
prolapse Learn more about prolapse

  • Prolapse of rectum in pigs can not recover how to prevent and cure prolapse of anus in pigs

    Prolapse of rectum in pigs can not recover how to prevent and cure prolapse of anus in pigs

    Prolapse of rectum in pigs can not recover how to prevent and cure prolapse of anus in pigs

  • Treatment of rectal prolapse in cultured ostrich

    Treatment of rectal prolapse in cultured ostrich

    Recently, two ostrich farms have reported the occurrence of rectal prolapse in young ostriches, which rarely occurred in breeding and transportation in the past. It is understood that both units bought one in the same ostrich farm.

    2020-11-08 Breeding ostrich rectum prolapse treatment recently there are
  • Causes and preventive measures of prolapse of anus in pigs

    Causes and preventive measures of prolapse of anus in pigs

    Causes and preventive measures of prolapse of anus in pigs

  • Symptoms and diagnosis of rectal prolapse in pigs

    Symptoms and diagnosis of rectal prolapse in pigs

    [summary] part of the rectum or part of the large intestine protruding from the anus from the anus is called rectal prolapse, commonly known as prolapse of the anus [etiology / pathogen] is mainly due to constipation, diarrhea, weakness after illness and strong remorse after enema with irritant drugs, or chronic constipation or dysentery, late pregnancy in sows, etc., increased intra-abdominal pressure, anal sphincter relaxation, causing part or most of the rectum to turn out from the anus. You can't retract on your own. At the beginning of the disease, the rectal mucosa is often turned over during defecation.

  • Prevention and treatment of prolapse of anus in farmed layers

    Prevention and treatment of prolapse of anus in farmed layers

    Due to lack of exercise during the breeding period, overweight, early or too late laying of hens, oversupply of protein in diet, deficiency of vitamin An and E in diet, improper light or insufficient supply of vitamin D, and some pathological factors, lead to prolapse of anus.

    2020-11-08 Breeding laying hens prolapse of anus prevention treatment as a result breeding
  • Fox prolapse of anus

    Fox prolapse of anus

    Prolapse of anus (prolapse of rectum) is often secondary to severe dyspepsia or gastroenteritis diarrhea, and cubs are prone to hair. Due to the acute weight and increased abdominal pressure, a cylindrical curved tube is protruded from the anus after defecation. Due to the clamping of the anal sphincter, the intestine is edema and is prone to injury and bleeding. If it is not treated in time, the mucous membrane will gradually change from red to purple, and the heavy ones will become black and necrotic. When it is found that the prolapse of the anus should be repaired in time, first wash the dirt on the rectum with 0.1% potassium permanganate aqueous solution. If it has edema, use your hands lightly.

  • Prolapse of anus in layers affects laying how to treat prolapse of anus in laying hens

    Prolapse of anus in layers affects laying how to treat prolapse of anus in laying hens

    Prolapse of anus in layers affects laying how to treat prolapse of anus in laying hens

  • Prolapse of anus in pigs

    Prolapse of anus in pigs

    Pig anal prolapse is divided into two situations: the first is that the sick pig can pay by itself when standing, but prolapse when defecating; the second is that the sick pig can not pay by itself when standing. The latter often take surgical treatment, and the cure rate can reach 100%. In view of the first situation, this paper introduces a simple treatment worth popularizing. Wash the affected area with 0.1-0.2% potassium permanganate solution while it is warm, dry it with sterilized gauze, and apply appropriate amount of snail meat paste to the affected area. The practice of field snail meat paste: the field snail is washed, shelled and taken meat, with 0.

