
Silkworms Learn more about Silkworms

  • How to prevent the occurrence of young silkworms and lost silkworms and increase the yield of silkworms?

    How to prevent the occurrence of young silkworms and lost silkworms and increase the yield of silkworms?

    The cocoon yield is not only related to the weight of single cocoon, but also largely depends on the number of larvae and lost silkworms, so it is an effective measure to prevent the occurrence of young silkworms and lost silkworms in the process of rearing. Reasonable temperature and humidity should be kept at a reasonable temperature during the period of young silkworms.

    2020-11-11 How to prevent small silkworm and lost silkworm occurrence improvement
  • Cutting leaves to feed silkworms to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages

    Cutting leaves to feed silkworms to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages

    The young silkworm stage (1-3 instar) is a critical period for sericulture production. Only careful feeding and scientific management can lay a good foundation for disease-free and high yield in the later stage. In the production of sericulture in rural areas, some silkworm farmers are afraid of trouble and save trouble, and the whole leaves are still used to feed silkworms in the young silkworm stage, resulting in uneven development of young silkworms and serious waste of mulberry leaves. (1) to avoid the loss of the head of the small silkworm, especially the whole leaves of the 1st instar silkworms, the remaining mulberry that has not been eaten by the silkworms often shrinks and curls into a tube, wrapping part of the silkworms among them, while the young silkworms move.

  • How to raise young silkworms

    How to raise young silkworms

    Bombyx mori is a common insect in southwest China, which will produce cocoons and produce various silk quilts in the later stage, so the breeding value is very high. If you want to raise silkworms well, you must raise young silkworms. How to raise young silkworms? 1. Prepare the young silkworms that have just hatched in cartons.

    2020-11-11 Young silkworms how to raise silkworms are common in southwest China.
  • Treatment Technology of Silkworm Dormancy

    Treatment Technology of Silkworm Dormancy

    I still remember when I was a child, Xiao Bian also liked silkworm rearing very much. The first thing I did when I came back from school every day was to open my own box and see if the silkworm babies inside had grown up a little. However, Xiao Bian was purely a child raising and playing. The real silkworm rearing people had to have

    2020-11-08 silkworm sleep processing technology still remember childhood small editor
  • How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

    Sericulture in China has a history of thousands of years. In ancient times, many people began to raise silkworms. It can be seen that the development prospect of sericulture is very good, otherwise it would not have been continued to this day. How to raise silkworms and put it in a cardboard box or sieve it?

    2020-11-08 How sericulture in our country sericulture has been good thousands of
  • How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

    Silkworms are white and tender, slow and lovely. In addition to mass breeding in the aquaculture industry, many people are willing to raise silkworms in their own homes to relieve boredom. Today, let's learn how to raise silkworms. 1. How to raise silkworms. 1. Silkworms reproduce with eggs, like silkworm eggs

    2020-11-11 Silkworm how raise silkworm whole body white tender tender
  • Conditions and main technical requirements for co-rearing of young silkworms

    Conditions and main technical requirements for co-rearing of young silkworms

    First, the purpose of co-rearing young silkworms, as the saying goes, "raise half of the young silkworms", which fully illustrates the importance of raising young silkworms. The purpose of the co-rearing of young silkworms is to enhance the physique of young silkworms to ensure the safety of large silkworms and to achieve high quality and high yield of cocoons. The advantages of small silkworm co-rearing are as follows: (1) it is beneficial to realize scientific sericulture, adopt advanced sericulture technology and facilities, promote the neat development and strong physique of young silkworms, provide guarantee for large silkworm rearing, and lay the foundation for high and stable cocoon production. (2) it is beneficial to disinfection and disease prevention. Overcome the resistance of young silkworms to adverse environment

  • New technology of rearing silkworm scientifically

    New technology of rearing silkworm scientifically

    The silkworm, Bombyx mori, is a completely metamorphosed silk-spinning insect among the thermophilic animals. After four times of sleep and five instar periods of 26-28 days, the larvae ate more than 20 grams of mulberry leaves to mature silk cocoon, the cocoon was white, the weight was about 1.8-2.3g, the cocoon shell rate was 20-23%, the silk length was 1000-1400 meters, and the silk diameter was 2.63.2 points. Usually, there are 1.8-20000 silkworms in a piece of silkworm eggs, which need 50,600kg mulberry leaves and can produce 30-40kg silkworms. At present, the new scientific breeding techniques have the following five points

  • How to raise young silkworms

    How to raise young silkworms

    Silkworms are abnormal insects and can spin silk when they grow to a certain extent. Is a kind of animal with high economic value, how to raise the young silkworms? How to raise young silkworms? 1. Temperature and humidity 1-2 instar suitable temperature 26-27 ℃, relative humidity 90%; therefore, 1-2 instar silkworm should be reared with total control.

    2020-11-11 Young silkworms how to raise silkworms yes metamorphosis class insects growth to
  • How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

  • Co-rearing technique of young silkworms

    Co-rearing technique of young silkworms

    As the saying goes, "the young silkworms are well reared for 70% of the harvest." Therefore, special attention should be paid to the co-rearing of young silkworms. (1) specific requirements and technical measures for co-rearing of young silkworms. A special small silkworm room is used in the co-breeding room. Need to heat preservation, moisturizing performance, and easy to exchange air, sericulture before strict disinfection, the implementation of "three elimination and one fumigation". two。 Heating is unified as Kang bed heating. Due to the heating of the Kang bed,

  • How to prevent the occurrence of young silkworm, Vosangyi silkworm and lost silkworm

    How to prevent the occurrence of young silkworm, Vosangyi silkworm and lost silkworm

    The cocoon yield is not only related to the single cocoon weight, but also largely depends on the number of seeds, so effective measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence of young silkworms, mulberry silkworms and lost silkworms. The specific measures are as follows: first, select good leaves to collect ants and 1-year-old and 2-year-old silkworm leaves, to choose mulberry leaves with suitable maturity and tender, fresh leaves, moisture content of not less than 75%, avoid using old leaves and immature leaves, otherwise it is easy to form young silkworms. We should also choose fresh and tender mulberry leaves to feed silkworms during the mid-feeding period and high-eating period. 2. suitable temperature and humidity the optimum room temperature of the 2nd instar silkworm.

