
bacteria should Learn more about bacteria should

  • Control methods of competitive mixed bacteria of Edible Fungi

    Control methods of competitive mixed bacteria of Edible Fungi

    1. The harmfulness of competitive miscellaneous fungi in the production process of edible fungi, due to large-scale cultivation or production in the same place for many years, edible fungus diseases and insect pests and miscellaneous bacteria often occur, which spread quickly and lose a lot, which has become a major obstacle to the development of edible mushroom production. Among them, competitive miscellaneous bacteria, such as bacteria, Trichoderma, Mucor, Rhizopus, Aspergillus and Streptomyces, often occur, infect the mycelium of edible fungi, grow fast, compete for nutrients of culture materials, secrete toxins, and inhibit the normal growth of edible fungi mycelium.

  • The role of nitrifying bacteria: free to make fish tank water clear 123456 nitrifying bacteria in aquaculture application details!

    The role of nitrifying bacteria: free to make fish tank water clear 123456 nitrifying bacteria in aquaculture application details!

    Many people have some misunderstandings about nitrifying bacteria. Some people think that nitrifying bacteria can decompose faeces; some think they can purify water and neutralize them.

  • Brief introduction of production and Application Technology of Lentinus edodes capsule

    Brief introduction of production and Application Technology of Lentinus edodes capsule

    At the end of the last century, glue patrol bacteria were invented in Japan and widely used in Lentinus edodes. This technology was introduced to China in 1999. After years of research, Qingyuan County Edible Mushroom Research Center has overcome the technical problem of the application of capsule strains in Lentinus edodes, and realized domestic production. Because the capsule strain has the advantages of labor-saving, labor-saving and high survival rate, it is very suitable for large-scale production. In the past two years, the amount of application has doubled, and tens of millions of bags have been popularized and used. it is estimated that this technology will be widespread in our country in a few years' time.

  • Causes and control methods of mixed bacteria pollution in Pleurotus ostreatus bag?

    Causes and control methods of mixed bacteria pollution in Pleurotus ostreatus bag?

    Causes and control methods of mixed bacteria pollution in Pleurotus ostreatus bag? Please introduce that Pleurotus ostreatus is a kind of rare edible fungus with high edible and medicinal value. Its mushroom is white in color, delicate in meat and delicious in taste. It is known as "Western White Ganoderma lucidum" and "Tianshan God Mushroom". In order to produce high quality Pleurotus ostreatus, it has been cultivated artificially.

  • Eight Prevention measures of bag material Lentinus edodes safe over Summer

    Eight Prevention measures of bag material Lentinus edodes safe over Summer

    According to the investigation and analysis of the over-summer problem of bag material Lentinus edodes cultivation in Xixia for more than ten years, we summed up a set of bag material Lentinus edodes safe summer prevention measures, which are introduced below for reference. 1. There are many factors that prevent bacteria from containing miscellaneous bacteria, such as incomplete sterilization of culture materials, lax disinfection of inoculation links, introduction of bacteria in inoculation operations, air squeezing in cotton plugs, strain transport, respiration or injury, access to miscellaneous bacteria containing bacteria and other reasons for production, there will be latent and inestimable losses. 1.1

  • Application of EM bacteria in Aquaculture

    Application of EM bacteria in Aquaculture

    Application of EM bacteria in Aquaculture

  • Control techniques of mixed bacteria in Gastrodia elata

    Control techniques of mixed bacteria in Gastrodia elata

    Control techniques of mixed bacteria in Gastrodia elata

  • The planting method of artificial bacteria at home

    The planting method of artificial bacteria at home

    Many mushrooms are originally a kind of wild fungus, but the market demand is relatively large, and it has developed into a kind of artificial food, so what is the planting method of artificial bacteria at home? 1. Basic introduction of artificial bacteria generally refers to mushrooms of the family Agaricae

    2020-11-08 Home artificial fungus planting method many mushroom originally
  • Common problems and Solutions of Pleurotus ostreatus in the stage of growing bacteria

    Common problems and Solutions of Pleurotus ostreatus in the stage of growing bacteria

    In the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus; diseases and insect pests stand in the way. Understanding and timely prevention and control are of great significance to normal production. Diseases and insect pests are found; if no timely measures are taken, the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus will be seriously affected, sometimes resulting in no harvest. Therefore, excellent and highly resistant strains should be selected, scientific management should be strengthened, and mushroom growth should be created.

  • Covering sediment can cure mixed bacteria of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Covering sediment can cure mixed bacteria of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Miscellaneous bacteria pollution often occurs in the process of Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation, especially in the high temperature season. Most of these miscellaneous bacteria are aerobic, resistant to high temperature and high humidity, and can be prevented by covering silt. the specific techniques are introduced as follows: 1. Control of miscellaneous bacteria of Pleurotus ostreatus planted in bed. When Pleurotus ostreatus is contaminated by miscellaneous bacteria in big bed cultivation, the cause of pollution should be found out first. The common causes are sudden high temperature, water inflow into the material, unclean surrounding environment, insect pests and so on. According to the specific situation, remove the pollution source, and then treat the contaminated Pleurotus ostreatus as follows: sporadic miscellaneous bacteria on the material surface, use thick lime.

