
clinker Learn more about clinker

  • Clinker cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Clinker cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Clinker cultivation refers to the cultivation method that the culture material is sterilized at high temperature after being prepared, and then sowed and sterilized, so how to operate the clinker cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus? The following is to introduce the clinker cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus. 1. The construction of mushroom houses can make use of the existing vacant houses,

    2020-11-09 Pleurotus ostreatus clinker cultivation techniques cultivation refers to culture nourishment
  • What is the difference between raw meal and clinker of edible fungus?

    What is the difference between raw meal and clinker of edible fungus?

    What is the difference between raw meal and clinker of edible fungus?

  • Ganoderma lucidum planting technology: how to grow Ganoderma lucidum with short wood clinker?

    Ganoderma lucidum planting technology: how to grow Ganoderma lucidum with short wood clinker?

    How to grow Ganoderma lucidum with short wood clinker? Please introduce the method of short wood clinker cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum can refer to the following methods: first, Ganoderma lucidum belongs to medium and high temperature fungi in Ganoderma lucidum cultivation season, and its yield is related to tree species, cultivation time and cultivation techniques. The vaccination time can be arranged from late October to December, or in.

  • Study on cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in idle space in flower greenhouse

    Study on cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in idle space in flower greenhouse

    Study on cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in idle space in flower greenhouse

  • The method of raising pigs in rural areas is simple and practical.

    The method of raising pigs in rural areas is simple and practical.

    The method of thin feeding of clinker: the crude fiber of the feed is softened after being cooked, which can not only effectively improve the digestibility of the coarse feed, but also reduce the feed volume and increase the feed intake of pigs. Wet feeding method of raw meal: it is simpler than the thin feeding method of clinker, and saves firewood, labor and equipment at the same time.

    2020-11-08 Suitable for rural areas pig raising method simple practical abstract clinker
  • Cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi with Raw material

    Cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi with Raw material

    Cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi with Raw material

  • Cultivation technique of Ganoderma lucidum with short wood clinker

    Cultivation technique of Ganoderma lucidum with short wood clinker

    The cultivation of short section wood clinker is a new cultivation technology of Ganoderma lucidum which has developed rapidly in recent years. The average yield of dried Ganoderma lucidum is more than 20 kg per cubic meter, and the high yield is more than 30 kg, which is 20% higher than that of conventional cultivation. Ganoderma lucidum has a thick texture and glossy texture, and its acid content is higher than that of bag cultivation, and more than 90% of the products meet the export requirements. 1. Cultivation season: Ganoderma lucidum belongs to medium and high temperature fungi, and its yield is related to tree species, cultivation time and cultivation techniques. Vaccination can be arranged from late October to December, or from early February to

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum with short wood clinker

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum with short wood clinker

    The cultivation of short section wood clinker is a new cultivation technology of Ganoderma lucidum which has developed rapidly in recent years. The average yield of dried Ganoderma lucidum is more than 20 kg per cubic meter, and the high yield is more than 30 kg, which is 20% higher than that of conventional cultivation. Ganoderma lucidum has a thick texture and glossy texture, and its acid content is higher than that of bag cultivation, and more than 90% of the products meet the export requirements. 1. Ganoderma lucidum belongs to medium and high temperature fungi in cultivation season, and its yield is related to tree species, cultivation time and cultivation techniques. The vaccination time can be arranged from late October to 12.

  • Anti-fouling technology of bag cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii

    Anti-fouling technology of bag cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii

    Pleurotus eryngii, Pleurotus eryngii and Pleurotus ostreatus are edible mushrooms with high benefits, and many counties and cities in the country have been listed as the leading industries. At present, it is mainly cultivated by the method of clinker (high temperature sterilization). Due to the complexity of technology, most growers are seriously polluted by miscellaneous bacteria, such as lack of production experience, extensive cultivation and so on.

  • Cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi with Raw material

    Cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi with Raw material

    Build the mushroom house and set up the bed frame, then mix the cottonseed hull, wheat bran, sucrose, urea, lime and other raw materials, and then add the same ratio of water and stir evenly into the bag to make a bacterial bag. Then the bacteria are inoculated into a bacterial bag for culture, and the hyphae will grow after a month or so.

    2020-11-09 Edible fungi raw materials cultivation techniques built mushroom room and set up
  • Clinker cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Clinker cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    1. The preparation and selection of culture materials should be fresh, mildew-free, uniform in thickness and remove impurities. Put the raw materials together in proportion and mix evenly, then stir with water, the water content is controlled at 60%, there is a slight water stain in the fingers, but the water does not flow out. And bag it. two。 The sterilization was carried out in high pressure cabinet for 2 hours after 120 ℃ and steam sterilization for 4 hours after 100 ℃ steam steaming. You can also use a steamer to sterilize, first pour water into the steamer, connect the steamer to the pan, and put it on.

  • New technology of indoor shelf clinker cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    New technology of indoor shelf clinker cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Jinfu mushroom is a kind of rare mushroom newly developed in recent years, which is suitable for cultivation from late spring to mid-autumn because of its high temperature, which solves the problem of annual cultivation in mushroom house and less cultivation area and varieties of edible fungi in summer. can not meet the market demand, the development prospect is broad. At present, there are a variety of cultivation methods and management methods, so the mushroom production and yield are also very unstable, especially in the primordium stage. As the indoor temperature difference between day and night is small (especially the effect of cultivating mushrooms with clay walls is better), it will not be caused by the sudden high temperature outside.

