
Key Technical measures of Organic Apple in full Fruit period

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Organic orchard is the highest level of fruit tree production at present. Organic production of fruit trees started early in the world. Organic cultivation was carried out in Britain in 1931, but China is still in its infancy. Apple is organic.

Key Technical measures of Organic Apple in full Fruit period

Organic orchard is the highest level of fruit tree production at present. Organic production of fruit trees started early in the world. Organic cultivation was carried out in Britain in 1931, but China is still in its infancy. The organic cultivation of apple is beneficial to provide consumers with healthy, nutritious, safe and environmentally friendly fruits, effectively prevent the pollution of the production environment, break the international trade fortress and promote the globalization of apple sales, which is to improve the competitiveness of apple industry. to promote the sustainable development of the industry, the only way to make the apple industry bigger, stronger and better.

According to the production requirements of organic orchards and the actual production of Jingning fruit industry, Jingning apple should pay attention to the following key technical links during its full fruit period:

1 soil, fertilizer and water management

1.1 Orchard soil management

Change the traditional clean tillage system to no-tillage mulch system, and implement grass growing between rows (figure 1). Planting red clover, white clover, ryegrass or natural grass between rows in the orchard is recommended in spring or autumn. Sowing can be done in late March to April when the temperature is stable above 15 ℃. It is appropriate to sow from mid-August to mid-September in autumn, with a sowing depth of 0.5cm and a seed consumption of 0.5kg per mu. Spring sowing if the weather is dry. Appropriate amount of water or a small amount of grass should be covered to ensure neat emergence of seedlings, and weeds should be removed frequently at the seedling stage in the first year after planting. After the second year, when the grass is 30 cm high, leave 2 cm to cut and cover the tree plate to protect soil structure and microbial environment, reduce soil erosion, increase soil organic matter content, increase soil aggregate structure, reduce soil bulk density, reduce evaporation, and improve soil water and fertilizer conservation capacity. After 4 years and 6 years, combined with the application of base fertilizer in autumn, it was renewed step by step.

Fig. 1 Grass cultivation in organic apple production

1.2 Fertilizer management

Fertilization returns to organic fertilizer, and chemical fertilizer application is resolutely put an end to. The organic manure that can be used in organic garden production are: farm manure, green manure, biogas residue, biogas slurry, cake manure, barnyard manure, organic straw, retting fertilizer, factory organic fertilizer. Farm manure should be retted at high temperature before it can be applied to the orchard (figure 2) [Jishan Huayao]. Unripe human feces and urine should not be applied directly into the orchard.

Fig. 2 composting of farm manure in organic apple production

The fertilization time of organic fertilizer: 3 tons / mu of fully mature farm manure was applied in late September, 250 kg / mu of bio-organic fertilizer of enzyme bacteria was applied in late May to increase tree nutrition accumulation, and factory organic fertilizer could be applied once in July. The main method of fertilization is ditch application. During fertilization, a ditch with a depth of 25 cm to 40 cm and a width of 20 cm to 30 cm is dug outside the crown. After applying organic fertilizer, fertilizer and soil should be fully mixed. After diluting with biogas liquid and proper amount of water, topdressing is applied to supplement nutrition to promote growth and fruit. when farm manure is insufficient, factory organic fertilizer can be applied.

1.3 Water management

Jingning County should be based on mulching and preserving soil moisture, gradually improve the measures of sand and gravel, crop straw, weeds and black film mulching, popularize the matching technology of orchard water cellar, effectively overcome the adverse effects of drought, especially spring drought and summer drought, and promote the healthy growth of fruit trees. in order to benefit high yield, high quality and high efficiency.

Sand mulching cultivation: sand mulching has the effect of increasing temperature, preserving soil moisture and reducing water evaporation. 20 cubic meters of clean river sand is used per mu, and the thickness of the whole garden is 3cm. After the orchard is covered with sand, it can effectively reduce the evaporation of soil water, improve the utilization rate of natural precipitation and ensure the healthy growth of trees. At the same time, because the temperature difference between day and night is effectively increased after sand mulching, which is very beneficial to the accumulation of sugar, the quality of apple cultivated with sand is very good.

