
Recombinant Learn more about Recombinant

  • Successful development of inactivated vaccine against H7 subtype recombinant avian influenza virus

    Successful development of inactivated vaccine against H7 subtype recombinant avian influenza virus

    Recently, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture that the National Avian Influenza reference Laboratory has successfully developed an inactivated recombinant avian influenza virus vaccine (H7 subtype, H7N9/PR8 strain) and passed the evaluation of new veterinary drugs as an emergency technical reserve. In order to further deal with the epidemic situation of H7N9 influenza.

    2016-03-20 Subtype Recombinant Avian Influenza virus inactivated Live Vaccine Development success
  • Rare Natural Recombinant Porcine virus found in China

    Rare Natural Recombinant Porcine virus found in China

    Rare Natural Recombinant Porcine virus found in China

  • Notice No. 2117 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the people's Republic of China

    Notice No. 2117 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the people's Republic of China

    According to the regulations on the Administration of Veterinary drugs and the measures for the Registration of Veterinary drugs, after examination and approval, the Live Recombinant Fowlpox virus Vaccine produced by Shihua American Baimiao Animal Health Co., Ltd. is registered in China, and the Certificate of Registration of imported Veterinary drugs is issued.

    2015-12-26 People's Republic of China Ministry of Agriculture notice No. 2117 according to
  • Epidemic trend and Classical treatment of Chicken Blight

    Epidemic trend and Classical treatment of Chicken Blight

    Through the follow-up investigation of the important epidemic diseases in 2007, combined with laboratory testing and related research, the Technology Department of Xinhua Company analyzed and predicted the epidemic trends of important chicken diseases requiring special attention in 2008, and combined with clinical investigation, in line with the principle of curing both the symptoms and the root causes and minimizing the loss of breeding. Provide the following classic treatment for your reference: first, the application of recombinant avian influenza virus inactivated vaccine Re-1 strain and Re-4 strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1 subtype)

  • Marker-assisted selection is the general direction of future breeding

    Marker-assisted selection is the general direction of future breeding

    Conventional breeding methods have limitations such as genetic variation and genomic hybridization. In principle, these limitations can be overcome by genetic engineering methods such as recombinant DNA. By using these methods, the genes with definite function can be cloned and the genes can be fast and high.

    2016-03-20 Labeling assistance selection yes future breeding general direction routine
  • Molecular mechanism of soybean adaptation to short-day high temperature environment cracked

    Molecular mechanism of soybean adaptation to short-day high temperature environment cracked

    Molecular mechanism of soybean adaptation to short-day high temperature environment cracked

  • Can canine distemper infect people?

    Can canine distemper infect people?

    Recently, there is a high incidence of canine distemper. Many pet hospitals treat more than a dozen canine distemper patients every day. Therefore, experts remind pet parents to vaccinate their pet dogs as soon as possible. Wei Rensheng of the pet hospital said: "recently, pet hospitals have increased the number of dogs suffering from canine distemper, which is related to the increase in dog walking after the rise in temperature." The reason is that the dog's feces cause cross-infection after defecating everywhere. In addition, many citizens only vaccinate their pet dogs against rabies, but not against infectious diseases. " According to relevant understanding, cure canine distemper

  • Two Scientific Research achievements of Hebei Agricultural University promote the Development of Mutton Sheep Industry

    Two Scientific Research achievements of Hebei Agricultural University promote the Development of Mutton Sheep Industry

    Two Scientific Research achievements of Hebei Agricultural University promote the Development of Mutton Sheep Industry

  • Problems needing attention in breeding quail seedlings

    Problems needing attention in breeding quail seedlings

    After coming out of the shell, the young quails were raised in cages and heated by a coal stove with a smoke exhaust pipe. the temperature was 32 ℃ at one day old, then decreased by 0.5 ℃ a day, and was de-heated when the air temperature was above 20 ℃ at 20 days old. Broiler feed for small quails (with a crude protein content of not less than 22%) until it is laid

    2020-11-08 Breeding quail seedling need attention problem small
  • Is seedless watermelon genetically modified? What are the main points of the cultivation process?

    Is seedless watermelon genetically modified? What are the main points of the cultivation process?