  • Causes of contamination of miscellaneous bacteria in the production of edible fungi

    Causes of contamination of miscellaneous bacteria in the production of edible fungi

    Causes of contamination of miscellaneous bacteria in the production of edible fungi

  • Tips for quality identification of edible bacteria

    Tips for quality identification of edible bacteria

    Edible fungi, like the seeds of crops and vegetables, is the internal factor and basis for obtaining high and stable yield. The quality of edible fungi directly affects the yield of edible fungi, and even related to the success or failure of cultivation. Therefore, it is very important to identify and identify the advantages and disadvantages of bacteria. 1. Look at 1. If there are any abnormal spots or patches around or on the surface of the culture material, such as red, yellow, black, green, etc., it means that the strain has been infected by miscellaneous bacteria (except Lentinus edodes, mushrooms and other varieties that produce pigment).

  • Treasure Book of raising Orchid: talking about the Prevention and Control of soft Rot from the characteristics of pathogenic bacteria

    Treasure Book of raising Orchid: talking about the Prevention and Control of soft Rot from the characteristics of pathogenic bacteria

    Treasure Book of raising Orchid: talking about the Prevention and Control of soft Rot from the characteristics of pathogenic bacteria

  • Prevention of miscellaneous bacteria infection in the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in North China

    Prevention of miscellaneous bacteria infection in the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in North China

    As the number of Pleurotus ostreatus production in the north increases year by year, the disease is serious, resulting in a decrease in production in light cases and a failure in heavy ones. In fact, the disease of edible fungi is not an incurable disease. As long as we grasp the law of its occurrence and development and find out its effective prevention and control methods, the problem can be solved. After years of cultivation practice, the author has found out the law of miscellaneous bacteria infection, and now introduces its causes and preventive methods as follows: 1 it is too late to start inoculation until April, because the weather has turned warm and easy to infect miscellaneous bacteria. February-March

  • New techniques for cultivation of hericium Erinaceus with waste bacteria

    New techniques for cultivation of hericium Erinaceus with waste bacteria

    Hericium Erinaceus gets its name because it looks like hericium Erinaceus and tastes delicious. It is known as "Shanzhen hericium Erinaceus, seafood bird's nest". In the process of strain production or transfer, sometimes contaminated bacteria will appear due to carelessness in sterilization, disinfection, inoculation, culture and so on. If the contaminated bacteria are abandoned in the wild, it will cause environmental pollution; if you take out the culture medium and wash the bacteria bottle for use, it will be labor-consuming and time-consuming. However, if we use polluted bacteria to cultivate hericium Erinaceus, we can turn waste into treasure and get twice the result with half the effort. The specific methods are as follows: 1. Collect contaminated bacteria and sterilize. Put the contaminated bacteria in time

  • Cultivation of Lentinus edodes by artificial inoculation

    Cultivation of Lentinus edodes by artificial inoculation

    If it is suitable for drying, Lentinus edodes should be inoculated in time. The inoculation time is generally more than 5 ℃, less than 20 ℃, and the monthly average temperature is about 10 ℃. In the south of the Yangtze River in China, Lentinus edodes was inoculated from late February to early April, and the most suitable period was from February to mid-March. There are sawdust bacteria, branch bacteria and wedge-shaped bacteria, and sawdust bacteria are used in most domestic wood cultivation. The high quality pure strain of Lentinus edodes, the mycelium is white and dense, has the unique fragrance of Lentinus edodes, the aerial mycelium has the ability to climb the wall, and the mycelium in the culture medium has no miscellaneous color and obvious inhibition line. Some

  • Comprehensive Control of Edible Fungi Diseases, insects and miscellaneous bacteria

    Comprehensive Control of Edible Fungi Diseases, insects and miscellaneous bacteria

    Comprehensive Control of Edible Fungi Diseases, insects and miscellaneous bacteria

  • Occurrence regularity and integrated control techniques of fleshy bacteria in Pleurotus ostreatus and walnut

    Occurrence regularity and integrated control techniques of fleshy bacteria in Pleurotus ostreatus and walnut

    Recently, many netizens have reported the harm of walnut fleshy bacteria in their cultivated Pleurotus ostreatus, and now reprint an article entitled "occurrence regularity and control techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus and walnut fleshy bacteria" published by Yang Yong an Xiurong, Agricultural Science Research Institute of Taian City, Shandong Province. for growers' reference: in recent years, Taian City and Zhou.

  • How to prevent miscellaneous bacteria in the process of Pleurotus ostreatus

    How to prevent miscellaneous bacteria in the process of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Recently, many mushroom farmers have called to consult, there has been a serious infection of miscellaneous bacteria in the process of sending bacteria in Pleurotus ostreatus bags, especially the majority of green mold and bisporase, how to prevent and cure it? In view of this problem, combined with the investigation and research in recent years, the reasons and prevention methods are summarized as follows: 1. The fresh, dry and well-managed culture materials contaminated by moisture contain a relatively small number of diseases and are suitable for the cultivation of raw materials, but the storage life is longer, and the culture materials caked by moisture will contain more diseases. If it is not sterilized, it can be used directly.

  • Pollution of Lentinus edodes mixed bacteria can be prevented.

    Pollution of Lentinus edodes mixed bacteria can be prevented.

    To prevent the contamination of miscellaneous bacteria, it is necessary to arrange the suitable temperature for cultivation. The optimum temperature for mycelium growth of Lentinus edodes is 22 ℃ ~ 25 ℃ and the optimum temperature for fruiting body development is 15 ℃. The best age is that the hyphae grow all over the bottom of the bottle for about 5 days. Mycelium is required to grow evenly, stout, fluffy, white color, unkink into primordium, fresh flavor, must not use bacteria with miscellaneous bacteria. The sawdust and wheat bran used in the culture medium should be fresh and mildew-free, and the water content of the culture material should be 50% to 55%. The selected plastic bags should not be uneven in thickness and poor in quality, no
