
Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

Author: Peng Guoxiang large-scale pig farm skills competition assessment program 1, matching stage 1, feeding: 30 requirements: accurate use of feed shovel to shovel out the feed amount of pregnant sows (such as 900g, 1100 g), with plus or minus 50g as the standard. Score: ±50 grams (30 points) ±100 grams (15 points) ±150 grams (5 points) 2, body temperature: 10 points requirements: the correct use of thermometer to measure the body temperature of sows. Deduction items: no alcohol disinfection,-2 points do not throw the mercury column of the thermometer below 35 ℃,-10 minutes before insertion into the sow rectum with hand contact with the front end of the thermometer,-5 thermometer inserted too shallow, or the time is too short to measure the rectal temperature correctly. -10 points can not correctly read the actual measured temperature,-10 points 3, injection: 10 points requirements: use 20ml syringe, 16: 38 injection needle, 20ml Houttuynia cordata injection diluted 2 penicillin powder injection, neck muscle injection. Points deducted items: syringe, needle is not disinfected,-2 minutes needle model is wrong,-1 minute penicillin powder injection is not completely diluted,-3 points there is liquid leakage, less than 18ml mai 2 points neck injection site is incorrect (beyond 20cm area behind sows ear)-2 minutes injection is not in place, liquid leakage, or needle bending -3 points 4. Artificial insemination: 45 requirements: complete the whole process of cleaning, disinfection, intubation, insemination and registration according to the operating rules of artificial insemination. Deduction items: no boar temptation,-5 points of incomplete cleaning, pig dung left in the vulva,-10 points without double distilled water to rinse the vulva, insert the vas deferens,-5 minutes of vas deferens is not locked, causing semen reflux,-5 minutes of semen reflux, no effective measures are taken to prevent it, squeeze the vas deferens forcefully at-10 points. So that the insemination time is too short (less than 3 minutes), after-5 minutes of insemination, there is no on-site registration file plate,-5 points 5, ear deficiency number identification: 5 points requirement: for sows, press the method of "left big and right small, upper three next one, left and right, left and right". Read out the ear deficiency number of the sow. Deduction items: incorrect,-5 points 2, delivery room care stage 100 points 1, sows intramuscular injection: 10 points requirements: use 20ml syringe, 16: 38 injection needle, 20ml Houttuynia cordata injection diluted 2 penicillin powder injection, neck muscle injection. Points deducted items: syringe, needle is not disinfected,-3 points needle model is wrong,-2 points penicillin powder injection is not completely diluted,-5 points there is liquid leakage, less than 18ml mai 2 points neck injection site is incorrect (beyond 20cm area behind sows ear)-2 points injection is not in place, liquid leakage, or needle bending -4 points 2, piglets ear vein injection (examination room staff): 10 points requirements: one person Baoding piglets, one person uses 10ml glucose water, disposable No. 5 scalp needle for piglets ear vein injection. Deduction items: piglet injection site is not disinfected,-2 points have air bubbles into the blood vessels,-3 points do not hit the nail on the head,-5 points glucose water is not finished, there will be drum bags,-5 points 3 points, intraperitoneal injection (examination of conservation staff): 10 points requirement: one person inverted weaned piglets, one person used 20ml saline The No. 7 scalp needle was injected intraperitoneally into weaned piglets. Deduction items: injection site outside the second pair of nipples outside the 2cm position,-5 points injection site is not strictly disinfected,-5 points 4, delivery preparation: 20 points requirements: sows pre-prenatal all preparation work. Deduction items: incubator, electric hot plate or insulation lamp, sack, rag not prepared,-5 points did not scrub the hindquarters of sows with 0.5% potassium permanganate or diluted disinfectant, female households left feces,-5 points did not clean the birth bed and disinfect it with a mop with disinfection water. -5 points 5, take body temperature: 10 points requirements: the correct use of thermometer to measure the body temperature of sows. Deduction items: no alcohol disinfection,-2 points do not throw the mercury column of the thermometer below 35 ℃,-10 minutes before insertion into the sow rectum with hand contact with the front end of the thermometer,-5 thermometer inserted too shallow, or the time is too short to measure the rectal temperature correctly. -10 points can not correctly read the actual measured temperature,-10 points 6, tooth cutting, tail severing, umbilical cord severing, iron supplement, castration: 35 points: according to the "delivery room production operation rules" to complete the newborn piglets tooth cutting, tail severing, umbilical cord severing, iron supplement, castration daily work. Deduction items: cut teeth, cut tail, cut umbilical cord, disinfect without iodine