
before mushroom Learn more about before mushroom

  • Management of mushroom emergence period of Pleurotus ostreatus: how to make it produce more mushrooms? The omen of high-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus before mushroom emergence

    Management of mushroom emergence period of Pleurotus ostreatus: how to make it produce more mushrooms? The omen of high-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus before mushroom emergence

    First, control the temperature and humidity. The cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus begins to produce mushrooms about 20 days after covering the soil, the temperature is maintained at 20: 24 ℃, and the air relative humidity is 80% to 85%. During this period, it is generally impossible to spray water on the material surface, too wet and breathable, the hyphae are difficult to extend into the soil layer, too dry hyphae are sparse, maintain suitable temperature and humidity, and the hyphae are white and exuberant.

  • Autumn mushroom management of Agaricus bisporus

    Autumn mushroom management of Agaricus bisporus

    The management of autumn mushroom should be based on the requirements of environmental conditions for the growth of mycelium and fruiting body, correctly deal with the contradiction between external temperature and indoor temperature, and flexibly grasp the spraying water of mushroom bed and ventilation of mushroom room under the condition of natural temperature. to meet the requirements of mycelium and fruiting body growth. 1. After the soil layer mycelium growth and soil moisture adjustment, the soil layer mycelium growth management stage is entered. The management principle of this stage is to keep the relative humidity of the mushroom room (80%-85%) and the temperature of the mushroom room (20-22 ℃).

  • Causes and Prevention of Mushroom malformation

    Causes and Prevention of Mushroom malformation

    In mushroom cultivation, the following abnormal mushrooms are produced in a high proportion, and the causes and preventive measures are as follows: Pleurotus ostreatus is due to excessive ventilation, low temperature, too late covering fine soil and too wet fine soil particles, which makes the position of the solid primordium too low, the primordium is squeezed by the surrounding soil particles in the process of growing up, the mushroom shape is not round, and the soil on the mushroom surface is like a "landmine". Prevention methods should strengthen water management, spray moisture on coarse and fine soil timely and slowly, reduce ventilation after spraying coarse soil particles, and keep the relative humidity of the air in the room at about 80%.

  • Mushrooms should be dried before eating.

    Mushrooms should be dried before eating.

    According to the results of a recent study in the United States, juicy mushrooms are a rich source of vitamin D in the diet, and eating mushrooms scientifically is good for bone health. Mushrooms are rich in protein, with a digestibility of 70% to 90%, which is known as "plant meat". The content of nutrients is different in different parts of mushrooms. Generally speaking, the cap is more nutritious than the stalk, and the most suitable for eating is the fresh, tender mushroom fruiting body. Mushrooms are not only nutritious, delicious and rich in lysine, but also rich in minerals.

  • Light cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes with substitute material

    Light cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes with substitute material

    Since the 1990s, the successful cultivation technology of mushroom in Qingyuan County Edible Mushroom Scientific Research Center has been rapidly popularized and applied to the whole country, which has made a great contribution to the transformation of Lentinus edodes production from quantity to quality in the vast rural areas. However, in the production of Lentinus edodes, the production of Lentinus edodes has been restricted by a large amount of work, such as sterilization of mushroom sticks, inoculation operation, manual bag cutting and so on, and the problems such as low rate of finished products, irregular mushroom production and abnormal mushroom body have been restricting the development of Lentinus edodes production, especially causing great obstacles to intensive production. To that end, I

  • Cultivation technique of Pleurotus ostreatus with Straw

    Cultivation technique of Pleurotus ostreatus with Straw

    The strain selected by strain selection must go through the mushroom experiment before it can be used on a large scale. The appearance must have thick white, stout, uniform hyphae, no growth interruption, no miscellaneous bacteria infection, no insect pests. Before disinfecting and feeding the mushroom room, clean up the mushroom room and indoor items, and then disinfect it. Fumigation is commonly used for disinfection, per cubic meter.

