
Treatment Technology of Silkworm Dormancy

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I still remember when I was a child, Xiao Bian also liked silkworm rearing very much. The first thing I did when I came back from school every day was to open my own box and see if the silkworm babies inside had grown up a little. However, Xiao Bian was purely a child raising and playing. The real silkworm rearing people had to have

I still remember that when I was a child, the editor also liked sericulture very much. the first thing I did when I came back from school every day was to open my box to see if the silkworm baby inside had grown up a little bit, but the editor was purely for children to raise and play. people who really raise silkworms have to have a lot of attention!

Treatment Technology of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

The technical level of sericulture and cocoon yield are mainly reflected in the work of silkworm sleep treatment. Sleep treatment includes three processes: pre-sleep treatment, dormancy protection and silkworm treatment.

1. Pre-sleep treatment, when the silkworm enters the period of starvation, it should be added to sleep and fed with 1 Mel 2 back leaves, which is about to be removed from sleep, so that the sleeping silkworm has a dry silkworm seat. The amount of mulberry given before bedtime is gradually reduced, which is not only not a waste of mulberry leaves, but also conducive to silkworm seat leveling and netting. After most silkworms sleep, 1Mel 3-instar silkworms use 3 parts of coke bran and 7 parts of fresh lime powder; 4 Mel 5-instar silkworms all use fresh lime powder sprinkled on the silkworm seat to stop mulberry, then lift the net, move it to another silkworm plaque, merge the green-headed silkworms and put them on the upper shelf to feed high-quality mulberry leaves to promote development, which can catch up with the development of a large number of silkworms after 3 days. Pay attention to the observation of green-headed silkworms and eliminate the weak and diseased silkworms in time. Green-headed silkworms should be reared alone, not mixed with a large number of silkworms to prevent silkworm disease transmission.

2. The protection of dormancy period, the length of dormancy period of silkworm is obviously affected by temperature. According to the normal temperature protection, the dormancy period of 1st instar, 2nd instar, 3rd instar and 4th instar is about 22 hours, 18 ~ 20 hours, 24 hours and 4446 hours respectively. The temperature during the dormancy period is about 1 ℃ lower than that of normal feeding. In the early stage of silkworm dormancy (from peeling to ratefeeding), the difference between dry and wet is about 2 ℃, and slightly higher humidity is beneficial to silkworm molting. The sleeping environment should be quiet, the light should be dark, the air should be fresh, and the strong wind should not blow directly.

3. In the treatment of rising silkworm, the beige head of silkworm after molting is the suitable period for rate feeding, and properly postponing the feeding is beneficial to the development of silkworm, but has no adverse effect on silkworm physique and cocoon yield. Spring silkworms and mid-late autumn silkworms molt 90% and 95%, summer silkworms and early autumn silkworms have higher temperatures, and silkworms molt 85%-90%. Use silkworm seat net or disease prevention No. 1 or anti-stiffness agent to disinfect silkworm body and silkworm seat before feeding, in order to kill germs. Feed the second leaf after the rate to remove. If the silkworm head is more crowded, the silkworm is not in batches before sleep, the silkworm can be divided into two batches, that is, after the silkworm body and silkworm seat are disinfected, add the net to the mulberry, pay attention to observe that the silkworm crawls half of the net and lift the silkworm net after several hours, wait for the dormant silkworms to shed their skin for the second time. There are two methods of feeding and screening in batches: one is to add two silkworm nets horizontally to each silkworm plaque (each accounts for half of the silkworm seat area), and each silkworm net is divided into two silkworms. Another way: each silkworm plaque first add a silkworm net, the silkworm net area is slightly larger than the silkworm seat, when the silkworm climbs to about half of the silkworm net, that is, the silkworm net is removed, and the other half of the silkworm is renetted to mulberry for removal. In this way, the time of seat expansion can be saved, and the silkworm body will not be injured. The edible leaves should be ripe and tender, and the amount of leaves should be less to prevent waste. With the increase of the amount of mulberry eaten, the amount of leaf feeding also increased.

What is the silkworm?