when castration,-10 minutes after cutting teeth, one tooth is broken,-5 points bleed when umbilical cord is broken or still bleed after thread ligation,-5 points castration opening is too large, bleeding, spermatic cord can not be cleaned,-5 points iron 1ml is injected into the inner thigh of hindlimb, iron agent reflux. -5 points of iron supplement when the needle is too large (920), not a pig a needle,-5 points 7, uterine irrigation: 10 requirements: use 200ml 2% amoxicillin solution to complete cleaning, disinfection, intubation, flushing, registration of the whole process. Deduction items: incomplete cleaning, pig dung left in the vulva,-5 points do not use double distilled water to rinse the vulva, insert the vas deferens,-5 points 8, ear deficiency number identification: 5 points requirements: for the sow, according to the method of "left big and right small, upper three next one, left and right", read out the sow's ear deficiency number. Deduction items: incorrect,-5 points 3, growth and fattening stage 50 points 1, injection: 10 points requirements: use 20ml syringe, 20ml Houttuynia cordata injection diluted 2 penicillin powder injection, neck muscle injection. Deduction items: syringe, needle not disinfected,-2 points penicillin powder injection not thoroughly diluted,-3 minutes penicillin powder injection leaking, less than 18ml maxim 2 points injection not in place, liquid leakage, or needle bending,-3 points 2 points, body temperature measurement: 10 points requirements: the correct use of thermometer to measure the body temperature of sows. Deduction items: no alcohol disinfection,-2 points do not throw the mercury column of the thermometer below 35 ℃,-10 minutes before insertion into the rectum with hand contact with the front end of the thermometer,-5 thermometer inserted too shallow, or the time is too short, the rectal temperature is not measured correctly. -10 points can not correctly read the actual measured temperature,-10 points 3, weight estimation: 30 points requirements: look at the shape and appearance of pigs on the spot, and accurately estimate the weight of a pig. Score: ±5 kg (30 points) ±10kg (15 points) ±15kg (5 points) 4: veterinary technician 1, injection: 10 requirements: use 20ml syringe, 20ml Houttuynia cordata injection diluted 2 penicillin powder injection, neck muscle injection. Deduction items: syringe, needle not disinfected,-2 points penicillin powder injection not thoroughly diluted,-3 minutes penicillin powder injection leaking, less than 18ml maxim 2 points injection not in place, liquid leakage, or needle bending,-3 points 2 points, body temperature measurement: 10 points requirements: the correct use of thermometer to measure the body temperature of sows. Deduction items: no alcohol disinfection,-2 points do not throw the mercury column of the thermometer below 35 ℃,-10 minutes before insertion into the rectum with hand contact with the front end of the thermometer,-5 thermometer inserted too shallow, or the time is too short, the rectal temperature is not measured correctly. -10 points can not correctly read the actual measured temperature,-10 points 3, ear deficiency identification: 5 requirements: for sows, read out the ear deficiency number of sows according to the method of "left big and right small, upper three next, left and right, left and right". Deduction items: incorrect,-5 points 4, blood collection: 20 points requirements: using rope Baoding sows, using auricular vein blood collection method to collect blood 5ml. Deduction items: blood collection site is not disinfected,-5 minutes blood collection time is too long (5 minutes),-5 minutes blood collection volume (1ml),-5 points no on-site registration sow ear number on the blood collection bottle,-5 points 5 points, anatomy: 25 points requirements: on-site dissection of diseased pigs, complete removal of lungs, kidneys and spleen The kidneys, inguinal lymph nodes, larynx, stomach, bladder and cecum were examined. Deduction items: slaughter of sick pigs, incomplete bloodletting, incomplete opening of chest ribs or broken blades, puncturing the intestines or stomach when opening the abdominal cavity, complete removal of lungs or kidneys or spleen, and autopsy of kidneys, inguinal lymph nodes, larynx, stomach, bladder and cecum with-4 points. Do not disinfect the site after-10 points dissection,-2 points 6, health care drugs: 30 points requirements: according to the daily feed intake of pigs and routine health care drug use scheme, convert the 7-day health care dose of a pig herd. Weigh accurately and dilute step by step. Deduction items: wrong calculation, incorrect weighing of-30 points, uneven dilution of-10 points,-5 points-after reading the post, I can almost be an examiner, thank you! -I'd like to borrow the main post. Thank you.-Ha, it's too detailed. Thank you, Lord! -very good material. -hehe-my usual operation is so irregular! -Oh, classic.-learn to pull.-if I, my God. I am not qualified-if the pig farm can do so fine, I think the current domestic breeding level will not be like this. -I have studied. Thank you, landlord. -Hey, hey, let's make a reference later.