
topography Learn more about topography

  • Coastal sequoia growth topography, native coastal sequoia pictures what is the maximum diameter of coastal sequoia?

    Coastal sequoia growth topography, native coastal sequoia pictures what is the maximum diameter of coastal sequoia?

    Coastal sequoia, the first place to find this kind of cedar is in the American continent, a Scotsman named Seth found, this kind of cedar is easy to identify, its bark is red, the general growth area, is in the coastal area. Close to the sea; located in the west.

    2019-04-03 Coast sequoia growth topography native picture maximum diameter
  • Specific contents of walnut orchard planning

    Specific contents of walnut orchard planning

    Due to the wide range of walnut adaptation, the site selection of the garden is not very strict, and the planning of the garden is extensive. As long as we carry out scientific planning according to the topography and climate characteristics of a certain area, we can weaken or eliminate the unfavorable factors in the construction of the garden, which is beneficial to the production and management in the future.

    2020-11-27 Walnut garden planning specific content due to walnut adaptation
  • Site selection of artificial rearing hedgehog

    Site selection of artificial rearing hedgehog

    The old house for raising hedgehogs can also be used after maintenance and renovation, which can save the investment in capital construction. If there is no idle use of the old house, the following conditions should be paid attention to when building a farm. 1) the hedgehog farm with topography and topography should choose the place with higher terrain and dry ground.

    2020-11-08 Artificial breeding hedgehog site selection old
  • Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus in plastic shed

    Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus in plastic shed

    The mushroom is cultivated in plastic film shed, which has the advantages of simple construction, convenient disassembly and disinfection, good heat preservation and moisture retention, high yield and good quality. To build a shed, the topography near the edge of the village is relatively high, the water source is convenient, the surrounding area is open, and under the shade of a stockyard, wooden strips, bamboo poles, hemp poles, reeds, rattan and iron wire are used as building materials, and the mushroom shed faces south. The size and height depend on the topography and cultivation area. The shed has 5 to 6 floors, with a distance of 65 cm and a width of 1.3 to 1.6 meters. The construction of the shed and scaffolding are carried out at the same time.

  • How to determine the reasonable amount of fertilizer application

    How to determine the reasonable amount of fertilizer application

    The determination of fertilizer application rate of walnut is based on the nutrient status of soil and the nutrient demand of walnut trees. In addition, soil pH, topography, topography, soil temperature and humidity and soil moisture management have effects on the amount of fertilizer application and fertilization methods. Determine reasonable fertilization

    2020-11-27 How to determine reasonable fertilization quantity walnut
  • Cherry tree planting: what kind of environment is good for planting sweet cherries?

    Cherry tree planting: what kind of environment is good for planting sweet cherries?

    What kind of environment is good for growing sweet cherries? Please introduce the sweet cherry planting environment for reference as follows: first, the cherry orchard is suitable for topography: sweet cherry orchards should choose plots with high topography, not easy to accumulate water and low groundwater level, which usually does not exceed 80cm in rainy season. The plain had better be in the village.

  • How to choose the breeding environment of sika deer

    How to choose the breeding environment of sika deer

    Sika deer breeding wins on the starting line. Breeding sika deer should first give it a comfortable environment, so what kind of environment is more suitable for it? here are some suggestions given by Jiulu deer industry. First of all, the topography, topography and soil conditions of sika deer farm.

    2020-11-08 How to choose sika deer breeding environment winning
  • How should purple salvia miltiorrhiza be planted?

    How should purple salvia miltiorrhiza be planted?

    How should purple salvia miltiorrhiza be planted? Please introduce that purple salvia miltiorrhiza can be planted as follows: 1. Land selection and soil preparation. The main results are as follows: (1) Seedling land, land with high topography and loose soil layer. Make a high bed and apply rotten barnyard manure or compost as base fertilizer. (2) planting land, select the land species with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil, high topography and good displacement.

