
inactivated Learn more about inactivated

  • Epidemic prevention procedure of routine vaccine for long-haired rabbits

    Epidemic prevention procedure of routine vaccine for long-haired rabbits

    Epidemic prevention procedure of routine vaccine for long-haired rabbits

  • Recommendation of porcine immunization program

    Recommendation of porcine immunization program

    Recommendation of porcine immunization program

  • Immune procedure of main infectious diseases in rabbits (for reference)

    Immune procedure of main infectious diseases in rabbits (for reference)

    Immune procedure of main infectious diseases in rabbits (for reference)

  • Immunization methods for various diseases of pigs

    Immunization methods for various diseases of pigs

    1. Rotavirus infection immunity method 1. Attenuated vaccine. The attenuated strain of swine origin, developed in China, was attenuated by cell passage, and the diarrhea incidence of piglets born by immunized sows could be reduced by more than 60%. 2. Fire fighting vaccine. Developed in China, the vaccine immunizes piglets with a protection rate of more than 90 percent. Second, vesicular disease immunization methods developed in China, including attenuated live vaccine and inactivated vaccine. In recent years, inactivated vaccines have been mainly promoted and applied. 1. Live attenuated vaccine. swine vesicular disease

  • Successful development of inactivated vaccine against H7 subtype recombinant avian influenza virus

    Successful development of inactivated vaccine against H7 subtype recombinant avian influenza virus

    Recently, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture that the National Avian Influenza reference Laboratory has successfully developed an inactivated recombinant avian influenza virus vaccine (H7 subtype, H7N9/PR8 strain) and passed the evaluation of new veterinary drugs as an emergency technical reserve. In order to further deal with the epidemic situation of H7N9 influenza.

    2016-03-20 Subtype Recombinant Avian Influenza virus inactivated Live Vaccine Development success
  • Immune procedure of common pig diseases

    Immune procedure of common pig diseases

    1. Immune program of growing and finishing pigs ⑴ 1-day-old: swine fever attenuated vaccine is super-immune, piglets are injected with a portion of classical swine fever attenuated vaccine after birth, and then let piglets eat colostrum 1-2 hours later, which is suitable for pig farms where classical swine fever often occurs; ⑵ 7-15 days old: asthma vaccine; ⑶ 10 days old: infectious atrophic rhinitis vaccine, intramuscular injection or subcutaneous injection; ⑷ 10-15 days old: piglet edema vaccine ⑸ 20 days old: intramuscular injection of swine distemper vaccine; ⑹ 25-

  • Prevention and treatment of Riemerella anatipestifer

    Prevention and treatment of Riemerella anatipestifer

    Prevention and treatment of Riemerella anatipestifer

  • Goslings should be immunized in time

    Goslings should be immunized in time

    Goslings should be immunized in time

  • How to prevent epidemic in Gosling flocks

    How to prevent epidemic in Gosling flocks

    Gosling plague live vaccine immunization: goslings who were not immunized with Gosling plague live vaccine, or goslings who were immunized with Gosling plague live vaccine 100 days later, were immunized with Gosling plague live vaccine subcutaneously within 2 days after hatching. Isolation feeding is required within 7 days after immunization.

    2020-11-08 Raising geese chicks flocks of geese how to prevent epidemic goslings plague chicks live geese seedlings
  • Instructions for the use of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine, points for attention in the use of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine

    Instructions for the use of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine, points for attention in the use of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine

    Q: what kind of vaccine do you use against foot-and-mouth disease?

  • Prevention and treatment of duck infectious serositis

    Prevention and treatment of duck infectious serositis

    [Preventive measures](1) Strengthen feeding management to avoid too high density and crowding of ducks; ducks should be all in and out, disinfect empty houses for 2~4 weeks; bedding should be kept as dry as possible. (2) The vaccine for immune prevention of this disease has been used to prevent this disease and the effect is good. Ducklings were immunized with formalin inactivated vaccine prepared from different serotypes of strains once at 2 and 3 weeks of age, respectively, and no disease occurred at 7 weeks of age. However, the vaccine should be used twice, so it is difficult to popularize in field. Escherichia coli and duck plague were also produced

  • Prevention and treatment of important diseases in geese

    Prevention and treatment of important diseases in geese

    At present, the main diseases that seriously harm the goose industry are Gosling plague, egg plague, goose paramyxovirus, goose avian influenza and so on. 1. Gosling plague is an acute septic infectious disease caused by Gosling plague virus, which mainly affects goslings under 20 days old, with a fatality rate of more than 90%. Only a few goslings over three weeks old occur, and goslings over one month old basically do not occur. (1) the typical clinical symptoms seen in clinic are diseased geese isolated from the group, hairy pine necking, eyes closed and dizzy.

