
scabies Learn more about scabies

  • How to prevent and cure scabies of meat donkey in summer

    How to prevent and cure scabies of meat donkey in summer

    How to prevent and cure scabies of meat donkey in summer

  • Swine scabies should be prevented in winter

    Swine scabies should be prevented in winter

    Pig scabies mite is also known as scabies, commonly known as scabies, is parasitic by scabies mites in pig skin, causing skin red spots, pustules, scabs, cracks and other lesions. Characterized by severe itching, restlessness, loss of appetite, slow growth and decreased feed reward, it is one of the diseases that seriously endanger pig production. It is common in some farms, it is difficult to cure, the severity of clinical symptoms is related to the resistance of pigs, suitable climatic conditions, when the feeding and management is good, the resistance of pigs is strong, generally no obvious symptoms. During the hot summer season, pig pens and pig carcasses are often washed.

  • How to prevent and cure scabies acariasis in rabbits caused by scabies

    How to prevent and cure scabies acariasis in rabbits caused by scabies

    How to prevent and cure scabies acariasis in rabbits caused by scabies

  • Rabbit scabies

    Rabbit scabies

    Rabbit scabies disease, also known as rabbit acariasis, is a kind of external parasitic disease caused by scabies mites or itch mites parasitic on the body surface of rabbits. The invasion area is wide, the incidence rate is high, the mutual infection is difficult to control. The disease is highly contagious. If it is not treated in time, the diseased rabbit can die because of gradual weight loss and weakness, and the harm is very serious. Prevention and treatment methods: do not buy sick rabbits with ear mite scabies, do not use scabies rabbits to breed. Keep the cage dry and often disinfect the rabbit cage with fire. Use 5% dicofol and 2% trichlorfon water every quarter

  • Simple treatment of canine scabies

    Simple treatment of canine scabies

    Canine scabies is a common skin disease caused by canine scabies parasites. The pathogen is scabies. Symptoms: skin changes of perforated scabies often begin on the bridge of nose, cheek, ear root and armpit. At first, there are small red nodules in the skin, and then they become blisters. After the blisters break, sticky yellow oily exudates flow out, and the exudates dry to form fish scale crusts. Local itching, dogs often scratch the affected area with claws or friction on the ground and various objects. Sick dogs are tickled and restless all day, affecting feeding and rest, resulting in gastrointestinal digestion and absorption.

  • Do you know the method of prevention and treatment of swine scabies?

    Do you know the method of prevention and treatment of swine scabies?

    Do you know the method of prevention and treatment of swine scabies?

  • Phoxim in the treatment of scabies in pigs

    Phoxim in the treatment of scabies in pigs

    Porcine scabies is a chronic parasitic disease caused by scabies mites, characterized by intense itching. Both large and small pigs can be infected, which seriously affects the growth and development of pigs and brings huge economic losses to the pig industry. The main results are as follows: 1. After the female scabies mites enter the skin, they lay eggs in the epidermis tunnel and hatch larvae, which are parasitic in the insect tracks of the epidermis and cause inflammatory rash itching caused by the saliva and metabolites of scabies wax. 2. Symptoms and diagnosis first occur in the extremities, ears and abdomen.

  • How to prevent and cure scabies in sheep with skin abscess and hair loss

    How to prevent and cure scabies in sheep with skin abscess and hair loss

    How to prevent and cure scabies in sheep with skin abscess and hair loss

  • Preventive measures of scabies in rabbits

    Preventive measures of scabies in rabbits

    Rabbit scabies disease, also known as rabbit acariasis, is a kind of external parasitic disease caused by scabies mites or itch mites parasitic on the body surface of rabbits. The disease has a wide range of invasion and high incidence, and it is the main disease of raising rabbits in winter and spring. The disease is highly contagious. If it is not treated in time, the diseased rabbit can die because of gradual weight loss and weakness, and the harm is very serious. The disease is introduced in combination with practical experience. Trichophyton scabies mainly occurs in winter and late autumn and early spring because of insufficient sunlight and long rabbit hair in these seasons.

