
refined oil Learn more about refined oil

  • India PEC buys 10, 000 tons of 24-degree refined palm oil

    India PEC buys 10, 000 tons of 24-degree refined palm oil

    India PEC buys 10, 000 tons of 24-degree refined palm oil

  • Fish fillet with mushroom

    Fish fillet with mushroom

    Raw materials: 1800 grams of black fish, 250g of bailing mushroom ingredients: 400g of bamboo shoots, 2 of fresh red peppers, 2g of refined salt, 3g of mushroom essence, 1g of pepper, 100g of yellow rice wine, 200g of dry flour, 1 egg, 10g of soy sauce, 50g of abalone juice, 25g of seafood sauce, 5g of ketchup, 200g of chicken soup, 50g of sugar, 20g of wet cornflour, 500g of refined oil, 100g of chicken oil, 5g of minced garlic, 5g of sesame oil. Production: 1. Slaughter the black fish, remove the guts and intestines

  • Fish fillet with lark mushroom

    Fish fillet with lark mushroom

    Raw materials: 1800 grams of black fish, 250g of bailing mushroom ingredients: 400g of bamboo shoots, 2 of fresh red peppers, 2g of refined salt, 3g of mushroom essence, 1g of pepper, 100g of yellow rice wine, 200g of dry flour, 1 egg, 10g of soy sauce, 50g of abalone juice, 25g of seafood sauce, 5g of ketchup, 200g of chicken soup, 50g of sugar, 20g of wet cornflour, 500g of refined oil, 100g of chicken oil, 5g of minced garlic, 5g of sesame oil. Production: 1. Kill the black fish and remove the dirt

  • India's vegetable oil imports hit an all-time high in 2008-09.

    India's vegetable oil imports hit an all-time high in 2008-09.

    India's vegetable oil imports hit an all-time high in 2008-09.

  • 5 kinds of mushroom food

    5 kinds of mushroom food

    1. Oiled mushrooms. Fresh mushroom 10 kg, vegetable oil 3 kg ~ 5 kg, refined salt 400 grams. Heat the oil into the pan until 80% hot, stir-fry the fresh mushrooms washed and drained in the pan, add salt and stir-fry for 10 minutes. Pour the oil and mushrooms into the container while it is hot. After cooling, it is sealed in bottles and stored in a cool place. Oiled mushrooms can be stored for 1 year. The cooking method is the same as that of fresh mushrooms. two。 Sweet and sour mushrooms. 100 kg of fresh mushrooms and 10 kg of refined salt. Marinate one layer of mushroom and one layer of salt layer by layer

  • How many soybeans are pressed out of the soybean oil eaten at home? Do you know this cold knowledge?

    How many soybeans are pressed out of the soybean oil eaten at home? Do you know this cold knowledge?

    The oil yield of soybean is closely related to soybean variety, producing area and extraction technology. from the current soybean varieties, the general oil yield of soybean is in the range of 15-22%, that is to say, one jin of soybean can get one or two or two.

  • How to prevent lard from deteriorating

    How to prevent lard from deteriorating

    Refined lard, stored for a long time, often has an unpleasant smell due to careless storage, mainly due to the oxidation and rancidity of oil due to the effects of light, heat, water and microorganisms. This kind of lard not only smells bad, but it will also be poisoned when eaten for a long time. The following are several methods to prevent lard from deteriorating: 1. Try to boil the oil as old as possible, and remove the oil residue before it can be stored. two。 The oil discharge container should be clean, preferably stored in a dark jar or dark glass bottle, sealed and placed at a dark low temperature.

  • The whole practice of yellow silk fungus

    The whole practice of yellow silk fungus

    The whole practice of yellow silk fungus

  • Stir-fried crab

    Stir-fried crab

    Main ingredients: 2 meat crabs, about 750g, 50g minced pork, 30g chopped rice sprouts Accessories: green pepper, onion, winter bamboo shoots, celery, mushroom, cooked ground peanuts, chopped green onion, coriander, 150g dried pepper section Seasoning/marinade: 1500g refined oil (about 75g consumption) of refined salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil and dry and wet starch. Production process 1. After slaughtering meat crabs, clean them, chop off toes, chop them into small pieces, pat dry starch on them, fry them in hot oil pan and remove them;

  • Five-fillet fish head

    Five-fillet fish head

    Raw materials: silver carp head, shredded ham, shredded shiitake mushrooms, shredded bamboo shoots, shredded red pepper, shredded green pepper, spring onions, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, sesame oil, water starch, salad oil and so on. Production: fish head to remove Gill wash clean, with a knife from the jaw cut, but do not split, showing a "hinge" of a large piece. After rinsing clean, marinate with cooking wine and refined salt, steam for about 15 minutes on the plate, decanting the soup from the plate. Heat the wok, pour in the oil, and stir-fry several kinds of shreds.