    Watermelon is one of the fruits often eaten in summer. it has large pulp, juicy and sweet taste, and tastes better after being chilled. When people buy watermelons, there are always merchants who will ask you to buy seedless watermelons, saying that they taste better, and if there are no seeds, there is no need to spit seeds. that

    2020-11-09 Seedless watermelon yes genetically modified Mo breeding process which
  • Processing technology of caviar and roe

    Processing technology of caviar and roe

    The ovaries of all kinds of spawning marine fish, shellfish and freshwater fish can be used as food, and fish eggs are considered to be a very nutritious food in many parts of the world, with high protein content, less raw material pollution and good taste. Therefore, fish egg products are very popular in the world market. First, caviar processing the term "caviar" commonly refers to fish eggs produced in a special way. Black caviar used to be a royal delicacy abroad, but now it is fashionable and fond of delicacies.

  • Application of Interferon in the treatment of Infectious Canine Hepatitis

    Application of Interferon in the treatment of Infectious Canine Hepatitis

    Infectious canine hepatitis is an acute septic infectious disease caused by adenovirus. It was characterized by necrosis in the center of hepatic lobule, intranuclear inclusion bodies in hepatic parenchyma cells and cortical cells, and prolonged bleeding time. Infectious canine hepatitis does serious harm to dogs and causes great economic losses to the dog industry. The virus has strong resistance and can survive in the soil for a long time under the condition of low temperature. it still has pathogenicity after 10 to 14 days, and can survive in the dog nest for a long time. Sick dogs and recovered dogs with virus are the source of infection of the disease, and their blood secretions and excretions

  • Research Progress on Detection Technology of Porcine circovirus

    Research Progress on Detection Technology of Porcine circovirus

    Porcine circovirus disease is a kind of viral infectious disease caused by porcine circovirus (PCV) infection and characterized by immunosuppression. the clinical manifestation is mainly caused by postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome of piglets caused by PCV-2. In this paper, the detection techniques of the virus at home and abroad in recent years, including virus isolation, electron microscopic observation, polymerase chain reaction, indirect immunofluorescence test, immunohistochemical technique, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, in situ nucleic acid hybridization test and so on. Porcine circovirus disease

  • When will the commercialization of genetically modified carp in China break?

    When will the commercialization of genetically modified carp in China break?

    When will the commercialization of genetically modified carp in China break?

  • How to improve the survival rate of goslings and how to improve the weight gain rate of goslings

    How to improve the survival rate of goslings and how to improve the weight gain rate of goslings

    How to improve the survival rate of goslings and how to improve the weight gain rate of goslings

  • The first case of cloned piglet in China was revealed

    The first case of cloned piglet in China was revealed

    After more than a year of scientific and technological research, the research group led by Professor Li Ning of China Agricultural University finally got a return on August 5, 2006 at Minghui Pig raising Company in Sanhe City, Hebei Province. China's first self-completed somatic cloned pig was born successfully, and its birth filled the gap in this field in our country. China is the seventh country to have obtained somatic cloned offspring of pigs. At 10:50 on August 5th, at Minghui Pig raising Company in Sanhe City, Hebei Province, one weighed 1130 grams and the coat color was black and shiny.

  • Mr. Lu Dexun would like to introduce some books on nutrition.

    Mr. Lu Dexun would like to introduce some books on nutrition.

    Mr. Lu Dexun would like to introduce some books on nutrition.

  • Firmly promote the quality supervision of veterinary drugs

    Firmly promote the quality supervision of veterinary drugs

    "We are diligent prison inmates. For the sake of epidemic prevention and control, and for the sake of safe homes, the sword of justice is clenched in our hands, inspecting, supervising, reviewing and reviewing scientific research, and escorting healthy farming!" The Song of the Central Commission of Supervision highly condenses the China Institute of Veterinary Drug Administration (China Veterinary Drug Administration).

    2016-03-21 Solid promotion veterinary drugs quality supervision work "We are
  • Pig semen-the Vector of virus Transmission (3)

    Pig semen-the Vector of virus Transmission (3)

    Pig semen-the Vector of virus Transmission (3)

  • Application of phytase in diets of pigs and chickens

    Application of phytase in diets of pigs and chickens

    Phytic acid or phytate is common in plant feed, and most of the phosphorus exists in the form of phytate phosphorus. Phytic acid can form a stable complex with metal ions such as calcium ion, iron ion, zinc ion and copper ion, and can also combine with protein and starch, reducing the activities of endogenous amylase, protease and lipase. The digestibility of nutrients decreased significantly. Phytic acid is not absorbed by monogastric animals, and most of it is excreted in the form of feces, which not only greatly reduces the utilization rate of phosphorus, but also causes environmental pollution, especially water pollution.