  • Clinical symptoms of scabies in pigs

    Clinical symptoms of scabies in pigs

    Clinical symptoms of scabies in pigs

  • Mild blisters and severe skin cracks pay attention to the prevention and treatment of pig scabies in winter and spring

    Mild blisters and severe skin cracks pay attention to the prevention and treatment of pig scabies in winter and spring

    Mild blisters and severe skin cracks pay attention to the prevention and treatment of pig scabies in winter and spring

  • Anxious itching, poor appetite, emaciation and death. Prevention and treatment of scabies in rabbits

    Anxious itching, poor appetite, emaciation and death. Prevention and treatment of scabies in rabbits

    Anxious itching, poor appetite, emaciation and death. Prevention and treatment of scabies in rabbits

  • Sulfur liniment for rabbit scabies

    Sulfur liniment for rabbit scabies

    Rabbits scabies is a common and frequently-occurring disease. It is rabbit scabies mite parasitism in the skin of rabbits caused by an external parasite disease, with a high degree of infectivity. If the breeding management is not good, it is easy to be ignored, and it is easy to break out in winter and spring rainy season, causing great economic losses. In the past few years, the author used turpentine, camphor oil, 2% trichlorfon and other drugs to treat, although some effects, but to treat many times to recover, and there are certain side effects. In recent years, the author consulted the old folk veterinarian and repeated practice, using compound sulfur to treat rabbit scabies, the effect is very good.

  • Prevention and treatment of scabies caused by shedding hair and cracked skin in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of scabies caused by shedding hair and cracked skin in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of scabies caused by shedding hair and cracked skin in pigs

  • Prevention and treatment of rabbit scabies (if there is a better method, please publish)

    Prevention and treatment of rabbit scabies (if there is a better method, please publish)

    Prevention and treatment of rabbit scabies (if there is a better method, please publish)

  • Prevention and treatment of scabies of farmed hedgehog

    Prevention and treatment of scabies of farmed hedgehog

    1) the etiology of this disease is an external parasitic disease caused by scabies and mites parasitic in the skin. Mites multiply vigorously and spread rapidly in humid environments, especially in autumn and early winter. In addition, poor management, unclean house and unclean skin

    2020-11-08 Breeding hedgehog scabies disease prevention etiology the disease is caused by
  • Scabies of turtles

    Scabies of turtles

    [etiology] the pathogen is a punctate subspecies of Aeromonas hydrophila, which often exists in the water, the skin and intestines of turtles. When the water environment is good, the tortoise is the carrier. Once the environment is polluted, the tortoise is injured, and the bacteria multiply in large numbers, which can easily cause the tortoise to get sick. [symptoms] there are one or more white scabies the size of soybeans in the neck and limbs, squeezed around with yellow and white bean dregs. Diseased turtles can still eat at the initial stage, and gradually eat less. In severe cases, they stop eating and react slowly. He usually dies within 2 to 3 weeks.

  • Prevention and treatment of common diseases of rabbits in winter with colds, pneumonia, diarrhea, scabies and constipation

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases of rabbits in winter with colds, pneumonia, diarrhea, scabies and constipation

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases of rabbits in winter with colds, pneumonia, diarrhea, scabies and constipation

  • Treatment of dog red scabies

    Treatment of dog red scabies

    Red mange is a common contagious disease of animals, also known as demodicidosis. Symptoms: hair loss and itching in a small area of the face or ear in the early stage of the disease. To the middle of the abdomen and limbs local depilation, often have itching phenomenon. In the later stage, there was lethargy, loss of appetite, exposure of eye droppings, erythema, inflammation and herpes in the depilated areas, boredom, severe itching and scratching the skin in the affected dogs. Treatment: (1) choose trichlorfon, 5% ratio, add the right amount of lard, adjust

  • Control methods of Swine scabies mites

    Control methods of Swine scabies mites

    The affected part of the diseased pig is extremely itchy, rubbing in places such as the railing, and after a week, the skin appears as a needle-sized red blood rash, and forms pustules, resulting in cracked scab, dryness, cracking, serious death, and most of them show dysplasia. Prevention and control methods: strengthen feeding and management, do a good job in the hygiene of pig houses, and keep them clean, dry and ventilated; thoroughly disinfect the houses and appliances contaminated by sick pigs with 2%-5% keliolin solution, and the unsterilized utensils shall not be brought into the pig barn; diseased pigs should be kept in isolation and treated in time; diseased pigs should be treated after treatment.
