
uncooked Learn more about uncooked

  • Can uncooked vegetables be eaten raw?

    Can uncooked vegetables be eaten raw?

    Undaria pinnatifida is generally not recommended to eat raw, cold salad words should also be blanched into water before eating, otherwise it may contain some substances that are not good for the stomach, easy to cause diarrhea and other discomfort symptoms. Cold dishes: dry wakame, soak in cold boiled water for 56 minutes

    2020-11-08 Undaria vegetables can raw do undaria general yes no
  • Temperature Management of Pleurotus ostreatus during its sporulation period

    Temperature Management of Pleurotus ostreatus during its sporulation period

    The mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus grows sturdily and has a high success rate, especially in the process of clinker cultivation, the mycelium is less likely to be infected by miscellaneous bacteria than other varieties. However, in the process of uncooked material cultivation, the requirement of temperature in the stage of mycelial growth is very strict. Therefore, correctly mastering the appropriate temperature is the key to ensure the success of Pleurotus ostreatus uncooked cultivation. The mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus has strong growth and strong resistance to miscellaneous bacteria under the condition of 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃. Even if occasionally contaminated by miscellaneous bacteria, the hyphae of Pleurotus ostreatus can penetrate and eat it.

  • How can unripe organic fertilizer do so much harm to crops?

    How can unripe organic fertilizer do so much harm to crops?

    How can unripe organic fertilizer do so much harm to crops?

  • Fish fillet with honey beans

    Fish fillet with honey beans

    Cantonese cuisine ingredients: 200 grams of fish meat, 150 grams of honey beans, 10 grams of carrots, 10 grams of ginger. Seasoning: peanut oil 30 grams, salt 10 grams, monosodium glutamate 10 grams, sugar 2 grams, wet cornmeal amount, sesame oil 5 grams. 1. Cut off the old tendons from the honey beans, slice the carrot and ginger, peel the fish meat, cut it into mud with the back of the knife, add a little salt, monosodium glutamate and cornflour, mix well and beat until gelatinized. Place the fish glue in a pan to dry, fry the fish glue over low heat until it is cooked on both sides and shovel into slices. 2. Under the cooking pot

  • What kind of fertilizer is used in the consolidation of land?

    What kind of fertilizer is used in the consolidation of land?

    When the land is consolidated, it can first loosen the soil, then cover a layer of uncooked cake fertilizer, poultry manure and other powder, and then pour water once to promote its fermentation, which can make the soil loose. The fermented nutrients infiltrate with watering, and can also provide nutrients for plants. It is important to note that

    2020-11-09 Land consolidation use what fertilizer land time can first
  • How much is a jin of beans now? Will it be poisoned if it is not ripe?

    How much is a jin of beans now? Will it be poisoned if it is not ripe?

    Beans, also known as beans, cowpeas, is a common kind of beans in our country, which is deeply loved by people because of its various eating methods and high nutritional value, and it can be seen everywhere in the market. How much is a jin of beans now? Will it be poisoned if it is not ripe? 1. Introduction of beans: 1. Beans are

    2020-11-09 Now one jin beans probably more less money uncooked will poisoning
  • Watch out for poisoning! These eight kinds of vegetables must be cooked before they can be eaten

    Watch out for poisoning! These eight kinds of vegetables must be cooked before they can be eaten

    Many people think that uncooked vegetables not only taste good, but also nutritious. In fact, this view is not correct. The doctor said that some vegetables are poisonous.

  • Types of fertilizers prohibited for use in crops

    Types of fertilizers prohibited for use in crops

    Fertilizer is necessary for crop production, but not all fertilizers can be used. Some fertilizers used in crops not only can not increase the income of crops, but also cause pollution and affect the health of consumers. The following is a description of the types of fertilizers that are prohibited from being used on crops. 1. Cities, hospitals, workers.

