
pustule Learn more about pustule

  • Prevention and treatment of sheep pox disease

    Prevention and treatment of sheep pox disease

    Prevention and treatment of sheep pox disease

  • Control of pustulosis in cultured abalone

    Control of pustulosis in cultured abalone

    [Etiology and epidemic situation] The disease is caused by Vibrio fluvialis infection, mainly infects young abalone of 3~5 cm, frequent incidence in summer continuous high temperature season, long duration, high mortality rate, resulting in extremely serious economic losses. [Clinical symptoms] Pustulosis can be seen in abalone feet

    2020-11-08 breeding abalone pustule disease prevention etiology and epidemic situation
  • Prevention and treatment of common diseases in sheep breeding in summer

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases in sheep breeding in summer

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases in sheep breeding in summer

  • Prevention and treatment of turtle furunculosis

    Prevention and treatment of turtle furunculosis

    Turtles in nature are relatively disease-resistant and belong to long-lived animals. it is common for turtles to live for decades and as long as one or two hundred years. In artificial breeding turtles, due to the deterioration of water quality or lack of nutrition and other factors, it is easy to lead to the invasion of some bacteria and furunculosis. In recent years, with the promotion of artificial turtle breeding, furunculosis is also popular, and the incidence of furunculosis is increasing year by year in some places. In the early stage of the disease, the tortoise will locally protrude a pustule under the skin, and then the pustule will slowly harden to form a protruding tumor, which can be moved by hand but hard inside. one

  • Diagnosis and treatment of sheep aphthous ulcer

    Diagnosis and treatment of sheep aphthous ulcer

    1. Etiology: sheep mouth sores, also known as "sheep infectious pustules", is an infectious disease caused by viruses in sheep and goats. The incidence of oral ulcer in sheep is more than that in 3-6-month-old sheep in spring and autumn, and adult sheep can also be infected, but the incidence is less and shows sporadic epidemic. Sick sheep and infected sheep are the main sources of infection. Natural infection is mainly caused by the introduction of infected sheep from the purchase of sick sheep, or the use of contaminated barns and grasslands. 2. Symptoms: mouth and lip infection was the main symptom of diseased sheep. First of all, in the quarrel of mouth, upper lip or nose

  • Pay attention to prevent pig eczema in hot weather

    Pay attention to prevent pig eczema in hot weather

    The ear root, chest, lower abdomen and the inside of the four seas of diseased pigs have flat papules of chestnut, rice and even peas, some are red, some form small water or small pustules, some form bran-like black crusts, and the diseased pigs have loss of appetite, indigestion and mental depression, which seriously affect their growth and development. There are many causes of pig eczema, such as unhygienic, dark and damp pig houses, unclean pig skin, insect bites, chemical irritation and chronic digestive tract diseases.

  • Prevention and treatment of red skin disease, a common disease in cultured baby fish

    Prevention and treatment of red skin disease, a common disease in cultured baby fish

    Symptoms: the body of the sick baby fish (giant salamander) is swollen, showing inflamed red plaques and suppurative ulcers. Irregular red masses often appear on the surface of the diseased body. at the beginning of the disease, there are light yellow pustules the size of rice grains in the center of the red masses, and gradually to the periphery.

    2020-11-08 Aquaculture dolls fish common diseases red skin disease prevention technology symptoms
  • Prevention and treatment of furunculosis in Carassius auratus with redness and swelling on the body surface

    Prevention and treatment of furunculosis in Carassius auratus with redness and swelling on the body surface

    Prevention and treatment of furunculosis in Carassius auratus with redness and swelling on the body surface

  • Outstanding problems and Countermeasures in Goat breeding

    Outstanding problems and Countermeasures in Goat breeding

    Outstanding problems and Countermeasures in Goat breeding

  • How to prevent and cure orrhoea

    How to prevent and cure orrhoea

    Sheep aphtha, also known as sheep infectious pustules, is a contagious disease of sheep and goats caused by viruses, characterized by papules, blisters, pustules and wart scabs on the lips, tongue, nose and breasts. Raphus virus belongs to the family Poxviridae and Parapoxvirus. In negatively stained specimens, the virus particles have the characteristics of thread clusters. Viruses isolated from different regions were not completely identical in antigenicity. The disease occurs mostly in lambs aged 3~6 months, and often appears in clusters. Most adult sheep in epidemic areas have certain resistance