  • Six selections for High yield cultivation of traditional Chinese Medicine Pinellia ternata

    Six selections for High yield cultivation of traditional Chinese Medicine Pinellia ternata

    Six selections for High yield cultivation of traditional Chinese Medicine Pinellia ternata

  • Master the four steps to grow Salvia miltiorrhiza

    Master the four steps to grow Salvia miltiorrhiza

    First, land selection and land preparation (1) Geology and topography: it is appropriate to choose sandy loam land with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil, high topography and good drainage. Flat land should be used as a drain; mountains and mountains should choose sunny low slopes, the slope should not be too large, 1030 degrees is better. Soil

    2020-11-08 Master OK four steps plant well Salvia miltiorrhiza one select land prepare land
  • The creative idea of landscape bonsai

    The creative idea of landscape bonsai

    Landscape bonsai is a group of landscape displayed by mountains, stones, grass and trees through a certain arrangement and combination, which has a law of mountain topography or structural combination. This idea or the construction of ideological conception of the creator is a very important part of bonsai creation.

  • Management of bagged mango seedlings for growing mango in winter

    Management of bagged mango seedlings for growing mango in winter

    Choose an open area with flat terrain and convenient drainage and irrigation, and avoid setting up a seedbed in the tuyere and areas where cold air is easy to deposit. The size of the nursery bed can be determined according to the topography. It is generally 100 centimeters wide and the length depends on the topography. The nursery bed is dug into a trough shape of 5 centimeters and 8 centimeters below the ground.

    2020-11-08 Species mango it winter bag awn seedling management selection
  • "Six Choices" for High-yielding Cultivation of Pinellia ternata

    "Six Choices" for High-yielding Cultivation of Pinellia ternata

  • Planting techniques of Pinellia ternata: how to plant Pinellia ternata to achieve high yield?

    Planting techniques of Pinellia ternata: how to plant Pinellia ternata to achieve high yield?

    In previous years, the yield of planting Pinellia ternata has not been high, how to plant Pinellia ternata to achieve high yield? Also ask experienced friends to introduce planting methods to plant Pinellia ternata in order to obtain good yield, you can refer to the following methods: first, choose high-quality geological planting: Pinellia ternata tubers growing in the soil are better for geology.

  • How did Xiaomi grow?

    How did Xiaomi grow?

    Select fertile loam or sandy loam with high topography, convenient drainage, deep soil layer and soft texture, and sow the treated seeds in spring or summer on the arranged plots, and millet can be planted after reasonable close planting and scientific fertilization. Detailed species

    2020-11-08 Xiaomi how grow come out choose terrain higher
  • Matters needing attention in planting Camellia oleifera

    Matters needing attention in planting Camellia oleifera

    Matters needing attention in planting Camellia oleifera

  • Persimmon planting time

    Persimmon planting time

    Persimmons are generally planted after falling leaves in autumn and before sprouting in spring, that is, November and February-March are more suitable planting times for persimmons. Persimmon is generally propagated by grafting, and its planting density is based on topography, soil, variety, management conditions, etc.

    2020-11-08 Persimmon planting time abstract persimmon general in autumn deciduous leaves
  • The latest points for attention in planting Camellia oleifera

    The latest points for attention in planting Camellia oleifera

    As the preferred variety for oil extraction, the market response of Camellia oleifera is still good in recent years, and many people plant this. In the process of planting, we also summarized that in addition to a lot of places that need to be paid attention to, let's take a look at what matters needing attention! 1. Pruning questions

    2020-11-10 The latest Camellia oleifera planting precautions as squeeze oil
  • Key points of cultivation techniques of Nanguo Pear

    Key points of cultivation techniques of Nanguo Pear

    Nanguo pear is an excellent variety in Qiuzi pear system. it has good color, aroma and taste, and is deeply loved by the broad masses of people. it is extremely cold-resistant, high yield and good management. it blossoms in 3 years, 20 kg in 5 years and 300kg in 20 years. Therefore, it is very important to master the cultivation techniques of Nanguo pear, the main points are as follows. 1. According to the differences of topography, topography, soil and climate, orchard planning divides the orchard into several production areas with an area of 120-150 mu. Configuration

  • Culture method of sweet mahogany

    Culture method of sweet mahogany

    Planting time: the survival rate of planting in spring is higher. Planting topography: choose to plant in high places. Soil: you need to choose fertile soil or add some fertilizer to the soil. Water and fertilizer management: sweet mahogany needs to keep the soil moist, so

    2020-11-08 Sweet mahogany incense culture method summary planting time