  • Cultivation medium plus plant ash Pleurotus ostreatus growth

    Cultivation medium plus plant ash Pleurotus ostreatus growth

    When cultivating Pleurotus ostreatus with uncooked materials, adding proper amount of plant ash into the culture medium is beneficial to the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus. Because plant ash is alkaline, it has the function of disinfection and sterilization, which can inhibit the growth of various miscellaneous bacteria. At the same time, plant ash contains calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and other trace elements, which can increase the nutritional components in the culture medium. In addition, plant ash has heat absorption and warming effect, which can create a good growth environment for mycelium growth. The method of adding plant ash to the culture medium is simple, just add 3%~4% of the plant ash to the culture medium after it has been soaked in water.

  • Cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi with Raw material

    Cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi with Raw material

    Cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi with Raw material

  • Is it safe for flowers to cook?

    Is it safe for flowers to cook?

    Is it safe for flowers to cook?

  • What are the parasites of snails?

    What are the parasites of snails?

    What are the parasites of snails?

  • Korean pine mandarin fish

    Korean pine mandarin fish

    Cooking category: fried cuisine: Huizhou food category: fish flavor: sauce flavor suitable season: irrelevant color flavor: fish color white and salty fresh, pork final color red pine, one dish with two flavors. Ingredients: fresh mandarin fish, leg meat 50, egg white, coriander leaf excipients: Shao wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar 1, chicken soup, ketchup, dry starch, water starch, peanut oil production: 1) mandarin fish clean, cut off the fish head, then use a knife along both sides of the spine to the fish tail, cut off the spine, remove chest thorns

  • Is Boletus poisonous? Why is Boletus poisoned? how much is the price of fresh boletus?

    Is Boletus poisonous? Why is Boletus poisoned? how much is the price of fresh boletus?

    Boletus is mainly produced in Yunnan, so the price of boletus in Yunnan is cheaper than that in other places. The market price of boletus in Yunnan is about 25 yuan to 50 yuan per kilogram. What do you think of the idea that Boletus is toxic? If it is true

    2019-03-13 Boletus poisonous why poisoning fresh price more
  • Rational fertilization Technology of Flowers

    Rational fertilization Technology of Flowers

    Rational fertilization Technology of Flowers

  • Is it good for leftover tea and leftover tea to water flowers?

    Is it good for leftover tea and leftover tea to water flowers?

    Watering any flowers with leftover tea and leftover tea is harmful but not beneficial. Leftover tea and leftover tea all contain a large amount of theophylline, and a large number of harmful gases and reducing substances are produced in the process of ripening and fermentation. when the leftover tea is irrigated for a long time, the soil surface often produces alkali collapse, and it is easy to hide diseases and insect pests. It is necessary to mature before application, and it is best not to use the uncooked tea leaves.

  • Prevention and treatment of Clonorchis sinensis in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of Clonorchis sinensis in pigs

    1. The pathogen is caused by Clonorchis sinensis parasitic in the bile duct of the liver. In addition to pigs, dogs, cats and people can also be infected. Clonorchis sinensis is a small and transparent trematodes, 10-20 cm long and 2-5 mm wide. With the fecal ratio, the eggs were swallowed by the freshwater snail of the first intermediate host in the water, developed in the snail body and escaped as cercariae. Cercariae enter the body of the second intermediate main freshwater fish to form metacercariae, and the final host (pigs, etc.) is infected by eating undercooked fish containing metacercariae. In the pig small intestine, the metacercaria wall membrane is eliminated.

  • Can pork tapeworm be killed at high temperature?

    Can pork tapeworm be killed at high temperature?

    Can pork tapeworm be killed at high temperature?

  • Cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi with Raw material

    Cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi with Raw material

    Build the mushroom house and set up the bed frame, then mix the cottonseed hull, wheat bran, sucrose, urea, lime and other raw materials, and then add the same ratio of water and stir evenly into the bag to make a bacterial bag. Then the bacteria are inoculated into a bacterial bag for culture, and the hyphae will grow after a month or so.

    2020-11-09 Edible fungi raw materials cultivation techniques built mushroom room and set up
  • How to preserve Coprinus comatus?

    How to preserve Coprinus comatus?

    How to preserve Coprinus comatus?