Grass mulching cultivation: through grass mulching, we can effectively control the evaporation of soil water and maximize the utilization rate of natural precipitation. At the same time, the rotten grass cover can effectively increase the content of soil organic matter and enhance soil water retention. Generally, corn stalks or wheat straw are used to cover the whole garden, which is 15-20 cm thick. After 3-4 years of grass rot, it is turned into the soil, and the effect is very ideal.

Plastic film mulching cultivation: plastic film mulching cultivation has the advantages of low investment, low cost and good effect of preserving soil moisture, especially black plastic film has the effect of preserving soil moisture and suppressing grass, so it is widely used in Jingning. Generally speaking, after applying fertilizer to the soil in spring, the implementation of whole-garden mulching can effectively alleviate the shortage of water supply.

2 Flower and fruit management

2.1 take comprehensive measures to improve fruit setting rate

In recent years, the frequent occurrence of frost, strong wind and blowing sand, and the single cultivated variety and low fruit setting rate in Jingning County have become one of the outstanding problems in production. Comprehensive measures should be taken to improve the fruit setting rate so as to lay a good foundation for high quality and high yield.

First of all, it should be equipped with a sufficient number of pollination varieties, for the lack of pollination trees in orchards can increase pollination trees or pollination branches to improve pollination capacity.

Secondly, put bees in florescence or put wall bees in orchards to promote pollination.

Thirdly, auxiliary pollination can be carried out for orchards lacking pollination varieties, such as 10g pollen, 0.3g sugar, 5kg water, spray pollination with sprayer and brush when a small amount of pollination is available.

2.2 thinning of flowers and fruits

Under the premise of determining the suitable amount of fruit, removing excess flowers and fruits can save tree nutrition, ensure tree health and improve fruit quality (figure 3). In recent years, Jingning County has mainly adopted the method of setting fruit with a thin fruit, which makes full use of the fruit of medium and short fruit branches and drooping branches to remove the fruits of diseases and insect pests, deformed fruits and calyx upwards, which are completed within 20 days after falling flowers, and the fruit spacing of Fuji apples is about 25 cm.

2.3 fruit bagging

Fruit bagging is one of the important measures to improve fruit quality. the bagging time is from the middle of June to the end of June, and the bagging is removed 15-20 days before fruit ripening. Lead-free double-layer paper bags should be selected to improve the bagging effect.

2.4 timely harvest

When the degree of fruit coloring is more than 90% and the content of soluble solids is more than 12%, gloves should be worn when harvesting, first on the tree and then under the tree, first outside and then inside, harvested in stages and in batches to improve merchandise.

3Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

According to the production technical requirements of organic fruits, the new technology of physical and biological prevention and control should be adopted in the prevention and control of diseases and pests, and the use of chemical pesticides is strictly prohibited.

3.1 Agricultural control

Through the application of organic fertilizer, reasonable thinning of flowers and fruits, optimal pruning, timely irrigation, ground mulching and other comprehensive measures to rejuvenate the tree potential and improve the ability of tree resistance to diseases and insect pests.

Through ploughing, the overwintering pests and germs in the soil can be turned to the surface to freeze to death, dry to death or be pecked by natural enemies, and the overwintering bacteria and pests in withered branches, fallen leaves and weeds on the surface can be buried deeply in the ground and suffocate because they can not be unearthed normally, thus reducing the number of overwintering.

After falling leaves in winter, cut off the tips of diseases and insect pests, clean up the weeds, dead branches and fallen leaves around the orchard, burn them centrally, and reduce the base number of overwintering.

3.2 physical control

During the growing period (April-September), the hanging frequency vibration insecticidal lights are turned on from 19 to 21:00 every day, and the lights are turned off at 5 to 6 a.m. the next morning to trap and kill night moths and phototaxis pests; use fly traps to kill fruit flies; hang yellow armyworm boards to control flies, aphids and whitefly pests. The yellow armyworm board can be cut into 100 cm × 20 cm strips, painted orange, coated with a layer of sticky oil (mixed with No. 10 engine oil and a little butter), hung between the lines, covered with worms, re-oiled (re-coated every 7 to 10 days), hanging sugar and vinegar (1 part brown sugar, 2 parts vinegar, 0.4 part liquor, 0.1 part trichlorfon, 10 parts water) to trap and kill beetles. Bagging was used to control fruit ring disease and anthracnose, and appropriate amount of lime was sprinkled in the orchard in spring to control fruit bitter pox.

