
rectum Learn more about rectum

  • Prolapse of rectum in pigs can not recover how to prevent and cure prolapse of anus in pigs

    Prolapse of rectum in pigs can not recover how to prevent and cure prolapse of anus in pigs

    Prolapse of rectum in pigs can not recover how to prevent and cure prolapse of anus in pigs

  • Fox prolapse of anus

    Fox prolapse of anus

    Prolapse of anus (prolapse of rectum) is often secondary to severe dyspepsia or gastroenteritis diarrhea, and cubs are prone to hair. Due to the acute weight and increased abdominal pressure, a cylindrical curved tube is protruded from the anus after defecation. Due to the clamping of the anal sphincter, the intestine is edema and is prone to injury and bleeding. If it is not treated in time, the mucous membrane will gradually change from red to purple, and the heavy ones will become black and necrotic. When it is found that the prolapse of the anus should be repaired in time, first wash the dirt on the rectum with 0.1% potassium permanganate aqueous solution. If it has edema, use your hands lightly.

  • Simple treatment of proctoptosis in pigs at all stages, tried and tested!

    Simple treatment of proctoptosis in pigs at all stages, tried and tested!

    Simple treatment of proctoptosis in pigs at all stages, tried and tested!

  • Treatment of rectal exfoliation in donkeys

    Treatment of rectal exfoliation in donkeys

    The prolapse of the rectum of the donkey is commonly known as prolapse of the anus, which is a common disease in equine animals. in the northern region, it is easy to occur in the case of house feeding and poor feeding conditions. the typical cases are reported as follows: first, the symptoms of the disease are as follows: on September 5, 2005, two of the 9 Xinjiang Yue donkeys raised by Li in Naimen Mudun Township had prolapse of the anus, and the sick donkeys showed frequent remorse, accompanied by moaning and grinding teeth, forelimbs ploughing the ground, and hindlimbs kicking in the abdomen. Extremely irritable, restless standing, walking back and forth, frequently raising the tail, intestinal prolapse outside the anus, showing a cylinder around

  • Treatment of rectal prolapse in cultured ostrich

    Treatment of rectal prolapse in cultured ostrich

    Recently, two ostrich farms have reported the occurrence of rectal prolapse in young ostriches, which rarely occurred in breeding and transportation in the past. It is understood that both units bought one in the same ostrich farm.

    2020-11-08 Breeding ostrich rectum prolapse treatment recently there are
  • Symptoms and diagnosis of rectal prolapse in pigs

    Symptoms and diagnosis of rectal prolapse in pigs

    [summary] part of the rectum or part of the large intestine protruding from the anus from the anus is called rectal prolapse, commonly known as prolapse of the anus [etiology / pathogen] is mainly due to constipation, diarrhea, weakness after illness and strong remorse after enema with irritant drugs, or chronic constipation or dysentery, late pregnancy in sows, etc., increased intra-abdominal pressure, anal sphincter relaxation, causing part or most of the rectum to turn out from the anus. You can't retract on your own. At the beginning of the disease, the rectal mucosa is often turned over during defecation.

  • Breeding technique of meat donkey

    Breeding technique of meat donkey

    Breeding technique of meat donkey

  • Treatment of porcine necrotizing dermatitis

    Treatment of porcine necrotizing dermatitis

    Epidemic characteristics: pig necrotizing dermatitis caused by necrotic bacilli, its infectivity is very strong. In the hot and humid weather every year, piglets, shelf pigs, boars and sows are prone to the disease. The disease occurred in the whole litter, and there was interactive infection between piglets and sows, but more piglets were infected by sows. At the beginning of the disease, systemic symptoms are not obvious, severe cases of elevated body temperature, less food or loss of appetite, emaciation, often due to cachexia and death, which is harmful to the pig industry. Features: first, red papules with large grains of rice appear on the skin on the body surface, often scratching, and papules recur.

  • Prevention and treatment of secret knot in newborn calves with weak bowel sound

    Prevention and treatment of secret knot in newborn calves with weak bowel sound

    Prevention and treatment of secret knot in newborn calves with weak bowel sound

  • New Therapy for Porcine Necrotizing Dermatitis

    New Therapy for Porcine Necrotizing Dermatitis

    Epidemic characteristics: pig necrotizing dermatitis caused by necrotic bacilli, its infectivity is very strong. In the hot and humid weather every year, piglets, shelf pigs, boars and sows are prone to the disease. The disease occurred in the whole litter, and there was interactive infection between piglets and sows, but more piglets were infected by sows. At the beginning of the disease, systemic symptoms are not obvious, severe cases of elevated body temperature, less food or loss of appetite, emaciation, often due to cachexia and death, which is harmful to the pig industry. Characteristics of the disease: first of all, red papules with large grains of rice appeared on the skin on the body surface.