  • Notice No. 2025 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the people's Republic of China

    Notice No. 2025 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the people's Republic of China

    Announcement No. 2025 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the people's Republic of China according to the regulations on the Administration of Veterinary drugs and the Standards for quality Management of Veterinary Drug production, after on-site inspection and examination, 11 enterprises, including Guigang Fumin Animal (Fish) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., meet the requirements of veterinary drug GMP and veterinary drug production.

    2015-12-26 Ministry of Agriculture people's Republic of China Bulletin No. 2025
  • Endocrine inactivation in variant Asthma

    Endocrine inactivation in variant Asthma

    Cough variant asthma is often a synonym for this disease. Among the causes of the disease, the first is endocrine disorder, followed by the pollution caused by industrialization, and the third is mental and psychological pressure. Endocrine disorder is associated with variant asthma.

  • How to do well the immunity of reserve pigs

    How to do well the immunity of reserve pigs

    1. The production and importance of good immunity of reserve pigs after the first injection of vaccine to pigs, the corresponding antibodies will be produced after a certain period of time, at this time, the antibody titer is low, the maintenance time is short, and they do not have the ability to resist pathogen invasion. but it laid the foundation for the establishment of effective immunity in the future, so it is called basic immunity. Re-inoculation of the same vaccine in a certain period of time can induce the recall response of memory cells after the first vaccination, which can quickly produce high titer and maintenance time in a short period of time.

  • How to prevent rabbits from epidemic in autumn

    How to prevent rabbits from epidemic in autumn

    In the hot summer, the disease resistance of rabbits has declined, and it is worth changing hair and giving birth in autumn, so epidemic prevention is very important. 1. Vaccination against ① rabbit plague vaccine. At present, the effect of tissue inactivated vaccine is better. Each mouse was injected subcutaneously with 1 ml, 5ml for 7 days to produce strong immunity, and the immune period was up to 6 months. ② rabbit plague-Pasteurella multocida vaccine. One milliliter of subcutaneous injection of each animal could be protected from rabbit plague infection within half a year and Pasteurella multocida within 4 months. ③ type An inactivated vaccine of Clostridium welchii. Each animal is injected subcutaneously.

  • Application method of Pig Vaccine immunity

    Application method of Pig Vaccine immunity

    1. The effect of concentrated multivalent inactivated vaccine against Streptococcus suis: to prevent septicemia, encephalitis, polyarthritis and pustulosis caused by Streptococcus suis. Usage: boars and sows are injected twice a year, each time 3 ml / head, and pigs over one month old are injected 2 ml / head each time. two。 Porcine infectious atrophic rhinitis-toxigenic Pasteurella multocida dual inactivated vaccine: prevention of atrophic rhinitis and pasteurellosis in pigs. Usage: neck muscles of sows one month before delivery

  • Notice No. 2117 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the people's Republic of China

    Notice No. 2117 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the people's Republic of China

    According to the regulations on the Administration of Veterinary drugs and the measures for the Registration of Veterinary drugs, after examination and approval, the Live Recombinant Fowlpox virus Vaccine produced by Shihua American Baimiao Animal Health Co., Ltd. is registered in China, and the Certificate of Registration of imported Veterinary drugs is issued.

    2015-12-26 People's Republic of China Ministry of Agriculture notice No. 2117 according to
  • Goose plague vaccine

    Goose plague vaccine

    1. Gosling plague Gosling Vaccine this product is made of attenuated strain of Gosling plague virus obtained by many generations of goose embryo. After inoculating 12-14-day-old goose embryo, the infected goose embryo sac fluid is harvested, proper amount of protective agent is added and made by freeze-vacuum drying. Properties: milky spongy loose mass, which dissolves quickly after adding diluent. Use: it is used to prevent Gosling plague. Dose and usage: this vaccine is suitable for emergency vaccination of offspring of unimmunized breeder geese or goslings whose immunity has reached more than 7mur8 Kang after immunization. Indicate the dose according to the bottle label when in use

  • Immune Technology of Pigs against Blight

    Immune Technology of Pigs against Blight

    With reference to immune procedure 1, it is recommended that the widely vaccinated vaccine 1.1 Classical Swine Fever vaccination of newborn piglets at 20 days of age for the first time with a routine dose of attenuated classical swine fever vaccine. (it is best to promote 00:00 immunization in advance). Piglets were given routine second immunity at the age of 50 Mel for 60 days. Reserve pigs are selected and exempted before taking part in breeding. 1.2 the whole group of adult and reserve pigs were immunized with paratyphoid fever and were immunized with routine dose in spring and September. Son