  • Prevention and treatment of oral sore in sheep

    Prevention and treatment of oral sore in sheep

    Prevention and treatment of oral sore in sheep

  • Rabbit staphylococcosis

    Rabbit staphylococcosis

    Rabbit staphylococcosis

  • Control methods of Swine scabies mites

    Control methods of Swine scabies mites

    The affected part of the diseased pig is extremely itchy, rubbing in places such as the railing, and after a week, the skin appears as a needle-sized red blood rash, and forms pustules, resulting in cracked scab, dryness, cracking, serious death, and most of them show dysplasia. Prevention and control methods: strengthen feeding and management, do a good job in the hygiene of pig houses, and keep them clean, dry and ventilated; thoroughly disinfect the houses and appliances contaminated by sick pigs with 2%-5% keliolin solution, and the unsterilized utensils shall not be brought into the pig barn; diseased pigs should be kept in isolation and treated in time; diseased pigs should be treated after treatment.

  • Several popular fish medicines

    Several popular fish medicines

    This product is an external insecticide for green, grass, silver carp, bighead carp and crucian carp, which can kill Chinese fleas, anchor fleas, rotifers, melon worms, third-generation worms, sporidia, ring worms, fish larvae, hook larvae, etc. it can also kill water centipedes, leeches and other pests. This product is a new type of highly effective insecticidal drug, which can effectively kill Anchor flea, Chinese flea, rotifer, ring worm, third generation worm, sporidium, double scale trematodes and other fish parasites. For four major domestic fish, freshwater white Pomfret, mandarin fish, sea bass, eel

  • Control methods of common diseases of abalone

    Control methods of common diseases of abalone

    Control methods of common diseases of abalone

  • Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis

    Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis

    Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis

  • 7 new effective fish medicines

    7 new effective fish medicines

    Fish bug killer. This product is an external insecticide for green, grass, bighead carp, crucian carp and bream. It can kill parasitic Chinese carp, anchor head carp, trochodina, small melon worm, third generation worm, sporozoa, dactylogyrus, fish carp, hook shell larvae, etc. on fish within a few hours. It can also kill water centipede, ants and other pests. High chlorine. This product is a fungicide. It has strong killing effect on bacteria, fungi, germs, fungi, etc., and has strong killing effect on hemorrhagic disease, red skin, printing, rotten gills, black gills, enteritis, rotten shell and red skin of fish, shrimp, crab, turtle, eel and frog.

  • What symptom does concealed wing bug have after biting a person? How did you get to the house? It is unexpectedly that it is the nemesis of Staphylinus!

    What symptom does concealed wing bug have after biting a person? How did you get to the house? It is unexpectedly that it is the nemesis of Staphylinus!

    The temperature is high in summer, when many mosquitoes are infested, some of which are not only bites but also toxic. For example, mosquitoes, centipedes, Staphylinus, etc., centipedes and mosquitoes are more common, but Staphylinus is a little strange to many people, but its distribution range is extremely

    2020-11-11 Hidden wings worms bites back have what symptoms how come home
  • Swine scabies should be prevented in winter

    Swine scabies should be prevented in winter

    Pig scabies mite is also known as scabies, commonly known as scabies, is parasitic by scabies mites in pig skin, causing skin red spots, pustules, scabs, cracks and other lesions. Characterized by severe itching, restlessness, loss of appetite, slow growth and decreased feed reward, it is one of the diseases that seriously endanger pig production. It is common in some farms, it is difficult to cure, the severity of clinical symptoms is related to the resistance of pigs, suitable climatic conditions, when the feeding and management is good, the resistance of pigs is strong, generally no obvious symptoms. During the hot summer season, pig pens and pig carcasses are often washed.

  • How to cultivate coral and note

    How to cultivate coral and note

    Lycophyllum is a tropical plant, so how should this glamorous flower be grown? Qinye coral is also known as variable leaf coral flower, in southern China more cultivation, so many flower friends curious Qinye coral poisonous, Qinye coral suitable for indoor cultivation? below

    2020-11-08 zither leaves coral how to raise cultivate methods and matters needing attention