The silkworm, Bombyx mori, is a kind of Lepidoptera silk-secreting insects feeding on mulberry leaves, which belongs to invertebrates and arthropods, Bombyx mori. The main targets of silkworm cultivation are cocoons and silkworms. Silkworms go through four completely different stages of development: egg, larva, pupa and adult in morphology and physiological function. Different parts of each development stage and their metabolites have extensive medicinal value. Bombyx mori, also known as silkworm, referred to as silkworm, is one of the economic insects that take mulberry leaves as food for spinning and cocooning. Bombyx mori belongs to Lepidoptera, Bombyx mori, Bombyx mori, which originated in China and domesticated from primitive silkworms inhabiting mulberry trees in ancient times. they are homologous to wild silkworms that feed on mulberry trees in China, with 28 pairs of chromosomes.

Environmental factors of Silkworm Culture Technology

1. Temperature, Bombyx mori is a variable temperature animal. Its body temperature changes with the change of external temperature. The temperature range of normal growth and development of silkworm is 20-30 degrees Celsius. In the suitable temperature range, the higher the temperature is, the faster the growth and development is. If the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius and below 20 degrees Celsius, the growth and development rate of silkworms is slow, which is not conducive to the growth of silkworms. Long-term exposure affects the health of silkworms.

2. Humidity, humidity in the environment, can affect the growth, development, mulberry intake, digestion and absorption, molting and silkworm seat hygiene of silkworms. In the humid environment, the silkworm breathes vigorously, eats more mulberry, accelerates digestion and absorption, and the rapid age of growth and development is short. However, due to excessive humidity, the pathogenic microorganisms multiply quickly, and the silkworm is easy to be infected. The dry environment is beneficial to the health of silkworms, but the mulberry leaves are easy to wither and affect the eating of mulberry, resulting in starving silkworms, thin silkworms and difficulties in molting. Therefore, it is better to have moist air and dry silkworm seat. In the range of suitable humidity, the relative humidity of the first instar of the young silkworm is 90%, and the relative humidity of the fifth instar silkworm is 70% and 75%, respectively.

3. Air and airflow, silkworms should constantly absorb oxygen in the air, and fresh air is required for normal life activities. Silkworms are not allowed to come into contact with undesirable gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide (concentration more than 1%), ammonia, fluoride, tobacco, pesticides, paint, camphor, gasoline and so on. Borexiu suggested that the silkworm room should open the doors and windows regularly to remove the dirty air and introduce fresh air. Small silkworms require weak airflow, while big silkworms require good ventilation.

4. Light, silkworms have the instinct to tend to the light source. For strong light, it has the characteristic of deviating from the light source. The phototaxis of ant silkworm is the strongest, and the phototropism decreases gradually with the increase of age. In the same age, Bombyx mori has the strongest phototaxis. The light in the silkworm room is suitable for natural scattered light. The silkworm is evenly distributed on the silkworm seat, eats mulberry evenly and develops neatly. If it is dark for about 16 hours and 8 hours a day, the silkworms grow normally and develop neatly.

Matters needing attention in rearing silkworm

1. Put the eggs in a box and wait for them to hatch. The most suitable temperature is 25 ℃-28 ℃. If the temperature is low, the lid can be covered. Newly hatched silkworms should be taken care of with special care and fed with tender leaves.

2. Keep the mulberry leaves fresh, feed the right amount at a time, and keep the rest in the refrigerator. Mulberry leaves should be clean, otherwise baby silkworms will get sick; if mulberry leaves turn black and moldy, do not feed them to baby silkworms. Wash hands as clean as possible when feeding mulberry leaves to silkworms to prevent germs from infecting silkworms.

3. The action of changing mulberry leaves should be light. You can move it with a feather or a very soft brush, and clean the box diligently.

4. If the silkworm baby gets sick and dies during the feeding process, it is necessary to clear the box as soon as possible and scald the box with boiling water to prevent infection.

With the continuous increase in the market demand for silk in recent years, silk not only sells well in our country, but some are even exported abroad, so many people take a fancy to this market, and there are more and more sericulture people. Sericulture is a good project with less investment and high return!