
grass mulching Learn more about grass mulching

  • Effect of Grass mulching measures in Walnut Orchard

    Effect of Grass mulching measures in Walnut Orchard

    Grass mulching in orchard is an important technical measure to achieve high quality and high yield in dryland walnut orchard. Grass mulching in orchard can improve soil fertility, change groundwater, gas and thermal environment, restrain the growth of weeds, reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests and reduce the labor of hoeing, which can be used as walnut roots.

    2020-11-27 Walnut orchard grass mulching measures function yes
  • Improvement of fertile soil by Grass mulching in Orchard

    Improvement of fertile soil by Grass mulching in Orchard

    Improvement of fertile soil by Grass mulching in Orchard

  • Mulch cultivation of Gastrodia elata

    Mulch cultivation of Gastrodia elata

    In the past ten years, the author has studied, investigated, tested, summarized and popularized the mulching cultivation techniques of Gastrodia elata in more than ten provinces and cities in China, which can increase the yield of Gastrodia elata by 20%. This paper introduces the principle and technical method of mulching yield increase: the principle of mulching yield increase. Gastrodia elata is a kind of

    2020-11-08 Species Gastrodia elata mulch cultivation method author for more than ten years in
  • Attention should be paid to winter mulching of strawberries

    Attention should be paid to winter mulching of strawberries

    Strawberries gradually enter the dormant period after late autumn. Strawberry has shallow roots and can withstand the low temperature of-8 ℃ and the air temperature of-10 ℃ in a short time. If the temperature drops again, frost injury will occur. In serious cases, the plant will die, resulting in a decline in economic benefits. The main measures to prevent winter cold of strawberry cultivated in north China are

    2020-11-08 Species strawberries winter mulch need attention late autumn later strawberries
  • Measures of soil management and protection in cherry orchard with shallow roots, no drought resistance and no wind resistance

    Measures of soil management and protection in cherry orchard with shallow roots, no drought resistance and no wind resistance

    Measures of soil management and protection in cherry orchard with shallow roots, no drought resistance and no wind resistance

  • Fruit planting technology

    Fruit planting technology

    Selecting suitable soil planting, properly improving soil fertility and structure, increasing the application of organic fertilizer can increase the sweetness of fruit, and timely flower and fruit thinning is beneficial to improve fruit quality. Ecological fruit planting patterns include mulch planting, grass planting, orchard interplanting and intercropping.

    2020-11-08 Fruit planting technology summary selection suitable soil
  • Tainan 6, a New Super High yield Soybean Variety, how to grow High yield Soybean

    Tainan 6, a New Super High yield Soybean Variety, how to grow High yield Soybean

    A new soybean variety "Tainan 6" for mulching and green manure: do you know the new soybean variety "Tainan 6"? Do you know what features it has and the benefits of this breed? If you don't know, you want to plant it. Let's take a look at it. This variety is bred by cross.

    2019-01-03 Super high yield soybean new variety Tainan No. 6 soybeans how about
  • How to weed when growing organic vegetables?

    How to weed when growing organic vegetables?

    How to weed when growing organic vegetables? The biggest headache in organic vegetable production is weed control. " The vegetable farmer of the organic vegetable base said helplessly. Because organic vegetables are not allowed to use synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and growth regulators in the cultivation process.

  • How to save water when planting Chinese chestnut in mountainous area

    How to save water when planting Chinese chestnut in mountainous area

    Tree plate grass mulching is an economical, convenient and labor-saving technical measure. It can make full use of the weeds growing on the edge of the hillside and the straw after crop harvest, which can not only store water and preserve soil moisture, but also increase soil organic matter and enhance soil ventilation and permeability.

    2020-11-08 Mountain planting chestnut how to save water tree plate grass mulching yes a
  • Multi-layer mulching Seedling technique of Cucumber in Spring greenhouse

    Multi-layer mulching Seedling technique of Cucumber in Spring greenhouse

    First, do not change the light angle of the greenhouse at will. At present, the angle of the solar greenhouse in which cucumber is cultivated has been scientifically demonstrated for a long time, and its north-south span, height and back slope angle should not be changed at will. Second, avoid centralized fertilization when planting. All kinds of chemical fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers, will produce a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer at high temperature and humidity.

  • Water-saving technology of Chinese chestnut in mountainous area

    Water-saving technology of Chinese chestnut in mountainous area

    Chestnut stem blight, also known as chestnut carcass blight, chestnut rot, chestnut blight, is one of the main diseases of chestnut. It occurred in all the main chestnut producing areas in China, and some of them suffered seriously, and the chestnut planted in Nanxiong also suffered seriously. The bark of the killed chestnut tree rotted and the tree became weak, which resulted in dead branches and dead trees. First, danger.

