
The efficacy and function of the latest plum blossom

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wax plum blossom contains borneol, cineole, linalool and other ingredients. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the plum blossom taste slightly sweet, pungent, cool, has the effect of relieving summer heat and promoting fluid, appetizer and relieving depression, detoxifying and activating muscle, and relieving cough. Mainly for summer fever, dizziness, vomiting, fever, irritation and thirst, qi depression, stomach tightness, cough, etc.

Wax plum blossom contains borneol, cineole, linalool and other ingredients. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the plum blossom taste slightly sweet, pungent, cool, has the effect of relieving summer heat and promoting fluid, appetizer and relieving depression, detoxifying and activating muscle, and relieving cough. It is mainly for the treatment of summer heat, dizziness, vomiting, fever, irritation and thirst, qi depression, stomach tightness, cough and other diseases. Chinese plum blossom is commonly used to fry water for babies to drink, which has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification.

Ornamental value

Wax plum blossoms in the cold winter, fragrance overflows, the courtyard planting is the most suitable. Lamei is paired with southern bamboos, yellow flowers and red fruits, which is a good material for flower arrangement and bonsai.

Medicinal value

1. Pharmacological effects: intravenous injection can reduce blood sugar in rabbits. It has excitatory effect on isolated rabbit intestine and uterus.

2. Efficacy and function: detoxifying and clearing heat; regulating qi and invigorating depression. Main summer heat and thirst; dizziness; chest tightness and epigastric ruffles; plum kernel gas; sore throat; pertussis; infantile measles; scald. Open depression and moderate, resolving phlegm, detoxification. Used for depression, upset, liver and stomach pain, plum kernel qi, eczema.

[processing] pick up stumps, gravel and clods. Dry or dry, set aside

Xin; Gan; slightly bitter and cool; minor poison

Lung; stomach meridian

Oral administration: fried soup, 3-9g. External use: appropriate amount, soaked in oil or ear drops.

[note] those who are full of dampness and evil should use it with caution.

[attached party] ① treats chronic cough: iron chopsticks cost three dollars. Soak the water suit. "Guiyang Folk Herb" ② treats soup fire injury: wax plum blossom (with) tea oil soaked (coated). Record of Lingnan Medicine Collection

① Compendium: relieving summer heat and invigorating fluid. ② "Zhejiang traditional Chinese Medicine Handbook": treatment of summer heat, chest ruffian and thirst, infantile measles, pertussis. ③ "Jiangsu Plant Medicine": to treat upset and thirsty, qi depression and stomach tightness.

[common prescription] ① cough: 9 grams of plum blossom, soak boiled water instead of tea. ② stomachache: wax plum blossom or root 9g 15g, tea or water fried clothes. ③ otitis media: Lamei flower buds were immersed in sesame oil or rapeseed oil for 3-5 days, then drop 2-3 drops of oil each time. ④ cold: 15 grams of root, 3 grams of ginger, 5 slices of ginger fried in water and taken with brown sugar. ⑤ burn: soak the plum blossom with rapeseed oil and apply to the affected area. ⑥ summer heat, dizziness, headache: wax plum blossom, lentil flower, fresh lotus leaf each appropriate amount, water frying. ⑦ acute conjunctivitis: 6 grams of plum blossom, 9 grams of chrysanthemum, fried in water, transferred to a little honey to drink.

Edible value

1. Braised beef strips with preserved plum: 500 grams of beef, 10 plum blossoms, 50 grams of lard, 25 grams of onions, 25 grams of celery, 25 grams of carrots, 15 grams of oil sauce, salt, pepper and pepper. Cut the beef into strips and mix with salt and pepper into the pan. When fried into light yellow on both sides, add onion pieces, celery section, Rong radish slices, pepper, etc., bring to the boil for half an hour, then put in the oil noodle sauce and scalded preserved plum petals, and serve.

2. Plum blossom porridge: take 5-7 white plum blossoms, break off petals and rinse with clean water for use. Wash 100 grams of japonica rice into the pot and cook until the porridge is cooked, add white plum blossom, the right amount of sugar, slightly boil to serve. This porridge can relax the liver and regulate qi, strengthen the spleen and appetizer, and awaken the brain and clear eyes. It is suitable for liver and stomach pain, depression, loss of appetite, head dizziness, neurosis and so on.

3. Wax plum fish head soup: 10 plum blossoms, 750g fish head, right amount of various seasonings, 1000 grams of chicken clear soup. Wash the fish head and stew it in a pot, add seasoning, adjust the taste, and then put in the preserved plum petals and serve.

4. Preserved plum stewed bean curd: 5 preserved plum blossoms, appropriate amount of tofu, 250 grams of cooked bean oil, shredded onions, coriander, refined salt and pepper. Heat the pan, heat the oil, put in the chopped bean curd strips, deep-fry until yellow, remove. Pour out the oil, cook it with shredded onions, add water and salt, then pour in the tofu strips, simmer for 5 minutes, put the pepper in, and add the plum blossom and monosodium glutamate to taste.

5. Plum blossom porridge: take 5-7 white plum blossoms, break off petals and rinse with clean water for use. Wash 100 grams of japonica rice into the pot and cook until the porridge is cooked, add white plum blossom, the right amount of sugar, slightly boil to serve. This porridge can relax the liver and regulate qi, strengthen the spleen and appetizer, and awaken the brain and clear eyes. It is suitable for liver and stomach pain, depression, loss of appetite, head dizziness, neurosis and so on.