
How to save water when planting Chinese chestnut in mountainous area

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tree plate grass mulching is an economical, convenient and labor-saving technical measure. It can make full use of the weeds growing on the edge of the hillside and the straw after crop harvest, which can not only store water and preserve soil moisture, but also increase soil organic matter and enhance soil ventilation and permeability.

Tree plate covered with grass

Tree plate grass mulching is an economical, convenient and labor-saving technical measure. It can make full use of the weeds growing on the edge of the hillside and the straw after crop harvest, which can not only store water and preserve soil moisture, but also increase soil organic matter and enhance soil ventilation and permeability.

Specific practice: cover weeds or harvested corn stalks from the inside out along the tree plate. The thickness of the cover should be 10 mi 15 cm. Sprinkle a small amount of soil on it after the cover is finished to prevent wind blowing and fire. Supplementary grass mulching was carried out once a year, and deep ploughing was carried out once every 3-4 years to make it rot fully and increase soil nutrients.

Tree disk covered with film

Plastic film mulching on tree disk can not only increase soil temperature, promote root growth, promote germination, but also reduce soil water evaporation. The tree plate cover can be carried out as soon as the afforestation operation of Chinese chestnut is completed, and the coverage area varies according to the tree age, the minimum can not be less than the size of the tree plate, and should be compacted with soil around the film to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

Dig a hole under the crown

Digging holes under the canopy is suitable for most engineering site preparation of chestnut forest and building chestnut forest on steep hillsides.

Specific approach: take the tree trunk as the center, carry out triangular radial diffusion around, and sort out several small pits under the tree plate. The size and shape of the pit vary according to the topography, the depth and width of the pit is about 30 cm, and the number depends on the size of the canopy. The coverage of the pit can be extended to 2 mi 3 m around the crown. This can effectively control soil erosion and play the role of water conservation, soil conservation and fertilizer conservation.

Hole storage of fertilizer and water

The operation of fertilizer and water storage in acupoint is simple and practical. After experiments, the increase in production is also very significant.

Specific methods: dig a hole around the tree crown at the front of the tree germination. The diameter of the pit is 30mur40 cm and the depth is 40mur50cm. Put the grass bundled in advance with wheat straw into the hole vertically, and mix the fine soil evenly, add a small amount of long-acting compound fertilizer, backfill the grass around the hole, compact it to level the ground, cover the top with soil 2mur3cm, water 45kg, cover the hole with plastic film, and press the soil all around. Make it low in the middle and four weeks high in the shape of the bottom of the pot, a small hole is opened in the center, and the watering and fertilization after film mulching are carried out on the hole, usually compacted with clods to reduce water evaporation.