
borneol Learn more about borneol

  • Growth conditions of the latest borneol camphor tree

    Growth conditions of the latest borneol camphor tree

    Soil borneol camphor tree growth needs loose soil, and the air permeability should be good enough, so that it can grow healthily. It is best to use deep, soft soil. It is best to disinfect the camphor tree before planting it, so that it will not pollute it.

    2020-11-10 The latest borneol camphor tree growth conditions one soil
  • Growth conditions of borneol camphor tree

    Growth conditions of borneol camphor tree

    Growth conditions of borneol camphor tree

  • Prevention and Treatment of Pig Eczematous by Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

    Prevention and Treatment of Pig Eczematous by Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

    1. Double flowers, 200 grams of isatis root each, grind to feed pigs, take appropriate amount of sponge gourd leaves and mash juice to remove the affected parts, twice a day. 2. 500g of fresh eclipta herb and 10g of borneol. Mash fresh grass, add borneol, press juice with gauze, and then apply juice to cracked skin or yellow sore affected part 3 times a day for 2-3 days. 3. Artemisia capillaris, honeysuckle 60g each, decocted with water for oral administration: 2%-3% alum to clean the affected part, twice a day. 4. Chinese tallow leaf is suitable

  • Treatment of uterine and vaginal prolapse of cattle with Zanthoxylum bungeanum Borneol

    Treatment of uterine and vaginal prolapse of cattle with Zanthoxylum bungeanum Borneol

    Endometritis is an inflammation of uterine mucosa, a common disease of reproductive organs of cows, and one of the important causes of infertility in cows. Affected cattle are often abnormal in estrus and often infertile. Even if cows are matched, miscarriage will easily occur during pregnancy, which brings great economic losses to the cattle industry. 1 the etiology of the disease is mainly caused by the invasion of Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and Escherichia coli during mating, delivery and dystocia in cows. The damage of uterine mucosa and the decrease of body resistance of cows promote the onset of the disease.

  • Is Guanyinlian of Araceae poisonous?

    Is Guanyinlian of Araceae poisonous?

    Is Guanyinlian of Araceae poisonous?

  • What is the efficacy and function of bezoar, one of the three treasures of traditional Chinese medicine? How do I take it? What are the side effects? What about poisoning?

    What is the efficacy and function of bezoar, one of the three treasures of traditional Chinese medicine? How do I take it? What are the side effects? What about poisoning?

    Bezoar, also known as rhinoceros, is a stone in the gallbladder, bile duct or hepatic duct of cattle. Bezoar is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine, and Goubao, Ma Bao, commonly known as the three treasures of traditional Chinese medicine, but there are many people do not know the efficacy and function of bezoar? How do I take it? What do you have?

    2020-11-11 " traditional Chinese medicine Sanbao " one cattle yellow efficacy and effect
  • Is the latest Araceae Guanyinlian poisonous?

    Is the latest Araceae Guanyinlian poisonous?

    Araceae Guanyinlian, also known as black-leaf taro, black-leaf Guanyin lotus, etc., is a perennial herb, native to tropical Asia, likes warm, humid, semi-shady growth environment, avoid strong light exposure, is one of the popular foliage plants at home and abroad, but Araceae Guanyinlian has

    2020-11-10 The latest Tiannan Star Guanyin Lotus poisonous Mo
  • How to prevent and cure orrhoea

    How to prevent and cure orrhoea

    Sheep aphtha, also known as sheep infectious pustules, is a contagious disease of sheep and goats caused by viruses, characterized by papules, blisters, pustules and wart scabs on the lips, tongue, nose and breasts. Raphus virus belongs to the family Poxviridae and Parapoxvirus. In negatively stained specimens, the virus particles have the characteristics of thread clusters. Viruses isolated from different regions were not completely identical in antigenicity. The disease occurs mostly in lambs aged 3~6 months, and often appears in clusters. Most adult sheep in epidemic areas have certain resistance

  • Prevention and treatment of oral sore in sheep

    Prevention and treatment of oral sore in sheep

    Prevention and treatment of oral sore in sheep

  • From vegetarian tea to scented tea

    From vegetarian tea to scented tea

    The practice of adding spices or fragrant flowers to tea has a long history. The Cha Lu of Cai Xiang in the Northern Song Dynasty mentioned that "the spiced tea has a real fragrance, while the contributors use borneol and ointment to help it smell." There have been records of jasmine baked tea in the Southern Song Dynasty. Shi Yue's words "step Moon Jasmine" note: "Jasmine Ridge table produced." The ancients used this flower to bake tea. In the Ming Dynasty, the technology of scenting tea is becoming more and more perfect, and there are many kinds of flowers that can be used to make tea. According to Tea Spectrum, there are nine kinds of sweet-scented osmanthus, jasmine, rose, rose, orchid, orange, gardenia, wood fragrance and plum blossom.