  • Improve the benefit of raising pigs from two aspects of selection and feeding

    Improve the benefit of raising pigs from two aspects of selection and feeding

    Lean hybrid pigs are selected to grow fast, use less feed, have strong resistance to disease, and have good reproductive performance, and the average litter size is 3 ~ 4 more than that of fat pigs, and the efficiency of converting feed into fat is 4:1.

    2020-11-08 From select and feed two aspects improve raise pigs benefit choose
  • How to cultivate Pleurotus ostreatus at high temperature

    How to cultivate Pleurotus ostreatus at high temperature

    Late spring and early summer is a good time to cultivate Pleurotus ostreatus. The planting quantity of high temperature Pleurotus ostreatus is relatively less because of high temperature and more diseases, but its price is 2-3 times higher than that in autumn and winter. The cultivation technology of high temperature Pleurotus ostreatus is difficult and the success rate is very low, so how to obtain high quality and high yield is a problem that mushroom farmers are more concerned about. In variety selection, many mushroom farmers failed to cultivate high-temperature Pleurotus ostreatus, mostly due to mistakes in variety selection. Some mushroom farmers do not figure out the temperature type of the variety and plant it casually. As a result, they cannot produce mushrooms or fail to produce bacteria because of the wrong temperature type, so they must have a good reputation.

  • Key points of summer management of semi-clinker cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Key points of summer management of semi-clinker cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Since the middle of June every year in Dandong, the weather has changed from dry and muggy weather to continuous rainy season, with no sufficient sunshine for more than 10 days, high temperature and humidity, like "sauna" weather. From the middle of July to before the opening of the market, there was a scorching sun, and the bacterial bags were easy to withdraw bacteria or be attacked by diseases and insect pests in the high temperature and high humidity environment, resulting in soft and rotten bacterial trays (bags) after the opening or the first pumping of water, resulting in varying degrees of economic losses to mushroom farmers. According to our cultivation practice in recent years, we have mastered a set of summer management methods. The main points of management are introduced as follows: 1

  • Cultivation formula of common edible fungi

    Cultivation formula of common edible fungi

    Mushroom name: Pleurotus ostreatus (per square meter) 1. Cottonseed shell 20 kg, calcium superphosphate 0.4 kg, gypsum powder 0.6 kg, urea 0.1 kg.

  • Technology of Pleurotus ostreatus under forest

    Technology of Pleurotus ostreatus under forest

    First, to ensure the quality of strains, it is very important to master the correct production technology and ensure the good quality of Pleurotus ostreatus in order to achieve high and stable production. The variety we choose is Pinggao No.1. Practice has proved that the yield of improved varieties is more than 30% higher than that of inferior varieties, and the mushroom is strong, and diseases and insect pests rarely occur. Second, the high-temperature Pleurotus ostreatus production site is selected as the woodland arch shed. The requirement is good ventilation and convenient drainage. Third, the production of bacterial bags can adopt the method of making bags with clinker instead of raw materials. Clinker cultivation means that the culture materials are sterilized at high temperature before entering.

  • High-yield techniques of artificial cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum with Linden Clinker

    High-yield techniques of artificial cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum with Linden Clinker

    1. According to the suitable temperature for the growth of Ganoderma lucidum hyphae and fruiting body in the production season, the southern and northern regions can be arranged to cut wood in the first ten days of the lunar month, cut wood, bag and sterilize in the middle of the lunar month, and complete the inoculation in the second ten days. The second year Qingming Festival around buried trees in the fields, the same year can receive Ganoderma lucidum 2-3 batches. However, the time of logging should not exceed Qingming Festival at the latest, because the water content of cut wood after Qingming Festival is high, the bark is easy to fall off, and the loss of nutrition is not suitable for production. Only 1 and 2 batches of Ganoderma lucidum could be produced in the year of inoculation around Qingming Festival. Wood requirements all tree species suitable for Linden cultivation Lentinus edodes and Auricularia auricula can be used

  • How to prevent and control edible fungus green mold

    How to prevent and control edible fungus green mold

    Green mold disease is a major enemy in the cultivation of edible fungi, which is easy to occur in a large number of cases, such as fresh raw materials, improper treatment of raw materials, incomplete sterilization, not strict inoculation, unclean environment, especially in acidic, high temperature and high humidity environment. Its spores spread rapidly in the air, multiply rapidly, poor prevention or prevention is not timely, it will have adverse consequences. 1. Select fresh raw materials and accessories that are not drenched or moldy, and the raw material treatment and fermentation places should be clean and hygienic. two。 Clinker cultivation should reach the sterilization target and sterilize thoroughly; fermentation cultivation

  • How can mushroom cultivation be contaminated by miscellaneous bacteria?

    How can mushroom cultivation be contaminated by miscellaneous bacteria?

    How can mushroom cultivation be contaminated by miscellaneous bacteria? What methods can be used for prevention and control? Hope that experienced netizens can help introduce that mushroom cultivation is often polluted by miscellaneous bacteria, which leads to serious reduction of mushroom production. Miscellaneous bacteria are generally green Trichoderma, Qulao, etc., which are the most common in seed production and clinker production.