  • Cultivation Technique of Gastrodia elata Covered

    Cultivation Technique of Gastrodia elata Covered

    For more than ten years, the author has studied, investigated, experimented, summarized and popularized the covering cultivation technique of Gastrodia elata in more than ten provinces and cities of China, which can increase the yield of Gastrodia elata by 20-30%. This paper introduces the principle and technical method of mulch stimulation: mulch stimulation principle. Gastrodia elata is a kind of warm-loving, cool, moist plant, mainly distributed in the forest or shrub in nature, mostly growing in the gentle slope zone of 10-30℃. It is both wet and afraid of water during its growth; it is warm, the most suitable temperature is 20-25 ° C, and it is afraid of high temperature and temperature.

  • Ways to supplement organic fertilizer in orchard

    Ways to supplement organic fertilizer in orchard

    There are three main ways to supplement organic fertilizer in mountain orchards: first, interplanting green manure to increase soil organic matter. Most of the mountain orchards are acid and poor soil. After fruit harvest, before hanging fruit, around the orchard from autumn to spring, vigorously expand the interplanting of legume green manure, improve soil texture, is a good way to supplement organic matter.

  • Technology of No-tillage and sowing mulching of Potato

    Technology of No-tillage and sowing mulching of Potato

    Save labor cost 150 yuan / mu, improve production efficiency 37.6% potato no-tillage and straw mulching cultivation is worth popularizing no-tillage and rice straw mulching cultivation is a new potato planting technology today. it refers to opening ditches on the non-ploughed land according to certain specifications, applying basic fertilizer strips on the side of the box, placing seed potatoes at a certain density in the fertilizer-free area between the two rows of fertilizers, and then covering rice straw in the whole process. Because this method is simple to operate, labor-saving and labor-saving, it can also be selected in batches, listed at a price, and the planting benefit can be improved.

  • Key Technical measures of Organic Apple in full Fruit period

    Key Technical measures of Organic Apple in full Fruit period

    Organic orchard is the highest level of fruit tree production at present. Organic production of fruit trees started early in the world. Organic cultivation was carried out in Britain in 1931, but China is still in its infancy. Apple is organic.

  • How do sweet potatoes cover with plastic film? How to use plastic film mulching technology in sweet potato field?

    How do sweet potatoes cover with plastic film? How to use plastic film mulching technology in sweet potato field?

    Plastic film mulching of sweet potato can increase low temperature, maintain soil moisture, prevent soil consolidation and reduce the harm of weeds. How does the sweet potato cover the plastic film? How to use plastic film mulching technology in sweet potato field? 1. After transplanting seedlings in the form of plastic film mulching and after plastic film mulching

    2020-11-09 Sweet potato how cover plastic film such as where field use
  • The latest strawberry mulching cold technical method tutorial

    The latest strawberry mulching cold technical method tutorial

    Strawberry in our country is a relatively high market price of fruit, but even if the market price, but also by many people like. Therefore, strawberry planting is still very common now. After strawberry planting enters winter, it is necessary to do a good job of covering the cold.

    2020-11-10 latest strawberry mulch cold-proof technique method tutorial in
  • Technology of storing fertilizer and water by covering holes with plastic film

    Technology of storing fertilizer and water by covering holes with plastic film

    In areas with heavy precipitation and years and seasons with concentrated precipitation, ditches should be dug to drain waterlogging. As the vast majority of walnut producing areas in China are located in mountainous and hilly areas, the natural drainage conditions are good and there is no need for artificial drainage. But for those who are located on flat land and have poor natural drainage,

    2020-11-27 Plastic film mulching hole storage fertilizer and water technology precipitation large
  • Cultivation techniques of imitating Wild growth of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Cultivation techniques of imitating Wild growth of Pleurotus ostreatus

    In recent years, diseases occur frequently in the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus. This is mainly due to the fact that the whole production process is under the condition of protection from beginning to end, and the vitality and disease resistance of mycelium continue to decrease. Imitating wild cultivation technology can better solve this problem. First, the preparation of base materials and the sending of bacteria in bacterial bags are carried out in accordance with the routine. Second, standardize the code to build a bacterial wall. When the primordium is shown in individual bacterial bags, the bacterial wall can be built. The bacterial wall is generally 0.8 meters wide and 15 meters long; the gap at one end of the mushroom column is strictly and smoothed with mud, and the other gaps are filled with fertile soil and watered.

  • Water-saving Irrigation techniques for growing Citrus

    Water-saving Irrigation techniques for growing Citrus

    First, grass mulching and grass mulching is a water-saving technology with rich resources and obvious benefits, and it has obvious characteristics such as improving soil and fertilizer, conserving soil and water and increasing production. Cut the weeds in the orange orchard, make use of the weeds on the ladder wall, spread them in the tree plate, and cover them with a thin layer of soil.

    2020-11-08 Species citrus water-saving irrigation technology grass laying mulching yes