  • How to prevent and cure stomatitis disease in goats

    How to prevent and cure stomatitis disease in goats

    How to prevent and cure stomatitis disease in goats

  • Treatment of organochlorine poisoning in pigs

    Treatment of organochlorine poisoning in pigs

    1. The cause is due to feeding pigs with feed soon after spraying 668 and 223 (DDT) pesticides, or using these pesticides to kill lice and toes, causing poisoning after being licked and eaten by pigs. two。 Pigs with acute poisoning symptoms, loss of appetite, foaming at the mouth, salivation, vomiting, depression, pupil dilation, grinding, spasm, barking, hindlimb or limb paralysis, shortness of breath, dysentery or anal incontinence, in severe cases, weak heart sound, heart paralysis and death. Chronic poisoning, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, skin flushing

  • The effects and functions of cat's eye grass

    The effects and functions of cat's eye grass

    The effects and functions of cat's eye grass

  • Compound salvia miltiorrhiza tablets can treat pigeon crooked head disease

    Compound salvia miltiorrhiza tablets can treat pigeon crooked head disease

    Compound salvia miltiorrhiza tablet is made of Salvia miltiorrhiza, borneol, Panax notoginseng and other medicinal materials, which has the functions of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, cooling blood and relieving pain, nourishing blood and calming nerves, invigorating the mind, detoxifying and relieving pain, stopping blood stasis and eliminating carbuncle swelling, etc., which should be effective for the treatment of crooked pigeons suffering from pigeon plague. To this end, I have made a series of experiments, and the treatment logs in 2002 are as follows: (1) on April 28th, a feather of Wusong blood pigeon, which had been tilting its head for more than 8 months, was given compound Danshen tablet, one tablet for Vc,VB1;B12, once in the morning and evening. (2)

  • Honeysuckle and Prunella vulgaris to treat livestock and poultry diseases

    Honeysuckle and Prunella vulgaris to treat livestock and poultry diseases

    Honeysuckle and Prunella vulgaris have the functions of clearing heat and detoxification, clearing liver and fire, soothing wind and dredging collaterals, and have strong inhibitory effect on bacilli and some viruses. Single or mixed use can treat a variety of livestock and poultry diseases. 1 Rabbit heatstroke honeysuckle, Prunella vulgaris and Chrysanthemum vulgaris were each 10-15g, fried in water and taken orally. 2 piglets pullorum honeysuckle 100g with water 1000mL, fried to 500mL, mixed with liquid and residue to feed the sows. Once every morning and evening for 2 days, the cure rate was more than 98%. (3) Pig eyes have pig eyes.

  • The efficacy and function of White Chrysanthemum how to drink White Chrysanthemum in Water

    The efficacy and function of White Chrysanthemum how to drink White Chrysanthemum in Water

    The efficacy and function of White Chrysanthemum how to drink White Chrysanthemum in Water

  • The efficacy and function of the latest plum blossom

    The efficacy and function of the latest plum blossom

    Wax plum blossom contains borneol, cineole, linalool and other ingredients. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the plum blossom taste slightly sweet, pungent, cool, has the effect of relieving summer heat and promoting fluid, appetizer and relieving depression, detoxifying and activating muscle, and relieving cough. Mainly for summer fever, dizziness, vomiting, fever, irritation and thirst, qi depression, stomach tightness, cough, etc.

    2020-11-10 The latest wax plum flower efficacy and effect wax plum blossom contains
  • Asarum


    Asarum also known as fine ginseng, tobacco pot flower. Aristolochia is a family, perennial herbs. For commonly used Chinese medicine. "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing" is listed as top grade. Because of its fine roots and pungent taste, it is named. Asarum rhizomes bear many slender roots, which are clustered. Rhizome top branches, each branch on the birth of 2 - 3 scales and 1 - 2 leaves with a long handle; scales round, membranous, 7 - 10 mm long, apex obtuse. Petiole 10 - 23 cm long, pubescent or glabrous; leaf blade cordate, 4 - 8 cm long, 5 - 10 cm wide

  • The efficacy and function of Erxian grass

    The efficacy and function of Erxian grass

    The efficacy and function of Erxian grass

  • Porcine laryngitis

    Porcine laryngitis

    [summary] the cause of this disease is a cold and a cold, and the superficial and deep inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa is caused by injury of hard and sharp objects. A disease characterized by dysphagia and inflexibility of the head and neck. [etiology / pathogen] Pigs suffer from cold due to cold in pig houses, cold air attacks and insufficient bedding grass, other causes are inhalation of dust or pungent odors, weak body resistance, damage to pharynx by hard and sharp objects, rough administration of drugs through the mouth with gastric tubes, overheated or frozen feed, or secondary streptococcosis