  • How do silkworms spit out flat silk

    How do silkworms spit out flat silk

    Flat silk can be directly processed into calligraphy and painting silk paper, silk stickers, silk quilts and a variety of handicrafts, which can get a better price than ordinary silk products. So how to make the silkworm spit flat silk? the way is not to give cocoon harness in the process of silkworm rearing, but to put the silkworm on the plane and naturally spit out the flat silk; then after degumming. The following introduces several points that need to be paid attention to to let silkworm spit flat silk: the preparation of plane objects: each box of silkworms should prepare 35-40 square meters of Reed curtains, bamboo curtains and other plane objects before they are ripe. And

  • Ten ways to prevent silkworm disease

    Ten ways to prevent silkworm disease

    1. Look at population development. When collecting ants, the hatching is uneven, the size of the silkworm is uneven, the head is big and the tail is small, and there is much silk spinning, crawling around the silkworm seat, indicating that the body is weak. In the process of feeding, touch the silkworm with the hand or lift the silkworm, such as the silkworm contraction, the resistant silkworm is the healthy silkworm, which shows physical weakness without feeling. Big silkworm period, touch the silkworm with the back of the hand, feel cold for the healthy silkworm, have a sense of dampness and heat, indicating that the physique is not strong. two。 Look at the posture before and after molting. When the healthy silkworm molts, its head and chest are held high and the skin is molted together. If you stay awake for a long time, you will fall asleep later.

  • A New method of efficient feeding and rearing of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    A New method of efficient feeding and rearing of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    In the period of big silkworm, especially the fifth instar silkworm, the amount of mulberry used accounts for about 85% of the whole age, and a large number of workers such as removing sand, giving mulberry and catching mature silkworms are concentrated in the fifth instar. According to the survey, the traditional silkworm foil sericulture. Not only the amount of work is large, but also the sericulturists are very hard, and the labor efficiency is low. The use of large silkworm fixed silkworm platform rearing and automatic silkworm feeding, no sand removal, no mature silkworm catch, no upper and lower end foil, convenient for mulberry and shedding. Compared with the traditional silkworm foil rearing, it can save labor by more than 50% and reduce labor intensity by 40% and 50%. I.

  • How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

    The silkworm is an insect of Lepidoptera and the main raw material source of silk. It originated in China and has a history of sericulture in China a long time ago. The following is to introduce you a little knowledge of how to raise silkworms. First, the treatment of mulberry leaves the silkworm food is mainly mulberry leaves, therefore, in

    2020-11-11 Silkworms how to raise silkworms yes scaly wings purposes insects silk
  • How to raise silkworms? What do you do after cocooning?

    How to raise silkworms? What do you do after cocooning?

    The silkworm is an insect of the family Lepidoptera, which is the main raw material source of silk. Sericulture has a long history in China. Because of its high profit value, there are actually many people raising silkworms up to now, so some old sericulturists have made good profits from it.

    2020-11-11 Silkworm how raise talent good cocoon after treatment silkworm yes scaly wing order
  • How to identify the health of big silkworms

    How to identify the health of big silkworms

    First, when sniffing into the silkworm room, smell the smell of the silkworm room. If the silkworm room has only the fresh smell of mulberry leaves, but no other peculiar smell, it shows that the silkworm is disease-free. Second, after listening to mulberry with your ears, if you hear the sound of silkworms eating mulberry like a light rain, it shows that the big silkworms are healthy. Third, observe the body color of silkworms with your eyes, and the body color of healthy silkworms is generally blue and white. The skin of eating silkworms is tense and shiny, and the action is lively, raising the head and chest at rest; the dorsal vascular segment beats rhythmically; the population develops in the same size; feces have a certain shape (except mature silkworms).

  • Benefits of co-rearing young silkworms

    Benefits of co-rearing young silkworms

    Silkworms generally go through 4 sleep and 5 years old from hatching to cocooning. The 1st and 3rd instar is called small silkworm, and the 4th and 5th instar is called big silkworm or strong silkworm. The young silkworm period is the period of enriching the physique and the foundation of the whole silkworm period. The young silkworms are well reared and the silkworm body is strong, which can enhance the resistance to adverse environment and pathogens in the big silkworm stage. It is conducive to a bumper cocoon harvest. Therefore, raising young silkworms is the key to a bumper cocoon harvest. (1) it is convenient to carry out scientific sericulture: the juvenile silkworm requires higher temperature and humidity, and there must be a special person to adjust the temperature and humidity day and night.

  • Measures to prevent the occurrence of three-sleeping silkworms

    Measures to prevent the occurrence of three-sleeping silkworms

    At present, most silkworms reared in our province are four-dormant silkworms. Under normal green and feeding conditions, four-sleeping silkworms should sleep four times in a generation. However, if the rearing conditions are bad, the silkworms may sleep only three times in a generation, resulting in less mulberry consumption, smaller cocoon shape and lower yield. The reasons why silkworms sleep only three times are as follows: green under low temperature, dry and dark conditions of about 20 ℃, receiving light for more than 12 hours in a day, feeding mulberry leaves with tender or high protein content, and straight silkworm eggs without heating protection.