  • Prevention and treatment of anal prolapse in caged laying hens

    Prevention and treatment of anal prolapse in caged laying hens

    Prevention and treatment of anal prolapse in caged laying hens

  • Method for treating uterine bleeding and uterine prolapse of sow

    Method for treating uterine bleeding and uterine prolapse of sow

    Method for treating uterine bleeding and uterine prolapse of sow

  • Treatment of rectal exfoliation in donkeys

    Treatment of rectal exfoliation in donkeys

    The prolapse of the rectum of the donkey is commonly known as prolapse of the anus, which is a common disease in equine animals. in the northern region, it is easy to occur in the case of house feeding and poor feeding conditions. the typical cases are reported as follows: first, the symptoms of the disease are as follows: on September 5, 2005, two of the 9 Xinjiang Yue donkeys raised by Li in Naimen Mudun Township had prolapse of the anus, and the sick donkeys showed frequent remorse, accompanied by moaning and grinding teeth, forelimbs ploughing the ground, and hindlimbs kicking in the abdomen. Extremely irritable, restless standing, walking back and forth, frequently raising the tail, intestinal prolapse outside the anus, showing a cylinder around

  • Simple treatment of proctoptosis in pigs at all stages, tried and tested!

    Simple treatment of proctoptosis in pigs at all stages, tried and tested!

    Simple treatment of proctoptosis in pigs at all stages, tried and tested!

  • Prolapse of turtle penis

    Prolapse of turtle penis

    [cause] the testosterone in the tortoise is too high. [symptoms] normal turtles, sexually mature males, when mating during the breeding season, the penis is exposed to mate with the female, and after mating, the penis shrinks into the cloaca. The penises of some male turtles are occasionally exposed and immediately retracted. Abnormal male turtles, after the penis is exposed, can not be retracted in time, exposed for a long time, bitten by other turtles or scratched by foreign bodies, but also due to exposure for too long tissue necrosis, causing infection, and other diseases

  • Chicken anus prolapse, egg laying how to prevent and cure chicken fatty liver

    Chicken anus prolapse, egg laying how to prevent and cure chicken fatty liver

    Chicken anus prolapse, egg laying how to prevent and cure chicken fatty liver

  • How to treat pig prolapse of anus?

    How to treat pig prolapse of anus?

    Pig anal prolapse is divided into two situations: the first is that the sick pig can recover itself when standing, but it can be protruded when defecating; the second is that the sick pig can not pay it back on its own when standing. The treatment is to wash the affected area with 0.1%-0.2% warm potassium permanganate solution, dry it with sterilized gauze, and then apply appropriate amount of snail meat paste to the affected area. The specific method of the snail meat paste is to wash the snail, shell and take the meat, wash the snail meat with 0.2% potassium permanganate solution and the tools used to mash the snail meat, and then mash the snail meat into a paste.

  • What are the common diseases of tropical fish parrot fish? What if there are white spots on the body?

    What are the common diseases of tropical fish parrot fish? What if there are white spots on the body?

    Parrot fish, commonly known as parrot fish, parrot fish, red cuneiform sea bream and so on, are tropical fish living in coral reefs. It gets its name because of its colorful and parrot-shaped mouth. There is also a kind of freshwater viewing bred by the cross between American sea bream, male red devil fish and purple red fire mouth.

    2020-11-11 Tropical fish parrots common diseases have which body
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    How much is the local vegetable per jin?

    How much is the local vegetable per jin?

  • Treatment of postpartum diseases in sows

    Treatment of postpartum diseases in sows

    Treatment of postpartum diseases in sows

  • What kind of medicine is Bupleurum?

    What kind of medicine is Bupleurum?

    What kind of medicine is Bupleurum?

  • Treatment of uterine and vaginal prolapse of cattle with Zanthoxylum bungeanum Borneol

    Treatment of uterine and vaginal prolapse of cattle with Zanthoxylum bungeanum Borneol

    Endometritis is an inflammation of uterine mucosa, a common disease of reproductive organs of cows, and one of the important causes of infertility in cows. Affected cattle are often abnormal in estrus and often infertile. Even if cows are matched, miscarriage will easily occur during pregnancy, which brings great economic losses to the cattle industry. 1 the etiology of the disease is mainly caused by the invasion of Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and Escherichia coli during mating, delivery and dystocia in cows. The damage of uterine mucosa and the decrease of body resistance of cows promote the onset of the disease.