  • Home-made egg pine

    Home-made egg pine

    Raw material formula fresh egg 500 grams refined salt 10 grams peanut oil 500 grams cooking wine 2 ml monosodium glutamate production method 1. Knock the fresh eggs into the bowl, add cooking wine, refined salt and monosodium glutamate, and beat evenly with chopsticks. two。 Heat the pan with peanut oil until medium, then point the sieve (40mm 60 mesh) at the oil pan, slowly pour the broken eggs into the fine sieve, pour the egg liquid into the oil pan from the sieve eyes, and fry into thin shredded eggs. After the shredded eggs float, quickly remove them with a leaky spoon and drain the oil. 3. Will explode

  • Bad fish fillet

    Bad fish fillet

    Cuisine: Shandong cuisine main ingredients: pure dace meat (or herring) excipients: egg white, water-fat fungus, special bad wine, refined salt, sugar, chicken soup, chicken oil, wet starch, peanut oil: 1. First, slice the fish into about one-inch slices, using refined salt, egg white, monosodium glutamate and wet starch; 2. After burning peanut oil to a warm temperature, put the slices into the oil pan one by one, stir and slide to remove the empty oil. 3. Auricularia auricula is soaked in boiling water to control the water. Mix chicken soup and essence

  • How much is the chicken mushroom price?

    How much is the chicken mushroom price?

    How much is the chicken mushroom price?

  • What are the common practices of turtledoves?

    What are the common practices of turtledoves?

    What are the common practices of turtledoves?

  • Soft fried fish

    Soft fried fish

    Raw materials: 150 grams of net fish, 15 grams of chopped onion and 15 grams of ginger, 10 ml of Shao wine, 2 grams of refined salt, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate and sesame oil, 50 grams of old flour fertilizer, 100 grams of dry flour. Practice: ① will fish slices into 30% thick slices, and then cut into two-inch long, square strips, put in a bowl, add chopped onion, ginger, Shaojiu, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, pickled; ② take old flour fertilizer in a bowl, with water, add dry flour, water stirred into a thick paste, put at 30 degrees Celsius fermentation. To be initiated

  • Fried fish and celery in oil

    Fried fish and celery in oil

    [features] bright color, delicious fish, Wang oil sauce [raw material] 500 grams of whole fish meat. 50 grams of fat pork, 25 grams of minced chicken, 25 grams of cooked ham, 25 grams of mushrooms, 100 grams of celery. 25 grams of egg white) 5 grams of refined salt, 15 grams of Shao wine, 50 grams of starch, 100 grams of clear soup, 150 grams of cooked lard, 15 grams of spring onions, 15 grams of ginger, 10 grams of garlic, 20 grams of Shaoxing wine. [production process] wash the fish with the skin facing down and use a straight knife every 0.5 cm on the fish.

  • Red dregs shredded fish

    Red dregs shredded fish

    Raw material / seasoning: 1 black fish (about 1500 grams). 100 grams of green vegetables. 15 grams of shredded green onions, 10 grams of shredded ginger, 1 grams of pepper, 5 grams of Shao wine, 4 grams of refined salt, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 60 grams of white soup, 2 eggs white, 40 grams of wet starch, 50 grams of red wine lees, 750 grams of salad oil (about 75 grams). Production process: 1, kill the black, wash, unload two slices of fish on the left, peel and cut into 9 cm long shreds, add 2 grams of refined salt, egg white and Shaojiu 10 in a bowl.

  • December 25, 2015 Peanut Price in Hebei Province Today Pig

    December 25, 2015 Peanut Price in Hebei Province Today Pig

    Price of peanuts in Handan area: Hebei Daming peanut price: Hebei Daming 99-1 Chuntong rice charges about 4.35 yuan, individually quoted 4.4 yuan, 6 sieves selected rice 4.6 yuan, 7 sieves refined rice 4.7 yuan, 8 sieves 4.8 yuan, finished goods in general, red rice currency charge 4.1 yuan left

    2015-12-26 2015 December 25 Hebei region Peanut Today Handan
  • Stocktaking 2014: ten reform measures affect the people's "purse"

    Stocktaking 2014: ten reform measures affect the people's

    Editor's note of China Economic Network: a few days ago, the executive meeting of the State Council once again mentioned domestic demand, so that ordinary people can consume, dare to consume, and willing to spend. The premise of expanding consumption is that people's pockets are bulging enough. Although the economic growth has slowed down in shift this year, the growth rate has slowed down.

    2016-03-20 Stocktaking 2014 Top Ten reforms measures impact people " China
  • Shad with net oil

    Shad with net oil

    [characteristics] Fish fat, tender and delicate, dipped in minced ginger and vinegar, delicious [raw material] 350 grams of shad middle noodles, 150 grams of pig net oil, 10 grams of sugar lard oil, 25 grams of cooked lard, 1 piece of green onion, 25 grams of balsamic vinegar, 1 slice of ginger, 5 grams of tender ginger, 25 grams of Shao wine, 20 grams of ham, 10 grams of refined salt, 1 mushroom, 25 grams of sugar, 25 grams of winter bamboo shoots, 15 grams of wine [production process] 1. Shad open, remove internal organs and gills Keep the fish scales and rinse with clean water.