  • Dried straw mushroom

    Dried straw mushroom

    After the straw mushroom is harvested, the growth does not stop, and the umbrella will continue to grow. Therefore, in addition to fresh food, it should be processed quickly and made into dried straw mushrooms or canned straw mushrooms. Before processing, the mud and rotten grass at the base of the fungus bud (mushroom body) should be removed with a knife and graded according to the standards required by the commodity. Those sold far away should also be packed in plastic bags and refrigerated and transported in refrigerators or freezers to preserve the quality of mushrooms. The best fresh mushroom processed into canned straw mushroom is 1-2 grade fresh mushroom; 3-4 grade fresh mushroom can be sliced into sliced mushroom, but the quality is inferior. Processed into dried straw mushrooms, preferably

  • Winter management of mushroom bed

    Winter management of mushroom bed

    After the harvest of autumn mushrooms, if we do not take measures to increase temperature and continue to produce winter mushrooms, then the mushroom bed will enter the winter management stage. The management of the mushroom bed in winter will have a great impact on the mushroom harvest in the coming spring. Therefore, we must do a good job in the winter management of the mushroom bed. First, do a good job in the heat preservation and ventilation of the mushroom room in winter, the room temperature of the mushroom room had better be kept above 3 ℃, so as not to freeze the room, so as to prevent the mycelium from freezing. In order to maintain this temperature in the mushroom room, it is necessary to check the air leakage on the four walls of the mushroom room before entering winter.

  • A good winter management of mushroom bed is conducive to a good spring harvest of mushrooms.

    A good winter management of mushroom bed is conducive to a good spring harvest of mushrooms.

    After the harvest of autumn mushrooms, if we do not take measures to increase temperature and continue to produce winter mushrooms, then the mushroom bed will enter the winter management stage. The management of the mushroom bed in winter will have a great impact on the mushroom harvest in the coming spring. Therefore, we must do a good job in the winter management of the mushroom bed. The main measures are: do a good job in the heat preservation and ventilation of the mushroom room in winter, the room temperature of the mushroom room had better be kept above 3 degrees, do not freeze the room, so as to prevent the mycelium from freezing. In order to maintain this temperature in the mushroom room, it is necessary to check the air leakage on the four walls of the mushroom room before entering winter.

  • Manage the mushroom bed in winter and have a high yield of mushrooms in spring

    Manage the mushroom bed in winter and have a high yield of mushrooms in spring

    If the autumn mushroom is no longer heated to produce winter mushroom after harvest, the mushroom bed will enter the winter management stage. The management of mushroom bed in winter has a great influence on the mushroom yield in the coming spring. Heat preservation and ventilation keep the temperature of the mushroom room above 3 ℃ in winter to keep the room from freezing and prevent the hyphae from freezing. Before entering the winter, check the four walls of the mushroom room one by one, plug the air leakage, and hang curtains on the doors and windows to prevent the cold wind from invading. Pay attention to ventilation in warm weather and keep the indoor air fresh. Open the south window of the mushroom room for 2-3 hours at noon. When the weather is warm and windless and the outdoor temperature is above 8 ℃, hit both the north and south windows.

  • Cultivation techniques of Xiuzhen mushroom: how to manage the mushroom emergence period of Xiuzhen mushroom?

    Cultivation techniques of Xiuzhen mushroom: how to manage the mushroom emergence period of Xiuzhen mushroom?

    How to manage the mushroom emergence period of Xiuzhen mushroom? Please introduce the method for the management of the mushroom emergence period of Xiuzhen mushroom can refer to the following methods: Xiuzhen mushroom mycelia grow full bag and then continue to culture for 7 days, so that the hyphae reach physiological maturity, and the accumulated nutrients can be transported to the mushroom room to produce mushrooms. Out of the mushroom house should be easy to manage and be able to.

  • Occurrence and control of yellow mushroom disease of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Occurrence and control of yellow mushroom disease of Pleurotus ostreatus

    In recent years, the planting area of Pleurotus ostreatus has been increasing, but due to poor management and poor disease prevention concept, the incidence of yellow mushroom disease is increasing year by year. Some mushrooms shed after a tide of mushrooms, do not produce mushrooms for a long time; some come out of small mushrooms before growing up yellow, and then atrophy death, resulting in a decline in the quality of Pleurotus ostreatus, the yield is difficult to improve. For this reason, the author studied the etiology and comprehensive control techniques of the disease, and the reports are as follows: 1. Symptoms. Yellow mushroom disease is mostly caused by young mushroom cover or small mushroom.