  • Control measures of echinostomiasis in geese

    Control measures of echinostomiasis in geese

    Echinostomiasis in geese is a parasitic disease caused by Echinostoma convoluta parasitic in the rectum and cecum of geese. Infected geese show dysentery, anemia, emaciation, hemorrhagic enteritis and other changes, serious can cause death. Many kinds of poultry such as geese and ducks can be infected, which is very popular in our country and does great harm to the chicks. (1) the characteristics of pathogen. Pathogen. The pathogen of echinostomiasis is Echinostoma, which belongs to Echinostomaceae. There are many species of Echinostoma, and nearly 120 species of undergraduate trematodes have been found in China.

  • Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

    Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

    Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

  • Symptoms of upper digestive tract disease in dogs

    Symptoms of upper digestive tract disease in dogs

    The digestive system is divided into the upper digestive tract of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, spleen and pancreas, while the small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anal lower digestive tract. Each part has its own special problems, it is best to analyze: stomach: stomach disease can be divided into two aspects: acute (sudden serious disease) or chronic) long-term but mild problems). Signs of colic (stomachache) include: sobbing, back bending into a bow and tenderness in the abdomen. Symptoms of acute diseases include vomiting

  • The prospect of economic development of dairy cattle is good, and the increase of milk yield of dairy cattle is why diseased cows produce milk treatment.

    The prospect of economic development of dairy cattle is good, and the increase of milk yield of dairy cattle is why diseased cows produce milk treatment.

    Dairy cattle are good companions for dairy farmers to make money. Whether life in the pasture is comfortable or not is related to the health of dairy cattle. Wu Jinlong, secretary general of the Dairy Farmers Association, said that sick cows will affect the income of dairy farmers, and once the raw milk produced by diseased cows is mixed with other raw milk, the whole batch of raw milk will be reimbursed.

    2019-04-20 Dairy cattle economy development prospects good lactation quantity increase yes dairy cattle
  • Prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic disease of ricefield eel

    Prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic disease of ricefield eel

    Prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic disease of ricefield eel

  • Local methods for the treatment of sow paralysis

    Local methods for the treatment of sow paralysis

    Sow paralysis can be treated with sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate laxative enema, removal of feces in the rectum, intravenous injection of 10% calcium gluconate 50-150ml, and massage with straw handle or rough cloth on the skin of diseased pigs to promote the recovery of blood circulation and nervous function. It is necessary to treat sow paralysis.

    2020-11-11 Treatment sow paralysis soil method treatment
  • Prevention and treatment of cloacal inflammation in chickens

    Prevention and treatment of cloacal inflammation in chickens

    First, disease overview: cloacal inflammation is commonly known as leucorrhea or retroanal gonorrhea, which is the ulcerative inflammation of cloaca and anus. Diseased chicken anus out of a white sticky secretion, with a pungent stench, the disease is a kind of venereal disease of chickens. Second, epidemic characteristics: its pathogen can not be isolated and obtained, the test shows that cloacal inflammation can not be regarded as an infectious or contact disease, in the period of natural onset (even if it lasts for several months), healthy chickens will not be infected. Even if the focus tissue is smeared

  • What are the techniques and methods of artificial insemination of cattle?

    What are the techniques and methods of artificial insemination of cattle?

    At present, cattle artificial insemination technology has been very popular in China, it has played a very important role in the improvement of yellow cattle and dairy cows, and the coverage rate of improved breeds has been increasing. What are the skills and methods of artificial insemination of that cow? The efficiency of natural breeding of cattle is low, and the amount of cattle is needed.

    2020-11-11 Cattle artificial insemination techniques methods what are the current
  • Artificial semen collection technology of pigs

    Artificial semen collection technology of pigs

    An ideal method of semen collection, it should have the following four conditions: (1) it can collect all the semen emitted by boars at one time; (2) it does not affect the semen quality; (3) whether the reproductive organs and sexual functions of boars will be damaged or affected; (4) the instruments are simple and easy to use. The methods of artificial semen collection include electrical stimulation, false vagina, hand grip and tube grip. 1. Electrical stimulation is to insert a probe with an electrode into the rectum of a boar and stimulate the ejaculation center of the reproductive tract with a low voltage pulse to induce ejaculation, even if the penis is not finished.

  • How to prevent and control common intestinal diseases in pig farms

    How to prevent and control common intestinal diseases in pig farms

    How to prevent and control common intestinal diseases in pig farms
