, while a poor-quality queen bee is not only unable to reproduce in a colony, but also a hidden danger to induce bee disease. In particular, the spring group potential, external climate, honey and powder sources do not have the conditions to cultivate the king. Therefore, raise more disease-resistant natural mating hybrid queen bees, and find that inferior queen bees are eliminated and merged in time to control the bee disease caused by queen bee factors.

In the feeding and management of the colony, the prevention of bee disease is a long-term work, every link can not be careless, always do a good job in the prevention of bee disease, so that the healthy reproduction and growth of the colony, in order to produce high-quality bee products and improve the income of beekeeping.