  • How to control the edible fungus armyworm?

    How to control the edible fungus armyworm?

    How to control the edible fungus armyworm?

  • Section wood cultivation of Lentinus edodes-- standing wood to produce mushroom

    Section wood cultivation of Lentinus edodes-- standing wood to produce mushroom

    Mushroom wood after a summer and an autumn of careful management, the mycelium will enter the mature stage, before and after the Beginning of Winter can stand up wood, mushroom management. The signs of the development and maturity of the mycelium of mushroom wood are: there is no big difference between the epidermis of mushroom wood and felling, there is no miscellaneous bacteria, and the bark is close to the bark; it is struck with the back of a knife or fingers to produce a semi-turbid or voiced sound; the bark is soft, the subcutaneous xylem is yellow or yellowish brown, and has the flavor of Lentinus edodes; pressing the bark with your fingers is elastic and rough. And there is a protuberance in the shape of a tumor, which is a sign of mushroom, and sometimes there will be

  • Comprehensive Control measures of Mushroom Diseases and insect pests

    Comprehensive Control measures of Mushroom Diseases and insect pests

    Mushroom is the main variety of edible fungi in Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province. But its diseases and insect pests have been perplexing the majority of mushroom farmers, the comprehensive control measures are introduced as follows: (1) strengthening cultivation management. 1. Disinfection of cultivation rooms can be fumigated with a mixture of formalin and dichlorvos. Before fumigation, wet the floor, walls, bed frames and daily utensils, and plug the cracks. Every 100 square meters, put 1 jin of formalin and 150 grams of dichlorvos in the pot, add 5 times the water and put it on the stove. Ignition

  • How to cultivate mushrooms scientifically?

    How to cultivate mushrooms scientifically?

    How to cultivate mushrooms scientifically? Please guide the following mushroom cultivation methods can be referred to: First, select the main varieties. There are many varieties of shiitake mushrooms, and the varieties should be selected reasonably according to the local actual situation when cultivating. 1. Mushroom type: varieties 135, 103, 9903, L241-4. It belongs to late maturing medium and low temperature strain, mushroom meat is thick,...

  • The main points of picking after mushroom emergence and the identification of edible fungus diseases

    The main points of picking after mushroom emergence and the identification of edible fungus diseases

    Key points of picking after mushroom emergence of edible fungi

  • Early prevention of mushroom, fungus and mosquito

    Early prevention of mushroom, fungus and mosquito

    Fungus mosquitoes, also known as "gall midges", reproduce very fast, often carrying bacteria to make mushrooms sick, and their larvae (maggots) can be divided into white and orange. Mosquitoes often lay eggs on the compost that produces mushrooms, and the eggs begin to hatch before the hyphae grow up. The larvae grow up before the first batch of mushrooms come out, and are harmful to the stalks and lids of mushrooms. Therefore, the control of bacteria and mosquitoes should be prevented early. First of all, the culture materials for the production of mushrooms should use secondary fermentation materials as far as possible, and the mushroom house and bed frame should be sprayed with 49% diazinon emulsion 1000-2000 times per ton.

  • Planting technique of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Planting technique of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Before planting pine mushrooms, we must first build a mushroom shed on higher ground, and then prepare some poultry droppings, wheat straw, corn stalks and other nutrients to ferment together, and thoroughly disinfect and sterilize them. Wait for the nourishment temperature to drop to 25 degrees, spread the nutrients on the mushroom bed, and then follow the

    2020-11-09 Pine mushroom planting technology planting pine before mushroom one must first topography
  • Dehydration of mushrooms puts "three passes"

    Dehydration of mushrooms puts

    Timely picking This is one of the main reasons for the color change of the finished mushroom, which is the injury of the mushroom body before baking. In order to overcome this shortcoming and enhance the resistance of mushroom body to external pressure, timely picking is very important. When the fungus membrane has been fully cracked, the fungus cap should be harvested when it is rolled into a gong shape. Do not spray water 2 hours before harvesting. Use the "mushroom rotation method" to pick it. After harvesting, handle it gently, remove impurities and handle, and then send it to the nearest dehydration room for dehydration. Generally, the distance from harvest to dehydration should not exceed 5