Fig. 3 Flower thinning in organic apple production

A white coating of the trunk was carried out after falling leaves in autumn, before soil freezing and before germination in early spring of the following year, to eliminate the bacteria and pests overwintering on the trunk (whitening agent formula: 10 parts of quicklime, 2 parts of stone-sulfur mixture, 1 part of salt, 2 parts of clay, 35 parts of water).

For those with older tree age and warped skin and rough skin on the trunk, the brown skin can be scraped off in the dormant period, which can greatly reduce the number of overwintering pests such as pear star caterpillar, small heart borer, pear heart borer, Hawthorn red spider and so on.

In the growing season, the egg mass of the curtain caterpillar was removed in time, the hard cocoon of the yellow thorn moth on the trunk and branches was broken, the egg mass of gypsy moth on the tree trunk was scraped off, the oocysts and larvae of the shell insect were removed, and the powdery mildew tip was cut off.

3.3 Biological control

Through the recommendation of the orchard, improve the ecological environment, attract, protect and breed, and make use of natural enemies such as small flower bugs, ladybugs, lacewings, predatory thrips, etc., to control pests with insects and maintain ecological balance; measures such as bundling grass at the base of tree trunks or stacking grass in the garden are adopted in winter to provide a good habitat for spiders, small flower bugs, mites and ladybugs, and increase overwintering. Natural enemies such as Trichogramma, western blind walking mites, ladybugs and lacewings are artificially released to control mites, aphids, pear heart borer and other pests; sex attractants are used to disrupt insect mating information, reduce reproduction and reduce insect population density, among which the golden moth trap was placed from April 1 to late October, and the peach heart borer was placed from May 20 to mid-September. The trap of pear heart borer began to be placed on April 15 and ended in early September, while the trap of small leaf moth was placed on May 1 and the fruit harvest ended. The trap is suspended from the shaded branches of fruit trees. Its height is 1.3-1.5 meters from the ground, and it is changed every 15-20 days. Generally, one is placed every 20-25 meters. Generally, orchards with less than 40 trees per mu are planted, one trap is hung in the middle of the orchard, and 2 can be hung in orchards with more than 40 trees. Carton traps, stickworm glue coated in the trap box can generally be maintained for more than 20 days. After hanging out for 10 days, start to check the trap box. Check every 5 days, the glue board covered with insects and glue dry, should be replaced with a new glue board.

3.4 Biopesticide control

Bt wettable powder (containing live spores 10 billion / g) and Beauveria bassiana powder (common powder 10 billion spores / g) were used to control Lepidoptera pests, longicorn beetles, mites, aphids and so on. In the prevention and treatment of various diseases, there can be limited use of polyoxymycin, Jingangmycin, agricultural streptomycin and other antibiotics.

3.5 Plant source chemical control

Commonly used 5% fish rattan EC 2000 times, 3% insecticidal EC 50 times 80 times, 0.65% artemisinin insecticides 450 times 500 times, 40% nicotine sulfate 800 times, 0.3% matrine 200 times 300 times, etc. to control aphids, mites and other diseases.

3.6 Chemical control of mineral sources

Before the apple tree germinated, the whole tree was sprayed with 5 Baumetu stone sulfur mixture to remove the pathogens and mites in the tree and the garden, and sprayed 200 times Bordeaux solution twice from June to August to prevent and cure early deciduous leaf disease, anthracnose and ring fruit rot.

4 reasonable pruning

The methods of stem lifting, falling head and branch thinning were used to transform the closed orchard, optimize the ventilation and light transmission conditions, control the number of branches per mu in 70,000 ~ 80,000 branches, remove the large and medium-sized branches on the back of the main branches, and leave oblique, flat and drooping fruiting branch groups. the distance between the large fruiting branch groups is about 50 cm, and the fruiting branch group forms a vertical curtain to achieve three-dimensional results.